コード例 #1
        private static FPCoreAST.FPCore convertToFPCore(
            Group g,
            Fingerprint fingerprint,
            Dictionary<Source, ExpressionTools.EData> edatas,
            Depends.DAG graph,
            PreList prelist)
            // get invocations for this function
            var f_invocations = g.Functions[fingerprint];
            var invocation = f_invocations.First();
            var faddr = invocation.First().Tail;

            // get bindings for this invocation
            var bindings = new Dictionary<Tuple<AST.Address,bool,bool>, string>();
            foreach (var vectref in invocation)
                var ref_resultant = ExceLint.Vector.RelativeVector(vectref.Head, vectref.Tail, graph);

                // not every vector gets a variable (e.g., references to functions)
                if (g.Variables[fingerprint].ContainsKey(ref_resultant))
                    var variable = g.Variables[fingerprint][ref_resultant];
                    var key = AddrToBindingKey(vectref.Head);
                    if (!bindings.ContainsKey(key))
                        bindings.Add(key, variable);

            return XL2FPCore.FormulaToFPCore(edatas[faddr].Expression, prelist, bindings, g.Provenance[fingerprint].ToArray());
コード例 #2
        public static string[] extractAll(Depends.DAG graph, Dictionary<AST.Address, string> formulas, List<ProblemReport> pr)
            // init MemoDB
            var mdbo = MemoDBOpt.Some(new MemoDBO());

            // group formulas by 'function'
            var g = groupFunctions(graph, formulas);

            // allocate return array
            var fpcores = new List<string>();

            // produce a string for each fingerprinted 'function'
            foreach (var fkvp in g.Functions)
                Fingerprint fingerprint = fkvp.Key; // the fingerprint that characterizes the 'function'
                var invocations = fkvp.Value;       // invocations of this function

                Dictionary<Source, ExpressionTools.EData> edatas = null;
                    // inline all formulas and index by invoking cell address
                    edatas = invocations.Select(references => {
                        var faddr = references[0].Tail;
                        return new Tuple<Source, ExpressionTools.EData>(faddr, inlineExpression(faddr, graph, mdbo));
                    }).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Item1, kvp => kvp.Item2);
                } catch (Exception)
                    // TODO: fix occasional out-of-bounds error for invocations_for_addr[0]
                    pr.Add(new NoReferencesForInvocation(fingerprint, graph.getWorkbookName()));

                PreList prelist = null;
                    // generate prelist
                    prelist = makePreList(g, fingerprint, edatas, graph);
                } catch (Exception)
                    // sometimes aliasing bugs pop up; if that happens, move on
                    pr.Add(new AliasingDetected(fingerprint, graph.getWorkbookName()));

                // convert an arbitrary instance of this 'function'
                    var fpcore = convertToFPCore(g, fingerprint, edatas, graph, prelist);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // we can't convert everything; give up
                    pr.Add(new CannotConvertExpression(fingerprint, graph.getWorkbookName(), e.Message));

            return fpcores.ToArray();
コード例 #3
        public void NormalizedFullCVectorResultantTest()
            // tests resultant normalization
            var dag        = DAGWithMultipleFormulasAndConstants();
            var wbname     = dag.getWorkbookName();
            var wsname     = dag.getWorksheetNames()[0];
            var path       = dag.getWorkbookDirectory();
            var formula_b1 = AST.Address.fromA1withMode(1, "B", AST.AddressMode.Relative, AST.AddressMode.Relative, wsname, wbname, path);
            var formula_b2 = AST.Address.fromA1withMode(2, "B", AST.AddressMode.Relative, AST.AddressMode.Relative, wsname, wbname, path);
            var formula_b3 = AST.Address.fromA1withMode(3, "B", AST.AddressMode.Relative, AST.AddressMode.Relative, wsname, wbname, path);
            var formula_b4 = AST.Address.fromA1withMode(4, "B", AST.AddressMode.Relative, AST.AddressMode.Relative, wsname, wbname, path);

            var resultant_b1          = (Resultant)ExceLint.Vector.ShallowInputVectorMixedFullCVectorResultantNotOSI.run(formula_b1, dag);
            var resultant_b1_shouldbe = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(2, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 3);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultant_b1_shouldbe, resultant_b1);

            var resultant_b2          = (Resultant)ExceLint.Vector.ShallowInputVectorMixedFullCVectorResultantNotOSI.run(formula_b2, dag);
            var resultant_b2_shouldbe = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(2, 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultant_b2_shouldbe, resultant_b2);

            var resultant_b3          = (Resultant)ExceLint.Vector.ShallowInputVectorMixedFullCVectorResultantNotOSI.run(formula_b3, dag);
            var resultant_b3_shouldbe = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(2, 3, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultant_b3_shouldbe, resultant_b3);

            var resultant_b4          = (Resultant)ExceLint.Vector.ShallowInputVectorMixedFullCVectorResultantNotOSI.run(formula_b4, dag);
            var resultant_b4_shouldbe = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(2, 4, 0, -2, -3, 0, 8);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultant_b4_shouldbe, resultant_b4);

            Resultant[]          rs                     = { resultant_b1, resultant_b2, resultant_b3, resultant_b4 };
            ExceLint.Countable[] rs_normalized          = ExceLint.Countable.Normalize(rs);
            ExceLint.Countable   rs_normalized_b1       = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.375);
            ExceLint.Countable   rs_normalized_b2       = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(0, 1.0 / 3.0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.125);
            ExceLint.Countable   rs_normalized_b3       = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(0, 2.0 / 3.0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            ExceLint.Countable   rs_normalized_b4       = Resultant.NewFullCVectorResultant(0, 1, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            ExceLint.Countable[] rs_normalized_shouldbe = { rs_normalized_b1, rs_normalized_b2, rs_normalized_b3, rs_normalized_b4 };

            Assert.AreEqual(rs_normalized[0], rs_normalized_b1);
            Assert.AreEqual(rs_normalized[1], rs_normalized_b2);
            Assert.AreEqual(rs_normalized[2], rs_normalized_b3);
            Assert.AreEqual(rs_normalized[3], rs_normalized_b4);
コード例 #4
        private static PreList makePreList(Group g, Fingerprint fingerprint, Dictionary<Source, ExpressionTools.EData> edatas, Depends.DAG graph)
            // produce prelist
            var prelist = new PreList();
            foreach (var f_invocations in g.Functions[fingerprint])
                var bindings = new Dictionary<string, double>();
                foreach (var vectref in f_invocations)
                    var ref_resultant = ExceLint.Vector.RelativeVector(vectref.Head, vectref.Tail, graph);

                    // not every vector gets a variable (e.g., vectors that point to functions);
                    // if so, move on
                    if (g.Variables[fingerprint].ContainsKey(ref_resultant))
                        var variable = g.Variables[fingerprint][ref_resultant];

                        // only bind values to variables if a reference refers
                        // to data, not a formula
                        if (edatas[vectref.Tail].Data.ContainsKey(vectref.Head))
                            var value = edatas[vectref.Tail].Data[vectref.Head];

                            // have we already bound a variable to this value?
                            if (bindings.ContainsKey(variable))
                                // it had better be the same value, dude
                                if (bindings[variable] != value)
                                    throw new Exception("Same reference bound to different value!");
                                } else

                            bindings.Add(variable, value);
            return prelist;
コード例 #5
 public CannotConvertExpression(Fingerprint f, string worksheet, string exception_message)
     _f = f;
     _w = worksheet;
     _em = exception_message;
コード例 #6
 public AliasingDetected(Fingerprint f, string worksheet)
     _f = f;
     _w = worksheet;
コード例 #7
 public NoReferencesForInvocation(Fingerprint f, string worksheet)
     _f = f;
     _w = worksheet;