public override enExperimentStatus Configure(IExperiment parent, string resultsFilePath) { FBC = new FeedbackController(log); FBC.Settings = Settings.FeedbackController; FBC.FBPositionUpdated += FBC_FBPositionUpdated; if (!FBC.Initialize().HasFlag(enuFeedbackStatusFlags.Ready)) { return(enExperimentStatus.Error); } this.parent = parent; ResultsFilePath = resultsFilePath; string cords = ""; ExperimentContainer container = parent as ExperimentContainer; this.parent = parent; if (container != null) { cords = container.ChildIndexer(); if (cords != "") { cords = " " + cords; } } ResultsFileName = "AutoapproachExperiment - " + Name + cords + ".dat"; TransducerChannel signalChan = FBC.Settings.TransducerChannels[FBC.Settings.Channel]; string headerString = "Experiment: AutoapproachExperiment - " + Name + "\r\n"; string unit = (signalChan.Prefix == enuPrefix.none) ? signalChan.Unit : signalChan.Prefix + signalChan.Unit; string[] dataColumnHeaders = new string[] { "Z-Position [µm]", signalChan.Name + " [" + unit + "]" }; headerString += "Positioner: " + FBC.Settings.Positioner + "\r\n"; headerString += "Sensor: " + FBC.Settings.Channel + "\r\n"; writeHeader(headerString, dataColumnHeaders.ToArray(), settingsObj: Settings, positionColumns: false, timeColumn: true); // Init ResultData experimentData = new Generic2DExperimentData(); experimentData.axisNames.Add(new string[] { "Z-Position", signalChan.Name }); experimentData.axisUnits.Add(new string[] { "µm", unit }); double[2][]); signalData = new List <double>(128); positionData = new List <double>(128); experimentData.datasetNames.Add("Autoapproach"); experimentData_PA = new Generic2DExperimentData(); experimentData_PA.axisNames.Add(new string[] { "Time", signalChan.Name }); experimentData_PA.axisUnits.Add(new string[] { "s", unit }); double[2][]); signalData_PA = new List <double>(128); timeData_PA = new List <double>(128); experimentData_PA.datasetNames.Add("Post approach"); status = enExperimentStatus.Idle; return(status); }
public void MoveExperimentInScanMethodDecLevel(TreeNodeCollection addInMe, TreeNode expNode) { if ((expNode != null) && (expNode.Parent != null) && (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(expNode.Parent.Tag.GetType()))) { // Inside a container ExperimentContainer container = expNode.Parent.Tag as ExperimentContainer; TreeNode parentNode = expNode.Parent; // Is level2 or higher? if ((parentNode.Parent != null) && (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(parentNode.Parent.Tag.GetType()))) { ExperimentContainer ppContainer = parentNode.Parent.Tag as ExperimentContainer; TreeNode ppNode = parentNode.Parent; container.Remove(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); ppContainer.Insert(parentNode.Index + 1, expNode.Tag as IExperiment); parentNode.Nodes.Remove(expNode); ppNode.Nodes.Insert(parentNode.Index + 1, expNode); } else { container.Remove(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); scanMethod.Insert(parentNode.Index + 1, expNode.Tag as IExperiment); parentNode.Nodes.Remove(expNode); addInMe.Insert(parentNode.Index + 1, expNode); } } }
public ReportDialog(ProjectContainer project, ExperimentContainer experiment, ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer> expIndicatorList) { m_project = project; m_experiment = experiment; m_expIndicatorList = expIndicatorList; VM = new ViewModel_ReportDialog(); m_wgDB = new WaveguideDB(); m_reportWriter = new ReportWriter(m_project, m_experiment); InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = VM; VM.Directory = GlobalVars.DefaultReportFileDirectory; VM.Filename = m_reportWriter.GetDefaultFilename(); WaveGuideRB.IsChecked = true; VM.ReportFormat = REPORT_FILEFORMAT.WAVEGUIDE; SetAnalysisList(); bool ok = m_reportWriter.SuccessfullyInitialized(); if (!ok) { string errMsg = m_reportWriter.GetLastErrorString(); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Error initializing the Report Writer: " + errMsg, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public void MoveExperimentInScanMethodIncLevel(TreeNodeCollection addInMe, TreeNode expNode) { if ((expNode != null) && (expNode.Parent == null) && (expNode.Index > 0) && (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(addInMe[expNode.Index - 1].Tag.GetType()))) { // Not in container and below a container item ExperimentContainer newContainer = addInMe[expNode.Index - 1].Tag as ExperimentContainer; TreeNode newParent = addInMe[expNode.Index - 1]; scanMethod.Remove(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); newContainer.Add(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); addInMe.Remove(expNode); newParent.Nodes.Add(expNode); } else if ((expNode != null) && (expNode.Parent != null) && (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(expNode.Parent.Tag.GetType())) && (expNode.Index > 0) && (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(expNode.Parent.Nodes[expNode.Index - 1].Tag.GetType()))) { // in container and below a container item ExperimentContainer newContainer = expNode.Parent.Nodes[expNode.Index - 1].Tag as ExperimentContainer; TreeNode newParent = expNode.Parent.Nodes[expNode.Index - 1]; ((ExperimentContainer)expNode.Parent.Tag).Remove(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); newContainer.Add(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); expNode.Parent.Nodes.Remove(expNode); newParent.Nodes.Add(expNode); } }
public void Configure(ImagingParameters iParams, ProjectContainer project, PlateContainer plate, ExperimentContainer experiment, MethodContainer method, MaskContainer mask, PlateTypeContainer plateType, ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer> indicatorList, ObservableCollection <ExperimentCompoundPlateContainer> compoundPlateList, ObservableCollection <Tuple <int, int> > controlSubtractionWellList, int numFoFrames, ExperimentIndicatorContainer dynamicRatioNumerator, ExperimentIndicatorContainer dynamicRatioDenominator) { m_iParams = iParams; m_project = project; m_experimentPlate = plate; m_experiment = experiment; m_method = method; m_mask = mask; m_plateType = plateType; m_indicatorList = indicatorList; m_compoundPlateList = compoundPlateList; m_controlSubtractionWellList = controlSubtractionWellList; m_numFoFrames = numFoFrames; m_dynamicRatioNumerator = dynamicRatioNumerator; m_dynamicRatioDenominator = dynamicRatioDenominator; m_vworksProtocolFilename = m_method.BravoMethodFile; ChartArray.BuildChartArray(mask.Rows, mask.Cols, m_iParams.HorzBinning, m_iParams.VertBinning, m_indicatorList); Dictionary <int, ImageDisplay> idDictionary = ChartArray.GetImageDisplayDictionary(); m_displayPipeline = m_imager.CreateDisplayPipeline(m_uiTask, idDictionary); m_storagePipeline = m_imager.CreateImageStoragePipeline(GlobalVars.CompressionAlgorithm, m_iParams.imageWidth, m_iParams.imageHeight); int numerID = 0; int denomID = 0; if (m_dynamicRatioNumerator != null) { numerID = m_dynamicRatioNumerator.ExperimentIndicatorID; } if (m_dynamicRatioDenominator != null) { denomID = m_dynamicRatioDenominator.ExperimentIndicatorID; } m_analysisPipeline = m_imager.CreateAnalysisPipeline(ChartArray, m_mask, m_iParams.imageWidth, m_iParams.imageHeight, m_iParams.HorzBinning, m_iParams.VertBinning, m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID, m_controlSubtractionWellList, m_numFoFrames, numerID, denomID); if (m_histogram != null) { m_histogramPipeline = m_imager.CreateHistogramPipeline(m_uiTask, m_histogram); } }
private void BuildMethodTree(IExperiment exp, TreeNodeCollection addInMe) { TreeNode curNode = new TreeNode(((ParametrizableObject)exp).Name); curNode.Tag = exp; addInMe.Add(curNode); if (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(exp.GetType())) { ExperimentContainer container = exp as ExperimentContainer; foreach (IExperiment subexp in container) { BuildMethodTree(subexp, curNode.Nodes); } } }
public override enExperimentStatus Configure(IExperiment parent, string resultsFilePath) { // get Reference to HW from Store if (!HWStore.ContainsKey(Settings.HwName)) { log.Error("No HW with Name: " + Settings.HwName); return(enExperimentStatus.Error); } hw = (PS_PalmSens)HWStore[Settings.HwName]; ConfigureOpenCircuitPotentiometryMethod(); // Setup Results File ResultsFilePath = resultsFilePath; string cords = ""; ExperimentContainer container = parent as ExperimentContainer; this.parent = parent; if (container != null) { cords = container.ChildIndexer(); if (cords != "") { cords = " " + cords; } } ResultsFileName = "OpenCircuitPotentiometryExperiment - " + Name + cords + ".dat"; string headerString = "Experiment: OpenCircuitPotentiometryExperiment - " + Name + cords + "\r\n"; if (Settings.BiPotSettings.RecordExtraValue == ExtraValueMask.None) { // 2 columns writeHeader(headerString, new string[] { "Time [s]", "Potential [V]" }, settingsObj: Settings, positionColumns: false); } else { // 4 columns writeHeader(headerString, new string[] { "Time [s]", "Potential [V]", "Time [s]", "WE2 Potential [V]" }, settingsObj: Settings, positionColumns: false); } status = enExperimentStatus.Idle; return(status); }
public bool GetExperimentList(int plateID) { #if (SIMULATE) m_vm.experiments.Clear(); ExperimentContainer experiment = new ExperimentContainer(); experiment.Description = "experiment 1"; experiment.ExperimentID = 1; experiment.HorzBinning = 4; experiment.MethodID = 1; experiment.PlateID = 1; experiment.ROI_Height = 256; experiment.ROI_Origin_X = 0; experiment.ROI_Origin_Y = 0; experiment.ROI_Width = 256; experiment.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; experiment.VertBinning = 4; m_vm.experiments.Add(experiment); experiment = new ExperimentContainer(); experiment.Description = "experiment 2"; experiment.ExperimentID = 2; experiment.HorzBinning = 4; experiment.MethodID = 2; experiment.PlateID = 2; experiment.ROI_Height = 256; experiment.ROI_Origin_X = 0; experiment.ROI_Origin_Y = 0; experiment.ROI_Width = 256; experiment.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; experiment.VertBinning = 4; m_vm.experiments.Add(experiment); return(true); #else bool success = true; ObservableCollection <ExperimentContainer> experimentList; if (m_db.GetAllExperimentsForPlate(plateID, out experimentList)) { m_vm.experiments = experimentList; } else { success = false; } return(success); #endif }
public ReportWriter(ProjectContainer project, ExperimentContainer experiment) { m_initializationSuccess = false; m_lastErrorString = ""; m_waveguideReportDirectory = GlobalVars.DefaultWaveGuideReportFileDirectory; m_format = REPORT_FILEFORMAT.EXCEL; m_wgDB = new WaveguideDB(); m_project = project; m_experiment = experiment; bool success = m_wgDB.GetMethod(m_experiment.MethodID, out m_method); if (m_method == null) { success = false; } if (success) { success = m_wgDB.GetPlate(m_experiment.PlateID, out m_plate); if (m_plate == null) { success = false; } if (success) { success = m_wgDB.GetUser(m_plate.OwnerID, out m_user); if (m_user == null) { success = false; } if (success) { success = m_wgDB.GetPlateType(m_plate.PlateTypeID, out m_plateType); if (m_plateType == null) { success = false; } } } } m_initializationSuccess = success; }
public void InitializeBlockPrefabs(ConfigurationUIManager manager, ExperimentContainer expContainer) { this.expContainer = expContainer; this.uiManager = manager; for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Count; i++) { Destroy(Blocks[i]); } Blocks.Clear(); SelectedBlocks.Clear(); List <object> per_block_type = expContainer.Data["per_block_type"] as List <object>; for (int i = 0; i < per_block_type.Count; i++) { GameObject g = Instantiate(BlockPrefab, Content.transform); = "Block " + i; BlockComponent blckCmp = g.GetComponent <BlockComponent>(); blckCmp.Block.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = + "\n" + Convert.ToString(per_block_type[i]); g.transform.position = new Vector3( INITIAL_OFFSET + (i * BLOCK_SPACING), 0f, 0f) + transform.position; blckCmp.BlockController = this; blckCmp.BlockID = i; Blocks.Add(g); blckCmp.Block.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener( () => { uiManager.OnClickBlock(g); }); blckCmp.Block.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener( () => { OnClickBlock(g); }); blckCmp.Notch.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener( () => { OnNotchPress(blckCmp.Notch); }); } }
public void MoveExperimentInScanMethodDown(TreeNodeCollection addInMe, TreeNode expNode) { if ((expNode != null) && (expNode.Parent == null) && (expNode.Index < (scanMethod.Count - 1))) { // Not in container and Index > 0 scanMethod.Remove(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); scanMethod.Insert(expNode.Index + 1, expNode.Tag as IExperiment); addInMe.Remove(expNode); addInMe.Insert(expNode.Index + 1, expNode); } else if ((expNode != null) && (expNode.Parent != null) && (typeof(ExperimentContainer).IsAssignableFrom(expNode.Parent.Tag.GetType())) && (expNode.Index < (expNode.Parent.GetNodeCount(false) - 1))) { ExperimentContainer container = expNode.Parent.Tag as ExperimentContainer; TreeNode parent = expNode.Parent; container.Remove(expNode.Tag as IExperiment); container.Insert(expNode.Index + 1, expNode.Tag as IExperiment); parent.Nodes.Remove(expNode); parent.Nodes.Insert(expNode.Index + 1, expNode); } }
///////////////////////////// // Private Constructor private ExperimentParams() { _numFoFrames = 5; _experimentPlate = new PlateContainer(); _experiment = new ExperimentContainer(); _compoundPlateList = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <ExperimentCompoundPlateContainer>(); _controlSubtractionWellList = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <Tuple <int, int> >(); _indicatorList = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer>(); _experimentRunPlateCount = 2; _experimentCurrentPlateNumber = 0; _writeExcelReport = true; _writeWaveguideReport = true; m_wgDB = new WaveguideDB(); bool success = m_wgDB.GetCameraSettingsDefault(out _cameraSettings); if (!success) { _cameraSettings = new CameraSettingsContainer(); } }
public override enExperimentStatus Configure(IExperiment parent, string resultsFilePath) { // get Reference to HW from Store if (!HWStore.ContainsKey(Settings.HwName)) { log.Error("No HW with Name: " + Settings.HwName); return(enExperimentStatus.Error); } hw = (PS_PalmSens)HWStore[Settings.HwName]; ConfigureImpedimetricMethod(); // Setup Results File ResultsFilePath = resultsFilePath; string cords = ""; ExperimentContainer container = parent as ExperimentContainer; this.parent = parent; if (container != null) { cords = container.ChildIndexer(); if (cords != "") { cords = " " + cords; } } ResultsFileName = "ImpedanceSpectroscopyExperiment - " + Name + cords + ".dat"; string headerString = "Experiment: ImpedanceSpectroscopyExperiment - " + Name + cords + "\r\n"; // 2 columns writeHeader(headerString, new string[] { /*"Time [s]", "Current [µA]"*/ }, settingsObj: Settings, positionColumns: false); status = enExperimentStatus.Idle; return(status); }
void LoadSimulationConfiguration() { // m_iParams = iParams; // m_project = project; // m_experimentPlate = plate; // m_method = method; // m_mask = mask; // m_plateType = plateType; // m_indicatorList = indicatorList; // m_compoundPlateList = compoundPlateList; // m_controlSubtractionWellList = controlSubtractionWellList; //m_numFoFrames = numFoFrames; //m_dynamicRatioNumerator = dynamicRatioNumerator; //m_dynamicRatioDenominator = dynamicRatioDenominator; //ChartArray.BuildChartArray(mask.Rows, mask.Cols, m_indicatorList); //////////////////////// // set up project m_project = null; bool success = m_wgDB.GetAllProjects(false); foreach (ProjectContainer project in m_wgDB.m_projectList) { if (project.Description.Equals("Debug", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { m_project = project; break; } } if (m_project == null) // not found in database, so create it { m_project = new ProjectContainer(); m_project.Description = "Debug"; m_project.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; m_project.Archived = false; success = m_wgDB.InsertProject(ref m_project); } //////////////////////// // set up plateType m_plateType = null; success = m_wgDB.GetAllPlateTypes(); if (m_wgDB.m_plateTypeList.Count() > 0) { m_plateType = m_wgDB.m_plateTypeList.ElementAt(0); } else { // create a new plateType m_plateType = new PlateTypeContainer(); m_plateType.Cols = 24; m_plateType.Description = "Debug"; m_plateType.IsDefault = false; m_plateType.Rows = 16; success = m_wgDB.InsertPlateType(ref m_plateType); } //////////////////////// // set up experiment plate m_experimentPlate = null; success = m_wgDB.GetAllPlatesForProject(m_project.ProjectID); if (m_wgDB.m_plateList.Count() > 0) { m_experimentPlate = m_wgDB.m_plateList.ElementAt(0); } else { // create a new plate m_experimentPlate = new PlateContainer(); m_experimentPlate.Barcode = "12345678"; m_experimentPlate.Description = "Debug"; m_experimentPlate.IsPublic = true; m_experimentPlate.OwnerID = GlobalVars.UserID; m_experimentPlate.PlateTypeID = m_plateType.PlateTypeID; m_experimentPlate.ProjectID = m_project.ProjectID; success = m_wgDB.InsertPlate(ref m_experimentPlate); } //////////////////////// // set up method m_method = null; success = m_wgDB.GetAllMethodsForUser(GlobalVars.UserID); foreach (MethodContainer method in m_wgDB.m_methodList) { if (method.Description.Equals("Debug", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { m_method = method; break; } } if (m_method == null) { m_method = new MethodContainer(); m_method.BravoMethodFile = ""; m_method.Description = "Debug"; m_method.IsPublic = true; m_method.OwnerID = GlobalVars.UserID; success = m_wgDB.InsertMethod(ref m_method); } success = m_wgDB.GetAllIndicatorsForMethod(m_method.MethodID); if (m_wgDB.m_indicatorList.Count < 1) { // create indicators for this new method IndicatorContainer ind = new IndicatorContainer(); ind.Description = "Debug"; ind.EmissionsFilterPosition = 6; ind.ExcitationFilterPosition = 4; ind.MethodID = m_method.MethodID; ind.SignalType = SIGNAL_TYPE.UP; success = m_wgDB.InsertIndicator(ref ind); } //////////////////////// // set up experiment m_experiment = null; ObservableCollection <ExperimentContainer> expList; success = m_wgDB.GetAllExperimentsForPlate(m_experimentPlate.PlateID, out expList); if (expList.Count() > 0) { m_experiment = expList.ElementAt(0); } else { m_experiment = new ExperimentContainer(); m_experiment.Description = "Debug"; m_experiment.HorzBinning = 1; m_experiment.MethodID = m_method.MethodID; m_experiment.PlateID = m_experimentPlate.PlateID; m_experiment.ROI_Height = GlobalVars.PixelHeight; m_experiment.ROI_Width = GlobalVars.PixelWidth; m_experiment.ROI_Origin_X = 1; m_experiment.ROI_Origin_Y = 1; m_experiment.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; m_experiment.VertBinning = 1; success = m_wgDB.InsertExperiment(ref m_experiment); } //////////////////////// // set up mask m_mask = null; success = m_wgDB.GetAllMasksForPlateType(m_experimentPlate.PlateTypeID); if (m_wgDB.m_maskList.Count() > 0) { m_mask = m_wgDB.m_maskList.ElementAt(0); } else { // create a new mask m_mask = new MaskContainer(); m_mask.Angle = 0.0; m_mask.Cols = 24; m_mask.Description = "Debug"; m_mask.IsDefault = false; m_mask.NumEllipseVertices = 24; m_mask.PlateTypeID = m_experimentPlate.PlateTypeID; m_mask.ReferenceImageID = 0; m_mask.Rows = 16; m_mask.Shape = 0; m_mask.XOffset = 28; m_mask.XSize = 28; m_mask.XStep = 41.522; m_mask.YOffset = 190; m_mask.YSize = 28; m_mask.YStep = 41.467; success = m_wgDB.InsertMask(ref m_mask); } //////////////////////////////////// // setup test indicator(s) m_indicatorList = new ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer>(); ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer> expIndList; success = m_wgDB.GetAllExperimentIndicatorsForExperiment(m_experiment.ExperimentID, out expIndList); if (expIndList.Count > 0) { foreach (ExperimentIndicatorContainer ex in expIndList) { m_indicatorList.Add(ex); } } else { success = m_wgDB.GetAllIndicatorsForMethod(m_method.MethodID); foreach (IndicatorContainer ind in m_wgDB.m_indicatorList) { ExperimentIndicatorContainer exInd = new ExperimentIndicatorContainer(); exInd.Description = ind.Description; FilterContainer filter; success = m_wgDB.GetExcitationFilterAtPosition(ind.ExcitationFilterPosition, out filter); exInd.ExcitationFilterDesc = filter.Description; success = m_wgDB.GetEmissionFilterAtPosition(ind.EmissionsFilterPosition, out filter); exInd.EmissionFilterDesc = filter.Description; exInd.EmissionFilterPos = ind.EmissionsFilterPosition; exInd.ExcitationFilterPos = ind.ExcitationFilterPosition; exInd.ExperimentID = m_experiment.ExperimentID; exInd.Exposure = 150; exInd.Gain = 5; exInd.MaskID = m_mask.MaskID; exInd.SignalType = SIGNAL_TYPE.UP; exInd.Verified = true; success = m_wgDB.InsertExperimentIndicator(ref exInd); m_indicatorList.Add(exInd); } } //////////////////////////////////// // compound plates m_compoundPlateList = new ObservableCollection <ExperimentCompoundPlateContainer>(); //////////////////////////////////// // control subtraction well list m_controlSubtractionWellList = new ObservableCollection <Tuple <int, int> >(); // all wells in last row = control wells for (int c = 0; c < m_mask.Cols; c++) { m_controlSubtractionWellList.Add(Tuple.Create(m_mask.Rows - 1, c)); } //////////////////////////////////// //m_numFoFrames = numFoFrames; m_numFoFrames = 5; if (m_indicatorList.Count() > 1) { //////////////////////////////////// //m_dynamicRatioNumerator = dynamicRatioNumerator; m_dynamicRatioNumerator = m_indicatorList.ElementAt(0); //////////////////////////////////// //m_dynamicRatioDenominator = dynamicRatioDenominator; m_dynamicRatioDenominator = m_indicatorList.ElementAt(1); } else { m_dynamicRatioNumerator = new ExperimentIndicatorContainer(); m_dynamicRatioNumerator.ExperimentIndicatorID = 0; m_dynamicRatioDenominator = new ExperimentIndicatorContainer(); m_dynamicRatioDenominator.ExperimentIndicatorID = 0; } if (m_iParams == null) { m_iParams = new ImagingParameters(); } m_iParams.maxPixelValue = GlobalVars.MaxPixelValue; m_iParams.imageWidth = GlobalVars.PixelWidth; m_iParams.imageHeight = GlobalVars.PixelHeight; m_iParams.Image_StartCol = 1; m_iParams.Image_EndCol = GlobalVars.PixelWidth; m_iParams.Image_StartRow = 1; m_iParams.Image_EndRow = GlobalVars.PixelHeight; m_iParams.BravoMethodFilename = ""; m_iParams.CameraTemperature = GlobalVars.CameraTargetTemperature; m_iParams.HorzBinning = 1; m_iParams.VertBinning = 1; m_iParams.EmissionFilterChangeSpeed = GlobalVars.FilterChangeSpeed; m_iParams.ExcitationFilterChangeSpeed = GlobalVars.FilterChangeSpeed; m_iParams.LightIntensity = 100; m_iParams.NumImages = 1000000; // artificial limit on number of images m_iParams.NumIndicators = m_indicatorList.Count; m_iParams.SyncExcitationFilterWithImaging = true; m_iParams.CycleTime = new int[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.EmissionFilter = new byte[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.ExcitationFilter = new byte[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.Exposure = new float[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.Gain = new int[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID = new int[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.IndicatorName = new string[m_indicatorList.Count]; m_iParams.LampShutterIsOpen = new bool[m_indicatorList.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (ExperimentIndicatorContainer ind in m_indicatorList) { m_iParams.CycleTime[i] = 1000; m_iParams.EmissionFilter[i] = (byte)ind.EmissionFilterPos; m_iParams.ExcitationFilter[i] = (byte)ind.ExcitationFilterPos; m_iParams.Exposure[i] = (float)ind.Exposure / 1000; m_iParams.Gain[i] = ind.Gain; m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID[i] = 0; // created by the RunExperiment object when the experiment is run m_iParams.IndicatorName[i] = ind.Description; m_iParams.LampShutterIsOpen[i] = true; m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID[i] = ind.ExperimentIndicatorID; i++; } }