コード例 #1
        protected void Button_Upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     id   = DropDownList_ExamBoards.SelectedValue;
            Exam_Board eb1  = new Exam_Board(new Guid(id));
            string     s1   = DropDownList_data.SelectedValue;
            ExamOption exo1 = new ExamOption();
            ExamFiles  ef1  = new ExamFiles();

            exo1.Load(s1, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString(), eb1.m_LegacyExamBdId);
            if (!exo1.m_valid)
                ExamOption exo2 = ef1.Find_Option(s1, eb1, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString());
                if (exo2 != null)
                    //Label_Result.Text = "Successfully uploaded " + exo.m_OptionCode + " : " + exo.m_OptionTitle + " to Cerval";
                    //DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    //ListItem l = DropDownList1.SelectedItem;
                    //Label_Result.Text = "Failed to upload " + exo.m_OptionCode + " : " + exo.m_OptionTitle + " to Cerval";
コード例 #2
        private void SetUpForReatkes()
            List <ExamOption> list1 = new List <ExamOption>();
            int             no_new = 0; int no_found = 0; string Errors = "The following Options seem not to be offered this summer:  ";
            ExamOption_List exoL1 = new ExamOption_List();
            ExamFiles       ef1   = new ExamFiles();
            ExamOption      exo1  = new ExamOption();

            //load results for last JUNE sitting now.

            exoL1.Load((YearCode - 1).ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());

            foreach (ExamOption exo in exoL1.m_list)
                Exam_Board eb1 = new Exam_Board(exo.m_ExamBoardID);
                exo1.Load(exo.m_OptionCode, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString(), eb1.m_LegacyExamBdId);
                if (exo1.m_valid)
                    if (!exo.NeedsTeacherMarks())
                        ExamOption exo2 = ef1.Find_Option(exo.m_OptionCode, eb1, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString());
                        if (exo2 != null)
                            Errors += exo.m_OptionCode + ",  ";
                        list1.Add(exo);  //list has those needing teacher marks
            Label_Result.Text = "We made  " + no_new.ToString() + " new options and found already " + no_found.ToString();
            Label_Error.Text  = Errors;
            //now need to offer those with coursework...
            if (list1.Count > 0)
                DropDownList1.Visible = true; Button_Upload.Visible = true;
                foreach (ExamOption e in list1)
                    ListItem l = new ListItem(e.m_OptionCode + e.m_OptionTitle, e.m_OptionID.ToString());
                LabelDropDown.Text = "The list below are options that require Teacher marks... select and add any you want students to see.";
コード例 #3
        protected void Button_Opt_Find_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //find code...
            string s     = TextBox_FindOption.Text.ToUpper().Trim();
            bool   found = false;

            foreach (ListItem item in ListBox_Options.Items)
                if (item.Text.Substring(0, 6).ToUpper().Trim() == s)
                    item.Selected = true; found = true; TextBox_FindOption.Text = "";
            if (found)
            found = false; ExamOption eo1 = new ExamOption();
            ExamBoardList             ebl1 = new ExamBoardList(); ExamFiles ef1 = new ExamFiles();

            foreach (Exam_Board eb in ebl1._ExamBoardList)
                eo1 = ef1.Find_Option(s, eb, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString());
                if (eo1 != null)
                    found = true; break;
            if (!found)
                TextBox1.Text = "NOT FOUND!!!!"; TextBox1.Visible = true; return;

            ListItem i1 = new ListItem(eo1.m_OptionCode + ":" + eo1.m_OptionTitle, eo1.m_OptionID.ToString());

            foreach (ListItem item in ListBox_Options.Items)
                if (item.Text.Substring(0, 6).ToUpper().Trim() == s)
                    item.Selected = true; found = true; TextBox_FindOption.Text = "";