public static ExchangeRateTDS LoadDailyExchangeRateData(bool ADeleteAgedExchangeRatesFirst, DateTime AFromDate, DateTime AToDate) { // If relevant, we do a clean of the data table first, purging 'aged' data if (ADeleteAgedExchangeRatesFirst) { // We clean up the DER table unless there is an app setting in the server configuration // If you want to set this as a developer you create a copy of /inc/template/etc/Server-postgresql.config // and rename it to Then add a new <add> element with this value set to true. // Then (re)start the server using nant or OPDA, which will generate the working copy of this file. if (!TAppSettingsManager.GetBoolean("KeepAgedExchangeRates", false)) { DoDailyExchangeRateClean(); } } ExchangeRateTDS WorkingDS = new ExchangeRateTDS(); WorkingDS.EnforceConstraints = false; TDBTransaction Transaction = null; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingAutoReadTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, ref Transaction, delegate { // Populate the ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRate table //-- This is the complete query for the DAILYEXCHANGERATE TABLE //-- It returns all rows from the Journal and Gift Batch tables //-- PLUS all the rows from the DailyExchangeRate table that are NOT referenced by the Journal and Gift Batch tables. string strSQL = "SELECT * FROM "; strSQL += "( "; // This returns all the rows in Daily Exchange rate that do NOT match any journal or gift strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += String.Format( " 0 AS {0}, 0 AS {1}, 'DER' AS {2}, ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetJournalUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetGiftBatchUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += " der.* "; strSQL += "FROM PUB_a_daily_exchange_rate AS der "; // By doing a left join and only selecting the NULL rows we get the rows from DER that are NOT used strSQL += "LEFT JOIN "; strSQL += "( "; // This SELECT returns all the used rows (372 rows in the case of SA-DB) strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " j.a_batch_number_i AS a_batch_number_i, "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "FROM PUB_a_journal AS j "; strSQL += "JOIN PUB_a_ledger AS ldg ON "; strSQL += " ldg.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION ALL "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " j.a_batch_number_i AS a_batch_number_i, "; strSQL += " r.a_revaluation_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " r.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "FROM a_journal AS j "; strSQL += "JOIN a_ledger AS ldg ON "; strSQL += " ldg.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "JOIN a_revaluation r ON "; strSQL += " r.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i AND r.a_batch_number_i=j.a_batch_number_i AND r.a_journal_number_i=j.a_journal_number_i "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION ALL "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " gb.a_batch_number_i AS a_batch_number_i, "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " gb.a_gl_effective_date_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "FROM PUB_a_gift_batch AS gb "; strSQL += "JOIN PUB_a_ledger AS ldg ON "; strSQL += " ldg.a_ledger_number_i = gb.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += ") AS j_and_gb "; strSQL += "ON "; strSQL += " der.a_from_currency_code_c = j_and_gb.a_from_currency_code_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_to_currency_code_c = j_and_gb.a_to_currency_code_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_date_effective_from_d = j_and_gb.a_date_effective_from_d "; strSQL += " AND der.a_rate_of_exchange_n = j_and_gb.a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "WHERE "; strSQL += " a_batch_number_i IS NULL "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION ALL "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; // The second half of the UNION returns all the Forex rows from journal and gift // They are aggregated by from/to/date/rate and the time is the min time. // We also get the usage count as well as whether the row originated in the DER table or one of gift or batch strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += String.Format( " sum(journalUsage) AS {0}, sum(giftBatchUsage) AS {1}, 'GBJ' AS {2}, ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetJournalUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetGiftBatchUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += " a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " min(a_time_effective_from_i), "; strSQL += " NULL AS s_date_created_d, "; strSQL += " NULL AS s_created_by_c, "; strSQL += " NULL AS s_date_modified_d, "; strSQL += " NULL AS s_modified_by_c, "; strSQL += " NULL AS s_modification_id_t "; strSQL += "FROM "; strSQL += "( "; // These are all the used rows again (same as part of the query above) but this time we can count the usages from the two tables strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " 1 AS journalUsage, "; strSQL += " 0 AS giftBatchUsage, "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_time_i AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "FROM PUB_a_journal AS j "; strSQL += "JOIN PUB_a_ledger AS ldg ON "; strSQL += " ldg.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION ALL "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " 1 AS journalUsage, "; strSQL += " 0 AS giftBatchUsage, "; strSQL += " r.a_revaluation_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_time_i AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += " r.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "FROM a_journal AS j "; strSQL += "JOIN a_ledger AS ldg ON "; strSQL += " ldg.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "JOIN a_revaluation r ON "; strSQL += " r.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i AND r.a_batch_number_i=j.a_batch_number_i AND r.a_journal_number_i=j.a_journal_number_i "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION ALL "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " 0 AS journalUsage, "; strSQL += " 1 AS giftBatchUsage, "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " gb.a_gl_effective_date_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " 0 AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += " gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += "FROM PUB_a_gift_batch AS gb "; strSQL += "JOIN PUB_a_ledger AS ldg ON "; strSQL += " ldg.a_ledger_number_i = gb.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += ") AS j_and_gb "; // GROUP the second half of the query (the UNION of used rates) strSQL += "GROUP BY "; strSQL += " a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += ") AS all_rates "; strSQL += ((AFromDate < DateTime.MaxValue) && (AToDate < DateTime.MaxValue)) ? String.Format(" WHERE all_rates.{0}>='{1}' AND all_rates.{0}<='{2}' ", ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetDateEffectiveFromDBName(), AFromDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), AToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) : String.Empty; // ORDER of the outermost SELECT strSQL += "ORDER BY "; strSQL += " a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " a_date_effective_from_d DESC, "; strSQL += " a_time_effective_from_i DESC "; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.Select(WorkingDS, strSQL, WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRate.TableName, Transaction); // Now populate the ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangerateUsage table //-- COMPLETE QUERY TO RETURN ADailyExchangeRateUsage //-- Query to return the Daily Exchange Rate Usage details //-- Only returns rows that are in a foreign currency //-- Querying this table by from/to/date/time will return one row per use case //-- If the Journal is 0 the batch refers to a gift batch, otherwise it is a GL batch strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ( "; //-- This part of the query returns the use cases from the Journal table strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_time_i AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " j.a_ledger_number_i AS {0}, j.a_batch_number_i AS {1}, j.a_journal_number_i AS {2}, b.a_batch_status_c AS {3}, j.a_journal_description_c AS {4}, b.a_batch_year_i AS {5}, b.a_batch_period_i AS {6}, 'J' AS {7} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetDescriptionDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchPeriodDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_journal j "; strSQL += "JOIN a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += " ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "JOIN a_batch b "; strSQL += " ON b.a_batch_number_i = j.a_batch_number_i "; strSQL += " AND b.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE j.a_transaction_currency_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; //-- This part of the query returns the revaluation rows strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " r.a_revaluation_currency_c as a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " r.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_time_i AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " j.a_ledger_number_i AS {0}, j.a_batch_number_i AS {1}, j.a_journal_number_i AS {2}, b.a_batch_status_c AS {3}, j.a_journal_description_c AS {4}, b.a_batch_year_i AS {5}, b.a_batch_period_i AS {6}, 'J' AS {7} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetDescriptionDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchPeriodDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_journal j "; strSQL += "JOIN a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += " ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "JOIN a_batch b "; strSQL += " ON b.a_batch_number_i = j.a_batch_number_i "; strSQL += " AND b.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "JOIN a_revaluation r "; strSQL += " ON r.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i AND r.a_batch_number_i=j.a_batch_number_i AND r.a_journal_number_i=j.a_journal_number_i "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; //-- This part of the query returns the use cases from the Gift Batch table strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " gb.a_gl_effective_date_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " 0 AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " gb.a_ledger_number_i AS {0}, gb.a_batch_number_i AS {1}, 0 AS {2}, gb.a_batch_status_c AS {3}, gb.a_batch_description_c AS {4}, gb.a_batch_year_i AS {5}, gb.a_batch_period_i AS {6}, 'GB' AS {7} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetDescriptionDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchPeriodDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_gift_batch gb "; strSQL += "JOIN a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += " ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i = gb.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE gb.a_currency_code_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += ") AS usage "; strSQL += ((AFromDate < DateTime.MaxValue) && (AToDate < DateTime.MaxValue)) ? String.Format(" WHERE usage.{0}>='{1}' AND usage.{0}<='{2}' ", ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetDateEffectiveFromDBName(), AFromDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), AToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) : String.Empty; strSQL += "ORDER BY usage.a_date_effective_from_d DESC, usage.a_time_effective_from_i DESC "; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.Select(WorkingDS, strSQL, WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRateUsage.TableName, Transaction); // Now we start a tricky bit to resolve potential primary key conflicts when the constraints are turned on. // By combining the Journal and Gift Batch data that is not referenced in the exchange rate table we can easily // have introduced conflicts where more than one rate has been used for a given currency pair and effective date/time. // This is because there is no constraint that enforces the batch/journal tables to use a time from the exch rate table. // So we have to go through all the rows in our data table and potentially change the time to make it possible to get our primary key. // Start by creating a data view on the whole result set. The ordering is important because we are going to step through the set row by row. // Within one group of from/to/date it is essential that the first 'source' is the DER table because we don't change the time on that one - // and of course that must stay the same because the user can modify that one. // We need to deal with the following possibilities: // From To Date Time Source Rate // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 DER 2.11 // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 GBJ 2.115 // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 GBJ 2.22 // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 GBJ 3.11 // // In the first row we have an entry from the DER table that is not used anywhere, but a (slightly) different rate is actually used // in a Journal. // In the other rows we have 3 different rates - all used somewhere. We need to adjust the times so they are different. DataView dv = new DataView(WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRate, "", String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2} DESC, {3} DESC, {4}, {5}", ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetFromCurrencyCodeDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetToCurrencyCodeDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetDateEffectiveFromDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTimeEffectiveFromDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableSourceDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetRateOfExchangeDBName()), DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count - 1; i++) { // Get the 'current' row and the 'next' one... ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow drThis = (ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow)dv[i].Row; ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow drNext = (ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow)dv[i + 1].Row; if (!drThis.FromCurrencyCode.Equals(drNext.FromCurrencyCode) || !drThis.ToCurrencyCode.Equals(drNext.ToCurrencyCode) || !drThis.DateEffectiveFrom.Equals(drNext.DateEffectiveFrom) || !drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom.Equals(drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom)) { // Something is different so our primary key will be ok for the current row continue; } // We have got two (or more) rows with the same potential primary key and different rates/usages. // We need to work out how many rows ahead also have the same time and adjust them all bool moveForwards = (drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom < 43200); int timeOffset = 60; // 1 minute // Start by adjusting our 'next' row we are already working with drNext.BeginEdit(); int prevTimeEffectiveFrom = drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom; drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom = (moveForwards) ? prevTimeEffectiveFrom + timeOffset : prevTimeEffectiveFrom - timeOffset; timeOffset = (moveForwards) ? timeOffset + 60 : timeOffset - 60; drNext.EndEdit(); i++; // we can increment our main loop counter now that we have dealt with our 'next' row. TLogging.LogAtLevel(2, String.Format("Modifying {0} row: From {1}, To {2}, Date {3}, Time {4}, new Time {5}", drThis.TableSource, drThis.FromCurrencyCode, drThis.ToCurrencyCode, drThis.DateEffectiveFrom.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), prevTimeEffectiveFrom, drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom), TLoggingType.ToLogfile); // Modify all the rows in the usage table that refer to the previous time OnModifyEffectiveTime(WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRateUsage, drNext.FromCurrencyCode, drNext.ToCurrencyCode, drNext.DateEffectiveFrom, prevTimeEffectiveFrom, drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom, drNext.RateOfExchange); // Now look ahead even further than the 'next' row and modify those times too, adding 1 more minute to each for (int k = i + 1; k < dv.Count; k++) { ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow drLookAhead = (ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow)dv[k].Row; if (!drThis.FromCurrencyCode.Equals(drLookAhead.FromCurrencyCode) || !drThis.ToCurrencyCode.Equals(drLookAhead.ToCurrencyCode) || !drThis.DateEffectiveFrom.Equals(drLookAhead.DateEffectiveFrom) || !drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom.Equals(drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom)) { // No more rows match our potential primary key conflict on the 'current' row. break; } // Do exactly the same to this row as we did to the 'next' row above drLookAhead.BeginEdit(); prevTimeEffectiveFrom = drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom; drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom = (moveForwards) ? prevTimeEffectiveFrom + timeOffset : prevTimeEffectiveFrom - timeOffset; timeOffset = (moveForwards) ? timeOffset + 60 : timeOffset - 60; drLookAhead.EndEdit(); i++; TLogging.LogAtLevel(2, String.Format("Modifying additional {0} row: From {1}, To {2}, Date {3}, Time {4}, new Time {5}", drThis.TableSource, drThis.FromCurrencyCode, drThis.ToCurrencyCode, drThis.DateEffectiveFrom.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), prevTimeEffectiveFrom, drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom), TLoggingType.ToLogfile); OnModifyEffectiveTime(WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRateUsage, drLookAhead.FromCurrencyCode, drLookAhead.ToCurrencyCode, drLookAhead.DateEffectiveFrom, prevTimeEffectiveFrom, drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom, drLookAhead.RateOfExchange); } } // check the next row in the table so that it becomes the 'current' row. WorkingDS.EnforceConstraints = true; // We only load the following data if we are returning ALL exchange rate data if ((AFromDate == DateTime.MaxValue) && (AToDate == DateTime.MaxValue)) { // Load the Corporate exchange rate table using the usual method ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(WorkingDS, Transaction); // Load the daily exchange rate table as the 'raw' table. The client needs this for adding new rows to check for constraints. // Note: April 2015. The MissingSchemaAction was added because SQLite gave a mismatched DataType on a_effective_time_i. // As a result the GUI tests failed on SQLite - as well as the screen not loading(!) // There should be no difference with PostgreSQL, which worked fine without the parameter. WorkingDS.ARawDailyExchangeRate.Merge(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT("SELECT *, 0 AS Unused FROM PUB_a_daily_exchange_rate", "a_raw_daily_exchange_rate", Transaction), false, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore); strSQL = "SELECT "; strSQL += " a_ledger_number_i, "; strSQL += " a_ledger_status_l, "; strSQL += " max(a_ledger_name_c) AS a_ledger_name_c, "; strSQL += " max(a_base_currency_c) AS a_base_currency_c, "; strSQL += " max(a_intl_currency_c) AS a_intl_currency_c, "; strSQL += " max(a_current_financial_year_i) AS a_current_financial_year_i, "; strSQL += " max(a_current_period_i) AS a_current_period_i, "; strSQL += " max(a_number_of_accounting_periods_i) AS a_number_of_accounting_periods_i, "; strSQL += " max(a_number_fwd_posting_periods_i) AS a_number_fwd_posting_periods_i, "; strSQL += " min(CurrentPeriodStartDate) AS CurrentPeriodStartDate, "; strSQL += " max(CurrentPeriodEndDate) AS CurrentPeriodEndDate, "; strSQL += " max(ForwardPeriodEndDate) AS ForwardPeriodEndDate "; strSQL += "FROM "; strSQL += "( "; strSQL += "SELECT ldg.*, pd.a_period_start_date_d AS CurrentPeriodStartDate, pd.a_period_end_date_d AS CurrentPeriodEndDate, NULL AS ForwardPeriodEndDate "; strSQL += "FROM a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += "JOIN a_accounting_period pd "; strSQL += "ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i=pd.a_ledger_number_i and ldg.a_current_period_i=pd.a_accounting_period_number_i "; strSQL += "UNION "; strSQL += "SELECT ldg.*, pd.a_period_start_date_d AS CurrentPeriodStartDate, NULL AS CurrentPeriodEndDate, pd.a_period_end_date_d AS ForwardPeriodEndDate "; strSQL += "FROM a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += "JOIN a_accounting_period pd "; strSQL += "ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i=pd.a_ledger_number_i and (ldg.a_current_period_i + a_number_fwd_posting_periods_i)=pd.a_accounting_period_number_i "; strSQL += ") AS all_info "; strSQL += "GROUP BY a_ledger_number_i, a_ledger_status_l "; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.Select(WorkingDS, strSQL, WorkingDS.ALedgerInfo.TableName, Transaction); } }); // Accept row changes here so that the Client gets 'unmodified' rows WorkingDS.AcceptChanges(); return(WorkingDS); }
public static ExchangeRateTDS LoadDailyExchangeRateData() { ExchangeRateTDS WorkingDS = new ExchangeRateTDS(); WorkingDS.EnforceConstraints = false; TDBTransaction Transaction = null; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingAutoReadTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, ref Transaction, delegate { // Load the table so we can read bits of it into our dataset ADailyExchangeRateTable exchangeRates = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(Transaction); // Populate the ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRate table //-- This is the complete query for the DAILYEXCHANGERATE TABLE //-- It returns all the rows from the DailyExchangeRate table //-- PLUS all rows from the Journal and Gift Batch tables that are NOT referenced by the Daily Exchange Rate table. string strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ( "; // -- This part of the query returns all the rows from the ExchangeRate table // -- All rows in Journal and Gift that DO match an entry are reported in the usage count // -- It will always return exactly the same number of rows that are in the Daily Exchange Rate table itself. // -- In the development database case it returns 312 rows. // -- It includes 86 Journal entries and 1 Gift Batch entry strSQL += "SELECT der.a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " der.a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " der.a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " der.a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " der.a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " count(j.a_journal_number_i) AS {0}, count(gb.a_batch_number_i) AS {1}, 'DEX' as {2} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetJournalUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetGiftBatchUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM PUB_a_daily_exchange_rate AS der "; strSQL += "LEFT OUTER JOIN PUB_a_journal j "; strSQL += " ON j.a_transaction_currency_c = der.a_from_currency_code_c "; strSQL += " AND j.a_base_currency_c = der.a_to_currency_code_c "; strSQL += " AND j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n = der.a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += " AND j.a_date_effective_d = der.a_date_effective_from_d "; strSQL += " AND a_exchange_rate_time_i = der.a_time_effective_from_i "; strSQL += "LEFT OUTER JOIN PUB_a_gift_batch AS gb "; strSQL += " ON gb.a_currency_code_c = der.a_from_currency_code_c "; strSQL += " AND gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n = der.a_rate_of_exchange_n "; strSQL += " AND gb.a_gl_effective_date_d = der.a_date_effective_from_d "; strSQL += "LEFT OUTER JOIN PUB_a_ledger AS ldg "; strSQL += " ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i = gb.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += " AND ldg.a_base_currency_c = der.a_to_currency_code_c "; strSQL += "GROUP BY der.a_from_currency_code_c, der.a_to_currency_code_c, der.a_rate_of_exchange_n, der.a_date_effective_from_d, der.a_time_effective_from_i "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; // -- This part of the query returns all the rows from the journal table that do NOT have an // -- entry in the exchange rate table // -- Using the devlopment database it returns 41 unique rows associated with 53 Journal entries strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_time_i AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " count(j.a_transaction_currency_c) AS {0}, 0 AS {1}, 'J' AS {2} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetJournalUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetGiftBatchUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_journal j "; strSQL += "LEFT JOIN a_daily_exchange_rate der "; strSQL += " ON der.a_from_currency_code_c = j.a_transaction_currency_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_to_currency_code_c = j.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_date_effective_from_d = j.a_date_effective_d "; strSQL += " AND der.a_time_effective_from_i = j.a_exchange_rate_time_i "; strSQL += " AND der.a_rate_of_exchange_n = j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n "; strSQL += "WHERE j.a_transaction_currency_c <> j.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_from_currency_code_c IS NULL "; strSQL += "GROUP BY j.a_transaction_currency_c, j.a_base_currency_c, j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n, j.a_date_effective_d, j.a_exchange_rate_time_i "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; // -- This part of the query returns all the rows in the gift batch table that do NOT have an // -- entry in the exchange rate table // -- Using the devlopment database it returns 0 rows, because the one row in the gift batch table has already been included // -- in the first query (on the Daily Exchange rate table) strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " gb.a_gl_effective_date_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " 0 AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " 0 AS {0}, count(gb.a_currency_code_c) AS {1}, 'GB' AS {2} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetJournalUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetGiftBatchUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_gift_batch gb "; strSQL += "LEFT JOIN a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += " ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i = gb.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "LEFT JOIN a_daily_exchange_rate der "; strSQL += " ON der.a_from_currency_code_c = gb.a_currency_code_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_to_currency_code_c = ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_date_effective_from_d = gb.a_gl_effective_date_d "; strSQL += " AND der.a_rate_of_exchange_n = gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n "; strSQL += "WHERE gb.a_currency_code_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += " AND der.a_from_currency_code_c IS NULL "; strSQL += "GROUP BY gb.a_currency_code_c, ldg.a_base_currency_c, gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n, gb.a_gl_effective_date_d "; strSQL += ") AS allrates "; strSQL += "ORDER BY allrates.a_date_effective_from_d DESC, allrates.a_time_effective_from_i DESC "; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.Select(WorkingDS, strSQL, WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRate.TableName, Transaction); // Now populate the ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangerateUsage table //-- COMPLETE QUERY TO RETURN ADailyExchangeRateUsage //-- Query to return the Daily Exchange Rate Usage details //-- Only returns rows that are in a foreign currency //-- Querying this table by from/to/date/time will return one row per use case //-- If the Journal is 0 the batch refers to a gift batch, otherwise it is a GL batch strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ( "; //-- This part of the query returns the use cases from the Journal table strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " j.a_transaction_currency_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " j.a_date_effective_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " j.a_exchange_rate_time_i AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " j.a_ledger_number_i AS {0}, j.a_batch_number_i AS {1}, j.a_journal_number_i AS {2}, b.a_batch_status_c AS {3}, b.a_batch_year_i AS {4}, b.a_batch_period_i AS {5}, 'J' AS {6} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchPeriodDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_journal j "; strSQL += "JOIN a_batch b "; strSQL += " ON b.a_batch_number_i = j.a_batch_number_i "; strSQL += " AND b.a_ledger_number_i = j.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE j.a_transaction_currency_c <> j.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; strSQL += "UNION "; strSQL += Environment.NewLine; //-- This part of the query returns the use cases from the Gift Batch table strSQL += "SELECT "; strSQL += " gb.a_currency_code_c AS a_from_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " ldg.a_base_currency_c AS a_to_currency_code_c, "; strSQL += " gb.a_exchange_rate_to_base_n AS a_rate_of_exchange_n, "; strSQL += " gb.a_gl_effective_date_d AS a_date_effective_from_d, "; strSQL += " 0 AS a_time_effective_from_i, "; strSQL += String.Format( " gb.a_ledger_number_i AS {0}, gb.a_batch_number_i AS {1}, 0 AS {2}, gb.a_batch_status_c AS {3}, gb.a_batch_year_i AS {4}, gb.a_batch_period_i AS {5}, 'GB' AS {6} ", ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetBatchPeriodDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateUsageTable.GetTableSourceDBName()); strSQL += "FROM a_gift_batch gb "; strSQL += "JOIN a_ledger ldg "; strSQL += " ON ldg.a_ledger_number_i = gb.a_ledger_number_i "; strSQL += "WHERE gb.a_currency_code_c <> ldg.a_base_currency_c "; strSQL += ") AS usage "; strSQL += "ORDER BY usage.a_date_effective_from_d DESC, usage.a_time_effective_from_i DESC "; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.Select(WorkingDS, strSQL, WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRateUsage.TableName, Transaction); // Now we start a tricky bit to resolve potential primary key conflicts when the constraints are turned on. // By combining the Journal and Gift Batch data that is not referenced in the exchange rate table we can easily // have introduced conflicts where more than one rate has been used for a given currency pair and effective date/time. // This is because there is no constraint that enforces the batch/journal tables to use a time from the exch rate table. // So we have to go through all the rows in our data table and potentially change the time to make it possible to get our primary key. // Start by creating a data view on the whole result set. The oredering is important because we are going to step through the set row by row. // We order on: From, To, Date, Time, JournalUsage, GiftBatchUsage // We need to deal with the following possibilities: // From To Date Time Rate Journals Gifts TableSource // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 2.115 0 0 DEX // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 2.11 3 0 J // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 2.22 1 0 J // EUR GBP 2014-01-01 1234 3.11 0 1 GB // // In the first row we have an entry from the DEX table that is not used anywhere, but a (slightly) different rate is actually used // in a Journal. So we actually don't show the DEX row. // In the other rows we have 3 different rates - all used somewhere. We need to adjust the times so they are different. DataView dv = new DataView(WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRate, "", String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2} DESC, {3} DESC, {4}, {5}", ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetFromCurrencyCodeDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetToCurrencyCodeDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetDateEffectiveFromDBName(), ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetTimeEffectiveFromDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetJournalUsageDBName(), ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateTable.GetGiftBatchUsageDBName()), DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count - 1; i++) { // Get the 'current' row and the 'next' one... ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow drThis = (ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow)dv[i].Row; ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow drNext = (ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow)dv[i + 1].Row; if ((drThis.JournalUsage == 0) && (drThis.GiftBatchUsage == 0)) { // This will be a row that the client can edit/delete, so we need to add the modification info ADailyExchangeRateRow foundRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)exchangeRates.Rows.Find(new object[] { drThis.FromCurrencyCode, drThis.ToCurrencyCode, drThis.DateEffectiveFrom, drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom }); if (foundRow != null) { // it should always be non-null drThis.BeginEdit(); drThis.ModificationId = foundRow.ModificationId; drThis.DateModified = foundRow.DateModified; drThis.ModifiedBy = foundRow.ModifiedBy; drThis.DateCreated = foundRow.DateCreated; drThis.CreatedBy = foundRow.CreatedBy; drThis.EndEdit(); } } if (!drThis.FromCurrencyCode.Equals(drNext.FromCurrencyCode) || !drThis.ToCurrencyCode.Equals(drNext.ToCurrencyCode) || !drThis.DateEffectiveFrom.Equals(drNext.DateEffectiveFrom) || !drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom.Equals(drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom)) { // Something is different so our primary key will be ok for the current row continue; } // We have got two (or more) rows with the same potential primary key and different rates. // We need to work out how many rows ahead also have the same time and adjust them all bool moveForwards = (drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom < 43200); int timeOffset = 60; // 1 minute // Start by adjusting our 'next' row we are already working with drNext.BeginEdit(); int prevTimeEffectiveFrom = drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom; drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom = (moveForwards) ? prevTimeEffectiveFrom + timeOffset : prevTimeEffectiveFrom - timeOffset; timeOffset = (moveForwards) ? timeOffset + 60 : timeOffset - 60; drNext.EndEdit(); i++; // we can increment our main loop counter now that we have dealt with our 'next' row. // Modify all the rows in the usage table that refer to the previous time OnModifyEffectiveTime(WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRateUsage, drNext.FromCurrencyCode, drNext.ToCurrencyCode, drNext.DateEffectiveFrom, prevTimeEffectiveFrom, drNext.TimeEffectiveFrom, drNext.RateOfExchange); // Now look ahead even further than the 'next' row and modify those times too, adding 1 more minute to each for (int k = i + 2;; k++) { ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow drLookAhead = (ExchangeRateTDSADailyExchangeRateRow)dv[k].Row; if (!drThis.FromCurrencyCode.Equals(drLookAhead.FromCurrencyCode) || !drThis.ToCurrencyCode.Equals(drLookAhead.ToCurrencyCode) || !drThis.DateEffectiveFrom.Equals(drLookAhead.DateEffectiveFrom) || !drThis.TimeEffectiveFrom.Equals(drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom)) { // No more rows match our potential primary key conflict on the 'current' row. break; } // Do exactly the same to this row as we did to the 'next' row above drLookAhead.BeginEdit(); prevTimeEffectiveFrom = drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom; drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom = (moveForwards) ? prevTimeEffectiveFrom + timeOffset : prevTimeEffectiveFrom - timeOffset; timeOffset = (moveForwards) ? timeOffset + 60 : timeOffset - 60; drLookAhead.EndEdit(); i++; OnModifyEffectiveTime(WorkingDS.ADailyExchangeRateUsage, drLookAhead.FromCurrencyCode, drLookAhead.ToCurrencyCode, drLookAhead.DateEffectiveFrom, prevTimeEffectiveFrom, drLookAhead.TimeEffectiveFrom, drLookAhead.RateOfExchange); } } // check the next row in the table so that it becomes the 'current' row. WorkingDS.EnforceConstraints = true; // Load the Corporate exchange rate table using the usual method ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.LoadAll(WorkingDS, Transaction); }); // Accept row changes here so that the Client gets 'unmodified' rows WorkingDS.AcceptChanges(); return(WorkingDS); }