コード例 #1
ファイル: PixbufUtils.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
	public static PixbufOrientation GetOrientation (Exif.ExifData data)
		PixbufOrientation orientation = PixbufOrientation.TopLeft;
		Exif.ExifEntry e = data.GetContents (Exif.Ifd.Zero).Lookup (Exif.Tag.Orientation);

		if (e != null) {
			ushort [] value = e.GetDataUShort ();
			orientation = (PixbufOrientation) value [0];

		return orientation;
コード例 #2
ファイル: PixbufUtils.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
	public static void SaveJpeg (Pixbuf pixbuf, string path, int quality, Exif.ExifData exif_data)
		Pixbuf temp = null;
		if (pixbuf.HasAlpha) {
			temp = Flatten (pixbuf);
			pixbuf = temp;

		// The DCF spec says thumbnails should be 160x120 always
		Pixbuf thumbnail = ScaleToAspect (pixbuf, 160, 120);
		byte [] thumb_data = Save (thumbnail, "jpeg", null, null);
		exif_data.Data = thumb_data;
		thumbnail.Dispose ();

		// Most of the things we will set will be in the 0th ifd
		Exif.ExifContent content = exif_data.GetContents (Exif.Ifd.Zero);

		// reset the orientation tag the default is top/left
		content.GetEntry (Exif.Tag.Orientation).Reset ();

		// set the write time in the datetime tag
		content.GetEntry (Exif.Tag.DateTime).Reset ();

		// set the software tag
		content.GetEntry (Exif.Tag.Software).SetData (FSpot.Defines.PACKAGE + " version " + FSpot.Defines.VERSION);

		byte [] data = exif_data.Save ();
		FPixbufJpegMarker [] marker = new FPixbufJpegMarker [0];
		bool result = false;

		unsafe {
			if (data.Length > 0) {
				fixed (byte *p = data) {
					marker = new FPixbufJpegMarker [1];
					marker [0].type = 0xe1; // APP1 marker
					marker [0].data = p;
					marker [0].length = data.Length;
					result = f_pixbuf_save_jpeg (pixbuf.Handle, path, quality, marker, marker.Length);
			} else
				result = f_pixbuf_save_jpeg (pixbuf.Handle, path, quality, marker, marker.Length);

		if (temp != null)
			temp.Dispose ();
		if (result == false)
			throw new System.Exception ("Error Saving File");