コード例 #1
        public void Exec_Not_OP_a_CP_VarTypeWrong()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "Not(A)";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            // define the var a as an int in place of a bool!!!
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // get the error
            ExprError error = execResult.ListError[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorType.Exec, error.ErrorType, "The errorType should be: Exec");
            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.ExprLogicalNotOperator_InnerOperandBoolTypeExpected, error.Code, "The errCode should be: VariableNotCreated");
            ErrorParam errParam = error.ListErrorParam[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Token", errParam.Key, "The errParam key should be: VarName");
            Assert.AreEqual("A", errParam.Value, "The errParam value should be: a");
            ErrorParam errParam2 = error.ListErrorParam[1];

            Assert.AreEqual("Position", errParam2.Key, "The errParam key should be: VarName");
            Assert.AreEqual("4", errParam2.Value, "The errParam value should be: a");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// error, the variables types mismatch.
        /// Can't compare an integer and a boolean.
        /// ====The expression is: (a=b)
        /// The expr '(a=b)' has errors, nb = 1
        /// Error code: ExprComparisonOperandsTypeMismatchIntExpected
        /// Error param: Position= 3
        /// </summary>
        public static void A_Eq_B_TypeMismatch()
            string expr = "(a=b)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // 1-decode the expression

            // 2-set variables
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);

            // 3-execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            // 4-check error
            if (execResult.HasError)
                // display the error code
                Console.WriteLine("The expr '" + expr + "' has errors, nb=" + execResult.ListError.Count);
                ExprError error = execResult.ListError[0];
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: " + error.Code);

                // display the error parameter (the position of the wrong token)
                Console.WriteLine("Error param: " + error.ListErrorParam[0].Key + "= " + error.ListErrorParam[0].Value);


            Console.WriteLine("The expr " + expr + " parse finished sucessfully!");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A boolean expression using one variable.
        /// returns always a boolean value result.
        /// The execution finish successfully.
        /// </summary>
        public static void A_Gt_15_ToManyBracket()
            string expr = "(A > 15))";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            if (parseResult.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("The expr '" + expr + "' has errors, nb=" + parseResult.ListError.Count);
                ExprError error = parseResult.ListError[0];
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: " + error.Code);
                Console.WriteLine("Pos in the expr: " + error.TokenPosition);
                Console.WriteLine("Wrong token in the expr: " + error.TokenValue);

            Console.WriteLine("The expr " + expr + " parse finished sucessfully!");