static void Main(string[] args) { Config config = null; try { config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Config>(File.ReadAllText("config.json")); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Could not find config! Rename config.example.json to config.json and edit it."); return; } TcpClient client = new TcpClient(, config.port); var stream = client.GetStream(); var writer = new StreamWriter(stream); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); writer.AutoFlush = true; foreach (var line in config.connect) { writer.WriteLine(line); } Executor e = new Executor(); var stdio = new IRCStdIo(); e.Methods["stream-stdio"] = new Executor.NativeFunction(delegate (Executor exec) { exec.DataStack.Push(stdio); }); while (true) { var msg = reader.ReadLine().Split(' '); if (msg[0] == "PING") { msg[0] = "PONG"; writer.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", msg)); } else if (msg[1] == "PRIVMSG") { string channel = msg[2]; string message = string.Join(" ", msg.Skip(3)).Substring(1); if (message.StartsWith("~{")) { stdio.Builder.SetLength(0); e.CodeStack.Clear(); e.DataStack.Clear(); e.Methods["reset"] = new Executor.NativeFunction(delegate (Executor exec) { e = new Executor(); e.Methods["stream-stdio"] = new Executor.NativeFunction(delegate (Executor execu) { execu.DataStack.Push(stdio); }); }); e.CodeStack.PushRange(Lexer.Parse(message.Substring(2)).Value); string result; int cyclecount = 0; try { for (cyclecount = 0; cyclecount < 12000 && e.CodeStack.Count > 0; cyclecount++) e.Cycle(); if (e.CodeStack.Count > 0) result = "[TIMED OUT]"; else try { result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stdio.Builder.ToArray()); } catch (ArgumentException) { result = string.Join("", stdio.Builder.ToArray().Select(a => new string((char) a, 1))); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = ex.Message; } result = result.Split('\r', '\n')[0]; if (result.Length > 0) writer.WriteLine("PRIVMSG {0} :\u200B({2}) {1}", msg[2], result, cyclecount); if (e.DataStack.Count > 0) writer.WriteLine("PRIVMSG {0} :\u200B({2}) Stack: {1}", msg[2], e.DataStack.ToString(), cyclecount); if (result.Length == 0 && e.DataStack.Count == 0) writer.WriteLine("PRIVMSG {0} :\u200B({1}) [NO RESULT]", msg[2], cyclecount); } } } }