public static void Main() { Type tutorialClass = null; //********** UNCOMMENT AND EDIT THIS LINE TO RUN A PARTICULAR TUTORIAL DIRECTLY ************* //tutorialClass = typeof(MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Tutorials.FirstExample); if (tutorialClass != null) { // Run the specified tutorial RunTutorial(tutorialClass); } else { // Show all tutorials, in a browser IAlgorithm[] algs = InferenceEngine.GetBuiltInAlgorithms(); // Avoid max product in the examples browser, as none of the examples apply. List<IAlgorithm> algList = new List<IAlgorithm>(algs); algList.RemoveAll(alg => alg is MaxProductBeliefPropagation); ExamplesViewer tview = new ExamplesViewer(typeof(RunMe), algList.ToArray()); tview.Run(); } }
public static void Main() { Type tutorialClass = null; //********** UNCOMMENT AND EDIT THIS LINE TO RUN A PARTICULAR TUTORIAL DIRECTLY ************* //tutorialClass = typeof(MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Tutorials.FirstExample); if (tutorialClass != null) { // Run the specified tutorial RunTutorial(tutorialClass); } else { // Show all tutorials, in a browser IAlgorithm[] algs = InferenceEngine.GetBuiltInAlgorithms(); // Avoid max product in the examples browser, as none of the examples apply. List <IAlgorithm> algList = new List <IAlgorithm>(algs); algList.RemoveAll(alg => alg is MaxProductBeliefPropagation); ExamplesViewer tview = new ExamplesViewer(typeof(RunMe), algList.ToArray()); tview.Run(); } }