public void shuttleFlightClicked() { // check if player is in a city with a research station GameObject myPlayer = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn; string curCityName = myPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().TargetParent; GameObject curCity = GameObject.Find(curCityName); // check if player has its current city cityCard and init button if (curCity.GetComponent <City>().hasRS()) { GameObject[] cities = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("City"); foreach (GameObject city in cities) { if (city.GetComponent <City>().hasRS()) { UIButton button = city.GetComponent <UIButton>(); EventDelegate onclick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <ShuttleFlight>(), "takeShuttleFlight"); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.value = button; param.expectedType = button.GetType(); onclick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onclick); } } } }
public void directFlightClicked() { // init the cityCard in hands button GameObject hand = GameObject.Find("PlayerHand/Scroll View/Grid"); foreach (Transform card in hand.transform) { if (card.tag == "CityCard") { foreach (Transform sprite in card.transform) { UIButton button = sprite.GetComponent <UIButton>(); EventDelegate onclick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <DirectFlight>(), "takeDirectFlight"); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param2 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.value = card.GetComponent <CityCards>().getCity(); param2.value =; param.expectedType = card.GetComponent <CityCards>().getCity().GetType(); param2.expectedType =; onclick.parameters[0] = param; onclick.parameters[1] = param2; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onclick); } } } }
public void charterFlightClicked() { GameObject hand = GameObject.Find("PlayerHand/Scroll View/Grid"); GameObject myPlayer = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn; // check if player has its current city cityCard foreach (Transform card in hand.transform) { if (card.tag == "CityCard" && card.GetComponent <CityCards>().getCity().name.Equals(myPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().TargetParent)) { // init every city button GameObject[] cities = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("City"); foreach (GameObject city in cities) { UIButton button = city.GetComponent <UIButton>(); EventDelegate onclick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <CharterFlight>(), "takeCharterFlight"); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.value = button; param.expectedType = button.GetType(); onclick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Parameter param2 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param2.value =; param2.expectedType =; onclick.parameters[1] = param2; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onclick); } } } }
private void ShowCharacter(Character obj) { if (obj != null) { obj.SetIsShowing(true); obj.SetIsHited(false); Vector3 posToTween = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); string[] charPosition = obj.GetComponent <Character>().name.Split(char.Parse("_")); switch (charPosition[0]) { case "left": posToTween = new Vector3(obj.GetInitialPosition().x + _distToTween, obj.GetInitialPosition().y, obj.GetInitialPosition().z); break; case "center": posToTween = new Vector3(obj.GetInitialPosition().x, obj.GetInitialPosition().y + _distToTween, obj.GetInitialPosition().z); break; case "right": posToTween = new Vector3(obj.GetInitialPosition().x - _distToTween, obj.GetInitialPosition().y, obj.GetInitialPosition().z); break; } TweenPosition objTween = TweenPosition.Begin(obj.gameObject, _timeInTween, posToTween); EventDelegate.Parameter objToApplyTween = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); objToApplyTween.obj = obj.gameObject; EventDelegate del = new EventDelegate(this, "CompleteShowTween"); del.parameters.SetValue(objToApplyTween, 0); EventDelegate.Add(objTween.onFinished, del); } }
public unsafe override void Unity_NamedDeserialize(int depth) { byte[] var_0_cp_0; int var_0_cp_1; if (depth <= 7) { ISerializedNamedStateReader arg_1E_0 = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance; var_0_cp_0 = $FieldNamesStorage.$RuntimeNames; var_0_cp_1 = 0; this.mTarget = (arg_1E_0.ReadUnityEngineObject(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2225) as MonoBehaviour); } this.mMethodName = (SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.ReadString(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2233) as string); if (depth <= 7) { this.mParameters = new EventDelegate.Parameter[SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.BeginSequenceGroup(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2245)]; for (int i = 0; i < this.mParameters.Length; i++) { this.mParameters[i] = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter arg_99_0 = this.mParameters[i]; SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.BeginMetaGroup((IntPtr)0); arg_99_0.Unity_NamedDeserialize(depth + 1); SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } this.oneShot = SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.ReadBoolean(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2257); SerializedNamedStateReader.Instance.Align(); }
// GiveCard button clicked public void GiveCardClicked() { Debug.Log("GiveCardClicked"); // Store the player's hand GameObject hand = GameObject.Find("PlayerHand/Scroll View/Grid"); // Set up events for cards in hand (make them clickable) foreach (Transform card in hand.transform) { if (card.tag == "CityCard") { foreach (Transform sprite in card.transform) { UIButton button = sprite.GetComponent <UIButton>(); EventDelegate onClick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <ShareKnowledge>(), "giveACard"); EventDelegate.Parameter param1 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param2 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param1.value =; param2.value = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn.GetComponent <PhotonView>().ownerId; param1.expectedType = card.GetComponent <CityCards>().getCity().GetType(); param2.expectedType = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn.GetComponent <PhotonView>().ownerId.GetType(); onClick.parameters[0] = param1; // Name of card to give onClick.parameters[1] = param2; // Name of giving player EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onClick); } } } }
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label) { SerializedProperty targetProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mTarget"); if (targetProp.objectReferenceValue == null) { return(2 * lineHeight); } int lines = 3 * lineHeight; SerializedProperty methodProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mMethodName"); EventDelegate del = new EventDelegate(); = targetProp.objectReferenceValue as MonoBehaviour; del.methodName = methodProp.stringValue; EventDelegate.Parameter[] ps = del.parameters; if (ps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; ++i) { lines += lineHeight; EventDelegate.Parameter param = ps[i]; if (param.obj != null) { lines += lineHeight; } } } return(lines); }
public void SetToggleChange() { toggle = GetComponent<UIToggle>(); EventDelegate toggleDelegate = new EventDelegate (commentsWindow, "CommentToggleChange"); EventDelegate.Parameter parameter = new EventDelegate.Parameter(this); toggleDelegate.parameters[0] = parameter; toggle.onChange.Add(toggleDelegate); }
// Need to show cards private void takeACard(int playerRequesting, GameObject playerGivingPermission) { Debug.Log("takeACard with playerRequestion = " + playerRequesting + " playerGivingPermission = " + playerGivingPermission.GetPhotonView().ownerId); // Show the Panel GameObject panel = Instantiate(prefabTakePanel); List <string> hand = playerGivingPermission.GetComponent <PlayerMovement> ().myHand; UIGrid grid = GameObject.Find("TakeCardPanel(Clone)/panel/Scroll View/Grid").GetComponent <UIGrid>(); foreach (string card in hand) { Debug.Log("Player has " + card); GameObject cardObject = GameObject.Find(card); GameObject go = NGUITools.AddChild(grid.gameObject, cardObject); grid.AddChild(go.transform); } // Set up events for cards in hand (make them clickable) foreach (Transform card in grid.transform) { if (card.tag == "CityCard") { foreach (Transform sprite in card.transform) { UIButton button = sprite.GetComponent <UIButton>(); EventDelegate onClick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <ShareKnowledge>(), "sendRequest"); EventDelegate.Parameter param1 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param2 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param3 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param4 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param5 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param1.value =; param2.value = playerRequesting; // int param3.value = "Take"; param4.value = playerGivingPermission; param5.value = PhotonNetwork.player.ID; param1.expectedType = card.GetType(); param2.expectedType = playerRequesting.GetType(); param3.expectedType = ("Take").GetType(); param4.expectedType = playerGivingPermission.GetType(); param5.expectedType = PhotonNetwork.player.ID.GetType(); onClick.parameters[0] = param1; onClick.parameters[1] = param2; onClick.parameters[2] = param3; onClick.parameters[3] = param4; onClick.parameters[4] = param5; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onClick); } } } }
// 이벤트 parameter를 생성하여 리턴. private EventDelegate.Parameter MakeParameter(Object _value, System.Type _type) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); // 이벤트 parameter 생성. param.obj = _value; // 이벤트 함수에 전달하고 싶은 값. param.expectedType = _type; // 값의 타입. return(param); }
public static EventDelegate.Parameter MakeParameter(UnityEngine.Object _value, System.Type _type) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); // 이벤트 parameter 생성. param.obj = _value; // 이벤트 함수에 전달하고 싶은 값. param.expectedType = _type; // 값의 타입. return(param); }
static public void AddOnEvent(MonoBehaviour target, List <EventDelegate> list, string method, object value, System.Type type) { EventDelegate onClickEvent = new EventDelegate(target, method); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.value = value; param.expectedType = type; onClickEvent.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(list, onClickEvent); }
public static EventDelegate CreateEventDelegate(MonoBehaviour target, string methodName, object parameter) { EventDelegate eventDelegate = new EventDelegate(target, methodName); if (parameter != null) { EventDelegate.Parameter parameter2 = eventDelegate.parameters[0]; parameter2.value = parameter; } return(eventDelegate); }
public void Set_ButtonCharaterDetailedInfo(UIButton button, int charater_index) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.value = charater_index; param.expectedType = typeof(int); EventDelegate onClick = new EventDelegate(CharaterDetailedInfo.GetComponent <Charater_DetailedInfo_Action>(), "Set_Charater_DetailedInfo"); onClick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onClick); }
static public int get_field(IntPtr l) { try { EventDelegate.Parameter self = (EventDelegate.Parameter)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.field); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
void Start() { UIMRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Manager").GetComponent<UIManager>(); EventDelegate.Add(Back.onClick, UIMRoot.gotoStagelist); EventDelegate.Parameter param1 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param1.obj = gameObject.GetComponent<GameReadyPanel>(); param1.field = "questnum"; EventDelegate SetOn = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>(), "GotoStage"); SetOn.parameters[0] = param1; EventDelegate.Add(gameObject.transform.FindChild("InformationPanel").FindChild("GameStartButton").GetComponent<UIEventTrigger>().onClick, SetOn); }
public void Set_BuyButton(UIButton button) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.obj = button.gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <ItemInfo_Action>(); param.field = "ID"; EventDelegate onClick = new EventDelegate(gameObject.GetComponent <StoreManager>(), "Buy_Item"); onClick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onClick); }
void Start() { UIMRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Manager").GetComponent<UIManager>(); questnum = 1000; EventDelegate.Add(Back.onClick, UIMRoot.gotoLobby); EventDelegate.Parameter param1 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param1.obj = gameObject.GetComponent<MuhanPanel>(); param1.field = "questnum"; EventDelegate SetOn = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>(), "GotoStage"); SetOn.parameters[0] = param1; EventDelegate.Add(Startb.onClick, SetOn); }
void Set_ChangeEquipmentButton(UIButton button) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.obj = button.gameObject.transform.GetComponent <SelectEquipmentInfo_Action>(); param.field = "ID"; EventDelegate onClick = new EventDelegate(gameObject.GetComponent <Select_CharaterEquipment_Action>(), "Select_Equipment"); onClick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onClick); }
static public int set_field(IntPtr l) { try { EventDelegate.Parameter self = (EventDelegate.Parameter)checkSelf(l); System.String v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.field = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_propInfo(IntPtr l) { try { EventDelegate.Parameter self = (EventDelegate.Parameter)checkSelf(l); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.propInfo = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_obj(IntPtr l) { try { EventDelegate.Parameter self = (EventDelegate.Parameter)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.Object v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.obj = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public static List <EventDelegate> CreateEventDelegateList(MonoBehaviour target, string methodName, object parameter) { List <EventDelegate> list = new List <EventDelegate>(); EventDelegate eventDelegate = new EventDelegate(); = target; eventDelegate.methodName = methodName; list.Add(eventDelegate); if (parameter != null) { EventDelegate.Parameter parameter2 = eventDelegate.parameters[0]; parameter2.value = parameter; } return(list); }
public void SetFlowerPreFab(int x) { //------------------------ // Instantiate Prefab //------------------------ GameObject FlowerClone = Instantiate(FlowerPrefab) as GameObject; = "Flower" + x; FlowerClone.tag = "Flower"; FlowerClone.transform.parent = gameState.Grid.transform; FlowerClone.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(FlowerPosX(x), flowerPosY, 0f); FlowerClone.transform.localScale = * g.scaleRatio; gameComponent.SetFlowerPrefab(FlowerClone.transform); //------------------------ // Event key //------------------------ EventDelegate eventClick = new EventDelegate(this, "EventFlowerOnPress"); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.obj = FlowerClone.transform; param.expectedType = typeof(Transform); eventClick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(gameComponent.flowerUIEventTrigger.onPress, eventClick); //------------------------ // Initiate spriteName //------------------------ gameComponent.flowerUISprite.spriteName = "flower_ani001"; //gameComponent.flowerUISprite.MakePixelPerfect(); //------------------------ // set flower's array //------------------------ flowerSprite[x] = gameComponent.flowerUISprite; flowerTransform[x] = FlowerClone.transform; flowerSweatSprite[x] = gameComponent.flowerSweatUISprite; flowerSweatAnimator[x] = gameComponent.flowerSweatAnimator; flowerAnimator[x] = gameComponent.flowerAnimator; }
public void driveClicked() { // init the neighbours button GameObject myPlayer = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn; string curCityName = myPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().TargetParent; GameObject curCity = GameObject.Find(curCityName); List <GameObject> neighbours = curCity.GetComponent <City>().adjacentCityList; foreach (GameObject neighbour in neighbours) { UIButton button = neighbour.GetComponent <UIButton>(); EventDelegate onclick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <Drive>(), "driveTo"); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.value = button; param.expectedType = button.GetType(); onclick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onclick); } }
public void SetBowGunPreFab(int x, int y) { //------------------------ // Instantiate Prefab //------------------------ GameObject bowGunPrefab = Instantiate(BowGunPrefab) as GameObject; = "Bow" + x + y; //arrowGunPrefab.tag = x == 0 ? "ArrowLeft" : "ArrowRight"; bowGunPrefab.tag = "Bow"; bowGunPrefab.transform.parent = gameState.Grid.transform; bowGunPrefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((x * g.tileWidth * 1.3f) + 82 , (y * -g.tileHeight) + 70 , 0f); bowGunPrefab.transform.localScale =; gameComponent.SetBowPrefab(bowGunPrefab.transform); //------------------------ // Event key //------------------------ EventDelegate eventClick = new EventDelegate(this, "EventBowOnPress"); EventDelegate.Parameter param = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); param.obj = bowGunPrefab.transform; param.expectedType = typeof(Transform); eventClick.parameters[0] = param; EventDelegate.Add(gameComponent.bowUIEventTrigger.onPress, eventClick); //------------------------ // array arrowSprite //------------------------ gameComponent.bowUISprite.spriteName = "arrow4"; //gameComponent.bowUISprite.MakePixelPerfect(); g.bowSprite[x] = gameComponent.bowUISprite; g.bowBox[x] = gameComponent.bowBoxcollider; //Debug.Log("g.arrowBox.Length="+g.bowBox.Length); }
// TakeCard button clicked public void TakeCardClicked() { // Set up events for Pawn Debug.Log("TakeCardClicked"); // Get all the pawns in game GameObject[] pawns = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pawn"); // Get MY pawn GameObject myPawn = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn; // Put events on them foreach (GameObject pawn in pawns) { //if (pawn.GetPhotonView().ownerId == gameObject.GetPhotonView().ownerId) { if (pawn == myPawn) { Debug.Log("MyPawn"); UIButton pawnButton = pawn.GetComponent <UIButton>(); pawnButton.onClick.Clear(); continue; } UIButton button = pawn.GetComponent <UIButton> (); EventDelegate onClick = new EventDelegate(GameObject.Find("ActionManager").GetComponent <ShareKnowledge> (), "takeACard"); EventDelegate.Parameter param1 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); EventDelegate.Parameter param2 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); // Send the player who wants to take // Send the player who needs to give param1.value = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn.GetComponent <PhotonView>().ownerId; param2.value = pawn; param1.expectedType = GameObject.Find("_NetworkManager").GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().myPawn.GetComponent <PhotonView>().ownerId.GetType(); param2.expectedType = pawn.GetType(); onClick.parameters[0] = param1; onClick.parameters[1] = param2; EventDelegate.Add(button.onClick, onClick); } }
public void HideCharacter(Character obj) { if (obj != null) { Debug.Log("[ CHARACTER_MANAGER ] - HIDE_CHARACTER"); Vector3 posToTween = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); obj.SetIsShowing(false); obj.SetIsHited(false); posToTween = obj.GetInitialPosition(); TweenPosition objTween = TweenPosition.Begin(obj.gameObject, _timeInTween, posToTween); EventDelegate.Parameter objToApplyTween = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); objToApplyTween.obj = obj.gameObject; EventDelegate del = new EventDelegate(this, "CompleteHideTween"); del.parameters.SetValue(objToApplyTween, 0); EventDelegate.Add(objTween.onFinished, del); } }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); EventDelegate.Parameter o; if (argc == 1) { o = new EventDelegate.Parameter(); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } else if (argc == 3) { UnityEngine.Object a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.String a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); o = new EventDelegate.Parameter(a1, a2); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } else if (argc == 2) { System.Object a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); o = new EventDelegate.Parameter(a1); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } return(error(l, "New object failed.")); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public unsafe override void Unity_NamedSerialize(int depth) { byte[] var_0_cp_0; int var_0_cp_1; if (depth <= 7) { ISerializedNamedStateWriter arg_23_0 = SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance; UnityEngine.Object arg_23_1 = this.mTarget; var_0_cp_0 = $FieldNamesStorage.$RuntimeNames; var_0_cp_1 = 0; arg_23_0.WriteUnityEngineObject(arg_23_1, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2225); } SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.WriteString(this.mMethodName, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2233); if (depth <= 7) { if (this.mParameters == null) { SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.BeginSequenceGroup(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2245, 0); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } else { SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.BeginSequenceGroup(&var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2245, this.mParameters.Length); for (int i = 0; i < this.mParameters.Length; i++) { EventDelegate.Parameter arg_C0_0 = (this.mParameters[i] != null) ? this.mParameters[i] : new EventDelegate.Parameter(); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.BeginMetaGroup((IntPtr)0); arg_C0_0.Unity_NamedSerialize(depth + 1); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.EndMetaGroup(); } } SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.WriteBoolean(this.oneShot, &var_0_cp_0[var_0_cp_1] + 2257); SerializedNamedStateWriter.Instance.Align(); }
/// <summary> /// Draw an editor field for the Unity Delegate. /// </summary> static public bool Field(Object undoObject, EventDelegate del, bool removeButton, bool minimalistic) { if (del == null) { return(false); } bool prev = GUI.changed; GUI.changed = false; bool retVal = false; MonoBehaviour target =; bool remove = false; if (removeButton && ( != null || del.isValid)) { if (!minimalistic) { NGUIEditorTools.SetLabelWidth(82f); } if ( == null && del.isValid) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Notify", del.ToString()); } else { target = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Notify",, typeof(MonoBehaviour), true) as MonoBehaviour; } GUILayout.Space(-18f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(70f); if (GUILayout.Button("", "ToggleMixed", GUILayout.Width(20f), GUILayout.Height(16f))) { target = null; remove = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { target = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Notify",, typeof(MonoBehaviour), true) as MonoBehaviour; } if (remove) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delegate Selection", undoObject); del.Clear(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject); } else if ( != target) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delegate Selection", undoObject); = target; EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject); } if ( != null && != null) { GameObject go =; List <Entry> list = GetMethods(go); int index = 0; string[] names = PropertyReferenceDrawer.GetNames(list, del.ToString(), out index); int choice = 0; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); choice = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Method", index, names); NGUIEditorTools.DrawPadding(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (choice > 0 && choice != index) { Entry entry = list[choice - 1]; NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delegate Selection", undoObject); = as MonoBehaviour; del.methodName =; EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject); retVal = true; } GUI.changed = false; EventDelegate.Parameter[] ps = del.parameters; if (ps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; ++i) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = ps[i]; Object obj = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(" Arg " + i, param.obj, typeof(Object), true); if (GUI.changed) { GUI.changed = false; param.obj = obj; EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject); } if (obj == null) { continue; } GameObject selGO = null; System.Type type = obj.GetType(); if (type == typeof(GameObject)) { selGO = obj as GameObject; } else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { selGO = (obj as Component).gameObject; } if (selGO != null) { // Parameters must be exact -- they can't be converted like property bindings PropertyReferenceDrawer.filter = param.expectedType; PropertyReferenceDrawer.canConvert = false; List <PropertyReferenceDrawer.Entry> ents = PropertyReferenceDrawer.GetProperties(selGO, true, false); int selection; string[] props = GetNames(ents, NGUITools.GetFuncName(param.obj, param.field), out selection); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); int newSel = EditorGUILayout.Popup(" ", selection, props); NGUIEditorTools.DrawPadding(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUI.changed) { GUI.changed = false; if (newSel == 0) { param.obj = selGO; param.field = null; } else { param.obj = ents[newSel - 1].target; param.field = ents[newSel - 1].name; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.field)) { param.field = null; EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject); } PropertyReferenceDrawer.filter = typeof(void); PropertyReferenceDrawer.canConvert = true; } } } else { retVal = GUI.changed; } GUI.changed = prev; return(retVal); }
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label) { SerializedProperty showGroup = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mShowGroup"); if (!showGroup.boolValue) { return(lineHeight); } float lines = (3 * lineHeight); SerializedProperty targetProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mTarget"); if (targetProp.objectReferenceValue == null) { return(lines); } lines += lineHeight; SerializedProperty methodProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mMethodName"); if (methodProp.stringValue == "<Choose>" || methodProp.stringValue.StartsWith("<Missing - ")) { return(lines); } = targetProp.objectReferenceValue; eventDelegate.methodName = methodProp.stringValue; if (eventDelegate.isValid == false) { return(lines); } SerializedProperty paramArrayProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mParameters"); EventDelegate.Parameter[] ps = eventDelegate.parameters; if (ps != null) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = null; int imax = ps.Length; paramArrayProp.arraySize = imax; for (int i = 0; i < imax; i++, param = null) { param = ps [i]; lines += lineHeight; SerializedProperty paramProp = paramArrayProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty objProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("obj"); bool useManualValue = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("paramRefType").enumValueIndex == (int)ParameterType.Value; if (useManualValue) { if (param.expectedType == typeof(string) || param.expectedType == typeof(int) || param.expectedType == typeof(float) || param.expectedType == typeof(double) || param.expectedType == typeof(bool) || param.expectedType.IsEnum || param.expectedType == typeof(Color)) { continue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(Vector2) || param.expectedType == typeof(Vector3) || param.expectedType == typeof(Vector4)) { //if (lineRect.width < minimalistWidth) //use minimalist method //{ // if (param.expectedType == typeof(Vector2) || param.expectedType == typeof(Vector3)) // { // lines += lineHeight; // } //} lines += 4; continue; } } UnityEngine.Object obj = objProp.objectReferenceValue; if (obj == null) { continue; } System.Type type = obj.GetType(); GameObject selGO = null; if (type == typeof(GameObject)) { selGO = obj as GameObject; } else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { selGO = (obj as Component).gameObject; } if (selGO != null) { lines += lineHeight; } } } return(lines); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label) { Undo.RecordObject(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, "Delegate Selection"); EditorGUI.BeginProperty(rect, label, prop); int indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; SerializedProperty showGroup = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mShowGroup"); SerializedProperty nameProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mEventName"); SerializedProperty targetProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mTarget"); SerializedProperty methodProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mMethodName"); SerializedProperty updateMethodsProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mUpdateEntryList"); if (EditorApplication.isCompiling) { updateMethodsProp.boolValue = true; } string eventName = nameProp.stringValue; UnityEngine.Object target = targetProp.objectReferenceValue; //controls Rect tempRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, lineHeight); showGroup.boolValue = EditorGUI.Foldout(tempRect, showGroup.boolValue, label, true); if (showGroup.boolValue) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; lineRect = rect; lineRect.yMin = rect.yMin + lineHeight; lineRect.yMax = lineRect.yMin + lineHeight; eventName = EditorGUI.TextField(lineRect, eventName); nameProp.stringValue = eventName; lineRect.yMin += lineHeight; lineRect.yMax += lineHeight; target = EditorGUI.ObjectField(lineRect, "Notify", target, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), true); lineRect.yMin += lineHeight; lineRect.yMax += lineHeight; //painting manual refresh icon tempRect = lineRect; tempRect.xMin = lineRect.width + mIconSize - 4; tempRect.height -= 1; if (mRefreshIconStyle == null) { mRefreshIconStyle = new GUIStyle(); if (mRefreshIcon == null) { mRefreshIcon = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("refresh_icon"); } if (mRefreshIcon != null) { mRefreshIconStyle.normal.background = mRefreshIcon; } } if (GUI.Button(tempRect, mRefreshIcon)) { updateMethodsProp.boolValue = true; } //update method list if target component was modified if (targetProp.objectReferenceValue != target) { updateMethodsProp.boolValue = true; } targetProp.objectReferenceValue = target; //checking for notify target if (target != null) { if (!mMethodCache.ContainsKey( { mMethodCache.Add(, new List <Entry>()); } List <Entry> listWithParams = mMethodCache[]; SerializedProperty entryArrayProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mEntryList"); if (updateMethodsProp.boolValue && EditorApplication.isCompiling == false) { //refresh methods names from target listWithParams.Clear(); GameObject go = target as GameObject; if (go == null) { Component component = target as Component; if (target) { UpdateMethods(listWithParams, entryArrayProp, updateMethodsProp, component.gameObject); } } else { UpdateMethods(listWithParams, entryArrayProp, updateMethodsProp, go); } mMethodCache[] = listWithParams; } else if (listWithParams.Count == 0 && !prop.serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects) { //create new Entry list from array listWithParams.Clear(); SerializedProperty entryItem; SerializedProperty itemTarget = null; string name = String.Empty; UnityEngine.Object targetComp = null; int arraySize = entryArrayProp.arraySize; for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++, entryItem = null, itemTarget = null, name = String.Empty, targetComp = null) { entryItem = entryArrayProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); if (entryItem == null) { continue; } itemTarget = entryItem.FindPropertyRelative("target"); if (itemTarget == null) { continue; } targetComp = itemTarget.objectReferenceValue; name = entryItem.FindPropertyRelative("name").stringValue; // Debug.Log(targetComp+" "+ name); listWithParams.Add(new Entry(targetComp, name)); } mMethodCache[] = listWithParams; } int index = 0; int choice = 0; string methodName = methodProp.stringValue; //check and trim missing method message here if (methodName.StartsWith("<Missing - ") == true) { methodName = methodName.Replace("<Missing - ", ""); methodName = methodName.Replace(">", ""); } string[] names = GetNames(listWithParams, methodName, true, out index, methodProp); //painting event list popup tempRect = lineRect; tempRect.xMax -= mIconSize; choice = EditorGUI.Popup(tempRect, "Event", index, names); //Debug.Log(names[0]); //saving selected method or field if (choice > 0) { Entry entry = listWithParams [choice - 1]; if (target != { target = as UnityEngine.Object; targetProp.objectReferenceValue = target; SerializedProperty cacheProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mCached"); cacheProp.boolValue = false; } methodName =; // Debug.Log(methodName); //remove params if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName) == false && methodName.Contains(" (")) { methodName = methodName.Remove(methodName.IndexOf(" (")); } if (methodName != methodProp.stringValue) { methodProp.stringValue = methodName; = methodName; SerializedProperty cacheProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mCached"); cacheProp.boolValue = false; } } = target; eventDelegate.methodName = methodName; //showing if method or field is missing if (eventDelegate.isValid == false) { if (methodName.StartsWith("<Missing - ") == false) { methodName = "<Missing - " + methodName + ">"; } methodProp.stringValue = methodName; EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); return; } //showing parameters SerializedProperty paramArrayProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("mParameters"); EventDelegate.Parameter[] ps = eventDelegate.parameters; if (ps != null) { bool showGameObject = false; float paramTypeWidth = 84; float lineOriginalMax = lineRect.xMax; lineRect.xMax -= 68; int imax = ps.Length; paramArrayProp.arraySize = imax; for (int i = 0; i < imax; i++) { EventDelegate.Parameter param = ps [i]; SerializedProperty paramProp = paramArrayProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty objProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("obj"); SerializedProperty fieldProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("field"); param.obj = objProp.objectReferenceValue; param.field = fieldProp.stringValue; lineRect.yMin += lineHeight; lineRect.yMax += lineHeight; //showing param info string paramDesc = GetSimpleName(param.expectedType); paramDesc += " " +; //paint value/reference selection for primitive types if (IsPrimitiveType(param.expectedType)) { if (lineOriginalMax == lineRect.xMax) { lineRect.xMax -= 68; } //only do this if parameter is a primitive type tempRect.x = lineRect.x + lineRect.width - 12; tempRect.y = lineRect.y; tempRect.width = paramTypeWidth; tempRect.height = lineHeight; SerializedProperty paramTypeProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("paramRefType"); //draw param type option EditorGUI.PropertyField(tempRect, paramTypeProp, GUIContent.none); param.paramRefType = (ParameterType)paramTypeProp.enumValueIndex; } else { lineRect.xMax = lineOriginalMax; } bool useManualValue = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("paramRefType").enumValueIndex == (int)ParameterType.Value; if (useManualValue) { if (param.expectedType == typeof(string)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argStringValue"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.stringValue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(int)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argIntValue"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.intValue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(float)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argFloatValue"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.floatValue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(double)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argDoubleValue"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.doubleValue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(bool)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argBoolValue"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.boolValue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(Color)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argColor"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.colorValue; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(Vector2)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argVector2"); lineRect.y += 2; EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.vector2Value; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(Vector3)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argVector3"); lineRect.y += 2; EditorGUI.PropertyField(lineRect, valueProp, new GUIContent(paramDesc)); param.value = valueProp.vector3Value; } else if (param.expectedType == typeof(Vector4)) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argVector4"); Vector4 vec4 = valueProp.vector4Value; lineRect.y += 2; //workaround for vector 4, it uses an extra line. //valueProp.vector4Value = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(lineRect, paramDesc, valueProp.vector4Value); //create all this values just once if (vec4Values == null) { vec4Values = new float[4]; } vec4Values[0] = vec4.x; vec4Values[1] = vec4.y; vec4Values[2] = vec4.z; vec4Values[3] = vec4.w; if (vec4GUIContent == null) { vec4GUIContent = new GUIContent[4]; } vec4GUIContent[0] = new GUIContent("X"); vec4GUIContent[1] = new GUIContent("Y"); vec4GUIContent[2] = new GUIContent("Z"); vec4GUIContent[3] = new GUIContent("W"); EditorGUI.LabelField(lineRect, paramDesc); tempRect = lineRect; tempRect.xMin += (EditorGUI.indentLevel * lineHeight) + 86; EditorGUI.MultiFloatField(tempRect, vec4GUIContent, vec4Values); valueProp.vector4Value = new Vector4(vec4Values[0], vec4Values[1], vec4Values[2], vec4Values[3]); param.value = valueProp.vector4Value; } else if (param.expectedType.IsEnum) { SerializedProperty valueProp = paramProp.FindPropertyRelative("argIntValue"); if (param.expectedType.GetAttribute <FlagsAttribute>() != null) { param.value = EditorGUI.MaskField(lineRect, new GUIContent(paramDesc), valueProp.intValue, Enum.GetNames(param.expectedType)); } else { Enum selectedOpt = (Enum)Enum.ToObject(param.expectedType, valueProp.intValue); param.value = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(lineRect, new GUIContent(paramDesc), selectedOpt); } valueProp.intValue = (int)param.value; } else { showGameObject = true; } } if (showGameObject || !useManualValue) { UnityEngine.Object obj = param.obj; obj = EditorGUI.ObjectField(lineRect, paramDesc, obj, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), true); param.obj = obj; objProp.objectReferenceValue = obj; if (obj == null) { continue; } //show gameobject GameObject selGO = null; System.Type type = param.obj.GetType(); if (type == typeof(GameObject)) { selGO = param.obj as GameObject; } else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { selGO = (param.obj as Component).gameObject; } if (selGO != null) { // Parameters must be exact -- they can't be converted like property bindings filter = param.expectedType; canConvert = false; List <Entry> ents = GetProperties(selGO, true, false); int selection; string[] props = GetNames(ents, EventDelegate.GetFuncName(param.obj, param.field), false, out selection); lineRect.yMin += lineHeight; lineRect.yMax += lineHeight; int newSel = EditorGUI.Popup(lineRect, " ", selection, props); if (newSel != selection) { if (newSel == 0) { param.obj = selGO; param.field = null; objProp.objectReferenceValue = selGO; fieldProp.stringValue = null; } else { param.obj = ents[newSel - 1].target; param.field = ents[newSel - 1].name; objProp.objectReferenceValue = param.obj; fieldProp.stringValue = param.field; } } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.field)) { param.field = null; } filter = typeof(void); canConvert = true; } showGameObject = false; } } } } EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }