コード例 #1
        static void Ex15()
            //this Bank has an Event it's waiting for
            //in order to proceed with the Transfer.

            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba1 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 1
            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba2 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 2


            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank bank = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)   //200 concurrent Threads running transfer
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba1, ba2, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba2, ba1, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
コード例 #2
        static void Ex03()
            //This example is equivalent to Ex15 of the Thread examples,
            //but it's faster because it does not spawn 200 new Threads
            //and it uses the ThreadPool instead.

            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba1 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 1
            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba2 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 2


            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank bank = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)   //200 concurrent Threads running transfer
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba1, ba2, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba2, ba1, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
コード例 #3
        static void Ex17()
            //In this scenario we want to wait for all Thread to finish
            //before we continue.
            //Another thing we could do is to create just one event
            //and set it when a counter reaches 200.
            //BUT we have to increase the same counter on 200 different threads,
            //meaning that we have to do it in a thread safe manner.

            AutoResetEvent doneEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba1 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 1
            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba2 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 2


            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank bank = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank();
            int counter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)   //200 concurrent Threads running transfer
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba1, ba2, 50);
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
                    if (counter == 200)
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba2, ba1, 50);
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
                    if (counter == 200)
コード例 #4
        static void Ex16()
            //In this scenario we want to wait for all Thread to finish
            //before we continue.
            //We could create 200 AutoResetEvents, put them in an Array,
            //signal each one of them from a Thread
            //and use EventWaitHandle.WaitAll,
            //but they would be too many.

            AutoResetEvent[] events = Enumerable.Repeat(new AutoResetEvent(false), 200).ToArray();

            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba1 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 1
            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba2 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 2


            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank bank = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)   //200 concurrent Threads running transfer
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba1, ba2, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba2, ba1, 50);
                    events[i + 100].Set();
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
コード例 #5
        static void Ex18()
            //In this scenario we want to wait for all Thread to finish
            //before we continue.
            //Another thing we could do is to use a CountdownEvent.

            CountdownEvent doneEvent = new CountdownEvent(200);

            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba1 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 1
            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount ba2 = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.BankAccount()
                Id = 2


            ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank bank = new ExampleLibrary.BankScenario.EventWaitHandles.Bank();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)   //200 concurrent Threads running transfer
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba1, ba2, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
                new Thread(() => {
                    bank.Transfer(ba2, ba1, 50);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ba1.Id} == {ba1.Saldo}\t{ba2.Id} == {ba2.Saldo}");
            doneEvent.Wait(); //waiting for it to reach 0