コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // 1. Declare placeholder variables
            List <Curve> struts = new List <Curve>();
            double       radius = 0;

            // 2. Attempt to fetch data inputs
            if (!DA.GetDataList(0, struts))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref radius))

            // 3. Validate data
            if (struts == null || struts.Count == 0)
            if (radius <= 0)

            // 4. Set some variables
            int    sides = 6; // Number of sides on each strut
            double tol   = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;

            // 5. Instantiate ExoMesh object
            // This constructor cleans the curve network (removes duplicates), and formats it as an ExoMesh.
            ExoMesh exoMesh = new ExoMesh(struts);

            // PART A - Compute radii
            // Set the start/end radii of each sleeve, based on user input.

            // C0. Set radii
            foreach (ExoSleeve sleeve in exoMesh.Sleeves)
                sleeve.StartRadius = radius;
                sleeve.EndRadius   = radius;

            // PART B - Compute plate offsets
            // Each plate is offset from its parent node, to avoid mesh overlaps.
            // We also ensure that the no plates are engulfed by the hulls, so we're looking for
            // a convex plate layout. If any plate vertex gets engulfed, meshing will fail.

            // B0. Loop over nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < exoMesh.Hulls.Count; i++)
                // If node has only 1 strut, skip it
                if (exoMesh.Hulls[i].SleeveIndices.Count < 2)
                // Compute the offsets required to avoid plate overlaps
                bool success = exoMesh.ComputeOffsets(i, tol);
                // To improve convex hull shape at 'sharp' nodes, we add an extra plate
                exoMesh.FixSharpNodes(i, sides);

            // IDEA : add a new loop here that adjusts radii to avoid overlapping struts

            // PART C - Construct sleeve meshes and hull points

            // E0. Loop over all sleeves
            for (int i = 0; i < exoMesh.Sleeves.Count; i++)
                Mesh sleeveMesh = exoMesh.MakeSleeve(i, sides);
                // append the new sleeve mesh to the full lattice mesh

            // PART D - Construct hull meshes
            // Generates convex hulls, then removes the faces that lie on the plates.

            // D0. Loop over all hulls
            for (int i = 0; i < exoMesh.Hulls.Count; i++)
                ExoHull node = exoMesh.Hulls[i];

                int plateCount = exoMesh.Hulls[i].PlateIndices.Count;
                // If node has a single plate, create an endmesh
                if (plateCount < 2)
                    Mesh endMesh = exoMesh.MakeEndFace(i, sides);
                // If node has more than 1 plate, create a hullmesh
                    Mesh hullMesh = exoMesh.MakeConvexHull(i, sides, tol, true);

            // 6. Post-process the final mesh.
            exoMesh.Mesh.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);

            // 7. Set output
            DA.SetData(0, exoMesh.Mesh);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // 1. Declare placeholder variables
            List <Curve> struts         = new List <Curve>();
            string       gradientString = null;
            double       maxRadius      = 0;
            double       minRadius      = 0;

            // 2. Attempt to fetch data inputs
            if (!DA.GetDataList(0, struts))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref gradientString))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref maxRadius))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref minRadius))

            // 3. Validate data
            if (struts == null || struts.Count == 0)
            if (maxRadius <= 0 || minRadius <= 0)

            // 4. Set some variables
            int    sides = 6; // Number of sides on each strut
            double tol   = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;

            // 5. Instantiate ExoMesh object
            // This constructor cleans the curve network (removes duplicates), and formats it as an ExoMesh.
            ExoMesh exoMesh = new ExoMesh(struts);

            // PART A - Compute radii
            // Set the start/end radii of each sleeve, based on spatial gradient.

            // A0. Prepare bounding box domain for normalized gradient string
            BoundingBox fullBox = new BoundingBox();

            foreach (ExoSleeve sleeve in exoMesh.Sleeves)
                var strutBox = sleeve.Curve.GetBoundingBox(Plane.WorldXY);
            double boxSizeX = fullBox.Max.X - fullBox.Min.X;
            double boxSizeY = fullBox.Max.Y - fullBox.Min.Y;
            double boxSizeZ = fullBox.Max.Z - fullBox.Min.Z;

            gradientString = GH_ExpressionSyntaxWriter.RewriteForEvaluator(gradientString);

            // A1. Set radii
            foreach (ExoSleeve sleeve in exoMesh.Sleeves)
                // Start node
                ExoHull node   = exoMesh.Hulls[sleeve.HullPair.I];
                var     parser = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Expressions.GH_ExpressionParser();
                parser.AddVariable("x", (node.Point3d.X - fullBox.Min.X) / boxSizeX);
                parser.AddVariable("y", (node.Point3d.Y - fullBox.Min.Y) / boxSizeY);
                parser.AddVariable("z", (node.Point3d.Z - fullBox.Min.Z) / boxSizeZ);
                sleeve.StartRadius = minRadius + (parser.Evaluate(gradientString)._Double) * (maxRadius - minRadius);
                // End node
                node = exoMesh.Hulls[sleeve.HullPair.J];
                parser.AddVariable("x", (node.Point3d.X - fullBox.Min.X) / boxSizeX);
                parser.AddVariable("y", (node.Point3d.Y - fullBox.Min.Y) / boxSizeY);
                parser.AddVariable("z", (node.Point3d.Z - fullBox.Min.Z) / boxSizeZ);
                sleeve.EndRadius = minRadius + (parser.Evaluate(gradientString)._Double) * (maxRadius - minRadius);

            // PART B - Compute plate offsets
            // Each plate is offset from its parent node, to avoid mesh overlaps.
            // We also need to ensure that no plates are engulfed by the hulls, so we're
            // looking for a convex plate layout. If any plate vertex gets engulfed, meshing will fail.

            // B0. Loop over nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < exoMesh.Hulls.Count; i++)
                // If node has only 1 strut, skip it
                if (exoMesh.Hulls[i].SleeveIndices.Count < 2)
                // Compute the offsets required to avoid plate overlaps
                bool success = exoMesh.ComputeOffsets(i, tol);
                // To improve convex hull shape at 'sharp' nodes, we add an extra plate
                exoMesh.FixSharpNodes(i, sides);

            // IDEA : add a new loop here that adjusts radii to avoid overlapping struts

            // PART C - Construct sleeve meshes and hull points

            // C0. Loop over all sleeves
            for (int i = 0; i < exoMesh.Sleeves.Count; i++)
                Mesh sleeveMesh = exoMesh.MakeSleeve(i, sides);
                // Append the new sleeve mesh to the full lattice mesh

            // PART D - Construct hull meshes
            // Generates convex hulls, then removes the faces that lie on the plates.

            // D0. Loop over all hulls
            for (int i = 0; i < exoMesh.Hulls.Count; i++)
                ExoHull node = exoMesh.Hulls[i];

                int plateCount = exoMesh.Hulls[i].PlateIndices.Count;
                // If node has a single plate, create an endmesh
                if (plateCount < 2)
                    Mesh endMesh = exoMesh.MakeEndFace(i, sides);
                // If node has more than 1 plate, create a hullmesh
                    Mesh hullMesh = exoMesh.MakeConvexHull(i, sides, tol, true);

            // 6. Post-process the final mesh.
            exoMesh.Mesh.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);

            // 7. Set output
            DA.SetData(0, exoMesh.Mesh);