public override string EvaluateExpressions(string url, string arg, bool bEncrypt, bool includeSession) { EventsRecord rec = null; try { rec = this.GetRecord(); } catch (Exception) { // Do Nothing } if (rec == null && url.IndexOf("{") >= 0) { // Localization. throw new Exception(Page.GetResourceValue("Err:RecDataSrcNotInitialized", "OLR")); } if (includeSession) { return(EvaluateExpressions(url, arg, rec, bEncrypt)); } else { return(EvaluateExpressions(url, arg, rec, bEncrypt, includeSession)); } }
//Audit Trail methods //Evaluates Initialize when->Reading record formulas specified at the data access layer protected virtual void EventsRecord_ReadRecord(Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Apply Initialize->Reading record formula only if validation is successful. EventsRecord EventsRec = (EventsRecord)sender; if (EventsRec != null && !EventsRec.IsReadOnly) { } }
//Evaluates Initialize when->Updating formulas specified at the data access layer protected virtual void EventsRecord_UpdatingRecord(Object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { //Apply Initialize->Updating formula only if validation is successful. EventsRecord EventsRec = (EventsRecord)sender; Validate_Updating(); if (EventsRec != null && !EventsRec.IsReadOnly) { } }
public virtual void LoadData() { // Load the data from the database into the DataSource DatabaseOLR_db%dbo.Events record. // It is better to make changes to functions called by LoadData such as // CreateWhereClause, rather than making changes here. // The RecordUniqueId is set the first time a record is loaded, and is // used during a PostBack to load the record. if (this.RecordUniqueId != null && this.RecordUniqueId.Length > 0) { this.DataSource = EventsTable.GetRecord(this.RecordUniqueId, true); return; } // This is the first time a record is being retrieved from the database. // So create a Where Clause based on the staic Where clause specified // on the Query wizard and the dynamic part specified by the end user // on the search and filter controls (if any). WhereClause wc = this.CreateWhereClause(); // If there is no Where clause, then simply create a new, blank record. if (wc == null || !(wc.RunQuery)) { this.DataSource = new EventsRecord(); return; } // Retrieve the record from the database. It is possible EventsRecord[] recList = EventsTable.GetRecords(wc, null, 0, 2); if (recList.Length == 0) { // There is no data for this Where clause. wc.RunQuery = false; return; } // Set DataSource based on record retrieved from the database. this.DataSource = (EventsRecord)EventsRecord.Copy(recList[0], false); }
/// <summary> /// This is a shared function that can be used to get a EventsRecord record using a where and order by clause. /// </summary> public static EventsRecord GetRecord(BaseFilter join, string where, OrderBy orderBy) { SqlFilter whereFilter = null; if (where != null && where.Trim() != "") { whereFilter = new SqlFilter(where); } ArrayList recList = EventsTable.Instance.GetRecordList(join, whereFilter, null, orderBy, BaseTable.MIN_PAGE_NUMBER, BaseTable.MIN_BATCH_SIZE); EventsRecord rec = null; if (recList.Count > 0) { rec = (EventsRecord)recList[0]; } return(rec); }
public virtual void SetEventId() { string selectedValue = null; // figure out the selectedValue // Set the EventId QuickSelector on the webpage with value from the // DatabaseOLR_db%dbo.RegistrationTypes database record. // this.DataSource is the DatabaseOLR_db%dbo.RegistrationTypes record retrieved from the database. // this.EventId is the ASP:QuickSelector on the webpage. // You can modify this method directly, or replace it with a call to // base.SetEventId(); // and add your own custom code before or after the call to the base function. if (this.DataSource != null && this.DataSource.EventIdSpecified) { // If the EventId is non-NULL, then format the value. // The Format method will return the Display Foreign Key As (DFKA) value selectedValue = this.DataSource.EventId.ToString(); } else { // EventId is NULL in the database, so use the Default Value. // Default Value could also be NULL. if (this.DataSource != null && this.DataSource.IsCreated) { selectedValue = null; } else { selectedValue = RegistrationTypesTable.EventId.DefaultValue; } } // Add the Please Select item. if (selectedValue == null || selectedValue == "") { MiscUtils.ResetSelectedItem(this.EventId, new ListItem(this.Page.GetResourceValue("Txt:PleaseSelect", "OLR"), "--PLEASE_SELECT--")); } // Populate the item(s) to the control this.EventId.SetFieldMaxLength(50); System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <string, object> variables = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object>(); FormulaEvaluator evaluator = new FormulaEvaluator(); if (selectedValue != null && selectedValue.Trim() != "" && !MiscUtils.SetSelectedValue(this.EventId, selectedValue) && !MiscUtils.SetSelectedDisplayText(this.EventId, selectedValue)) { // construct a whereclause to query a record with DatabaseOLR_db%dbo.Events.EventId = selectedValue CompoundFilter filter2 = new CompoundFilter(CompoundFilter.CompoundingOperators.And_Operator, null); WhereClause whereClause2 = new WhereClause(); filter2.AddFilter(new BaseClasses.Data.ColumnValueFilter(EventsTable.EventId, selectedValue, BaseClasses.Data.BaseFilter.ComparisonOperator.EqualsTo, false)); whereClause2.AddFilter(filter2, CompoundFilter.CompoundingOperators.And_Operator); // Execute the query try { EventsRecord[] rc = EventsTable.GetRecords(whereClause2, new OrderBy(false, false), 0, 1); System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <string, object> vars = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object> (); // if find a record, add it to the dropdown and set it as selected item if (rc != null && rc.Length == 1) { EventsRecord itemValue = rc[0]; string cvalue = null; string fvalue = null; if (itemValue.EventIdSpecified) { cvalue = itemValue.EventId.ToString(); } Boolean _isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey = RegistrationTypesTable.Instance.TableDefinition.IsExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey(RegistrationTypesTable.EventId); if (_isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey && RegistrationTypesTable.EventId.IsApplyDisplayAs) { fvalue = RegistrationTypesTable.GetDFKA(itemValue, RegistrationTypesTable.EventId); } if ((!_isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fvalue))) { fvalue = itemValue.Format(EventsTable.EventId); } if (fvalue == null || fvalue.Trim() == "") { fvalue = cvalue; } MiscUtils.ResetSelectedItem(this.EventId, new ListItem(fvalue, cvalue)); } } catch { } } string url = this.ModifyRedirectUrl("../Events/Events-QuickSelector.aspx", "", true); url = this.Page.ModifyRedirectUrl(url, "", true); url += "?Target=" + this.EventId.ClientID + "&Formula=" + (this.Page as BaseApplicationPage).Encrypt("=Events.EventName") + "&IndexField=" + (this.Page as BaseApplicationPage).Encrypt("EventId") + "&EmptyValue=" + (this.Page as BaseApplicationPage).Encrypt("--PLEASE_SELECT--") + "&EmptyDisplayText=" + (this.Page as BaseApplicationPage).Encrypt(this.Page.GetResourceValue("Txt:PleaseSelect")) + "&Mode=" + (this.Page as BaseApplicationPage).Encrypt("FieldValueSingleSelection") + "&RedirectStyle=" + (this.Page as BaseApplicationPage).Encrypt("Popup"); this.EventId.Attributes["onClick"] = "initializePopupPage(this, '" + url + "', " + Convert.ToString(EventId.AutoPostBack).ToLower() + ", event); return false;"; }