コード例 #1
        internal async Task <TransactionInfo> PostNewTransaction(byte[] data, double?price = null, bool overrideMaxGas = false)
            var gasToRun = EstimateGasCost(data);

            if (!overrideMaxGas && gasToRun > MaxGasLimit)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Transaction requires too much gas ({gasToRun}, max {MaxGasLimit}). Run with {nameof(overrideMaxGas)} parameter set to true to force transaction to run.");

            var gas     = new HexBigInteger(GasLimit);
            var value   = new HexBigInteger(0);
            var strData = data.ToHex(true);
            var input   = new TransactionInput(strData, _account.Address, _account.Address, gas, value);

            if (price != null && price > 0)
                input.GasPrice = new HexBigInteger(new BigInteger(price.Value));

            //var hash = await _web3.TransactionManager.SendTransactionAsync(input);
            var receipt = await _web3

            //if (!await AwaitTransactionMined(receipt.TransactionHash, timeout, data))
            //    throw new TimeoutException("Transaction not mined in timeout");
            var cost = new EthCostInfo((double)receipt.GasUsed.Value, (double)input.GasPrice.Value);
            var info = new TransactionInfo(receipt.TransactionHash, cost, receipt.Status.Value == 1);

            LastGasPrice = (double)input.GasPrice.Value;

コード例 #2
        public override CostInfo GetEstimatedCommitCostAsync()
            var bytes = DataSetConverter.ToBytes(DataSet);
            var gas   = EthereumConnection.EstimateGasCost(bytes);

            var cost = new EthCostInfo(gas, GasPrice);
