コード例 #1
    //  =================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    ///   This method generates the streamed video form field object as html markup.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="GroupField">Evado.UniForm.Model.PageGroup object.</param>
    //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getStreamedVideoField (
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Group PageGroup )
      this.LogMethod ( "getStreamedVideoField" );

      // if there is not video donot create the video field.
      if ( this.AdapterObjects.Settings.DemoRegistrationVideoUrl == String.Empty )

      // Initialise local variables.
      Evado.UniForm.Model.Field groupField = PageGroup.createField ( );
      groupField.Type = Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Streamed_Video;
      groupField.Value = this.AdapterObjects.Settings.DemoRegistrationVideoUrl;
      groupField.Description = String.Empty;

      int iWidth = 800;
      int iHeight = 0;

      this.LogDebug ( "iWidth: " + iWidth );
      this.LogDebug ( "iHeight: " + iHeight );
      if ( iWidth > 0 )
        groupField.AddParameter ( Evado.UniForm.Model.FieldParameterList.Width, iWidth.ToString ( ) );
      if ( iHeight > 0 )
        groupField.AddParameter ( Evado.UniForm.Model.FieldParameterList.Height, iHeight.ToString ( ) );

      this.LogDebug ( "Value: " + groupField.Value );


    }//END getStreamedVideoField method.