コード例 #1
        public void Use_SendingPMode_MessageProperties_When_Submit_MessageProperties_Are_Empty()
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                MessageProperties = null
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                MessagePackaging =
                    MessageProperties = new List <MessageProperty>
                        new MessageProperty {
                            Name      = "capability",Type  = "info", Value = "receiving"
                        new MessageProperty {
                            Name      = "endpoint", Value = "international"

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
                p => Assert.Equal(("capability", "info", "receiving"), (p.Name, p.Type, p.Value)),
                p => Assert.Equal(("endpoint", "international"), (p.Name, p.Value)));
コード例 #2
        public void Resolves_Mpc_From_Either_Submit_Or_SendingPMode(
            bool allowOverride,
            string submitMpc,
            string pmodeMpc,
            Mapped expected)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage {
                MessageInfo = { Mpc = submitMpc }
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                AllowOverride    = allowOverride,
                MessagePackaging = { Mpc = pmodeMpc }

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            Mapped actual =
                result.Mpc == pmodeMpc
                    ? Mapped.PMode
                    : result.Mpc == submitMpc
                        ? Mapped.Submit
                        : Mapped.Default;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
コード例 #3
        public void Use_Submit_MessageProperties_When_SendingPMode_MessageProperties_Are_Empty()
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                MessageProperties = new[]
                    new AS4.Model.Common.MessageProperty {
                        Name = "originalSender", Type = "Important", Value = "Holodeck"
                    new AS4.Model.Common.MessageProperty {
                        Name = "finalRecipient", Value = "AS4.NET"
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                MessagePackaging =
                    MessageProperties = null

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
                p => Assert.Equal(("originalSender", "Important", "Holodeck"), (p.Name, p.Type, p.Value)),
                p => Assert.Equal(("finalRecipient", "AS4.NET"), (p.Name, p.Value)));
コード例 #4
        public void Create_UserMessage_From_SubmitMessage()
            // Arrange
            const string submitXml =
                @"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
                <SubmitMessage xmlns=""urn:cef:edelivery:eu:as4:messages"">

            var submit       = AS4XmlSerializer.FromString <SubmitMessage>(submitXml);
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode();

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            Assert.NotEqual(Maybe.Nothing <AgreementReference>(), result.CollaborationInfo.AgreementReference);
            Assert.True(result.PayloadInfo.Count() == 2, "expected 2 part infos");
コード例 #5
        public void Creates_ToParty_From_Either_Submit_Or_SendingPMode(
            bool allowOverride,
            string submitToParty,
            string pmodeToParty,
            Mapped expected)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                PartyInfo =
                    ToParty                       = submitToParty != null
                        ? new AS4.Model.Common.Party
                        Role     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        PartyIds = new[] { new AS4.Model.Common.PartyId {
                                               Id = submitToParty
                                           } }
                        : null
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                AllowOverride    = allowOverride,
                MessagePackaging =
                    PartyInfo   = new PartyInfo
                        ToParty = pmodeToParty != null
                            ? new Party(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), new PartyId(pmodeToParty))
                            : null

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            Mapped actual =
                result.Receiver.PartyIds.First().Id == pmodeToParty
                    ? Mapped.PMode
                    : result.Receiver.PartyIds.First().Id == submitToParty
                        ? Mapped.Submit
                        : Mapped.Default;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
                (actual == Mapped.Default) == (result.Receiver.Equals(AS4.Model.Core.Party.DefaultTo)),
                "fallback on default ToParty when none in Submit and SendingPMode is defined");
コード例 #6
        public Property Creates_CollaborationInfo_From_Submit_Collaboration(
            NonEmptyString action,
            string pmodeId,
            NonEmptyString agreementValue,
            string agreementType,
            NonEmptyString serviceValue,
            string serviceType,
            NonEmptyString conversationId)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                Collaboration =
                    Action       = action.Get,
                    AgreementRef =
                        Value   = agreementValue.Get,
                        RefType = agreementType,
                        PModeId = pmodeId
                    Service        =
                        Value = serviceValue.Get,
                        Type  = serviceType
                    ConversationId = conversationId.Get
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode();

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            var actual = result.CollaborationInfo;

            return(actual.Action.Equals(action.Get).Label("equal action")
                   .And(actual.Service.Value.Equals(serviceValue.Get).Label("equal service value"))
                   .And(actual.AgreementReference.UnsafeGet.Value.Equals(agreementValue.Get).Label("equal agreement value"))
                   .And(actual.ConversationId.Equals(conversationId.Get).Label("equal conversation id")));
コード例 #7
        public void Combine_Submit_And_SendingPMode_MessageProperties()
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                MessageProperties = new []
                    new AS4.Model.Common.MessageProperty {
                        Name = "originalSender", Type = "Important", Value = "Holodeck"
                    new AS4.Model.Common.MessageProperty {
                        Name = "finalRecipient", Value = "AS4.NET"
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                MessagePackaging =
                    MessageProperties = new List <MessageProperty>
                        new MessageProperty {
                            Name      = "capability",Type  = "info", Value = "receiving"
                        new MessageProperty {
                            Name      = "endpoint", Value = "international"

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
                p => Assert.Equal(("originalSender", "Important", "Holodeck"), (p.Name, p.Type, p.Value)),
                p => Assert.Equal(("finalRecipient", "AS4.NET"), (p.Name, p.Value)),
                p => Assert.Equal(("capability", "info", "receiving"), (p.Name, p.Type, p.Value)),
                p => Assert.Equal(("endpoint", "international"), (p.Name, p.Value)));
コード例 #8
        public void Creates_Service_From_Either_Submit_Or_SendingPMode(
            bool allowOverride,
            string submitService,
            string pmodeService,
            Mapped expected)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                Collaboration = { Service = { Value = submitService } }
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                AllowOverride    = allowOverride,
                MessagePackaging =
                    CollaborationInfo = new CollaborationInfo
                        Service       ={ Value = pmodeService }

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            string userService = result.CollaborationInfo.Service.Value;
            Mapped actual      =
                userService == pmodeService
                    ? Mapped.PMode
                    : userService == submitService
                        ? Mapped.Submit
                        : Mapped.Default;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
                (actual == Mapped.Default) == (result.CollaborationInfo.Service.Equals(Service.TestService)),
                "fallback on test Service when none in Submit and SendingPMode is defined");
コード例 #9
        public void Assign_Compression_Properties_To_Payloads_When_UseCompression_In_SendingPMode_Is_On(
            bool useCompression)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                Payloads = new[]
                    new Payload("xml-payload")
                        PayloadProperties = new []
                            new PayloadProperty("DocumentType", "Business Document")
                    new Payload("image-payload")
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                MessagePackaging =
                    UseAS4Compression = useCompression

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            Assert.True(2 == result.PayloadInfo.Count(), "expect 2 part infos");
            Assert.All(result.PayloadInfo, p => Assert.StartsWith("cid:", p.Href));
                result.PayloadInfo.First().Properties.Count >= 1,
                "original payload property is present");
                useCompression == result.PayloadInfo.All(p => p.Properties.ContainsKey("CompressionType")),
                "expect all part infos to have a 'CompressionType' property");
コード例 #10
        public void Creates_AgreementReference_From_Either_Submit_Or_SendingPMode(
            bool allowOverride,
            string submitAgreement,
            string pmodeAgreement,
            Mapped expected)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                Collaboration = { AgreementRef = { Value = submitAgreement } }
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                AllowOverride    = allowOverride,
                MessagePackaging =
                    CollaborationInfo      = new CollaborationInfo
                        AgreementReference = { Value = pmodeAgreement }

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            Mapped actual =
                .Select(a => a.Value == pmodeAgreement
                        ? Mapped.PMode :
                        a.Value == submitAgreement
                            ? Mapped.Submit
                            : Mapped.Default)

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
コード例 #11
        public void Use_Test_Defaults_When_Submit_Collaboration_Is_Incomplete(string serviceType)
            // Arrange
            var submit = new SubmitMessage
                Collaboration =
                    Action       = null,
                    AgreementRef = null,
                    Service      = { Value = null, Type = serviceType }
            var sendingPMode = new SendingProcessingMode
                MessagePackaging = { CollaborationInfo = null }

            // Act
            UserMessage result = SubmitMessageMap.CreateUserMessage(submit, sendingPMode);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(AS4.Model.Core.CollaborationInfo.DefaultTest, result.CollaborationInfo);