public void grdEnrollment_ItemCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { try { switch (e.CommandName) { case "Select": var objEnroll = default(EventSignupsInfo); var objCtlEventSignups = new EventSignupsController(); objEnroll = objCtlEventSignups.EventsSignupsGet( Convert.ToInt32(grdEnrollment.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex]), ModuleId, false); var iItemID = objEnroll.EventID; var objEventInfoHelper = new EventInfoHelper(ModuleId, TabId, PortalId, Settings); Response.Redirect( objEventInfoHelper.GetDetailPageRealURL( iItemID, GetUrlGroupId(), GetUrlUserId())); break; } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } BindData(); }
private void LoadModuleControl() { try { _socialGroupId = GetUrlGroupId(); _socialUserId = GetUrlUserId(); var objModules = new ModuleController(); var objModule = objModules.GetModule(ModuleId, TabId); var objDesktopModule = DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModule(objModule.DesktopModuleID, PortalId); var objEventInfoHelper = new EventInfoHelper(ModuleId, TabId, PortalId, Settings); // Force Module Default Settings on new Version or New Module Instance if (objDesktopModule.Version != Settings.Version) { CreateThemeDirectory(); // objEventInfoHelper.SetDefaultModuleSettings(ModuleId, TabId, Page, LocalResourceFile) } if (!(Request.QueryString["mctl"] == null) && (ModuleId == Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ModuleID"]) || ModuleId == Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["mid"]))) { if (Request["mctl"].EndsWith(".ascx")) { _mcontrolToLoad = Request["mctl"]; } else { _mcontrolToLoad = Request["mctl"] + ".ascx"; } } // Set Default, if none selected if (_mcontrolToLoad.Length == 0) { if (!ReferenceEquals(Request.Cookies.Get("DNNEvents" + Convert.ToString(ModuleId)), null)) { _mcontrolToLoad = Request.Cookies.Get("DNNEvents" + Convert.ToString(ModuleId)).Value; } else { // See if Default View Set _mcontrolToLoad = Settings.DefaultView; } } // Check for Valid Module to Load _mcontrolToLoad = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_mcontrolToLoad) + ".ascx"; switch (_mcontrolToLoad.ToLower()) { case "eventdetails.ascx": // Search and RSS feed may direct detail page url to base module - // should be put in new page if (Settings.Eventdetailnewpage) { //Get the item id of the selected event if (!ReferenceEquals(Request.Params["ItemId"], null)) { _itemId = int.Parse(Request.Params["ItemId"]); var objCtlEvents = new EventController(); var objEvent = objCtlEvents.EventsGet(_itemId, ModuleId); if (!ReferenceEquals(objEvent, null)) { Response.Redirect( objEventInfoHelper.GetDetailPageRealURL( objEvent.EventID, _socialGroupId, _socialUserId)); } } } break; case "eventday.ascx": break; case "eventmonth.ascx": break; case "eventweek.ascx": break; case "eventrpt.ascx": if (Settings.ListViewGrid) { _mcontrolToLoad = "EventList.ascx"; } break; case "eventlist.ascx": if (!Settings.ListViewGrid) { _mcontrolToLoad = "EventRpt.ascx"; } break; case "eventmoderate.ascx": Response.Redirect( objEventInfoHelper.AddSkinContainerControls( Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "Moderate", "Mid=" + ModuleId), "?")); break; case "eventmyenrollments.ascx": break; default: lblModuleSettings.Text = Localization.GetString("lblBadControl", LocalResourceFile); lblModuleSettings.Visible = true; return; } var objPortalModuleBase = (PortalModuleBase)LoadControl(_mcontrolToLoad); objPortalModuleBase.ModuleConfiguration = ModuleConfiguration.Clone(); objPortalModuleBase.ID = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_mcontrolToLoad); phMain.Controls.Add(objPortalModuleBase); //EVT-4499 Exlude the EventMyEnrollment.ascx to be set as cookie if (_mcontrolToLoad.ToLower() != "eventdetails.ascx" && _mcontrolToLoad.ToLower() != "eventday.ascx" && _mcontrolToLoad.ToLower() != "eventmyenrollments.ascx") { var objCookie = new HttpCookie("DNNEvents" + Convert.ToString(ModuleId)); objCookie.Value = _mcontrolToLoad; if (ReferenceEquals(Request.Cookies.Get("DNNEvents" + Convert.ToString(ModuleId)), null)) { Response.Cookies.Add(objCookie); } else { Response.Cookies.Set(objCookie); } } } catch (Exception exc) { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }