コード例 #1
        //future refactor here with other methods?
        public static void ShowErrorWindow(string header, string message)
            ExceptionPanel panel = UIView.library.ShowModal <ExceptionPanel>("ExceptionPanel");

            panel.SetMessage(header, message, false);
            panel.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>().spriteName = "IconError";
コード例 #2
        public string[] DumpNetworks(bool endPopup = true)
                string networkName_init = sim.m_editPrefabInfo.name;
                var source = material.GetTexture("_MainTex") as Texture2D;
                var target = new Texture2D(source.width, source.height, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, true);
                target.anisoLevel = source.anisoLevel; target.filterMode = source.filterMode;
                target.wrapMode   = source.wrapMode; target.Apply();
                UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <NetProperties>().m_downwardDiffuse = target;

                bool      flippingTextures = NetDumpPanel.instance.GetIfFlippedTextures;
                Texture2D aprsource        = aprmaterial.GetTexture("_APRMap") as Texture2D;

                if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetDumpMeshOnly && NetDumpPanel.instance.GetDumpDiffuseOnly)
                    DumpTexture2D(FlipTexture(target, false, flippingTextures), diffuseTexturePath);
                    DumpMeshToOBJ(roadMesh, meshPath, loadedPrefab);
                    DumpMeshToOBJ(roadMeshLod, lodMeshPath, loadedPrefab);
                else if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetDumpDiffuseOnly)
                    DumpTexture2D(FlipTexture(target, false, flippingTextures), diffuseTexturePath);
                else if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetDumpMeshOnly)
                    DumpMeshToOBJ(roadMesh, meshPath, loadedPrefab);
                    DumpMeshToOBJ(roadMeshLod, lodMeshPath, loadedPrefab);
                    DumpTexture2D(FlipTexture(target, false, flippingTextures), diffuseTexturePath);
                    DumpAPR(filename, FlipTexture(aprsource, false, flippingTextures), aFilePath, pFilePath, rFilePath, true);
                    //dump meshes
                    DumpMeshToOBJ(roadMesh, meshPath, loadedPrefab);
                    DumpMeshToOBJ(roadMeshLod, lodMeshPath, loadedPrefab);
                    DumpAPR(filename, FlipTexture(aprsource, false, flippingTextures), aFilePath, pFilePath, rFilePath, true);
                //for workshop roads display disclaimer!
                //also add log for apr textures!
                if (!NetDumpPanel.instance.roadexportnames.Contains(filename))
                    NetDumpPanel.instance.roadexportnames.Add(filename + "_node");
                //make sure to clear for each button?

                ExceptionPanel panel = UIView.library.ShowModal <ExceptionPanel>("ExceptionPanel");

                string[] combinedPaths = { diffuseTexturePath, meshPath, lodMeshPath, aFilePath, pFilePath, rFilePath };
                exportedFilePaths = "";

                if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetDumpMeshOnly)
                    exportedFilePaths = "Mesh Dump Only\n" + meshPath + "\n" + lodMeshPath;
                    filesExported    += 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < combinedPaths.Length; i++)
                        if (File.Exists(combinedPaths[i]))
                            exportedFilePaths += "\n" + combinedPaths[i];
                            filesExported     += 1;

                if (endPopup == true)
                    panel.SetMessage("Network Dump Successful", "Network Name: " + networkName + "\n\nDumped Items:\n" + exportedFilePaths, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (endPopup == true)
                    ExceptionPanel panel = UIView.library.ShowModal <ExceptionPanel>("ExceptionPanel");
                    panel.SetMessage("Network Dump Failed", "" + e, false);
                    panel.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>().spriteName = "IconError";
                    filesExported = 0;
                    bulkErrorText = e.ToString();

            var lodFilepathPart = diffuseTexturePath.Substring(0, diffuseTexturePath.LastIndexOf("_"));

            string[] returnArray = { filesExported.ToString(), exportedFilePaths, lodFilepathPart };

            if (NetDumpPanel.instance.autoExportLodImages.isChecked)
                Debug.Log("Dump with LOD pngs Checked!");
                LodImageGenerator lodgen = new LodImageGenerator();

コード例 #3
        public void GenerateLodImages(string filepath)
            Texture2D texture1;

            string[] textureFileExtensions = { "_d.png", "_a.png", "_p.png", "_r.png" };

                DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "filename: " + filepath);
                if (filepath == "")
                    if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetCustomFilePrefix() != "")
                        string importFolder = Path.Combine(DataLocation.addonsPath, "Import");
                        filepath = Path.Combine(importFolder, NetDumpPanel.instance.GetCustomFilePrefix());
                        throw new System.Exception("No File Path Found! \nDump a network first or put a custom filename in the custom file prefix field\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < textureFileExtensions.Length; i++)
                    if (File.Exists(filepath + textureFileExtensions[i]))
                        texture1 = new Texture2D(1, 1);
                        texture1.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(filepath + textureFileExtensions[i]));
                        texture1.anisoLevel = 16;
                        TextureScaler.scale(texture1, 64, 64);
                        //turn off if elevated?
                        if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetNetEleIndex == 0)
                            texture1 = FlipTexture(texture1, false);
                            DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "flipped texture1!");
                        string fileExt     = "_lod" + textureFileExtensions[i];
                        string lodFilepath = filepath + fileExt;

                        DumpTexture2D(texture1, lodFilepath);
                        filePathsLog += lodFilepath + "\n";
                        NetDumpPanel.instance.dumpedFiles += lodFilepath + "\n";
                    { //make this try/catch?
                        Debug.Log(textureFileExtensions[i] + " failed");

                if (NetDumpPanel.instance.GetNetEleIndex != 0)
                    //bit of hack since for some reason uv maps are often completely different on lod meshes than main mesh on some vanilla elevations - ok since elevated sections are not used that much on a map anyway for custom roads. - do properly later maybe?
                    File.Copy(filepath + ".obj", filepath + "_lod.obj", true);

                ExceptionPanel panel = UIView.library.ShowModal <ExceptionPanel>("ExceptionPanel");
                panel.SetMessage("LOD File Generation Successful", "Files Exported:\n" + filePathsLog, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionPanel panel = UIView.library.ShowModal <ExceptionPanel>("ExceptionPanel");
                panel.SetMessage("LOD File Generation Failed", "" + e, false);
                panel.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>().spriteName = "IconError";