コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the fluent function call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expr Parse()
            // 1. Is it a function call?
            var fnameToken = _tokenIt.NextToken;


            var       remainderOfFuncName = string.Empty;
            var       parts     = new List <Expr>();
            TokenData firstPart = null;

            // NOTES:
            // Given: function "Find user by" *
            // And: called via Find use by name role
            // wildcard part 1: name
            // wildcard part 2: role
            // full wildcard: "name role"
            var partsToken = _tokenIt.NextToken;

            // 1. Capture all the remaining parts of the wild card.
            while (_tokenIt.NextToken.Token.Kind == TokenKind.Ident)
                var part = _tokenIt.NextToken.Token.Text;

                // a. Store the token of the first wildcard part
                if (firstPart == null)
                    firstPart = _tokenIt.NextToken;

                // b. Build up the full name from all wildcards
                remainderOfFuncName += " " + part;

                // c. Create a constant expr from the wildcard
                // as it will be part of an array of strings passed to function
                var partExp = Exprs.Const(new LString(part), _tokenIt.NextToken);

                // d. Move to the next token for another possible wildcard.

                // e. Check for end of statement.
                if (_tokenIt.IsEndOfStmtOrBlock())

            var exp = new FunctionCallExpr();

            exp.ParamListExpressions = new List <Expr>();
            exp.ParamList            = new List <object>();
            remainderOfFuncName      = remainderOfFuncName.Trim();
            var fullWildCard = Exprs.Const(new LString(string.Empty), fnameToken) as ConstantExpr;

            // 2. Create a constant expr representing the full wildcard
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remainderOfFuncName))
                fullWildCard.Value = remainderOfFuncName;
                _parser.SetupContext(fullWildCard, firstPart);

            var token = _tokenIt.NextToken.Token;

            // CASE 1: Parse parameters with parenthesis "("
            if (token == Tokens.LeftParenthesis)
                _parser.ParseParameters(exp, true, false, false);
            // CASE 2: Parse parameters with ":" until newline.
            else if (token == Tokens.Colon)
                _parser.ParseParameters(exp, false, false, true);
            exp.NameExp = Exprs.Ident(_result.Name, fnameToken);
            // Have to restructure the arguments.
            // 1. const expr     , fullwildcard,   "name role"
            // 2. list<constexpr>, wildcard parts, ["name", "role"]
            // 3. list<expr>,      args,           "kishore", "admin"
            var args = new List <Expr>();

            args.Add(Exprs.Array(parts, partsToken));
            args.Add(Exprs.Array(exp.ParamListExpressions, fnameToken));

            // Finally reset the parameters expr on the function call.
            exp.ParamListExpressions = args;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// run step 123.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expr Parse()
             * [
             *                  name	 |	 pages	 | author
             *                  'c#'	 |	 150	 | 'microsoft'
             *                  'ruby'	 |   140	 | 'matz'
             *                  'fluent' |   100	 | 'codehelix'
             *          ];
             * [
             *                  name	 |	 pages	 | author
             *                  'c#'	 ,	 150	 , 'microsoft'
             *                  'ruby'	 ,   140	 , 'matz'
             *                  'fluent' ,   100	 , 'codehelix'
             *          ];
            var startToken = _tokenIt.NextToken;

            // 1. Move past "["
            _tokenIt.Advance(1, true);

            var columnNames = new List <string>();
            var token       = _tokenIt.NextToken.Token;

            while (!Token.IsNewLine(token) && !_tokenIt.IsEnded)
                // Expect column name.
                var columnName = _tokenIt.ExpectId(false);

                _tokenIt.Advance(1, false);
                // "|" pipe to separate column names.
                if (_tokenIt.NextToken.Token == Tokens.Pipe)
                    _tokenIt.Advance(1, false);
                else if (_tokenIt.NextToken.Token != Tokens.NewLine)
                    throw _tokenIt.BuildSyntaxExpectedException("| or new line");

                token = _tokenIt.NextToken.Token;
            if (_tokenIt.IsEnded)
                throw _tokenIt.BuildEndOfScriptException();

            // Hit new line?

            var records = new List <List <Tuple <string, Expr> > >();
            var record  = new List <Tuple <string, Expr> >();

            var   colIndex = 0;
            Token firstColumnDataDelimiter = null;

            // Build up all the records.
            while (token != Tokens.RightBracket && !_tokenIt.IsEnded)
                // 1. Get the column value: 'C#'
                var exp = _parser.ParseExpression(_endTokens, true, passNewLine: false);

                var colName = columnNames[colIndex];
                record.Add(new Tuple <string, Expr>(colName, exp));

                // 2. Is the next one a | or new line ?
                //_tokenIt.Advance(1, false);
                token = _tokenIt.NextToken.Token;

                // 3. If "|" or "," it separates expression/column values.
                if (firstColumnDataDelimiter == null && token == Tokens.Pipe || token == Tokens.Comma)
                    firstColumnDataDelimiter = token;

                if (token == firstColumnDataDelimiter)
                    _tokenIt.Advance(1, false);

                // 4. If Newline, end of current record.
                else if (token == Tokens.NewLine)
                    record = new List <Tuple <string, Expr> >();
                    colIndex = 0;
                else if (token == Tokens.RightBracket)
                    record   = new List <Tuple <string, Expr> >();
                    colIndex = 0;
                    throw _tokenIt.BuildSyntaxExpectedException("| or new line");
                token = _tokenIt.NextToken.Token;

            // Now finally build array of maps.
            var array = new List <Expr>();

            foreach (var rec in records)
                var item = Exprs.Map(rec, startToken);

            var arrayExp = Exprs.Array(array, startToken);
