コード例 #1
        public void Successfully_validate_string_property(ModelBindingViewModel vm)
            const string valueProperty     = "Id";
            const string nameProperty      = "Name";
            const string listProperty      = "List";
            var          validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null);
            var          attribute         = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            var result = attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.RequiredString, validationContext);

            Assert.That(result, Is.Null, string.Format("Validation failed with message: {0}", attribute.ErrorMessage));
コード例 #2
        public void Throw_exception_if_existsin_was_initialised_with_null_name_or_value_properties(string valueProperty, string nameProperty)
            const string listProperty      = "List";
            var          vm                = new ViewModelExample();
            var          validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null);
            var          attribute         = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(
                () => attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.ListId, validationContext),
                "ExistsIn: You must pass valid properties for Name and Value to ExistsIn"
コード例 #3
        public void Throw_exception_if_property_to_validate_against_is_not_an_ienumerable()
            const string valueProperty     = "Id";
            const string nameProperty      = "Name";
            const string listProperty      = "Decimal";
            var          vm                = new ViewModelExample();
            var          validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null);
            var          attribute         = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(
                () => attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.ListId, validationContext),
                string.Format("ExistsIn: No property Model.{0} exists for validation.", valueProperty)
コード例 #4
        public void Successfully_validate_ienumerable_property(int[] submittedValues)
            const string valueProperty = "Id";
            const string nameProperty  = "Name";
            const string listProperty  = "List";
            var          vm            = new ModelBindingViewModel {
                RequiredListIds = submittedValues
            var validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null);
            var attribute         = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            var result = attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.RequiredListIds, validationContext);

            Assert.That(result, Is.Null, string.Format("Validation failed with message: {0}", attribute.ErrorMessage));
コード例 #5
        public void Successfully_validate_an_invalid_submission_if_validation_disabled_locally()
            const string valueProperty = "Id";
            const string nameProperty  = "Name";
            const string listProperty  = "List";
            var          vm            = new ModelBindingViewModel {
                RequiredListId = 3
            var validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null);
            var attribute         = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty, enableValidation: false);

            var result = attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.RequiredListId, validationContext);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(ValidationResult.Success));
コード例 #6
        public void Throw_exception_if_list_to_validate_against_does_not_exist()
            const string valueProperty     = "Id";
            const string nameProperty      = "Name";
            const string listProperty      = "List2";
            const string memberName        = "MyListInput";
            var          vm                = new ViewModelExample();
            var          validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null)
                MemberName = memberName
            var attribute = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.ListId, validationContext));

            Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo(string.Format("ExistsIn: No property Model.{0} exists for looking up values for property Model.{1}.", listProperty, memberName)));
コード例 #7
        public void Throw_exception_if_list_to_validate_against_does_not_contain_specified_name_property()
            const string valueProperty     = "Id";
            const string nameProperty      = "Name2";
            const string listProperty      = "List";
            var          vm                = new ViewModelExample();
            var          validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null)
                MemberName = listProperty
            var attribute      = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);
            var collectionType = vm.GetType().GetProperty(listProperty).PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault();

            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.ListId, validationContext));

                        Is.EqualTo(string.Format("ExistsIn: No property {0} exists for type {1} to look up possible values for property Model.{2}.", nameProperty, collectionType.Name, listProperty)
コード例 #8
        public void Fail_to_validate_an_invalid_submission_if_validation_disabled_globally_and_enabled_locally()
            const string valueProperty = "Id";
            const string nameProperty  = "Name";
            const string listProperty  = "List";
            var          vm            = new ModelBindingViewModel {
                RequiredListId = 3
            var validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null);

            ExistsInAttribute.EnableValidation = false;
            var attribute = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty, enableValidation: true);

            var result = attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.RequiredListId, validationContext);

            var expectedError = string.Format("The {{0}} field was 3, but must be one of A, B");

            Assert.That(result.ErrorMessage, Is.EqualTo(string.Format(expectedError, validationContext.DisplayName)));
コード例 #9
        public void Fail_validation_if_single_property_value_not_in_list(int submittedValue)
            const string valueProperty = "Id";
            const string nameProperty  = "Name";
            const string listProperty  = "List";
            var          vm            = new ModelBindingViewModel {
                RequiredListId = submittedValue
            var validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null)
                DisplayName = "Required list ids"
            var attribute = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            var result = attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.RequiredListId, validationContext);

            var expectedError = string.Format("The {{0}} field was {0}, but must be one of A, B", string.Join(", ", submittedValue));

            Assert.That(result.ErrorMessage, Is.EqualTo(string.Format(expectedError, validationContext.DisplayName)));
コード例 #10
        public void Allow_validation_against_lists_containing_null_values(int?[] submittedValues)
            const string valueProperty = "Id";
            const string nameProperty  = "Name";
            const string listProperty  = "List";
            var          vm            = new ModelBindingViewModel {
                RequiredNullableListIds = submittedValues
            var validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null)
                DisplayName = "Required list ids"
            var attribute = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            var result = attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.RequiredNullableListIds, validationContext);

            var expectedError = string.Format("The {{0}} field was {0}, but must be one of A, B", string.Join(", ", submittedValues.Select(s => s == null ? "null" : s.ToString())));

            Assert.That(result.ErrorMessage, Is.EqualTo(string.Format(expectedError, validationContext.DisplayName)));
コード例 #11
        public void Throw_exception_if_list_to_validate_against_is_null()
            const string valueProperty = "Id";
            const string nameProperty  = "Name";
            const string listProperty  = "List";
            const string memberName    = "MyListInput";
            var          vm            = new ViewModelExample
                List = null

            var validationContext = new ValidationContext(vm, null, null)
                MemberName = memberName
            var attribute = new ExistsInAttribute(listProperty, valueProperty, nameProperty);

            var ex = Assert.Throws <ListPropertyNullException>(() => attribute.GetValidationResult(vm.ListId, validationContext));

            Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo(
                            string.Format("The list property ({0}) specified in the [ExistsIn] on {1} is null.", listProperty, memberName)