private void sheetComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExcelBibliographicReader read = new ExcelBibliographicReader(); try { // Make sure there is a filename and a sheet name if ((fileTextBox.Text.Length > 0) && (sheetComboBox.SelectedIndex >= 0)) { read.Sheet = sheetComboBox.Text; read.Filename = fileTextBox.Text; // Try reading data from the selected Excel Worksheet if (!read.Check_Source()) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to read the source sheet "); fileTextBox.Text = String.Empty; filename = String.Empty; sheetComboBox.Items.Clear(); sheetComboBox.Text = String.Empty; sheetComboBox.Hide(); sheetLabel.Hide(); executeButton.Button_Enabled = false; } else { rawDataTbl = read.excelData; columnname_to_input.Clear(); foreach (DataColumn thisColumn in rawDataTbl.Columns) { columnname_to_input[thisColumn.ColumnName.ToUpper().Trim()] = thisColumn.ColumnName.Trim(); thisColumn.ColumnName = thisColumn.ColumnName.ToUpper().Trim().Replace(" ", ""); } if (!Transform_Data()) { fileTextBox.Text = String.Empty; filename = String.Empty; sheetComboBox.Items.Clear(); sheetComboBox.Text = String.Empty; sheetComboBox.Hide(); sheetLabel.Hide(); executeButton.Button_Enabled = false; } else { // Check to see if multiple bibids loaded string check_bib = transformedDataTbl.Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper(); bool multiple_bibs_in_table = transformedDataTbl.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Any(thisRow => thisRow[0].ToString().ToUpper() != check_bib); btnShowData.Location = new Point(239, 66); btnShowData.Show(); if ((bibidLabel.Visible) || (multiple_bibs_in_table)) { executeButton.Button_Enabled = true; } } } // Close the reader read.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unexpected Error", ex); fileTextBox.Text = String.Empty; filename = String.Empty; sheetComboBox.Items.Clear(); sheetComboBox.Text = String.Empty; sheetComboBox.Hide(); sheetLabel.Hide(); executeButton.Button_Enabled = false; } finally { // Close the reader read.Close(); } }
private void sheetComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExcelBibliographicReader read = new ExcelBibliographicReader(); try { // Make sure there is a filename and a sheet name if ((fileTextBox.Text.Length > 0) && (sheetComboBox.SelectedIndex >= 0)) { // reset the status label labelStatus.Text = ""; read.Sheet = sheetComboBox.Text; read.Filename = fileTextBox.Text; // Declare constant fields Constant_Fields constants = new Constant_Fields(); columnNamePanel.Controls.Clear(); column_map_inputs.Clear(); pnlConstants.Controls.Clear(); constant_map_inputs.Clear(); columnNamePanel.Enabled = true; pnlConstants.Enabled = true; // Display an hourglass cursor: this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Try reading data from the selected Excel Worksheet bool readFlag = true; while (readFlag) { try { if (!read.Check_Source()) { ResetFormControls(); return; } else { readFlag = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { DLC.Tools.Forms.ErrorMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unexpected Error", ex); } } // change cursor back to default this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.excelDataTbl = read.excelData; if (read.excelData.Rows.Count > 0 || read.excelData.Columns.Count > 0) { int column_counter = 1; foreach (DataColumn thisColumn in excelDataTbl.Columns) { // Create the column mapping custom control Column_Assignment_Control thisColControl = new Column_Assignment_Control(); // Get the column name string thisColumnName = thisColumn.ColumnName; thisColControl.Column_Name = thisColumnName; if (thisColumnName == "F" + column_counter) { thisColControl.Empty = true; } thisColControl.Location = new Point(10, 10 + ((column_counter - 1) * 30)); this.columnNamePanel.Controls.Add(thisColControl); this.column_map_inputs.Add(thisColControl); // Select value in list control that matches to a Column Name thisColControl.Select_List_Item(thisColumnName); // Increment for the next column column_counter++; } // Create the constants mapping custom control // Add eight constant user controls to panel for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { Constant_Assignment_Control thisConstantCtrl = new Constant_Assignment_Control(); thisConstantCtrl.Location = new Point(10, 10 + ((i - 1) * 30)); this.pnlConstants.Controls.Add(thisConstantCtrl); this.constant_map_inputs.Add(thisConstantCtrl); } // set some of the constant columns to required tracking fields constant_map_inputs[0].Mapped_Name = "Material Type"; constant_map_inputs[1].Mapped_Name = "Aggregation Code"; constant_map_inputs[2].Mapped_Name = "Visibility"; constant_map_inputs[3].Mapped_Name = "Tickler"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileTextBox.Text); constant_map_inputs[3].Mapped_Constant = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, ""); // Move to STEP 3 show_step_3(); if (column_map_inputs.Count > 0) { // Move to STEP 4 show_step_4(); } } // Close the reader read.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { DLC.Tools.Forms.ErrorMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unexpected Error", ex); } finally { // change cursor back to default this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; // Close the reader read.Close(); } }
private void sheetComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExcelBibliographicReader read = new ExcelBibliographicReader(); try { // Make sure there is a filename and a sheet name if ((fileTextBox.Text.Length > 0) && (sheetComboBox.SelectedIndex >= 0)) { // reset the status label labelStatus.Text = ""; read.Sheet = sheetComboBox.Text; read.Filename = fileTextBox.Text; // Declare constant fields Constant_Fields constants = new Constant_Fields(); columnNamePanel.Controls.Clear(); column_map_inputs.Clear(); pnlConstants.Controls.Clear(); constant_map_inputs.Clear(); columnNamePanel.Enabled = true; pnlConstants.Enabled = true; // Display an hourglass cursor: this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Try reading data from the selected Excel Worksheet bool readFlag = true; while (readFlag) { try { if (!read.Check_Source()) { ResetFormControls(); return; } else { readFlag = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { DLC.Tools.Forms.ErrorMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unexpected Error", ex); } } // change cursor back to default this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.excelDataTbl = read.excelData; if (read.excelData.Rows.Count > 0 || read.excelData.Columns.Count > 0) { int column_counter = 1; foreach (DataColumn thisColumn in excelDataTbl.Columns) { // Create the column mapping custom control Column_Assignment_Control thisColControl = new Column_Assignment_Control(); // Get the column name string thisColumnName = thisColumn.ColumnName; thisColControl.Column_Name = thisColumnName; if (thisColumnName == "F" + column_counter) { thisColControl.Empty = true; } thisColControl.Location = new Point(10, 10 + ((column_counter - 1) * 30)); this.columnNamePanel.Controls.Add(thisColControl); this.column_map_inputs.Add(thisColControl); // Select value in list control that matches to a Column Name thisColControl.Select_List_Item(thisColumnName); // Increment for the next column column_counter++; } // Create the constants mapping custom control // Add eight constant user controls to panel for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { Constant_Assignment_Control thisConstantCtrl = new Constant_Assignment_Control(); thisConstantCtrl.Location = new Point(10, 10 + ((i - 1) * 30)); this.pnlConstants.Controls.Add(thisConstantCtrl); this.constant_map_inputs.Add(thisConstantCtrl); } // set some of the constant columns to required tracking fields constant_map_inputs[0].Mapped_Name = "Material Type"; constant_map_inputs[1].Mapped_Name = "Aggregation Code"; constant_map_inputs[2].Mapped_Name = "Visibility"; constant_map_inputs[3].Mapped_Name = "Tickler"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileTextBox.Text); constant_map_inputs[3].Mapped_Constant = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension,""); // Move to STEP 3 show_step_3(); if (column_map_inputs.Count > 0) // Move to STEP 4 show_step_4(); } // Close the reader read.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { DLC.Tools.Forms.ErrorMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unexpected Error", ex); } finally { // change cursor back to default this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; // Close the reader read.Close(); } }