private void HashCheck(int sourcePlayerID) { HashProjection hasher = new HashProjection(ES); ES.ApplyProjection(hasher, EventStream.AllExistingEvents); View.RPC("HashCheckReturn", PhotonHelper.GetPlayerByID(sourcePlayerID), PhotonNetwork.player.ID, hasher.GenerateHashCode(), ES.EventCount); }
void Start() { Serialisation.InitialiseDevelopmentSerialisation(); ES = GetComponent <EventSource>() ?? gameObject.AddComponent <EventSource>(); EM = GetComponent <EntityManager>() ?? gameObject.AddComponent <EntityManager>(); PersonRegistry r = new PersonRegistry(EM, 10); int personUID = r.NewEntity().UID; PersonEntity p = r.GetEntityByUID(personUID); EntityKey pkey = p.Key; PersonAgeQuery q = new PersonAgeQuery(); EM.Query(p, q); Assert.IsTrue(q.Age == 0, "New person"); Debug.Log("Applying age change to 20"); ChangePersonAgeMod c = new ChangePersonAgeMod { NewAge = 20 }; EM.ApplyMod(personUID, r, c); q = new PersonAgeQuery(); EM.Query(personUID, r, q); Assert.IsTrue(q.Age == 20); Debug.Log("Applying age change to 21"); c = new ChangePersonAgeMod { NewAge = 21 }; EM.ApplyMod(p, c); q = new PersonAgeQuery(); EM.Query(p, q); Assert.IsTrue(q.Age == 21); Debug.Log("Projecting all events until end:"); IProjection proj = new PersonProjection(Colors.cyan); ES.ApplyProjection(proj, EventStream.AllExistingEvents); Debug.Log("Projecting new events"); IProjection proj2 = new PersonProjection(; ES.ApplyProjection(proj2, EventStream.NewEvents); Debug.Log("Applying age change to 22"); c = new ChangePersonAgeMod { NewAge = 22 }; EM.ApplyEntityMod(pkey, c); Debug.Log("Applying age change to 23"); c = new ChangePersonAgeMod { NewAge = 23 }; EM.ApplyMod(p, c); Debug.Log("Applying age change to 24"); c = new ChangePersonAgeMod { NewAge = 24 }; EM.ApplyMod(p, c); Debug.Log("Undoing 2"); ES.Undo(2); Debug.Log("Projecting all events until end:"); proj = new PersonProjection(Colors.cyan); ES.ApplyProjection(proj, EventStream.AllExistingEvents); Debug.Log("Serialising..."); ES.ExtractByteData(bx => { Debug.Log("Serialised to " + bx.Length + " bytes"); Debug.Log("Deserialising..."); ES.ResetWithByteData(bx); Debug.Log("Projecting all events until end:"); proj = new PersonProjection(; ES.ApplyProjection(proj, EventStream.AllExistingEvents); }); }