public JsonResult Signout([FromBody] PostSignoutRequest request) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]Got logout request from {HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4()}:{HttpContext.Connection.RemotePort} with user {request.username}."); // Check if user exists. var users = from u in db.Users where u.Email == request.username select u; if (users.Count() != 1) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]Request user is not exists."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.InvalidUsername()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } // Cooldown check. var user = users.First(); var time = TimeWorker.GetTimeStamp10(); var cooldowns = from c in db.Cooldown where c.Uid == user.Id select c; if (cooldowns.Count() != 1) { db.Cooldown.Add(new Cooldown() { Uid = user.Id, TryTimes = 0, LastTryTime = time, LastLoginTime = user.CreateTime, CooldownLevel = 0, CooldownTime = time }); db.SaveChanges(); } cooldowns = from c in db.Cooldown where c.Uid == user.Id select c; var cooldown = cooldowns.First(); if (Convert.ToDecimal(cooldown.CooldownTime) > Convert.ToDecimal(time)) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {request.username} already in cooldown."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.TooManyTryTimes()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } else { if (cooldown.TryTimes >= Program.SecurityLoginTryTimes) { cooldown.CooldownLevel++; cooldown.CooldownTime = time + cooldown.CooldownLevel * cooldown.CooldownLevel * 5 * 60; db.SaveChanges(); log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {request.username} got into cooldown."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.TooManyTryTimes()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } cooldown.LastTryTime = time; cooldown.TryTimes++; db.SaveChanges(); } // Password check. var salt = user.CreateTime; var passwordHashed = HashWorker.HashPassword(request.password, salt); if (user.Password != passwordHashed) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]IP address {HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress}:{HttpContext.Connection.RemotePort} try to login with user {request.username} but wrong password."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.InvalidPassword()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } // Update cooldown. cooldown.LastLoginTime = time; cooldown.TryTimes = 0; db.SaveChanges(); log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]Cooldown of user {user.Username} has reseted."); return(new JsonResult(null) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NoContent }); }
public JsonResult Authenticate([FromBody] PostAuthrnticateRequest request) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]Got login request from {HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4()}:{HttpContext.Connection.RemotePort} with user {request.username}."); // Check if user exists. var users = from u in db.Users where u.Email == request.username select u; if (users.Count() != 1) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]Request user is not exists."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.InvalidUsername()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } // Cooldown check. var user = users.First(); var time = TimeWorker.GetTimeStamp10(); var cooldowns = from c in db.Cooldown where c.Uid == user.Id select c; if (cooldowns.Count() != 1) { db.Cooldown.Add(new Cooldown() { Uid = user.Id, TryTimes = 0, LastTryTime = time, LastLoginTime = user.CreateTime, CooldownLevel = 0, CooldownTime = time }); db.SaveChanges(); } cooldowns = from c in db.Cooldown where c.Uid == user.Id select c; var cooldown = cooldowns.First(); if (Convert.ToDecimal(cooldown.CooldownTime) > Convert.ToDecimal(time)) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {user.Username} already in cooldown."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.TooManyTryTimes()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } else { if (cooldown.TryTimes >= Program.SecurityLoginTryTimes) { cooldown.CooldownLevel++; cooldown.CooldownTime = time + cooldown.CooldownLevel * cooldown.CooldownLevel * 5 * 60; db.SaveChanges(); log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {user.Username} got into cooldown."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.TooManyTryTimes()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } cooldown.LastTryTime = time; cooldown.TryTimes++; db.SaveChanges(); } // Password check. var salt = user.CreateTime; var passwordHashed = HashWorker.HashPassword(request.password, salt); if (user.Password != passwordHashed) { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]IP address {HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress}:{HttpContext.Connection.RemotePort} try to login with user {request.username} but wrong password."); return(new JsonResult(ExceptionWorker.InvalidPassword()) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }); } // Update cooldown. cooldown.LastLoginTime = time; cooldown.TryTimes = 0; db.SaveChanges(); log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]Cooldown of user {request.username} has reseted."); // Hand token out and select profile. var accessToken = UuidWorker.GetUuid(); var clientToken = string.Empty; if (request.clientToken != null) { clientToken = request.clientToken; } else { clientToken = UuidWorker.GetUuid(); } Tokens token = new Tokens() { AccessToken = accessToken, ClientToken = clientToken, CreateTime = time, Status = 2 }; PostAuthrnticateResponse response = new PostAuthrnticateResponse(); var profiles = from p in db.Profiles where p.Uid == user.Id select p; List <Profile> availableProfiles = new List <Profile>(); foreach (var p in profiles) { var playerProfile = new Profile(); = p.Uuid; = p.Name; if (profiles.Count() > 1) { if (p.IsSelected == 1) { response.selectedProfile = playerProfile; token.BindProfileId = p.Id; log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {request.username} has logged and binded profile {}."); } } else if (profiles.Count() == 1) { response.selectedProfile = playerProfile; token.BindProfileId = p.Id; p.IsSelected = 1; log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {request.username} has logged and binded profile {}."); } else { log.Info($"[ID: {HttpContext.Connection.Id}]User {request.username} has logged but not bind any profile."); } availableProfiles.Add(playerProfile); } var tokens = from t in db.Tokens where t.BindProfileId == token.BindProfileId select t; foreach (var t in tokens) { t.Status = 1; } db.Tokens.Add(token); db.SaveChanges(); // Build response response.accessToken = accessToken; response.clientToken = clientToken; var availableProfilesFinal = availableProfiles.ToArray(); response.availableProfiles = availableProfilesFinal; if (request.requestUser) { var properties = new Properties() { name = "preferredLanguage", value = user.PreferredLanguage }; response.user = new User() { id = user.Username, properties = new Properties[] { properties } }; } return(new JsonResult(response)); }