コード例 #1
        public async Task GivenAnExportJobToResume_WhenExecuted_ThenItShouldExportAllRecordsAsExpected()
            // We are using the SearchService to throw an exception in order to simulate the export job task
            // "crashing" while in the middle of the process.
            var exportJobRecordWithCommitPages = new ExportJobRecord(
                new Uri("https://localhost/ExportJob/"),
                since: PartialDateTime.MinValue,
                storageAccountConnectionHash: string.Empty,
                storageAccountUri: _exportJobConfiguration.StorageAccountUri,
                maximumNumberOfResourcesPerQuery: _exportJobConfiguration.MaximumNumberOfResourcesPerQuery,
                numberOfPagesPerCommit: 2);


            int numberOfCalls           = 0;
            int numberOfSuccessfulPages = 2;

                Arg.Any <string>(),
                Arg.Any <IReadOnlyList <Tuple <string, string> > >(),
            .Returns(x =>
                int count = numberOfCalls;

                if (count == numberOfSuccessfulPages)
                    throw new Exception();

                    new SearchResultEntry(
                        new ResourceWrapper(
                            new RawResource("data", Core.Models.FhirResourceFormat.Json),
                           continuationToken: "ct"));

            await _exportJobTask.ExecuteAsync(_exportJobRecord, _weakETag, _cancellationToken);

            string exportedIds = _inMemoryDestinationClient.GetExportedData(new Uri(PatientFileName, UriKind.Relative));

            Assert.Equal("01", exportedIds);

            // We create a new export job task here to simulate the worker picking up the "old" export job record
            // and resuming the export process. The export destination client contains data that has
            // been committed up until the "crash".
            _inMemoryDestinationClient = new InMemoryExportDestinationClient();

            var secondExportJobTask = new ExportJobTask(
                () => _fhirOperationDataStore.CreateMockScope(),
                () => _searchService.CreateMockScope(),
                NullLogger <ExportJobTask> .Instance);

            numberOfSuccessfulPages = 5;
            await secondExportJobTask.ExecuteAsync(_exportJobRecord, _weakETag, _cancellationToken);

            exportedIds = _inMemoryDestinationClient.GetExportedData(new Uri(PatientFileName, UriKind.Relative));
            Assert.Equal("23", exportedIds);
コード例 #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(ExportJobRecord exportJobRecord, WeakETag weakETag, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(exportJobRecord, nameof(exportJobRecord));

            _exportJobRecord = exportJobRecord;
            _weakETag        = weakETag;
            _fileManager     = new ExportFileManager(_exportJobRecord, _exportDestinationClient);

            var existingFhirRequestContext = _contextAccessor.FhirRequestContext;

                ExportJobConfiguration exportJobConfiguration = _exportJobConfiguration;

                string connectionHash = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exportJobConfiguration.StorageAccountConnection) ?
                                        string.Empty :

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportJobRecord.StorageAccountUri))
                    if (!string.Equals(exportJobRecord.StorageAccountConnectionHash, connectionHash, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        throw new DestinationConnectionException("Storage account connection string was updated during an export job.", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                    exportJobConfiguration                   = new ExportJobConfiguration();
                    exportJobConfiguration.Enabled           = _exportJobConfiguration.Enabled;
                    exportJobConfiguration.StorageAccountUri = exportJobRecord.StorageAccountUri;

                if (_exportJobRecord.Filters != null &&
                    _exportJobRecord.Filters.Count > 0 &&
                    throw new BadRequestException(Resources.TypeFilterWithoutTypeIsUnsupported);

                // Connect to export destination using appropriate client.
                await _exportDestinationClient.ConnectAsync(exportJobConfiguration, cancellationToken, _exportJobRecord.StorageAccountContainerName);

                // Add a request context so that bundle issues can be added by the SearchOptionFactory
                var fhirRequestContext = new FhirRequestContext(
                    method: "Export",
                    uriString: "$export",
                    baseUriString: "$export",
                    correlationId: _exportJobRecord.Id,
                    requestHeaders: new Dictionary <string, StringValues>(),
                    responseHeaders: new Dictionary <string, StringValues>());

                _contextAccessor.FhirRequestContext = fhirRequestContext;

                // If we are resuming a job, we can detect that by checking the progress info from the job record.
                // If it is null, then we know we are processing a new job.
                if (_exportJobRecord.Progress == null)
                    _exportJobRecord.Progress = new ExportJobProgress(continuationToken: null, page: 0);

                // The intial list of query parameters will not have a continutation token. We will add that later if we get one back
                // from the search result.
                var queryParametersList = new List <Tuple <string, string> >()
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.Count, _exportJobRecord.MaximumNumberOfResourcesPerQuery.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)),
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.LastUpdated, $"le{_exportJobRecord.QueuedTime.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"),

                if (_exportJobRecord.Since != null)
                    queryParametersList.Add(Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.LastUpdated, $"ge{_exportJobRecord.Since}"));

                ExportJobProgress progress = _exportJobRecord.Progress;

                await RunExportSearch(exportJobConfiguration, progress, queryParametersList, cancellationToken);

                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Completed, cancellationToken);

                _logger.LogTrace("Successfully completed the job.");
            catch (JobConflictException)
                // The export job was updated externally. There might be some additional resources that were exported
                // but we will not be updating the job record.
                _logger.LogTrace("The job was updated by another process.");
            catch (DestinationConnectionException dce)
                _logger.LogError(dce, "Can't connect to destination. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new JobFailureDetails(dce.Message, dce.StatusCode);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe)
                _logger.LogError(rnfe, "Can't find specified resource. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new JobFailureDetails(rnfe.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (FailedToParseAnonymizationConfigurationException ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to parse anonymization configuration. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new JobFailureDetails(ex.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (AnonymizationConfigurationNotFoundException ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Cannot found anonymization configuration. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new JobFailureDetails(ex.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (AnonymizationConfigurationFetchException ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to fetch anonymization configuration file. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new JobFailureDetails(ex.Message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // The job has encountered an error it cannot recover from.
                // Try to update the job to failed state.
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Encountered an unhandled exception. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new JobFailureDetails(Resources.UnknownError, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
                _contextAccessor.FhirRequestContext = existingFhirRequestContext;
コード例 #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(ExportJobRecord exportJobRecord, WeakETag weakETag, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(exportJobRecord, nameof(exportJobRecord));

            _exportJobRecord = exportJobRecord;
            _weakETag        = weakETag;

                // Connect to export destination using appropriate client.
                await _exportDestinationClient.ConnectAsync(cancellationToken, _exportJobRecord.Id);

                // If we are resuming a job, we can detect that by checking the progress info from the job record.
                // If it is null, then we know we are processing a new job.
                if (_exportJobRecord.Progress == null)
                    _exportJobRecord.Progress = new ExportJobProgress(continuationToken: null, page: 0);

                ExportJobProgress progress = _exportJobRecord.Progress;

                // Current batch will be used to organize a set of search results into a group so that they can be committed together.
                uint currentBatchId = progress.Page;

                // The intial list of query parameters will not have a continutation token. We will add that later if we get one back
                // from the search result.
                var queryParametersList = new List <Tuple <string, string> >()
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.Count, _exportJobConfiguration.MaximumNumberOfResourcesPerQuery.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)),
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.LastUpdated, $"le{_exportJobRecord.QueuedTime.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"),

                if (_exportJobRecord.Since != null)
                    queryParametersList.Add(Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.LastUpdated, $"ge{_exportJobRecord.Since}"));

                // Process the export if:
                // 1. There is continuation token, which means there is more resource to be exported.
                // 2. There is no continuation token but the page is 0, which means it's the initial export.
                while (progress.ContinuationToken != null || progress.Page == 0)
                    SearchResult searchResult;

                    // Search and process the results.
                    using (IScoped <ISearchService> searchService = _searchServiceFactory())
                        searchResult = await searchService.Value.SearchAsync(

                    await ProcessSearchResultsAsync(searchResult.Results, currentBatchId, cancellationToken);

                    if (searchResult.ContinuationToken == null)
                        // No more continuation token, we are done.

                    // Update the continuation token in local cache and queryParams.
                    // We will add or udpate the continuation token to the end of the query parameters list.
                    if (queryParametersList[queryParametersList.Count - 1].Item1 == KnownQueryParameterNames.ContinuationToken)
                        queryParametersList[queryParametersList.Count - 1] = Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.ContinuationToken, progress.ContinuationToken);
                        queryParametersList.Add(Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.ContinuationToken, progress.ContinuationToken));

                    if (progress.Page % _exportJobConfiguration.NumberOfPagesPerCommit == 0)
                        // Commit the changes.
                        await _exportDestinationClient.CommitAsync(cancellationToken);

                        // Update the job record.
                        await UpdateJobRecordAsync(cancellationToken);

                        currentBatchId = progress.Page;

                // Commit one last time for any pending changes.
                await _exportDestinationClient.CommitAsync(cancellationToken);

                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Completed, cancellationToken);

                _logger.LogTrace("Successfully completed the job.");
            catch (JobConflictException)
                // The export job was updated externally. There might be some additional resources that were exported
                // but we will not be updating the job record.
                _logger.LogTrace("The job was updated by another process.");
            catch (DestinationConnectionException dce)
                _logger.LogError(dce, "Can't connect to destination. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new ExportJobFailureDetails(dce.Message, dce.StatusCode);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // The job has encountered an error it cannot recover from.
                // Try to update the job to failed state.
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Encountered an unhandled exception. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new ExportJobFailureDetails(Resources.UnknownError, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
コード例 #4
 public Task <ExportJobOutcome> UpdateExportJobAsync(ExportJobRecord jobRecord, WeakETag eTag, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #5
        public async Task <CreateExportResponse> Handle(CreateExportRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(request, nameof(request));

            if (await _authorizationService.CheckAccess(DataActions.Export) != DataActions.Export)
                throw new UnauthorizedFhirActionException();

            IReadOnlyCollection <KeyValuePair <string, string> > requestorClaims = _claimsExtractor.Extract()?
                                                                                   .OrderBy(claim => claim.Key, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList();

            // Compute the hash of the job.
            var hashObject = new
                RequestorClaims = requestorClaims,

            string hash = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hashObject).ComputeHash();

            string storageAccountConnectionHash = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exportJobConfiguration.StorageAccountConnection) ?
                                                  string.Empty :

            // Check to see if a matching job exists or not. If a matching job exists, we will return that instead.
            // Otherwise, we will create a new export job. This will be a best effort since the likelihood of this happen should be small.
            ExportJobOutcome outcome = await _fhirOperationDataStore.GetExportJobByHashAsync(hash, cancellationToken);

            ExportJobFormatConfiguration formatConfiguration = null;

            if (request.FormatName != null)
                formatConfiguration = _exportJobConfiguration.Formats?.FirstOrDefault(
                    (ExportJobFormatConfiguration formatConfig) => formatConfig.Name.Equals(request.FormatName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (formatConfiguration == null)
                    throw new BadRequestException(Resources.ExportFormatNotFound);

            formatConfiguration ??= _exportJobConfiguration.Formats?.FirstOrDefault(
                (ExportJobFormatConfiguration formatConfig) => formatConfig.Default);

            formatConfiguration ??= new ExportJobFormatConfiguration()
                Format = request.ContainerName == null ? ExportFormatTags.ResourceName : $"{ExportFormatTags.Timestamp}-{ExportFormatTags.Id}/{ExportFormatTags.ResourceName}",

            if (outcome == null)
                var jobRecord = new ExportJobRecord(

                outcome = await _fhirOperationDataStore.CreateExportJobAsync(jobRecord, cancellationToken);

            return(new CreateExportResponse(outcome.JobRecord.Id));
コード例 #6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(ExportJobRecord exportJobRecord, WeakETag weakETag, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(exportJobRecord, nameof(exportJobRecord));

            _exportJobRecord = exportJobRecord;
            _weakETag        = weakETag;

                // Get destination type from secret store and connect to the destination using appropriate client.
                await GetDestinationInfoAndConnectAsync(cancellationToken);

                // If we are resuming a job, we can detect that by checking the progress info from the job record.
                // If it is null, then we know we are processing a new job.
                if (_exportJobRecord.Progress == null)
                    _exportJobRecord.Progress = new ExportJobProgress(continuationToken: null, page: 0);

                ExportJobProgress progress = _exportJobRecord.Progress;

                // Current batch will be used to organize a set of search results into a group so that they can be committed together.
                uint currentBatchId = progress.Page;

                // The first item is placeholder for continuation token so that it can be updated efficiently later.
                var queryParameters = new Tuple <string, string>[]
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.ContinuationToken, progress.ContinuationToken),
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.Count, _exportJobConfiguration.MaximumNumberOfResourcesPerQuery.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)),
                    Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.LastUpdated, $"le{_exportJobRecord.QueuedTime.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"),

                // Process the export if:
                // 1. There is continuation token, which means there is more resource to be exported.
                // 2. There is no continuation token but the page is 0, which means it's the initial export.
                while (progress.ContinuationToken != null || progress.Page == 0)
                    SearchResult searchResult;

                    // Search and process the results.
                    using (IScoped <ISearchService> searchService = _searchServiceFactory())
                        // If the continuation token is null, then we will exclude it. Calculate the offset and count to be passed in.
                        int offset = queryParameters[0].Item2 == null ? 1 : 0;

                        searchResult = await searchService.Value.SearchAsync(
                            new ArraySegment <Tuple <string, string> >(queryParameters, offset, queryParameters.Length - offset),

                    await ProcessSearchResultsAsync(searchResult.Results, currentBatchId, cancellationToken);

                    if (searchResult.ContinuationToken == null)
                        // No more continuation token, we are done.

                    // Update the continuation token (local cache).
                    queryParameters[0] = Tuple.Create(KnownQueryParameterNames.ContinuationToken, progress.ContinuationToken);

                    if (progress.Page % _exportJobConfiguration.NumberOfPagesPerCommit == 0)
                        // Commit the changes.
                        await _exportDestinationClient.CommitAsync(cancellationToken);

                        // Update the job record.
                        await UpdateJobRecordAsync(cancellationToken);

                        currentBatchId = progress.Page;

                // Commit one last time for any pending changes.
                await _exportDestinationClient.CommitAsync(cancellationToken);

                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Completed, cancellationToken);

                _logger.LogTrace("Successfully completed the job.");

                    // Best effort to delete the secret. If it fails to delete, then move on.
                    await _secretStore.DeleteSecretAsync(_exportJobRecord.SecretName, cancellationToken);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogWarning(ex, "Failed to delete the secret.");
            catch (JobConflictException)
                // The export job was updated externally. There might be some additional resources that were exported
                // but we will not be updating the job record.
                _logger.LogTrace("The job was updated by another process.");
            catch (SecretStoreException sse)
                _logger.LogError(sse, "Secret store error. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new ExportJobFailureDetails(sse.Message, sse.ResponseStatusCode);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (DestinationConnectionException dce)
                _logger.LogError(dce, "Can't connect to destination. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new ExportJobFailureDetails(dce.Message, dce.StatusCode);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // The job has encountered an error it cannot recover from.
                // Try to update the job to failed state.
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Encountered an unhandled exception. The job will be marked as failed.");

                _exportJobRecord.FailureDetails = new ExportJobFailureDetails(Resources.UnknownError, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
                await CompleteJobAsync(OperationStatus.Failed, cancellationToken);
コード例 #7
 private ExportJobOutcome CreateExportJobOutcome(ExportJobRecord exportJobRecord, WeakETag weakETag = null)
     return(new ExportJobOutcome(
                weakETag ?? WeakETag.FromVersionId("123")));