static Dictionary<ExecutionService.TaskState, int> GetTaskStatesCount(ulong[] taskIds) { using (var service = new ExecutionService.ExecutionBrokerServiceClient()) { var taskInfos = service.GetBriefTaskList(); var statesCount = taskInfos .Where(info => taskIds.Contains(info.TaskId)) .GroupBy(info => info.State) .ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.Count()); return statesCount; } }
static void LaunchThemAll(object taskIdsAsObjects) { ulong[] taskIds = (ulong[]) taskIdsAsObjects; rnd = rnd ?? new System.Random(); for (int i=0; i < taskIds.Length; i++) { using (var service = new ExecutionService.ExecutionBrokerServiceClient()) { ulong taskId = taskIds[i]; var taskToLaunch = TaskGenFunc(taskId); service.DefineTask(taskToLaunch); service.Execute(new ulong[] { taskId }); Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next( (int) MIN_SLEEP_TIME_AFTER_LAUNCH.TotalMilliseconds, (int) MAX_SLEEP_TIME_AFTER_LAUNCH.TotalMilliseconds )); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var service = new ExecutionService.ExecutionBrokerServiceClient(); var timeStarted = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Started at {0}.", timeStarted); ulong[] taskIds = GetTaskIds(); var launcherThread = new Thread(LaunchThemAll); launcherThread.Start(taskIds); int finishedTasksCount = 0; while (finishedTasksCount < LAUNCHES_COUNT) { var stateCounts = GetTaskStatesCount(taskIds); finishedTasksCount = stateCounts.Where(s => s.Key == ExecutionService.TaskState.Completed || s.Key == ExecutionService.TaskState.Failed || s.Key == ExecutionService.TaskState.Aborted ).Sum(s => s.Value); double avgSecondsOnTask = (DateTime.Now - timeStarted).TotalSeconds / ((finishedTasksCount == 0)? 1: finishedTasksCount); Console.Write("{0}, ~{1} sec/task: ", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), avgSecondsOnTask); foreach (var state in stateCounts.Keys) Console.Write("{0} = {1} ", state, stateCounts[state]); Console.WriteLine(); Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next( (int) MIN_SLEEP_TIME_AFTER_CHECK.TotalMilliseconds, (int) MAX_SLEEP_TIME_AFTER_CHECK.TotalMilliseconds )); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
const int WATCH_OUT = 10*1000; // maximum time to update in milliseconds #endregion Fields #region Methods static ExecutionService.TaskDescription[] GenerateTasks(System.Random rnd) { var resourcesService = new ResourceBaseService.ResourceBaseServiceClient(); string[] names = resourcesService.GetResourceNames().Where(name => name == "b14").ToArray(); List<string> allowedNames = new List<string>(); foreach (string name in names) { var res = resourcesService.GetResourceByName(name); if (res.Nodes.Any(n => n.Packages.Any(p => p.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == PACK_NAME.ToLowerInvariant()))) allowedNames.Add(name); } int nameIndex = rnd.Next(allowedNames.Count); string resourceName = allowedNames[nameIndex]; var executionService = new ExecutionService.ExecutionBrokerServiceClient(); ulong generatedTaskId = executionService.GetNewTaskId(); var tasks = new ExecutionService.TaskDescription[] { new ExecutionService.TaskDescription() { WfId = "Watchina", TaskId = generatedTaskId, UserId = "sm", LaunchMode = ExecutionService.TaskLaunchMode.Auto, ExecParams = new Dictionary<string,string>() { {"Resource", resourceName}, }, Package = "cnm", Params = new Dictionary<string,string>() { {"in_format", "short"}, }, InputFiles = new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription[] { new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription { StorageId = "cnm_60k_p32", FileName = "", SlotName = "inDataFile" }, } }, new ExecutionService.TaskDescription() { WfId = "Watchina", TaskId = generatedTaskId, UserId = "sm", LaunchMode = ExecutionService.TaskLaunchMode.Auto, ExecParams = new Dictionary<string,string>() { {"Resource", resourceName}, }, Package = "testp", Method = "arithm", Params = new Dictionary<string,string>() { {"operation", "plus"}, }, InputFiles = new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription[] { new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription { StorageId = "number1", FileName = "", SlotName = "inf0" }, new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription { StorageId = "number25", FileName = "", SlotName = "inf1" }, }, OutputFiles = new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription[] { new ExecutionService.TaskFileDescription { StorageId = null, FileName = "out.txt", SlotName = "out_file" } } } }; var packTasks = tasks.Where(t => t.Package.ToLowerInvariant() == PACK_NAME.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray(); return packTasks; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var rnd = new System.Random(); for (int iterNum = 0; MAX_LAUNCHES < 0 || iterNum < MAX_LAUNCHES; iterNum++) { try { using (var service = new ExecutionService.ExecutionBrokerServiceClient()) { while (true) { var tasks = GenerateTasks(rnd); foreach (var task in tasks) service.DefineTask(task); service.Execute(tasks.Select(t => t.TaskId).ToArray()); Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString(TIME_FORMAT) + String.Join(", ", tasks.Select(t => t.TaskId + " on " + t.ExecParams["Resource"])) ); if (MAX_LAUNCHES < 0 && (iterNum % 10 == 0)) GetStatistics(CSV_PATH); Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(WATCH_IN, WATCH_OUT)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Thread.Sleep(5000); } } GetStatistics(CSV_PATH); }