コード例 #1
 public SqlSnapshot(EventStreamRevisionIdentity identity, EventProviderVersion version, byte[] typeId, byte[] data)
     Identity = identity;
     Version  = version;
     TypeId   = typeId;
     Data     = data;
コード例 #2
        public SnapshotRevision(EventStreamRevisionIdentity identity, EventProviderVersion version, Snapshot snapshot)
            : base(identity, version)
            Contract.Requires(identity != null);
            Contract.Requires(version != null);
            Contract.Requires(snapshot != null);

            _snapshot = snapshot;
        private void AddEventRow(DataTable dataTable, EventStreamRevisionIdentity revisionIdentity, int sequence, int version, IDomainEvent domainEvent)
            // add row to the data table
            var dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();

            var eventType = new TransactionEventType(domainEvent.GetType());

            // populate data row
            dataRow["EventId"] = domainEvent.DomainEventId;
            dataRow["EventProviderRevisionId"] = revisionIdentity.Value;
            dataRow["EventProviderVersion"]    = version;
            dataRow["Sequence"]     = sequence;
            dataRow["TypeId"]       = _typeFactory.GetHash(domainEvent.GetType());
            dataRow["TypeFullName"] = eventType.FullName;
            dataRow["Data"]         = _serializer.SerializeObject(domainEvent);

            // add new row to table