public void PerformClassification(OperationContext context, ExperimentTruthTable truthTable, ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum distributionRule, ILogBuilder log) { log.log("Performing classification"); if (truthTable == null) { truthTable = new ExperimentTruthTable(); notes.log(":: DEPLOYING IN-FOLD TRUTH TABLE ::"); truthTable.Deploy(context.featureSpace, context.spaceModel.labels.Select(x =>, log); } DistributeTrainingAndTestSets(distributionRule, truthTable, context.featureSpace, log, context.testSet, context.trainingSet); if (!context.trainingSet.Any()) { notes.log("TRAINING SET EMPTY ---- APPLYING 1:1 EXPERIMENT SHEME: training and test set are the same"); } else { notes.log("Training [" + + "] with [" + context.trainingSet.Count + "] feature vectors."); classifier.DoTraining(context.trainingSet, log); log.log("Training [" + + "] completed."); notes.log("Testing [" + + "] with [" + context.testSet.Count + "] feature vectors."); context.testResults = new List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID>(); var ts = context.testSet.Select(x => x.vector); foreach (FeatureVector fv in ts) { Int32 result = classifier.DoSelect(fv, log); FeatureVectorWithLabelID fvl = new FeatureVectorWithLabelID(fv, result); context.testResults.Add(fvl); } log.log("Testing [" + + "] completed."); } }
public void PerformClassification(OperationContext context, ExperimentTruthTable truthTable, ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum distributionRule, ILogBuilder log) { log.log("Performing classification"); if (truthTable == null) { truthTable = new ExperimentTruthTable(); notes.log(":: DEPLOYING IN-FOLD TRUTH TABLE ::"); log.log(":: DEPLOYING IN-FOLD TRUTH TABLE ::"); truthTable.Deploy(context.featureSpace, context.spaceModel.labels.Select(x =>, log); } DistributeTrainingAndTestSets(distributionRule, truthTable, context.featureSpace, log, context.testSet, context.trainingSet); if (!context.trainingSet.Any()) { notes.log("TRAINING SET EMPTY ---- APPLYING 1:1 EXPERIMENT SHEME: training and test set are the same"); } else { notes.log("Training [" + + "] with [" + context.trainingSet.Count + "] feature vectors."); classifier.DoTraining(context.trainingSet, log); log.log("Training [" + + "] completed."); notes.log("Testing [" + + "] with [" + context.testSet.Count + "] feature vectors."); context.testResults = new List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID>(); var ts = context.testSet.Select(x => x.vector); List <Int32> distinctResults = new List <int>(); foreach (FeatureVector fv in ts) { Int32 result = classifier.DoSelect(fv, log); if (!distinctResults.Contains(result)) { distinctResults.Add(result); } FeatureVectorWithLabelID fvl = new FeatureVectorWithLabelID(fv, result); context.testResults.Add(fvl); } if (distinctResults.Count < truthTable.labels_without_unknown.Count) { List <String> no_match_labels = truthTable.labels_without_unknown.ToList(); foreach (Int32 d in distinctResults) { no_match_labels.Remove(truthTable.labels_without_unknown[d]); } log.log("WARNING --- [" + + "] ONLY [" + distinctResults.Count + "] of [" + truthTable.labels_without_unknown.Count + "] were assigned by the classifier"); foreach (String l in no_match_labels) { log.log("Class [" + l + "] received no assigment"); } foreach (var v in context.testSet) { var dist = v.GetDistinctValuesAtVector(); if (dist.Count < 2) { log.log("Test vector [" + + "] has [" + dist.Count + "] distinct values at [" + v.dimensions.Length + "] dimensions!"); } } foreach (var v in context.trainingSet) { var dist = v.GetDistinctValuesAtVector(); if (dist.Count < 2) { log.log("Training vector [" + + "] has [" + dist.Count + "] distinct values at [" + v.dimensions.Length + "] dimensions!"); } } } log.log("Testing [" + + "] completed."); } }
//public ExperimentTruthTable ConstructTruthTable(FeatureSpace space, ILogBuilder log) //{ // ExperimentTruthTable output = new ExperimentTruthTable(); // output.Deploy(space, ) // List<String> labels = space.labelToDocumentAssociations.GetAllDistinctNames(true); // List<FeatureVectorWithLabelID> dataset = new List<FeatureVectorWithLabelID>(); // foreach (FeatureVector vec in space.documents) // { // var associated = space.labelToDocumentAssociations.GetAllLinked(vec); // Int32 lbi = -1; // FeatureVectorWithLabelID fvl = null; // if (associated.Any()) // { // lbi = labels.IndexOf(associated.First().name); // } // else // { // lbi = labels.IndexOf(SpaceLabel.UNKNOWN); // } // fvl = new FeatureVectorWithLabelID(vec, lbi); // dataset.Add(fvl); // } // output.Deploy(dataset, log); // return output; //} public void DistributeTrainingAndTestSets(ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum distributionRule, ExperimentTruthTable truthTable, FeatureSpace featureSpace, ILogBuilder log, List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID> testSet, List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID> trainingSet) { log.log("Spliting data [" + distributionRule.ToString() + "]"); List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID> __testSet = new List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID>(); List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID> __trainingSet = new List <FeatureVectorWithLabelID>(); foreach (FeatureVector vec in featureSpace.documents) { var associated = featureSpace.labelToDocumentAssociations.GetAllLinked(vec); Int32 lbi = -1; FeatureVectorWithLabelID fvl = null; if (associated.Any()) { lbi = truthTable.labels_without_unknown.IndexOf(associated.First().name); } fvl = new FeatureVectorWithLabelID(vec, lbi); if (lbi == -1) { __testSet.Add(fvl); } else { __trainingSet.Add(fvl); } } if (!__testSet.Any()) { notes.log("TEST SET IS EMPTY ---- APPLYING 1:1 EXPERIMENT SHEME: training and test set are the same"); __trainingSet.ForEach(x => __testSet.Add(x)); } else { if (distributionRule.HasFlag(ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TestLabeled)) { testSet.AddRange(__trainingSet, true); } if (distributionRule.HasFlag(ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TestUnlabeled)) { testSet.AddRange(__testSet, true); } if (distributionRule.HasFlag(ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TrainingLabeled)) { trainingSet.AddRange(__trainingSet, true); } if (distributionRule.HasFlag(ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TrainingUnlabeled)) { trainingSet.AddRange(__testSet, true); } } log.log("Training [" + trainingSet.Count + "] - Testing [" + testSet.Count + "]"); //switch (distributionRule) //{ // case ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TrainingAll_TestAll: // // break; // case ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TrainingAll_TestUnlabeled: // break; // case ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TrainingLabeled_TestAll: // trainingSet.ForEach(x => testSet.Add(x.vector)); // break; // case ClassificationDatasetSeparationEnum.TrainingLabeled_TestUnlabeled: // // just fine // break; //} }