コード例 #1
        void RunTest(string name, string sln, string csproj, string version, string revision, bool isRelease)
            var configuration = isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug";
            var zipPath       = Cache.GetAsFile($"{BaseUrl}{name}-{version}-{HostOS}-{revision}.zip");

            using (var builder = CreateApkBuilder(Path.Combine("temp", TestName)))
                using (var zip = ZipArchive.Open(zipPath, FileMode.Open)) {
                    builder.AutomaticNuGetRestore = false;

                    if (!builder.TargetFrameworkExists("v9.0"))
                        Assert.Ignore("TargetFrameworkVersion=v9.0 required for this test.");

                    var projectDir = Path.Combine(Root, builder.ProjectDirectory);
                    if (Directory.Exists(projectDir))
                        Directory.Delete(projectDir, recursive: true);

                    var solution = new ExistingProject {
                        IsRelease       = isRelease,
                        ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDir, sln),
                    // RestoreNoCache will bypass a global cache on CI machines
                    Assert.IsTrue(builder.Restore(solution, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: new [] { "RestoreNoCache=True" }), "Restore should have succeeded.");

                    var project = new ExistingProject {
                        IsRelease       = isRelease,
                        ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDir, csproj),
                    var parameters = new [] { "Configuration=" + configuration };
                    if (HasDevices)
                        Assert.IsTrue(builder.Install(project, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: parameters, saveProject: false),
                                      "Install should have succeeded.");
                        Assert.IsTrue(builder.Build(project, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: parameters, saveProject: false),
                                      "Build should have succeeded.");
コード例 #2
        void RunTest(string name, string sln, string csproj, string version, string revision, string packageName, string javaPackageName, bool isRelease)
            var configuration = isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug";
            var zipPath       = Cache.GetAsFile($"{BaseUrl}{name}-{version}-{HostOS}-{revision}.zip");

            using (var builder = CreateApkBuilder(Path.Combine("temp", TestName)))
                using (var zip = ZipArchive.Open(zipPath, FileMode.Open)) {
                    builder.AutomaticNuGetRestore = false;

                    if (!builder.TargetFrameworkExists("v9.0"))
                        Assert.Ignore("TargetFrameworkVersion=v9.0 required for this test.");

                    var projectDir = Path.Combine(Root, builder.ProjectDirectory);
                    if (Directory.Exists(projectDir))
                        Directory.Delete(projectDir, recursive: true);

                    var solution = new ExistingProject {
                        IsRelease       = isRelease,
                        ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDir, sln),
                    // RestoreNoCache will bypass a global cache on CI machines
                    Assert.IsTrue(builder.Restore(solution, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: new [] { "RestoreNoCache=True" }), "Restore should have succeeded.");

                    var project = new ExistingProject {
                        IsRelease       = isRelease,
                        ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDir, csproj),
                    var parameters = new List <string> {
                        "Configuration=" + configuration,
                        // Move the $(IntermediateOutputPath) directory to match zips
                        "IntermediateOutputPath=" + Path.Combine("obj", isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug", "90") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
                    if (isRelease || !CommercialBuildAvailable)
                        parameters.Add(KnownProperties.AndroidSupportedAbis + "=\"armeabi-v7a;x86\"");
                    if (HasDevices)
                        Assert.IsTrue(builder.Install(project, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: parameters.ToArray(), saveProject: false),
                                      "Install should have succeeded.");
                        if (CommercialBuildAvailable)
                            Assert.True(builder.RunTarget(project, "_Run", doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: parameters.ToArray()), "Project should have run.");
                        Assert.True(WaitForActivityToStart(packageName, "MainActivity",
                                                           Path.Combine(Root, builder.ProjectDirectory, "logcat.log"), 30), "Activity should have started.");
                        Assert.IsTrue(builder.Build(project, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true, parameters: parameters.ToArray(), saveProject: false),
                                      "Build should have succeeded.");