コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This Repeater "Web Part" is given the ViewBag (since it's normally not available on child actions) and configures itself from this.
        /// This allows for easy calling and adjustment to this "Web Parts" Logic without really needing adjustments on the calling Views, but
        /// is very much tied into the source (ex: Kentico).  It would be hard to flip this with Kentico Cloud if you wished to use that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ViewBag">The ViewBag which will have the Document, Culture, and Site Context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult NavigationByContext(dynamic ViewBag)
            // Build the actual Partial View's model from the data provided by the parent View
            ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs Model = new ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs();
            var subNavs = new List <SubNav>();

            // Get the Sub Nav Items
            foreach (ITreeNode Node in DocumentQueryHelper.RepeaterQuery(
                         Path: ViewBag.CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath + "/%",
                         CultureCode: ((CultureInfo)ViewBag.CurrentCulture).CultureCode,
                         SiteName: ((ISiteInfo)ViewBag.CurrentSite).SiteName,
                         ClassNames: "CMS.MenuItem",
                         OrderBy: "NodeLevel, NodeOrder",
                         Columns: "MenuItemName,NodeAliasPath"
                subNavs.Add(new SubNav()
                    LinkText = Node.GetValue("MenuItemName").ToString(),
                    // You have to decide what your URL will be, for us our URLs = NodeAliasPath
                    LinkUrl = Node.NodeAliasPath

            Model.SubNavigation = subNavs;
            return(View("Navigation", Model));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This Repeater "Webpart" Relies on just a path that would be provided through the View's context.  Does not rely on passing
        /// the ViewBag like the NavigationByContext, but does then require the calling View to provide the properties, and if ever more
        /// properties are needed, would need to adjust both Controller and View alike.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult NavigationByPath(string Path, string Culture, string SiteName)
            // Build the actual Partial View's model from the data provided by the parent View
            ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs Model   = new ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs();
            List <SubNav>             SubNavs = new List <SubNav>();

            // Get the Sub Nav Items
            foreach (TreeNode Node in DocumentQueryHelper.RepeaterQuery(
                         Path: Path + "/%",
                         CultureCode: Culture,
                         SiteName: SiteName,
                         ClassNames: "CMS.MenuItem",
                         OrderBy: "NodeLevel, NodeOrder",
                         Columns: "MenuItemName,NodeAliasPath"
                Model.SubNavigation.Add(new SubNav()
                    LinkText = Node.GetValue("MenuItemName", ""),
                    // You have to decide what your URL will be, for us our URLs = NodeAliasPath
                    LinkUrl = Node.NodeAliasPath
            return(View("Navigation", Model));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This Repeater "Webpart" Relies on just a path that would be provided through the View's context.  Does not rely on passing
        /// the ViewBag like the NavigationByContext, but does then require the calling View to provide the properties, and if ever more
        /// properties are needed, would need to adjust both Controller and View alike.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult NavigationByPath(string Path, string Culture, string SiteName)
            // Build the actual Partial View's model from the data provided by the parent View
            ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs Model = new ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs();

            // Get the Sub Nav Items from the ExampleService
            Model.SubNavigation = _exampleService.GetSubNavFromAliasPath(Path, CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(Culture));
            return(View("Navigation", Model));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This Repeater "Web Part" relies completely on being passed the proper Model which is platform agnostic, so you could
        /// provide a List of SubNavs generated from Kentico, Kentico Cloud, or some other source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SubNavs">The Sub Nav List (Passed from the View's Model)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult NavigationByModel(IEnumerable <SubNav> SubNavs)
            // Build the actual Partial View's model from the data provided by the parent View
            ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs Model = new ExampleMVCWebPartsSubNavs()
                SubNavigation = SubNavs

            return(View("Navigation", Model));