/// <summary> /// projclassstate向后流转 /// </summary> /// <param name="sys_ids"></param> /// <param name="str_facterid"></param> /// <param name="ds_facter"></param> /// <param name="str_txt_bak_message"></param> /// <param name="clientInf"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// public string get_result_1_1(string sys_ids) { //string str_result = ""; //str_result = get_resultmorethanonesysid(sys_ids); //if (str_result != "") //{ // return str_result; //} //return str_result; //验证所选客户是否可以进流程 string result = ""; string sql = "select f_value1 from tbl_ld_xgsbds where fk_tbl_maintable_sys_id='" + sys_ids + "'"; string value1 = ""; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (o != null) { value1 = o.ToString(); } if (value1 == "") { result = "数据未分析"; } else { result = ""; } return(result); }
public string CheckResource(string sysIdString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _iAccessData = Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.AccessDataFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataBaseType.oracledal, Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBaseConnectionString"].ToString()); string maxSize = "500000"; string titleString = ""; string contentString = ""; string sqlString = ""; sqlString += " select wm_concat(replace(filerealname, ' ', ',')) from tbl_file_content where menuid in "; sqlString += " ("; sqlString += " select f_titleresource from tbl_app_news where sys_id = '" + sysIdString + "'"; sqlString += " )"; sqlString += " and filesize > " + maxSize; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o != null) { if (o.ToString() != "") { titleString = o.ToString(); } } sqlString = ""; sqlString += " select wm_concat(replace(filerealname, ' ', ',')) from tbl_file_content where menuid in "; sqlString += " ("; sqlString += " select f_contentresource from tbl_app_news where sys_id = '" + sysIdString + "'"; sqlString += " )"; sqlString += " and filesize > " + maxSize; o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o != null) { if (o.ToString() != "") { contentString = o.ToString(); } } string result = "{\"title\":\"" + titleString + "\",\"content\":\"" + contentString + "\"}"; resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = result; } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("查询Tags:异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_select", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string getLogListByMaintableSysId(string maintable_sys_id, string orderByString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { resultDic["result"] = "true"; Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = "select sys_projectclassid from tbl_maintable where sys_id='" + maintable_sys_id + "'"; string sys_projclassid = _ia.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); string selectStr = "select sys_creatdate,sys_id,sys_flag,value1,value2,value3,value4,value5,businessname,businessid,processsinsid,processdefid,workflowid,"; selectStr += " sys_creatusername,"; selectStr += " sys_creatuserid,"; selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =fromstate )as fromstate,"; selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =tostate )as tostate ,"; selectStr += " remark"; selectStr += " from t_projstate_log t where businessid='" + maintable_sys_id + "'"; string countSql = "select count(*) from t_projstate_log where businessid='" + maintable_sys_id + "'"; string count = _ia.GetSingle(countSql).ToString(); if (orderByString != "") { selectStr += " order by " + orderByString; } else { selectStr += " order by sys_creatdate asc"; } if (pageSizeString != "" && pageIndexString != "") { int startindex = (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) * int.Parse(pageSizeString); int endindex = int.Parse(pageIndexString) * int.Parse(pageSizeString); selectStr = "select * from (select rownum rn,tt.* from(" + selectStr + ") tt) where rn<=" + endindex + " and rn>" + startindex + ""; } DataSet ds = _ia.Query(selectStr); string rows = ""; if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { rows = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]); } else { rows = "[]"; } string message = "{\"total\":\"" + count + "\",\"rows\":" + rows + "}"; //code-less为了程序能过,暂时处理,需要修改 message = message.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", ""); resultDic["message"] = message; } catch (Exception e) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["messaget"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(e.Message); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
/// <summary> /// 验证是不是能启动流程 /// </summary> /// <param name="sys_ids"></param> /// <param name="str_facterid"></param> /// <param name="ds_facter"></param> /// <param name="str_resultmessage"></param> /// <param name="clientInf"></param> /// <param name="userInfoJsonString"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string get_startworkflow(string sys_ids, string str_facterid, DataSet ds_facter, ref string str_resultmessage, string clientInf, string userInfoJsonString) { string result = ""; try { Eva.Library.ServiceAdapter.IAdapter.IWorkFlow w = Eva.Library.ServiceAdapter.AdapterFactory.WorkFlowFactory.CreateService(Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"]); string lcdyid = _cc.GetWorkFlowLCDYID(str_facterid, ds_facter, clientInf, userInfoJsonString); DataSet ds; if (sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.GetPlatformServiceModel() == "dll") { ds = sara.platform.service.workflow.Service.GetUserOperationStartByDylcid(lcdyid); } else { ds = w.GetUserOperationStartByDylcid(lcdyid); } #region businesscode //businesscode //在此处添加针对projclassid = 3的业务代码 _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = "select count(*) from tbl_ld_xhhbtzb where fk_tbl_ld_xhhbt_sys_id = (select sys_id from tbl_ld_xhhbt where fk_tbl_maintable_sys_id='" + sys_ids + "') and f_khbh is null"; string count = "0"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (o != null) { count = o.ToString(); } string total = "0"; sql = "select count(*) from tbl_ld_xhhbtzb where fk_tbl_ld_xhhbt_sys_id = (select sys_id from tbl_ld_xhhbt where fk_tbl_maintable_sys_id='" + sys_ids + "')"; object res = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (res != null) { total = res.ToString(); } if (count != "0" || total == "0") { result = "请先选定客户在进行操作"; } #endregion str_resultmessage = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]); } catch (Exception ex) { result = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(result); }
public string Update(string json, string columns, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ldbm_expdata model = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToModel <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ldbm_expdata>(json); model.sys_lasteditdate = DateTime.Now; columns = FormatColumns(columns).Replace("^", ","); if (model.f_khbh != "") { string sql = "select wm_concat(sys_id) from tbl_ld_khb where f_khbh in (" + model.f_khbh + ")"; model.f_khbhid = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); } else { model.f_khbhid = ""; } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = _idal_tbl_ldbm_expdata.Update(model, columns, null); NewLog("数据更新成功,更新的数据为:json:" + json + ",columns:" + columns, "sql_update", clientInf); } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("数据更新失败,更新的数据为:json:" + json + ",columns:" + columns + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_update", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
/// <summary> /// 删除时验证 /// </summary> /// <param name="sys_ids"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string get_del(string sys_ids) { string str_result = ""; str_result = get_resultonlyonesysid(sys_ids); #region businesscode //businesscode //在此处添加针对projclassid = 3的业务代码 //删除时判断子表是否存在数据 if (str_result != "") { return(str_result); } string sql = "select count(*) from tbl_ld_xhhbtzb where fk_tbl_ld_xhhbt_sys_id=(select sys_id from tbl_ld_xhhbt where fk_tbl_maintable_sys_id ='" + sys_ids + "')"; string count = "0"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (o != null) { count = o.ToString(); } if (count != "0") { str_result = "请先删除子表中的数据。"; } else { str_result = ""; } #endregion return(str_result); }
public string GetShpidString(string sysIdString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { string shpidString = ""; string sqlString = " select distinct(m.shpid) from tbl_maintable m,up_shape_dl s"; sqlString += " where m.shpid = s.sys_shpid"; sqlString += " and m.sys_id = '" + sysIdString + "'"; Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o != null) { shpidString = o.ToString(); } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = shpidString; NewLog("shpid查询成功,sys_id为:" + sysIdString, "sql_select", clientInf); } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("shpid查询成功,sys_id为:" + sysIdString + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_select", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取新的FILEID /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetNewFileId(Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t) { string sql = "select max(id) from tbl_file_menu "; object o; string fileid = ""; if (t == null) { fileid = ((o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql)) == null ? "0" : o.ToString()); } else { fileid = ((o = t.GetSingle(sql)) == null ? "0" : o.ToString()); } if (fileid == "") { fileid = "0"; } fileid = (int.Parse(fileid) + 1).ToString(); sql = "insert into tbl_file_menu(id,hascontent) values('" + fileid + "','1')"; if (t == null) { _iAccessData.ExecuteSql(sql); } else { t.ExecuteSql(sql); } return(fileid); }
public string GetUserLoginNameCount(string userLoginNameString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = "select count(*) from t_user where u_code = '" + userLoginNameString + "'"; string count = ia.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = count; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "error"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetCodeResource(string appVersionString, string codeVersionString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { string currentVersion = "1.0.1"; #region 读取最新版本号 _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sqlString = "select f_codeversion from tbl_app_version where f_apptypeid = '" + userInfDic["devicetype"] + "' and f_appversion = '" + appVersionString + "'"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o != null) { currentVersion = o.ToString(); } #endregion if (currentVersion != codeVersionString) { Dictionary <string, string> htmlResourceDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); htmlResourceDic["version"] = currentVersion; htmlResourceDic["content"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(GetCode("sara.dd.ldsw")); string htmlResourceString = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(htmlResourceDic); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = htmlResourceString; } else { Dictionary <string, string> htmlResourceDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); htmlResourceDic["version"] = currentVersion; htmlResourceDic["content"] = ""; string htmlResourceString = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(htmlResourceDic); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = htmlResourceString; } } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "error"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
/// <summary> /// 验证是不是能启动流程 /// </summary> /// <param name="sys_ids"></param> /// <param name="str_facterid"></param> /// <param name="ds_facter"></param> /// <param name="str_resultmessage"></param> /// <param name="clientInf"></param> /// <param name="userInfoJsonString"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string get_startworkflow(string sys_ids, string str_facterid, DataSet ds_facter, ref string str_resultmessage, string clientInf, string userInfoJsonString) { string result = ""; try { Eva.Library.ServiceAdapter.IAdapter.IWorkFlow w = Eva.Library.ServiceAdapter.AdapterFactory.WorkFlowFactory.CreateService(Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"]); string lcdyid = _cc.GetWorkFlowLCDYID(str_facterid, ds_facter, clientInf, userInfoJsonString); DataSet ds; if (sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.GetPlatformServiceModel() == "dll") { ds = sara.platform.service.workflow.Service.GetUserOperationStartByDylcid(lcdyid); } else { ds = w.GetUserOperationStartByDylcid(lcdyid); } #region businesscode //businesscode //验证所选客户是否可以进流程 string sql = "select f_value1 from tbl_ld_xgsbds where fk_tbl_maintable_sys_id='" + sys_ids + "'"; string value1 = ""; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (o != null) { value1 = o.ToString(); } if (value1 == "") { result = "数据未分析"; } else { result = ""; } #endregion str_resultmessage = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]); } catch (Exception ex) { result = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(result); }
public string IsCanRollBack(string sys_id, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; string sql = ""; string count = ""; try { _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); sql = "select count(*) from tbl_ld_pgb where sys_id > '" + sys_id + "' and f_value1 = (select f_value1 from tbl_ld_pgb where sys_id = '" + sys_id + "') and f_ztid='1'"; count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); if (count != "0") { resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = "false"; } else { sql = "select count(*) from tbl_ld_cbiao where f_pgbhid='" + sys_id + "'and f_ztid!='2'"; count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); if (count != "0") { resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = "false"; } else { resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = "true"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
/// <summary> /// 重写获取count /// </summary> /// <param name="whereString"></param> /// <param name="clientInf"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCount(string whereString, Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select count(*) from tbl_ld_cben"); if (whereString.Trim() != "") { strSql.Append(" where " + whereString); } string count = "0"; if (t == null) { count = int.Parse(_iAccessData.GetSingle(strSql.ToString()).ToString()).ToString(); } else { count = int.Parse(t.GetSingle(strSql.ToString()).ToString()).ToString(); } return(count); }
public string Delete(string whereString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); //删除附件的功能 //删除子表的方法 //加入删除子表附件文件的方法 string sql = "select f_yslxid,f_dyid,sys_id from tbl_ldbm_jtsj where " + whereString + ""; DataTable dt = _iAccessData.Query(sql).Tables[0]; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string yslxid = dt.Rows[i]["f_yslxid"].ToString(); string dyid = dt.Rows[i]["f_dyid"].ToString(); string sys_id = dt.Rows[i]["sys_id"].ToString(); string arraySql = "select count(*) as count from tbl_ld_khb where f_yslxid =(select f_yslxid from tbl_ldbm_jtsj where sys_id =" + sys_id + ") and f_dyid =(select f_dyid from tbl_ldbm_jtsj where sys_id =" + sys_id + ") and f_ztid = '0' and sys_delflag = '0'"; string count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(arraySql).ToString(); if (count != "0") { //存不可以删除的sys_id list.Add(sys_id); } else { resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = _idal_tbl_ldbm_jtsj.Delete(whereString, null); NewLog("数据删除成功,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString, "sql_delete", clientInf); } } if (list.Count != 0) { string str = string.Join(",", list.ToArray()); resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "有用户正在使用该阶梯水价,不可以删除sys_id为" + str + "的阶梯水价"; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("数据删除失败,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_delete", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string Delete(string whereString, string clientInf) { _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { //删除附件的功能 //删除子表的方法 //加入删除子表附件文件的方法 string sql = ""; sql += " select count(*) from tbl_ld_yhb"; sql += " where (f_dyid is not null and f_dyid in (select sys_id from tbl_ldbm_dycq where " + whereString + "))"; sql += " or(f_scid is not null and f_scid in(select sys_id from tbl_ldbm_dycq where " + whereString + "))"; sql += " or(f_qyid is not null and f_qyid in(select sys_id from tbl_ldbm_dycq where " + whereString + "))"; sql += " or(f_pqid is not null and f_pqid in(select sys_id from tbl_ldbm_dycq where " + whereString + "))"; string count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); if (count != "0") { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "您所选定的信息,在用户表中存在引用,所以不能删除。"; } else { resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = _idal_tbl_ldbm_dycq.Delete(whereString, null); NewLog("数据删除成功,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString, "sql_delete", clientInf); } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("数据删除失败,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_delete", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetTags(string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _iAccessData = Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.AccessDataFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataBaseType.oracledal, Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBaseConnectionString"].ToString()); string re = _iAccessData.GetSingle("select wm_concat(replace(f_tag,' ',',')) from tbl_app_news ").ToString(); List <string> l_re = re.Split(',').ToList(); List <string> l_result = new List <string>(); string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < l_re.Count; i++) { if (!l_result.Contains(l_re[i])) { l_result.Add(l_re[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < l_result.Count; i++) { result += l_result[i] + "^"; } result = result.Trim('^'); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = result; NewLog("查询Tags:", "sql_select", clientInf); } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("查询Tags:异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_select", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string getXmmcByMaintableSysId(string maintable_sys_id) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { resultDic["result"] = "true"; Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = "select xmmc from tbl_maintable where sys_id='" + maintable_sys_id + "'"; string xmmc = _ia.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); resultDic["message"] = xmmc; } catch (Exception e) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["messaget"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(e.Message); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetSingleSqls(string sqlStringJson) { _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; string message = ""; try { IDictionary <string, string> sqlStringDic = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToDic(sqlStringJson); foreach (string key in sqlStringDic.Keys) { object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle((sqlStringDic[key].ToString())); if (o != null) { //发现少引号,怀疑是bug--sk message += "\"" + key + "\":\"" + o.ToString() + "\","; } else { //发现少引号,怀疑是bug--sk message += "\"" + key + "\":\"" + "" + "\","; } } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = "{" + message.TrimEnd(',') + "}"; } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetAppStatus(string appVersionString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { string currentVersion = "-1"; _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sqlString = "select f_appstatusid from tbl_app_version where f_apptypeid = '" + userInfDic["devicetype"] + "' and f_appversion = '" + appVersionString + "'"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o != null) { currentVersion = o.ToString(); } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = currentVersion; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "error"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string getLogByMaintableSysId(string maintable_sys_id) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { resultDic["result"] = "true"; Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = "select sys_projectclassid from tbl_maintable where sys_id='" + maintable_sys_id + "'"; string sys_projclassid = _ia.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); string selectStr = "select sys_creatdate,"; selectStr += " sys_creatusername,"; selectStr += " sys_creatuserid,"; selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =fromstate )as fromstate,"; selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =tostate )as tostate ,"; selectStr += " remark"; selectStr += " from t_projstate_log t where businessid='" + maintable_sys_id + "' order by sys_creatdate asc"; DataSet ds = _ia.Query(selectStr); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]); } else { resultDic["message"] = "[]"; } } catch (Exception e) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["messaget"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(e.Message); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetNewsList(string whereString, string orderByString, string columnsString, string countString, string stepString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { string userIdString = userInfDic["userid"].ToString(); _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sqlString = ""; #region rows sqlString = ""; sqlString += " select * "; sqlString += " from(select a.*, rownum as rn"; sqlString += " from("; sqlString += " select "; sqlString += GetColumnString(userIdString); sqlString += " from tbl_app_news n"; sqlString += " where "; sqlString += GetWhereString(userIdString, whereString); sqlString += " order by "; if (orderByString == "")//默认按照序号倒叙 { sqlString += " to_number(sys_orderid) desc "; } sqlString += " ) a) b"; if (countString != "" && stepString != "") { sqlString += " where b.rn > '" + countString + "'"; sqlString += " and b.rn <= '" + (int.Parse(countString) + int.Parse(stepString)).ToString() + "'"; } DataSet ds = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString); string rows = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]); #endregion #region count sqlString = ""; sqlString += " select count(*)"; sqlString += " from tbl_app_news n"; sqlString += " where "; sqlString += GetWhereString(userIdString, whereString); string total = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString).ToString(); #endregion string message = "{\"total\":\"" + total + "\",\"rows\":" + rows + "}"; resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = message; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "error"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string AddDiscuss(string newsIdString, string contentString, string discussNodeIdString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { string userid = userInfDic["userid"].ToString(); string username = userInfDic["username"].ToString(); string userimg = userInfDic["userimg"].ToString(); _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string nodeid = _iAccessData.GetSingle(GetNodeIdSqlString(discussNodeIdString)).ToString(); if (nodeid.Length == 1) { nodeid = "000" + nodeid; } else if (nodeid.Length == 2) { nodeid = "00" + nodeid; } else if (nodeid.Length == 3) { nodeid = "0" + nodeid; } sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_app_news_discuss model = new sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_app_news_discuss(); model.fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id = newsIdString.Trim(); model.f_discusscontent = commonclass.emojiclass.encodeEmoji(contentString); model.fk_t_user_id = userid; model.f_username = username; model.f_userimg = userimg; model.f_nodeid = nodeid; model.sys_creatdate = System.DateTime.Now; model.sys_creatuserid = userid; model.sys_creatusername = username; model.sys_lasteditdate = System.DateTime.Now; model.sys_lastedituserid = userid; model.sys_lasteditusername = username; model.sys_delflag = "0"; _idal_tbl_app_news_discuss.Add(model, null); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "error"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetCommonData(string dataNameString, string whereString, string columnsString, string orderByString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; string message = ""; Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData ia = null; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { whereString = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.TextReturn(whereString); ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); columnsString = columnsString.Replace("^", ","); StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(100); strSql.Append(" select " + columnsString + " from ("); strSql.Append(" select rownum rn,a.* from ("); strSql.Append(" select * from " + dataNameString + " t where"); if (whereString.Trim() == "") { strSql.Append(" 1=1 "); } else { strSql.Append(" " + whereString); } if (orderByString.Trim() == "") { //strSql.Append(" order by sys_creatdate desc "); } else { strSql.Append(" order by " + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.TextReturn(orderByString)); } strSql.Append(" ) a "); strSql.Append(" ) b "); if (pageSizeString != "" && pageSizeString != null && pageIndexString != "" && pageIndexString != null) { int fromInt = int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) + 1; int toInt = (int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString))); strSql.Append(" where b.rn>='" + fromInt.ToString() + "' and b.rn <='" + toInt.ToString() + "' "); } DataSet ds = ia.Query(strSql.ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string count = "0"; string countSql = "select count(1) from " + dataNameString; if (whereString.Trim() != "") { countSql += " where " + whereString; } count = ia.GetSingle(countSql).ToString(); message = "{\"total\":\"" + count + "\",\"rows\":" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]) + "}"; } else { message = "{\"total\":\"0\",\"rows\":[]}"; } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = message; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetCommonData(string dataNameString, string whereString, string columnsString, string orderByString, string countString, string stepString) { _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; string message = ""; try { columnsString = columnsString.TrimStart('^').TrimEnd('^').Replace("^", ","); //whereString = (whereString); //orderByString = (orderByString); StringBuilder strSqlCount = new StringBuilder(); strSqlCount.Append(" select count(*) from " + dataNameString + " t where"); if (whereString.Trim() == "") { strSqlCount.Append(" 1=1 "); } else { strSqlCount.Append(" " + whereString); } string count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(strSqlCount.ToString()).ToString(); if (count == "0" || count == "") { message = "{\"total\":\"0\",\"rows\":[]}"; } else { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(" select " + columnsString + " from ("); strSql.Append(" select rownum rn,a.* from ("); strSql.Append(" select * from " + dataNameString + " t where"); if (whereString.Trim() == "") { strSql.Append(" 1=1 "); } else { strSql.Append(" " + whereString); } if (orderByString.Trim() == "") { } else { strSql.Append(" order by " + orderByString); } strSql.Append(" ) a "); strSql.Append(" ) b "); if (countString != "" && countString != null && stepString != "" && stepString != null) { strSql.Append(" where b.rn>'" + countString + "' and b.rn <='" + (int.Parse(countString) + int.Parse(stepString)).ToString() + "' "); } DataTable resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(strSql.ToString()).Tables[0]; message = "{\"total\":\"" + count + "\",\"rows\":" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(resultDataTable) + "}"; } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = message; } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string ycDHQuery(string khbh) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); //判断该用户是否处于建行托收 string sql = "select count(*) as count from TBL_LD_JFB where f_lyid='08080002' and f_ztid='0' and f_khbh='" + khbh + "'"; string count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql).ToString(); if (Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(count) > 0) { //处于建行托收不能缴费 result["ret"] = "50"; } else { sara.dd.ldsw.idal.Itbl_ld_cbiao _idal_tbl_ld_cbiao = new sara.dd.ldsw.dal.tbl_ld_cbiao(); //sara.dd.ldsw.idal.Itbl_ld_khb _idal_tbl_ld_khb = new sara.dd.ldsw.dal.tbl_ld_khb(); List <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_cbiao> modellist = _idal_tbl_ld_cbiao.GetList(" f_khbh='" + khbh + "' and f_ztid='2' and (f_cbbh like 'DH%' or f_cbbh like 'ZB%')", "false", "", "*", "", "", null); //List<sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_khb> khmodellist = _idal_tbl_ld_khb.GetList(" f_khbh='" + khbh + "'", "", "*", "", "", null); if (modellist.Count == 1) { sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_cbiao model = modellist[0]; //客户名 result["custname"] = model.f_yhm; //地址 result["custaddr"] = model.f_dz; double bqje = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(model.f_bqje); string bqjestr = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength((bqje * 100), 0); //应收金额 result["amount"] = model.f_bqje; double sl = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(model.f_bqsl); double sf = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(model.f_sf); string sfstr = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(sf * 100, 0); double pwf = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(model.f_pwf); string pwfstr = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(pwf * 100, 0); string sfdj = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength((sf / sl), 0); string pwfdj = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength((pwf / sl), 0); result["begincode"] = model.f_sqzm; result["endcode"] = model.f_bqzm; result["wateruse"] = model.f_bqsl; result["wateramt"] = sfdj; result["pwamt"] = pwfdj; result["ret"] = "49"; } else { //抄表记录不唯一 //返回码不存在 result["ret"] = "50"; } } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { //程序异常 result["ret"] = "50"; return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(result)); } }
public string CalcVesion(string sysIdString, string columnsString, string fileIdString, string appType, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sqlString = ""; string result = ""; string version = ""; #region 通用版本计算代码 //计算版本号部分 sqlString = "select kk from(select " + columnsString + " as kk from tbl_app_version where f_apptypeid='" + appType + "' order by " + columnsString + " desc) where rownum=1"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o == null) { version = "1.0.0"; } else { result = o.ToString(); if (result == "") { version = "1.0.0"; } else { string[] subs = result.Split('.'); if (int.Parse(subs[2]) < 9) { int total = int.Parse(subs[2]) + 1; version = subs[0] + "." + subs[1] + "." + total.ToString(); } else if (int.Parse(subs[1]) < 9) { int total = int.Parse(subs[1]) + 1; version = subs[0] + "." + total.ToString() + ".0"; } else { int total = int.Parse(subs[0]) + 1; version = total.ToString() + ".0.0"; } } } //update部分 sqlString = "update tbl_app_version set " + columnsString + "='" + version + "' where sys_id='" + sysIdString + "'"; _iAccessData.ExecuteSql(sqlString); #endregion //数据返回部分 resultDic["message"] = version.Replace(".", "^"); resultDic["result"] = "true"; } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetColorResource(string appVersionString, string colorVersionString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf); if (userInfDic == null) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误"; } else { string rootpath = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.GetMapPath(Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppResourceRootPath"].ToString() + "color/", Server); string currentVersion = "1.0.1"; #region 读取最新版本号 _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sqlString = "select f_colorversion from tbl_app_version where f_apptypeid = '" + userInfDic["devicetype"] + "' and f_appversion = '" + appVersionString + "'"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString); if (o != null) { currentVersion = o.ToString(); } #endregion if (currentVersion != colorVersionString) { List <String> colorfiles = new List <String>(); sqlString = "select distinct(f_resourcename) as resourcename from tbl_app_version_color "; DataSet ds = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { colorfiles.Add(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["resourcename"].ToString()); } sqlString = "select f_resourcename,f_resourcekey,f_resourcevalue from tbl_app_version_color"; ds = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString); IList <IDictionary <string, string> > colorList = new List <IDictionary <string, string> >(); #region colorDic foreach (string colorfile in colorfiles) { DataRow[] drs = ds.Tables[0].Select(" f_resourcename = '" + colorfile + "'"); Dictionary <string, string> colorContent = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { colorContent[drs[i]["f_resourcekey"].ToString()] = drs[i]["f_resourcevalue"].ToString(); } Dictionary <string, string> colorDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); colorDic["name"] = colorfile; colorDic["value"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(colorContent); colorList.Add(colorDic); } #endregion Dictionary <string, string> htmlResourceDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); htmlResourceDic["version"] = currentVersion; htmlResourceDic["content"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicListToJson(colorList); string htmlResourceString = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(htmlResourceDic); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = htmlResourceString; } else { Dictionary <string, string> htmlResourceDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); htmlResourceDic["version"] = currentVersion; htmlResourceDic["content"] = ""; string htmlResourceString = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(htmlResourceDic); resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = htmlResourceString; } } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "error"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
/* * CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_checktoken(arg_token in varchar2, --token * arg_service in varchar2, --定义参数变量 * arg_function in varchar2) * return varchar2 as * v_result varchar2(200); * v_count number; * * BEGIN * --定义返回值 * v_result := 'true'; * --私有变量 * v_count := 0; * --0、验证有效性 * select count(*) * into v_count * from t_token_list t, t_token_function f, t_token_relation r * where t.sys_id = r.fk_t_token_list_sys_id * and f.sys_id = r.fk_t_token_function_sys_id * and t.f_token = arg_token * and t.sys_delflag = '0' * and t.f_enable = 'true' * and sysdate between t.f_startdate and t.f_enddate * and f.f_service = arg_service * and f.f_function = arg_function * and f.sys_delflag = '0'; * * if v_count > 0 then * v_result := 'true'; * * else * --v_result := 'false'; * --1、验证token是否存在 * select count(*) * into v_count * from t_token_list * where f_token = arg_token; * if v_count <= 0 then * v_result := '传入的token不存在于Token列表中'; * else * --2、验证token是否已停用 * select count(*) * into v_count * from t_token_list * where f_token = arg_token * and sys_delflag = '0'; * if v_count <= 0 then * v_result := '传入的token已经停用'; * else * --3、验证token是否超时 * select count(*) * into v_count * from t_token_list * where f_token = arg_token * and sys_delflag = '0' * and sysdate between f_startdate and f_enddate; * if v_count <= 0 then * v_result := '传入的token已超时'; * else * --4、验证function和service是否存在 * select count(*) * into v_count * from t_token_function * where f_service = arg_service * and f_function = arg_function; * * if v_count <= 0 then * v_result := 'function或者service不存在于服务列表中'; * else * --5、验证function和service是否已停用 * select count(*) * into v_count * from t_token_function * where f_service = arg_service * and f_function = arg_function * and sys_delflag = '0'; * * if v_count <= 0 then * v_result := 'function或者service已停用'; * else * v_result := '当前token不具备对此服务或方法的操作权限'; * end if; * * end if; * * end if; * end if; * end if; * end if; * * RETURN(v_result); * * END f_checktoken; * * */ #endregion protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //请求服务的路径 string path = this.Request.Path; //请求的方法 string function = this.Request.PathInfo.Replace("/", ""); //请求的service string service = path.Replace(function, ""); //执行消息 string message = ""; //webservice采集器 if (ConfigWebServiceCollect == "true") { #region 输通道加密算法-采集 Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t = null; try { if (function != "") { if (service != "") { t = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessDataTrans(); t.getTrans().begin(); string sql = "select count(*) from t_token_function where f_function = '" + function + "' and f_service = '" + service + "' and f_appname = '" + ConfigAppName + "'"; if (t.GetSingle(sql).ToString() == "0") { sara.platform.operation.token.model.t_token_function m = new sara.platform.operation.token.model.t_token_function(); m.sys_creatdate = DateTime.Now; m.sys_lasteditdate = DateTime.Now; m.sys_deldate = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01"); m.sys_delflag = "0"; m.f_appcode = ConfigAppCode; m.f_appname = ConfigAppName; m.f_appnameen = ConfigAppName; m.f_function = function; m.f_service = service; m.f_isencrypt = "true"; m.f_istoken = "true"; sara.platform.operation.token.idal.It_token_function d = sara.platform.operation.commonclass.platformdalfactory.Create <sara.platform.operation.token.idal.It_token_function>(); string id = d.Add(m, t); sara.platform.operation.token.model.t_token_relation rm = new sara.platform.operation.token.model.t_token_relation(); rm.fk_t_token_function_sys_id = id; rm.fk_t_token_list_sys_id = ConfigDefaultTokenId; sara.platform.operation.token.idal.It_token_relation rd = sara.platform.operation.commonclass.platformdalfactory.Create <sara.platform.operation.token.idal.It_token_relation>(); rd.Add(rm, t); } t.getTrans().commit(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (t != null) { t.getTrans().rollback(); } } finally { } #endregion } //是否开启token if (ConfigWebServiceToken == "true") { #region 输通道令牌管理 //是否为webservice调用 //if (this.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePathExtension != ".asmx") //{ // return; //} //如果是直接打开webSerivce页面,function参数会为空 if (function != "") { //检查是否例外 DataRow[] drs = _dt_token_function_istoken.Select(" f_function='" + function + "' and f_service='" + service + "'"); if (drs.Length == 0) { //获取token object token = this.Request.QueryString["token"]; if (token != null) { object result = _iAccessData.GetSingle("select f_checktoken('" + token + "','" + service + "','" + function + "') from dual"); if (result != null) { if (result.ToString() == "true") { } else { message = result.ToString();//token的验证信息 } } else { message = "其他未知错误"; } } else { message += "必须传入token"; } } } #endregion } //如果不满足令牌,则直接退出,不进行后边的验证 if (message != "") { Response.Write(message); Response.End(); } //是否开启悲观锁 if (ConfigWebServiceLock == "true") { #region 防并发悲观锁 DataRow[] drs_lock = _dt_token_function_islock.Select(" f_function='" + function + "' and f_service='" + service + "'"); if (drs_lock.Length != 0) { string functionName = drs_lock[0]["f_value10"].ToString(); string lockResult = lockFunction(functionName); switch (lockResult) { case "true": break; case "false": message = "访问超时,请稍后再试"; break; case "error": message = "访问异常"; break; } } #endregion } //如果不满足令牌,则直接退出,不进行后边的验证 if (message != "") { Response.Write(message); Response.End(); } } catch { } }
public string Delete(string whereString, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { //删除附件的功能 //删除子表的方法 //加入删除子表附件文件的方法 //sk??!! _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = "select count(*) from tbl_ld_sbb where f_sbfzid in (select sys_id from tbl_ldbm_sbfz where " + whereString + ")"; //// _iAccessData.ExecuteSql update,insert,delete // //_iAccessData.Query,select // DataSet ds = _iAccessData.Query("select * from tbl_ld_sbb"); // for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;i++ ) // { // ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["sys_id"].ToString(); // DataRow[] drs = ds.Tables[0].Select(" sys_id in ('1000','1002')"); // for (int ii = 0; ii < drs.Length; ii++) // { // drs[ii]["sys_id"].ToString(); // } // } string count = "0"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (o != null) { count = o.ToString(); } if (count != "0") { // //不能删除 resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = "您所选定的信息,在客户表中存在引用,所以不能删除。"; } else { resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = _idal_tbl_ldbm_sbfz.Delete(whereString, null); NewLog("数据删除成功,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString, "sql_delete", clientInf); } } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("数据删除失败,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_delete", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }
public string GetNodeid(string baseSysId, string operType, string clientInf) { Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); resultDic["result"] = ""; resultDic["message"] = ""; try { _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData(); string sql = ""; sql = "select sys_orderid from tbl_ldbm_dycq where sys_id = '" + baseSysId + "'"; object o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); if (o == null || baseSysId == "") { sql = "select max(sys_orderid) from tbl_ldbm_dycq where length(sys_orderid) = 4"; o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); string childNodeid = ""; if (o == null || o.ToString() == "") { childNodeid = "0001"; } else { childNodeid = o.ToString(); childNodeid = (int.Parse(childNodeid) + 1).ToString(); while (childNodeid.Length < 4) { childNodeid = "0" + childNodeid; } } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = childNodeid; } else { string baseNodeid = o.ToString(); string parentNodeid = ""; if (operType == "child") { parentNodeid = baseNodeid; } else { parentNodeid = baseNodeid.Substring(0, baseNodeid.Length - 4); } if (parentNodeid == "") { sql = "select max(sys_orderid) from tbl_ldbm_dycq where sys_orderid like '" + parentNodeid + "%' and length(sys_orderid) = 4"; } else { sql = "select max(sys_orderid) from tbl_ldbm_dycq where sys_orderid like '" + parentNodeid + "%' and length(sys_orderid) = length('" + parentNodeid + "')+4"; } o = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sql); string childNodeid = ""; if (o == null || o.ToString() == "") { childNodeid = "0001"; } else { childNodeid = o.ToString().Substring(parentNodeid.Length, 4); childNodeid = (int.Parse(childNodeid) + 1).ToString(); while (childNodeid.Length < 4) { childNodeid = "0" + childNodeid; } } resultDic["result"] = "true"; resultDic["message"] = parentNodeid + childNodeid; } NewLog("获取Nodeid成功,条件为,baseSysId:" + baseSysId + "_operType:" + operType, "sql_select", clientInf); } catch (Exception ex) { resultDic["result"] = "false"; resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); NewLog("获取Nodeid失败,条件为,baseSysId:" + baseSysId + "_operType:" + operType + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_select", clientInf); } return(Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic)); }