public override bool Walk(FunctionDefinition node) { // Inner function, declare as variable. Do not set variable location // since it is not an assignment visible to the user. var m = SymbolTable.Evaluate(node); if (m != null) { Eval.DeclareVariable(node.NameExpression.Name, m, VariableSource.Declaration, node.NameExpression); } return(false); }
private void ExtendAll(Node location, IPythonCollection values) { Eval.LookupNameInScopes(AllVariableName, out var scope, LookupOptions.Global); if (scope == null) { return; } var all = scope.Variables[AllVariableName]?.Value as IPythonCollection; var list = PythonCollectionType.CreateConcatenatedList(Module.Interpreter, all, values); var source = list.IsGeneric() ? VariableSource.Generic : VariableSource.Declaration; Eval.DeclareVariable(AllVariableName, list, source, location); }
private void TryHandleClassVariable(MemberExpression mex, IMember value) { if (mex.Target is NameExpression nex && nex.Name == "self") { var m = Eval.LookupNameInScopes(nex.Name, out _, LookupOptions.Local); var cls = m.GetPythonType <IPythonClassType>(); if (cls != null) { using (Eval.OpenScope(Eval.Module, cls.ClassDefinition, out _)) { Eval.DeclareVariable(mex.Name, value, VariableSource.Declaration, Eval.GetLocationOfName(mex)); } } } }
public async Task HandleAnnotatedExpressionAsync(ExpressionWithAnnotation expr, IMember value, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (expr?.Annotation == null) { return; } var variableType = await Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotationAsync(expr.Annotation, cancellationToken); // If value is null, then this is a pure declaration like // x: List[str] // without a value. If value is provided, then this is // x: List[str] = [...] // Check value type for compatibility IMember instance = null; if (value != null) { var valueType = value.GetPythonType(); if (!variableType.IsUnknown() && !valueType.Equals(variableType)) { // TODO: warn incompatible value type. // TODO: verify values. Value may be list() while variable type is List[str]. // Leave it as variable type. } else { instance = value; } } instance = instance ?? variableType?.CreateInstance(variableType.Name, Eval.GetLoc(expr.Expression), ArgumentSet.Empty) ?? Eval.UnknownType; if (expr.Expression is NameExpression ne) { Eval.DeclareVariable(ne.Name, instance, expr.Expression); return; } if (expr.Expression is MemberExpression m) { // self.x : int = 42 var self = Eval.LookupNameInScopes("self", out var scope); var argType = self?.GetPythonType(); if (argType is PythonClassType cls && scope != null) { cls.AddMember(m.Name, instance, true); } } }
public async Task HandleWithAsync(WithStatement node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); foreach (var item in node.Items.Where(x => x.Variable != null)) { var contextManager = await Eval.GetValueFromExpressionAsync(item.ContextManager, cancellationToken); var cmType = contextManager.GetPythonType(); var enter = cmType?.GetMember(node.IsAsync ? @"__aenter__" : @"__enter__")?.GetPythonType<IPythonFunctionType>(); if (enter != null) { var context = await Eval.GetValueFromFunctionTypeAsync(enter, null, null, cancellationToken); if (item.Variable is NameExpression nex && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nex.Name)) { Eval.DeclareVariable(nex.Name, context, Eval.GetLoc(item)); } } } }
private void TryHandleClassVariable(AssignmentStatement node, IMember value) { var mex = node.Left.OfType <MemberExpression>().FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mex?.Name) && mex.Target is NameExpression nex && nex.Name.EqualsOrdinal("self")) { var m = Eval.LookupNameInScopes(nex.Name, out _, LookupOptions.Local); var cls = m.GetPythonType <IPythonClassType>(); if (cls != null) { using (Eval.OpenScope(Eval.Module, cls.ClassDefinition, out _)) { Eval.DeclareVariable(mex.Name, value, VariableSource.Declaration, Eval.GetLocationOfName(mex)); } } } }
private void DeclareParameter(Parameter p, ParameterInfo pi) { IPythonType paramType; // If type is known from annotation, use it. if (pi != null && !pi.Type.IsUnknown() && !pi.Type.IsGenericParameter()) { // TODO: technically generics may have constraints. Should we consider them? paramType = pi.Type; } else { paramType = pi?.DefaultValue?.GetPythonType() ?? Eval.UnknownType; } Eval.DeclareVariable(p.Name, new PythonInstance(paramType), VariableSource.Declaration, p.NameExpression); }
private void AssignImportedVariables(IPythonModule module, DottedName moduleImportExpression, NameExpression asNameExpression) { // "import fob.oar as baz" is handled as // baz = import_module('fob.oar') if (asNameExpression != null) { Eval.DeclareVariable(asNameExpression.Name, module, asNameExpression); return; } // "import fob.oar" is handled as // import_module('fob.oar') // fob = import_module('fob') var importNames = moduleImportExpression.Names; PythonPackage pythonPackage = null; var existingDepth = 0; var childPackage = Eval.GetInScope <PythonPackage>(importNames[0].Name); while (childPackage != null && existingDepth < importNames.Count - 1) { existingDepth++; pythonPackage = childPackage; childPackage = pythonPackage.GetMember <PythonPackage>(importNames[existingDepth].Name); } var child = module; for (var i = importNames.Count - 2; i >= existingDepth; i--) { var childName = importNames[i + 1].Name; var parentName = importNames[i].Name; var parent = new PythonPackage(parentName, Eval.Services); parent.AddChildModule(childName, child); child = parent; } if (pythonPackage == null) { Eval.DeclareVariable(importNames[0].Name, child, importNames[0]); } else { pythonPackage.AddChildModule(importNames[existingDepth].Name, child); } }
public bool HandleTryExcept(TryStatement node) { node.Body.Walk(Walker); foreach (var handler in node.Handlers.MaybeEnumerate()) { if (handler.Test != null && handler.Target is NameExpression nex) { var value = Eval.GetValueFromExpression(handler.Test); Eval.DeclareVariable(nex.Name, value ?? Eval.UnknownType, VariableSource.Declaration, nex); } handler.Body.Walk(Walker); } node.Finally?.Walk(Walker); node.Else?.Walk(Walker); return(false); }
private void ExtendAll(Node declNode, IReadOnlyList <IMember> values) { Eval.LookupNameInScopes(AllVariableName, out var scope, LookupOptions.Normal); if (scope == null) { return; } var loc = Eval.GetLoc(declNode); var allContents = (scope.Variables[AllVariableName].Value as IPythonCollection)?.Contents; var list = PythonCollectionType.CreateConcatenatedList(Module.Interpreter, loc, allContents, values); var source = list.IsGeneric() ? VariableSource.Generic : VariableSource.Declaration; Eval.DeclareVariable(AllVariableName, list, source, loc); }
public async Task HandleForAsync(ForStatement node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var iterable = await Eval.GetValueFromExpressionAsync(node.List, cancellationToken); var iterator = (iterable as IPythonIterable)?.GetIterator(); if (iterator == null) { // TODO: report that expression does not evaluate to iterable. } var value = iterator?.Next ?? Eval.UnknownType; switch (node.Left) { case NameExpression nex: // for x in y: Eval.DeclareVariable(nex.Name, value, Eval.GetLoc(node.Left)); break; case TupleExpression tex: // x = [('abc', 42, True), ('abc', 23, False)] // for some_str, some_int, some_bool in x: var names = tex.Items.OfType <NameExpression>().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(); if (value is IPythonIterable valueIterable) { var valueIterator = valueIterable.GetIterator(); foreach (var n in names) { Eval.DeclareVariable(n, valueIterator?.Next ?? Eval.UnknownType, Eval.GetLoc(node.Left)); } } else { // TODO: report that expression yields value that does not evaluate to iterable. } break; } if (node.Body != null) { await node.Body.WalkAsync(Walker, cancellationToken); } }
public async Task EvaluateClassAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // Open class scope chain using (Eval.OpenScope(_classDef, out var outerScope)) { var instance = Eval.GetInScope(_classDef.Name, outerScope); if (!(instance?.GetPythonType() is PythonClassType classInfo)) { if (instance != null) { // TODO: warning that variable is already declared of a different type. } // May be odd case like class inside a class. return; } // Evaluate inner classes, if any await EvaluateInnerClassesAsync(_classDef, cancellationToken); _class = classInfo; // Set bases to the class. var bases = new List <IPythonType>(); foreach (var a in _classDef.Bases.Where(a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Name))) { // We cheat slightly and treat base classes as annotations. var b = await Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotationAsync(a.Expression, cancellationToken); if (b != null) { bases.Add(b.GetPythonType()); } } _class.SetBases(Interpreter, bases); // Declare __class__ variable in the scope. Eval.DeclareVariable("__class__", _class, _classDef); await ProcessClassBody(cancellationToken); } }
public void HandleWith(WithStatement node) { foreach (var item in node.Items.Where(x => x.Variable != null)) { var contextManager = Eval.GetValueFromExpression(item.ContextManager); var cmType = contextManager?.GetPythonType(); IMember context = Eval.UnknownType; var enter = cmType?.GetMember(node.IsAsync ? @"__aenter__" : @"__enter__")?.GetPythonType <IPythonFunctionType>(); if (enter != null) { var instance = contextManager as IPythonInstance; var callExpr = item.ContextManager as CallExpression; context = Eval.GetValueFromFunctionType(enter, instance, callExpr); // If fetching context from __enter__ failed, annotation in the stub may be using // type from typing that we haven't specialized yet or there may be an issue in // the stub itself, such as type or incorrect type. Try using context manager then. context = context.IsUnknown() ? contextManager : context; } switch (item.Variable) { // Handle with Test() as a case NameExpression nameExpr when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameExpr.Name): Eval.DeclareVariable(nameExpr.Name, context, VariableSource.Declaration, item); break; // Handle with Test() as (a) case ParenthesisExpression parExpr when parExpr.Expression is NameExpression nameExpr && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameExpr.Name): Eval.DeclareVariable(nameExpr.Name, context, VariableSource.Declaration, item); break; // Handle with Test() as (a, b) // Single element list [a] is a sequence expression so also handled here case SequenceExpression seqExpr: var sequenceHandler = new SequenceExpressionHandler(Walker); sequenceHandler.HandleAssignment(seqExpr, context); break; } } }
public override bool Walk(PythonAst node) { Check.InvalidOperation(() => Ast == node, "walking wrong AST"); _cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // Collect basic information about classes and functions in order // to correctly process forward references. Does not determine // types yet since at this time imports or generic definitions // have not been processed. SymbolTable.Build(Eval); // There are cases (see typeshed datetime stub) with constructs // class A: // def __init__(self, x: Optional[B]): ... // // _A = A // // class B: // def func(self, x: Optional[_A]) // // so evaluation of A -> B ends up incomplete since _A is not known yet. // Thus, when A type is created, we need to go and evaluate all assignments // that might be referring to it in the right hand side. if (Ast.Body is SuiteStatement ste) { foreach (var statement in ste.Statements.OfType <AssignmentStatement>()) { if (statement.Left.Count == 1 && statement.Left[0] is NameExpression leftNex && statement.Right is NameExpression rightNex) { var m = Eval.GetInScope <IPythonClassType>(rightNex.Name); if (m != null) { Eval.DeclareVariable(leftNex.Name, m, VariableSource.Declaration, leftNex); } } } } return(base.Walk(node)); }
private void HandleTypedVariable(IPythonType variableType, IMember value, Expression expr) { // Check value type for compatibility IMember instance = null; if (value != null) { var valueType = value.GetPythonType(); if (!variableType.IsUnknown() && !valueType.Equals(variableType)) { // TODO: warn incompatible value type. // TODO: verify values. Value may be list() while variable type is List[str]. // Leave it as variable type. } else { instance = value; } } var args = ArgumentSet.Empty(expr, Eval); instance = instance ?? variableType?.CreateInstance(args) ?? Eval.UnknownType.CreateInstance(ArgumentSet.WithoutContext); if (expr is NameExpression ne) { Eval.DeclareVariable(ne.Name, instance, VariableSource.Declaration, ne); return; } if (expr is MemberExpression m) { // self.x : int = 42 var self = Eval.LookupNameInScopes("self", out var scope); var argType = self?.GetPythonType(); if (argType is PythonClassType cls && scope != null) { cls.AddMember(m.Name, instance, true); } } }
public void EvaluateClass() { // Open class scope chain using (Eval.OpenScope(Module, _classDef, out var outerScope)) { var instance = Eval.GetInScope(_classDef.Name, outerScope); if (!(instance?.GetPythonType() is PythonClassType classInfo)) { if (instance != null) { // TODO: warning that variable is already declared of a different type. } return; } // Evaluate inner classes, if any EvaluateInnerClasses(_classDef); _class = classInfo; // Set bases to the class. var bases = new List <IPythonType>(); foreach (var a in _classDef.Bases.Where(a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Name))) { // We cheat slightly and treat base classes as annotations. var b = Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotation(a.Expression); if (b != null) { var t = b.GetPythonType(); bases.Add(t); t.AddReference(Eval.GetLocationOfName(a.Expression)); } } _class.SetBases(bases); // Declare __class__ variable in the scope. Eval.DeclareVariable("__class__", _class, VariableSource.Declaration); ProcessClassBody(); } }
private void HandleImport(ModuleName moduleImportExpression, NameExpression asNameExpression, bool forceAbsolute) { // "import fob.oar.baz" means // import_module('fob') // import_module('fob.oar') // import_module('fob.oar.baz') var importNames = ImmutableArray <string> .Empty; var lastModule = default(PythonVariableModule); var firstModule = default(PythonVariableModule); foreach (var nameExpression in moduleImportExpression.Names) { importNames = importNames.Add(nameExpression.Name); var imports = ModuleResolution.CurrentPathResolver.GetImportsFromAbsoluteName(Module.FilePath, importNames, forceAbsolute); if (!HandleImportSearchResult(imports, lastModule, asNameExpression, moduleImportExpression, out lastModule)) { lastModule = default; break; } if (firstModule == default) { firstModule = lastModule; } } // "import fob.oar.baz as baz" is handled as baz = import_module('fob.oar.baz') // "import fob.oar.baz" is handled as fob = import_module('fob') if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(asNameExpression?.Name) && lastModule != default) { Eval.DeclareVariable(asNameExpression.Name, lastModule, VariableSource.Import, asNameExpression); } else if (firstModule != default && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(importNames[0])) { var firstName = moduleImportExpression.Names[0]; Eval.DeclareVariable(importNames[0], firstModule, VariableSource.Import, firstName); } }
private async Task DeclareParameterAsync(Parameter p, int index, ParameterInfo pi, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { IPythonType paramType; // If type is known from annotation, use it. if (pi != null && !pi.Type.IsUnknown() && !pi.Type.IsGenericParameter()) { // TODO: technically generics may have constraints. Should we consider them? paramType = pi.Type; } else { var defaultValue = await Eval.GetValueFromExpressionAsync(p.DefaultValue, cancellationToken) ?? Eval.UnknownType; paramType = defaultValue.GetPythonType(); if (!paramType.IsUnknown()) { pi?.SetDefaultValueType(paramType); } } Eval.DeclareVariable(p.Name, paramType, p.NameExpression); }
private void AssignVariables(FromImportStatement node, IImportSearchResult imports, PythonVariableModule variableModule) { if (variableModule == null) { return; } var names = node.Names; var asNames = node.AsNames; if (names.Count == 1 && names[0].Name == "*") { // TODO: warn this is not a good style per // TODO: // TODO: warn this is invalid if not in the global scope. HandleModuleImportStar(variableModule, imports is ImplicitPackageImport, node.StartIndex); return; } for (var i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { var memberName = names[i].Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(memberName)) { var nameExpression = asNames[i] ?? names[i]; var variableName = nameExpression?.Name ?? memberName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { var variable = variableModule.Analysis?.GlobalScope?.Variables[memberName]; var exported = variable ?? variableModule.GetMember(memberName); var value = exported ?? GetValueFromImports(variableModule, imports as IImportChildrenSource, memberName); // Do not allow imported variables to override local declarations Eval.DeclareVariable(variableName, value, VariableSource.Import, nameExpression, CanOverwriteVariable(variableName, node.StartIndex)); } } } }
private void HandleModuleImportStar(PythonVariableModule variableModule, bool isImplicitPackage, int importPosition) { if (variableModule.Module == Module) { // from self import * won't define any new members return; } // If __all__ is present, take it, otherwise declare all members from the module that do not begin with an underscore. var memberNames = isImplicitPackage ? variableModule.GetMemberNames() : variableModule.Analysis.StarImportMemberNames ?? variableModule.GetMemberNames().Where(s => !s.StartsWithOrdinal("_")); foreach (var memberName in memberNames) { var member = variableModule.GetMember(memberName); if (member == null) { Log?.Log(TraceEventType.Verbose, $"Undefined import: {variableModule.Name}, {memberName}"); } else if (member.MemberType == PythonMemberType.Unknown) { Log?.Log(TraceEventType.Verbose, $"Unknown import: {variableModule.Name}, {memberName}"); } member = member ?? Eval.UnknownType; if (member is IPythonModule m) { ModuleResolution.GetOrLoadModule(m.Name); } var variable = variableModule.Analysis?.GlobalScope?.Variables[memberName]; // Do not allow imported variables to override local declarations Eval.DeclareVariable(memberName, variable ?? member, VariableSource.Import, Eval.DefaultLocation, CanOverwriteVariable(memberName, importPosition)); } }
public async Task HandleAssignmentAsync(AssignmentStatement node, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var value = await Eval.GetValueFromExpressionAsync(node.Right, cancellationToken); if (value.IsUnknown()) { Log?.Log(TraceEventType.Verbose, $"Undefined value: {node.Right.ToCodeString(Ast).Trim()}"); } if (value?.GetPythonType().TypeId == BuiltinTypeId.Ellipsis) { value = Eval.UnknownType; } if (node.Left.FirstOrDefault() is TupleExpression lhs) { // Tuple = Tuple. Transfer values. var texHandler = new TupleExpressionHandler(Walker); await texHandler.HandleTupleAssignmentAsync(lhs, node.Right, value, cancellationToken); return; } foreach (var expr in node.Left.OfType <ExpressionWithAnnotation>()) { // x: List[str] = [...] await HandleAnnotatedExpressionAsync(expr, value, cancellationToken); } foreach (var ne in node.Left.OfType <NameExpression>()) { if (Eval.CurrentScope.NonLocals[ne.Name] != null) { Eval.LookupNameInScopes(ne.Name, out var scope, LookupOptions.Nonlocal); if (scope != null) { scope.Variables[ne.Name].Value = value; } else { // TODO: report variable is not declared in outer scopes. } continue; } if (Eval.CurrentScope.Globals[ne.Name] != null) { Eval.LookupNameInScopes(ne.Name, out var scope, LookupOptions.Global); if (scope != null) { scope.Variables[ne.Name].Value = value; } else { // TODO: report variable is not declared in global scope. } continue; } Eval.DeclareVariable(ne.Name, value, Eval.GetLoc(ne)); } }
private void DeclareParameters(bool declareVariables) { // For class method no need to add extra parameters, but first parameter type should be the class. // For static and unbound methods do not add or set anything. // For regular bound methods add first parameter and set it to the class. var parameters = new List <ParameterInfo>(); var skip = 0; if (_self != null && _function.HasClassFirstArgument()) { var p0 = FunctionDefinition.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(); if (p0 != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p0.Name)) { // Actual parameter type will be determined when method is invoked. // The reason is that if method might be called on a derived class. // Declare self or cls in this scope. if (declareVariables) { Eval.DeclareVariable(p0.Name, new PythonInstance(_self), VariableSource.Declaration, p0.NameExpression); } // Set parameter info. var pi = new ParameterInfo(Ast, p0, _self, null, false); parameters.Add(pi); skip++; } } // Declare parameters in scope IMember defaultValue = null; for (var i = skip; i < FunctionDefinition.Parameters.Length; i++) { var isGeneric = false; var p = FunctionDefinition.Parameters[i]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Name)) { IPythonType paramType = null; if (p.DefaultValue != null) { defaultValue = Eval.GetValueFromExpression(p.DefaultValue); // If parameter has default value, look for the annotation locally first // since outer type may be getting redefined. Consider 's = None; def f(s: s = 123): ... paramType = Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotation(p.Annotation, out isGeneric, LookupOptions.Local | LookupOptions.Builtins); // Default value of None does not mean the parameter is None, just says it can be missing. defaultValue = defaultValue.IsUnknown() || defaultValue.IsOfType(BuiltinTypeId.NoneType) ? null : defaultValue; if (paramType == null && defaultValue != null) { paramType = defaultValue.GetPythonType(); } } // If all else fails, look up globally. paramType = paramType ?? Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotation(p.Annotation, out isGeneric) ?? Eval.UnknownType; var pi = new ParameterInfo(Ast, p, paramType, defaultValue, isGeneric); if (declareVariables) { DeclareParameter(p, pi); } parameters.Add(pi); } } _overload.SetParameters(parameters); }
public void HandleAssignment(AssignmentStatement node) { if (node.Right is ErrorExpression) { return; } var value = Eval.GetValueFromExpression(node.Right) ?? Eval.UnknownType; // Check PEP hint first var valueType = Eval.GetTypeFromPepHint(node.Right); if (valueType != null) { HandleTypedVariable(valueType, value, node.Left.FirstOrDefault()); return; } if (value.IsUnknown()) { Log?.Log(TraceEventType.Verbose, $"Undefined value: {node.Right.ToCodeString(Ast).Trim()}"); } if (value?.GetPythonType().TypeId == BuiltinTypeId.Ellipsis) { value = Eval.UnknownType; } if (node.Left.FirstOrDefault() is SequenceExpression seq) { // Tuple = Tuple. Transfer values. var seqHandler = new SequenceExpressionHandler(Walker); seqHandler.HandleAssignment(seq.Items, node.Right, value); return; } // Process annotations, if any. foreach (var expr in node.Left.OfType <ExpressionWithAnnotation>()) { // x: List[str] = [...] HandleAnnotatedExpression(expr, value); } foreach (var ne in node.Left.OfType <NameExpression>()) { if (Eval.CurrentScope.NonLocals[ne.Name] != null) { Eval.LookupNameInScopes(ne.Name, out var scope, LookupOptions.Nonlocal); scope?.Variables[ne.Name].Assign(value, Eval.GetLocationOfName(ne)); continue; } if (Eval.CurrentScope.Globals[ne.Name] != null) { Eval.LookupNameInScopes(ne.Name, out var scope, LookupOptions.Global); scope?.Variables[ne.Name].Assign(value, Eval.GetLocationOfName(ne)); continue; } var source = value.IsGeneric() ? VariableSource.Generic : VariableSource.Declaration; var location = Eval.GetLocationOfName(ne); if (IsValidAssignment(ne.Name, location)) { Eval.DeclareVariable(ne.Name, value ?? Module.Interpreter.UnknownType, source, location); } } TryHandleClassVariable(node, value); }
/// <summary> /// Merges data from stub with the data from the module. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Functions are taken from the stub by the function walker since /// information on the return type is needed during the analysis walk. /// However, if the module is compiled (scraped), it often lacks some /// of the definitions. Stub may contains those so we need to merge it in. /// </remarks> private void MergeStub() { if (Module.ModuleType == ModuleType.User) { return; } // No stub, no merge. if (_stubAnalysis == null) { return; } var builtins = Module.Interpreter.ModuleResolution.BuiltinsModule; // Note that scrape can pick up more functions than the stub contains // Or the stub can have definitions that scraping had missed. Therefore // merge is the combination of the two with the documentation coming // from the library source of from the scraped module. foreach (var v in _stubAnalysis.GlobalScope.Variables) { var stubType = v.Value.GetPythonType(); if (stubType.IsUnknown()) { continue; } var sourceVar = Eval.GlobalScope.Variables[v.Name]; var sourceType = sourceVar?.Value.GetPythonType(); // If stub says 'Any' but we have better type, keep the current type. if (!IsStubBetterType(sourceType, stubType)) { continue; } // If type does not exist in module, but exists in stub, declare it unless it is an import. // If types are the classes, merge members. Otherwise, replace type from one from the stub. switch (sourceType) { case null: // Nothing in sources, but there is type in the stub. Declare it. if (v.Source == VariableSource.Declaration) { Eval.DeclareVariable(v.Name, v.Value, v.Source); } break; case PythonClassType cls when Module.Equals(cls.DeclaringModule): // If class exists and belongs to this module, add or replace // its members with ones from the stub, preserving documentation. // Don't augment types that do not come from this module. // Do not replace __class__ since it has to match class type and we are not // replacing class type, we are only merging members. foreach (var name in stubType.GetMemberNames().Except(new[] { "__class__", "__base__", "__bases__", "__mro__", "mro" })) { var stubMember = stubType.GetMember(name); var member = cls.GetMember(name); var memberType = member?.GetPythonType(); var stubMemberType = stubMember.GetPythonType(); if (builtins.Equals(memberType?.DeclaringModule) || builtins.Equals(stubMemberType?.DeclaringModule)) { continue; // Leave builtins alone. } if (memberType?.DeclaringModule is SpecializedModule || stubMemberType?.DeclaringModule is SpecializedModule) { continue; // Leave specialized modules like typing alone. } if (!IsStubBetterType(memberType, stubMemberType)) { continue; } // Get documentation from the current type, if any, since stubs // typically do not contain documentation while scraped code does. TransferDocumentationAndLocation(memberType, stubMemberType); cls.AddMember(name, stubMember, overwrite: true); } break; case IPythonModule _: // We do not re-declare modules. break; default: // Re-declare variable with the data from the stub unless member is a module. // Modules members that are modules should remain as they are, i.e. os.path // should remain library with its own stub attached. var stubModule = stubType.DeclaringModule; if (!(stubType is IPythonModule) && !builtins.Equals(stubModule)) { TransferDocumentationAndLocation(sourceType, stubType); // TODO: choose best type between the scrape and the stub. Stub probably should always win. var source = Eval.CurrentScope.Variables[v.Name]?.Source ?? v.Source; Eval.DeclareVariable(v.Name, v.Value, source); } break; } } }
private void MakeUnresolvedImport(string name, Node node) => Eval.DeclareVariable(name, new SentinelModule(name, Eval.Services), Eval.GetLoc(node));
private async Task DeclareParametersAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { // For class method no need to add extra parameters, but first parameter type should be the class. // For static and unbound methods do not add or set anything. // For regular bound methods add first parameter and set it to the class. var parameters = new List <ParameterInfo>(); var skip = 0; if (_self != null && _function.HasClassFirstArgument()) { var p0 = FunctionDefinition.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(); if (p0 != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p0.Name)) { // Actual parameter type will be determined when method is invoked. // The reason is that if method might be called on a derived class. // Declare self or cls in this scope. Eval.DeclareVariable(p0.Name, _self, p0.NameExpression); // Set parameter info. var pi = new ParameterInfo(Ast, p0, _self); pi.SetType(_self); parameters.Add(pi); skip++; } } // Declare parameters in scope for (var i = skip; i < FunctionDefinition.Parameters.Length; i++) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var p = FunctionDefinition.Parameters[i]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Name)) { // If parameter has default value, look for the annotation locally first // since outer type may be getting redefined. Consider 's = None; def f(s: s = 123): ... IPythonType paramType = null; if (p.DefaultValue != null) { paramType = await Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotationAsync(p.Annotation, cancellationToken, LookupOptions.Local | LookupOptions.Builtins); if (paramType == null) { var defaultValue = await Eval.GetValueFromExpressionAsync(p.DefaultValue, cancellationToken); if (!defaultValue.IsUnknown()) { paramType = defaultValue.GetPythonType(); } } } // If all else fails, look up globally. paramType = paramType ?? await Eval.GetTypeFromAnnotationAsync(p.Annotation, cancellationToken); var pi = new ParameterInfo(Ast, p, paramType); await DeclareParameterAsync(p, i, pi, cancellationToken); parameters.Add(pi); } } _overload.SetParameters(parameters); }