コード例 #1
    public static void EvaluateSample(GameObject body, DragonScript scr, float wingSurface, float[] performanceOfChromosomes)
        EvaluatedPhenotype evaluationData = new EvaluatedPhenotype(scr.wingSet.phenotype, body.transform.position.y, wingSurface, performanceOfChromosomes);

        evaluationData.AddToList(evaluatedPhenotypesGood, evaluatedPhenotypesBad);

        RemoveSample(body, scr);
コード例 #2
    // Create a new phenotype based each half on a base phenotype
    public static Phenotype operator /(EvaluatedPhenotype P1, EvaluatedPhenotype P2)
        Chromosome rootL, rootR;

        if (Random.value > 0.5f)
            EvaluatedPhenotype P3 = P1;
            P1 = P2;
            P2 = P3;

        rootL = P1.phenotype.rootChromL;
        rootR = P1.phenotype.rootChromR;

        List <Chromosome> newChromosomes = new List <Chromosome>();

        int half = P1.phenotype.TypeChromosomes.Count;

        int ind = 1;

        foreach (Chromosome chrom in P1.phenotype.TypeChromosomes)
            if (ind > half)
                newChromosomes.Add(P2.phenotype.TypeChromosomes[ind - 1]);


        float strengthDistr = P2.phenotype.muscleStrengthDistribution;
        int   maxFlapSteps  = P1.phenotype.maxFlapSteps;

        return(new Phenotype(rootL, rootR, newChromosomes, strengthDistr, maxFlapSteps));
コード例 #3
    // Initialize the ruels to the list
    public void LoadRules()
        crossRule rule;
        int       probability;
        int       numOfPhenotypes;
        bool      posOrNeg;


        ////// Crossing-Rules (Generation rules) //////

        posOrNeg = true; // Rules using only positive fitness

        // Random crossing (Phenotypes are chosed randomly from P0 and P1)
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(P[0] * P[1]); };
        numOfPhenotypes = 2;
        probability     = 12;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        // Maximizing cross (The Chromosome with better fitness is chosen)
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(P[0] + P[1]); };
        numOfPhenotypes = 2;
        probability     = 24;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        // Split Cross (Chosing half of the chromosomes from P0 and half from P1)
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(P[0] / P[1]); };
        numOfPhenotypes = 2;
        probability     = 8;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        // Maximum from a range of Phenotypes (Chosing best chromosome-fitness from all
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MAX_PHENOTYPE(P)); };
        numOfPhenotypes = -1;
        probability     = 20;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        posOrNeg = false; // Rules using negative/minimum fitness

        // Minimizing cross (The Chromosome with lower fitness is chosen)
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(P[0] - P[1]); };
        numOfPhenotypes = 2;
        probability     = 1;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        // Minimum from a range of Phenotypes (Chosing best chromosome-fitness from all
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MIN_PHENOTYPE(P)); };
        numOfPhenotypes = -1;
        probability     = 1;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        // Minimizing cross (The Chromosome with lower fitness is chosen) with Inversion
        rule            = (EvaluatedPhenotype[] P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.INVERT_FLAPSTEPS(P[0] - P[1])); };
        numOfPhenotypes = 2;
        probability     = 2;

        CrossingRules.Add(new CrossingRule(rule, probability, numOfPhenotypes, posOrNeg));

        totalCrossRuleProbability = 0;
        foreach (CrossingRule aRule in CrossingRules)
            if (aRule.posOrNeg || GlobalSettings.UseNegativeRules)
                totalCrossRuleProbability += aRule.probabilityCount;

        ////// Mutation Rules //////

        mutateRule mRule;
        int        probabilityCount;


        // Mutate timesteps with 30% chance
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_FLAPSTEPS(P, 0.3f)); };
        probabilityCount = 3;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Mutate Limits with 20% chance
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_LIMITS(P, 0.2f)); };
        probabilityCount = 2;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Invert all timesteps
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.INVERT_FLAPSTEPS(P)); };
        probabilityCount = 1;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Invert timesteps with 30% chance
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.INVERT_FLAPSTEPS(P, 0.3f)); };
        probabilityCount = 2;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Invert timesteps with 30% chance
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.INVERT_FLAPSTEPS(P, 0.3f)); };
        probabilityCount = 2;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Randomize length of a full wing flap
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_FLAPLENGTH(P)); };
        probabilityCount = 4;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Randomize strength distribution
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_STRENGTHDISTRIBUTION(P)); };
        probabilityCount = 3;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Mutate length of wings egments with 10% probability
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_BONELENGTH(P, 0.1f)); };
        probabilityCount = 3;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Mutate length of wings egments with 40% probability
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_BONELENGTH(P, 0.4f)); };
        probabilityCount = 1;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Randomizes everything with 50% probability
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_FULL(P, 0.5f)); };
        probabilityCount = 1;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        // Randomizes everything with 5% probability
        mRule            = (Phenotype P) => { return(EvaluatedPhenotype.MUTATE_FULL(P, 0.05f)); };
        probabilityCount = 5;
        MutationRules.Add(new MutationRule(mRule, probabilityCount));

        totalMutateRuleProbability = 0;
        foreach (MutationRule aRule in MutationRules)
            totalMutateRuleProbability += aRule.probabilityCount;
コード例 #4
    // This function is where the core of the genetic algorithm happens.
    // Like described, it choses random rules for generation and for mutationa nd applies them.
    // So it basically performs the typical patterns of genetic algorithms called "crossing", "combination" and "mutation".
    public int GeneratePhenotypes(List <Phenotype> readyPhenotypes, List <int> freeIndices)
        int repeat;

        for (repeat = 0; repeat < Random.value * 3; repeat++)
            float chosenRuleVal = Mathf.Floor(Random.value * (totalCrossRuleProbability));

            int          pos        = 0;
            CrossingRule chosenRule = null;
            foreach (CrossingRule aRule in CrossingRules)
                pos += aRule.probabilityCount;
                if (pos >= chosenRuleVal)
                    chosenRule = aRule;
            if (chosenRule == null)
                Debug.LogError("No rule has been chosen!");

            bool choseBad = (Random.value <= GlobalSettings.UseBadSampleProbability);
            if (choseBad && (PopulationControler.evaluatedPhenotypesBad.Count == 0))
                choseBad = false;

            List <EvaluatedPhenotype> phenList;

            if (choseBad)
                phenList = PopulationControler.evaluatedPhenotypesBad;
                phenList = PopulationControler.evaluatedPhenotypesGood;

            int phenLimit = phenList.Count;

            int phensToChose;
            if (chosenRule.numOfPhenotypes >= 0) // Rule with fixed number of phenotypes as a base
                phensToChose = chosenRule.numOfPhenotypes;
                phensToChose = Mathf.Max(2, Mathf.CeilToInt(Random.value * (phenLimit / 2))); // Rule with unlimited phenotypes
            EvaluatedPhenotype[] phenotypesParam = new EvaluatedPhenotype[phensToChose];
            int el = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.value * Random.value * (phenLimit - 1));

            if (phenLimit == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Trying to generate new phenotype with empty lists.");

            if (phenLimit < 2)
                phenotypesParam[0] = phenList[0];
                phenotypesParam[1] = phenList[0];

                if (phenList[0].ReduceLife())
                for (int i = 0; i < phensToChose; i++)
                    phenotypesParam[i] = phenList[Mathf.Min(phenLimit - 1, el + i)];

                foreach (EvaluatedPhenotype ph in phenotypesParam)
                    if (phenList[0].ReduceLife())

            // Execute the rule and generate the new phenotype
            Phenotype newPhenotype = chosenRule.rule(phenotypesParam);

            // Find mutation(s)

            while (Random.value < GlobalSettings.MutationRate)
                chosenRuleVal = Mathf.Floor(Random.value * (totalMutateRuleProbability));

                pos = 0;
                MutationRule mutChosenRule = null;

                foreach (MutationRule aRule in MutationRules)
                    pos += aRule.probabilityCount;
                    if (pos >= chosenRuleVal)
                        mutChosenRule = aRule;

                if (mutChosenRule == null)

                    Debug.LogError("No mutation rule has been chosen!");

                // Apply mutation
                newPhenotype = mutChosenRule.rule(newPhenotype);


        // The variance is being reduced every time a bit until reaching a limit
        GlobalSettings.RandomVariance -= 0.0005f;
        if (GlobalSettings.RandomVariance <= 0.1f)
            GlobalSettings.RandomVariance = 0.1f;
