public static OnceDataStorage Instance(CmdModel cmd) { OnceDataStorage obj = null; switch (cmd.CounterType) { case CounterTypeEnum.Nil: break; case CounterTypeEnum.Business: obj = new BizCounter(); break; case CounterTypeEnum.Custom: obj = new CoustomCounter(); break; case CounterTypeEnum.Error: obj = new ErrorCounter(); break; default: throw new Exception("not found this CounterType"); break; } obj.Cmd = cmd; return(obj); }
/// <summary> /// 添加数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> public static void AddData(BaseModel model) { OnceDataStorage obj = null; switch (model.CounterType) { case CounterTypeEnum.Nil: break; case CounterTypeEnum.Business: obj = new BizCounter(); break; case CounterTypeEnum.Custom: obj = new CoustomCounter(); break; case CounterTypeEnum.Error: obj = new ErrorCounter(); break; default: break; } if (obj != null) { obj.Add(model); } }
// 락이 없는 함수로 푸시 말고는 쓰기 동작이 없어야 한다. // Stop이 불리고 나서도 로그가 푸시될 수 있는 것을 감안한다(이런 로그는 Stop에서 처리). private Int64 PushImpl(String type, Object log, Boolean doSerialize) { try { if (CheckAvailablePush(type, log) == false) { return(INVALID_SEQUENCE); } DateTime now = Now.NowDateTime(); Int64 sequence = _sequenceGenerator.Generate(); Boolean successPush = _logQueue.Push(new Log() { Sequence = sequence, LogType = type, LogObject = log, TimeStamp = Now.TimestampSec(now), TimeStampNS = Now.TimestampNS(now), IsRawString = doSerialize }); if (successPush) { Watcher.IncrementPushLogCount(); return(sequence); } return(INVALID_SEQUENCE); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorCounter.RaiseError($"Fail Push: {exception.Message}"); return(INVALID_SEQUENCE); } }
public bool HandlePeekedMessage(IMsmqTransport transport, OpenedQueue queue, Message message) { bool doesNotHaveMessageId = message.Extension.Length < 16; if (doesNotHaveMessageId) { const string errorMessage = "Message does not have Extension set to at least 16 bytes, which will be used as the message id. Probably not a bus message."; transport.RaiseMessageSerializationException(queue, message, errorMessage); MoveToErrorQueue(queue, message, errorMessage); return(true); } var id = message.GetMessageId(); ErrorCounter errorCounter = null; failureCounts.Read(reader => reader.TryGetValue(id, out errorCounter)); if (errorCounter == null) { return(false); } if (errorCounter.FailureCount < numberOfRetries) { return(false); } failureCounts.Write(writer => { writer.Remove(id); MoveToErrorQueue(queue, message, errorCounter.ExceptionText); }); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. Reads the file and stores any data needed for corrections later on. /// </summary> public FwDataFixer(string filename, IProgress progress, ErrorLogger logger, ErrorCounter counter) { m_filename = filename; m_progress = progress; errorLogger = logger; errorCounter = counter; m_progress.Minimum = 0; m_progress.Maximum = 1000; m_progress.Position = 0; m_progress.Message = String.Format(Strings.ksReadingTheInputFile, m_filename); m_crt = 0; // The following fixers will be run on each rt element during FixErrorsAndSave() // Note: every change to the file MUST log an error. This is used in FixFwData to set a return code indicating whether anything changed. // This in turn is used in Send/Receive to determine whether we need to re-split the file before committing. // N.B.: Order is important here!!!!!!! m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new DuplicateStyleFixer()); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new OriginalFixer()); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new CustomPropertyFixer()); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new BasicCustomPropertyFixer()); var senseFixer = new GrammaticalSenseFixer(); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(senseFixer); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new MorphBundleFixer(senseFixer)); // after we've possibly removed MSAs in GrammaticalSenseFixer m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new SequenceFixer()); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new HomographFixer()); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new DuplicateWordformFixer()); m_rtLevelFixers.Add(new CustomListNameFixer()); InitializeFixers(m_filename); }
internal void Initialize(Logger logger) { _id = logger.Config.ID; _instanceID = logger.InstanceID; _compressLogThresholdByte = logger.Config.CompressLogThresholdByte; _errorCounter = logger.ErrorCounter; }
private void CreateErrorCounter() { if (Reporter == null) { throw new LoggerStartException(StartResultType.Undefined); // 초기화 실수. } ErrorCounter = new ErrorCounter(Reporter, Config.MaxSerialErrorCount, Pause); }
public SourceUnitTree Parse(SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit, RubyCompilerOptions /*!*/ options, ErrorSink /*!*/ errorSink) { Assert.NotNull(sourceUnit, options, errorSink); ErrorCounter counter = new ErrorCounter(errorSink); _tokenizer.ErrorSink = counter; _tokenizer.Compatibility = options.Compatibility; _lexicalScopes.Clear(); EnterScope(CreateTopScope(options.LocalNames)); using (SourceCodeReader reader = sourceUnit.GetReader()) { _sourceUnit = sourceUnit; _tokenizer.Initialize(null, reader, sourceUnit, options.InitialLocation); // Default encoding when hosted (ignore KCODE, we are reading from Unicode buffer): _tokenizer.Encoding = (reader.Encoding != null) ? RubyEncoding.GetRubyEncoding(reader.Encoding) : RubyEncoding.UTF8; _tokenizer.AllowNonAsciiIdentifiers = _tokenizer.Encoding != RubyEncoding.Binary; try { Parse(); LeaveScope(); } catch (InternalSyntaxError) { _ast = null; _lexicalScopes.Clear(); } finally { ScriptCodeParseResult props; if (counter.AnyError) { _ast = null; if (_tokenizer.UnterminatedToken) { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteToken; } else if (_tokenizer.EndOfFileReached) { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteStatement; } else { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.Invalid; } } else { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.Complete; } sourceUnit.CodeProperties = props; } return(_ast); } }
public SourceUnitTree Parse(SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit, RubyCompilerOptions /*!*/ options, ErrorSink /*!*/ errorSink) { Assert.NotNull(sourceUnit, options, errorSink); ErrorCounter counter = new ErrorCounter(errorSink); _tokenizer.ErrorSink = counter; _tokenizer.Compatibility = options.Compatibility; _lexicalScopes.Clear(); EnterScope(CreateTopScope(options.LocalNames)); using (SourceCodeReader reader = sourceUnit.GetReader()) { _sourceUnit = sourceUnit; _tokenizer.Initialize(null, reader, sourceUnit, options.InitialLocation); // default encoding when hosted: _encoding = reader.Encoding ?? RubyEncoding.GetDefaultHostEncoding(options.Compatibility); try { Parse(); LeaveScope(); } catch (InternalSyntaxError) { _ast = null; _lexicalScopes.Clear(); } finally { ScriptCodeParseResult props; if (counter.AnyError) { _ast = null; if (_tokenizer.UnterminatedToken) { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteToken; } else if (_tokenizer.IsEndOfFile) { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteStatement; } else { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.Invalid; } } else { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.Complete; } sourceUnit.CodeProperties = props; } return(_ast); } }
internal void Initialize(Logger logger) { _config = logger.Config; _reporter = logger.Reporter; _watcher = logger.Watcher; _errorCounter = logger.ErrorCounter; _completePutNotifier = logger.CompletePutNotifier; _throughputController = logger.ThroughputController; _kinesisPutAPI = new PutAPI(_config.AWSs.Region, _config.AWSs.DecryptedAccessID, _config.AWSs.DecryptedSecretKey, _config.AWSs.KinesisStreamName, OnPutRequestCompleted); }
internal void Initialize(Logger logger, NoticeCompletePutDelegate noticeCompletePut) { if (noticeCompletePut == null || logger.CompletePutNoticeType == CompletePutNoticeType.None) { throw new LoggerException($"Fail {nameof(CompletePutNotifier)}::{nameof(Initialize)}"); } _config = logger.Config; _errorCounter = logger.ErrorCounter; _completePutNoticeType = logger.CompletePutNoticeType; _noticeCompletePut = noticeCompletePut; }
internal void Initialize(Logger logger) { lock (_lock) { _putter = logger.Putter; _errorCounter = logger.ErrorCounter; _describeStreamAPI = new DescribeStreamAPI(logger.Config.AWSs.Region, logger.Config.AWSs.DecryptedAccessID, logger.Config.AWSs.DecryptedSecretKey, logger.Config.AWSs.KinesisStreamName, OnDescribeStreamRequestCompleted); } }
private void Transport_OnMessageProcessingCompleted(CurrentMessageInformation information, Exception ex) { if (ex != null) { return; } ErrorCounter val = null; failureCounts.Read(reader => reader.TryGetValue(information.TransportMessageId, out val)); if (val == null) { return; } failureCounts.Write(writer => writer.Remove(information.TransportMessageId)); }
private void Transport_OnMessageProcessingFailure(CurrentMessageInformation information, Exception exception) { failureCounts.Write(writer => { ErrorCounter errorCounter; if (writer.TryGetValue(information.TransportMessageId, out errorCounter) == false) { errorCounter = new ErrorCounter { ExceptionText = exception == null ? null : exception.ToString(), FailureCount = 0 }; writer.Add(information.TransportMessageId, errorCounter); } errorCounter.FailureCount += 1; }); }
private void Transport_OnMessageProcessingFailure(CurrentMessageInformation information, Exception exception) { var id = information.MessageId; failureCounts.Write(writer => { ErrorCounter errorCounter; if (writer.TryGetValue(id, out errorCounter) == false) { errorCounter = new ErrorCounter { ExceptionText = exception.ToString(), FailureCount = 0 }; writer.Add(id, errorCounter); } errorCounter.FailureCount += 1; }); }
public SourceUnitTree Parse(CompilerContext context) { _tokenizer = new Tokenizer(); _context = context; ErrorCounter counter = new ErrorCounter(context.Errors); _tokenizer.ErrorSink = counter; using (var reader = context.SourceUnit.GetReader()) { _tokenizer.Initialize(null, reader, context.SourceUnit, SourceLocation.MinValue); SourceUnitTree ast; try { ast = Parse(); } catch (InternalInvalidSyntaxException) { ast = null; } finally { ScriptCodeParseResult props; if (counter.AnyError) { ast = null; if (_tokenizer.NextToken.Type == TokenType.EndOfStream) { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteStatement; } else { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.Invalid; } } else if (_parsedIncompleteIf) { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteStatement; } else { props = ScriptCodeParseResult.Complete; } context.SourceUnit.CodeProperties = props; } return(ast); } }
public frmProfile() { InitializeComponent(); InitializeCommandManager(); hlpProviderProfile.HelpNamespace = Properties.Resources.FileHelpName; ErrorCounterWindows = new ErrorCounter(); = new profile(); pf.codeLanguage = new profileCodeLanguage(); pf.codeLanguage.paths = new profileCodeLanguagePaths(); windows = new BindingList <profileWindow>(); this.IsNew = true; windows.AddingNew += (s, a) => { profileWindow pfWind = new profileWindow(); pfWind.Parent = windows; pfWind.Errors = ErrorCounterWindows; a.NewObject = pfWind; }; this.DgWindowsAddImgColumns(); profileWindow wp = windows.AddNew(); = @"Notepad"; wp.value = @"ahk_class Notepad"; this.dgWindows.UserDeletingRow += dgWindows_UserDeletingRow; this.dgWindows.CellClick += dgWindows_CellClick; this.dgWindows.DefaultValuesNeeded += dgWindows_DefaultValuesNeeded; this.WindowSpyPath = WindowSpy.GetPath(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.WindowSpyPath)) { this.WindowSpyFound = true; } }
private bool Transport_OnMessageArrived(CurrentMessageInformation information) { var info = (SqlQueueCurrentMessageInformation)information; ErrorCounter val = null; failureCounts.Read(reader => reader.TryGetValue(info.TransportMessageId, out val)); if (val == null || val.FailureCount < numberOfRetries) { return(false); } var result = false; failureCounts.Write(writer => { if (writer.TryGetValue(info.TransportMessageId, out val) == false) { return; } info.Queue.MoveTo(SubQueue.Errors.ToString(), info.TransportMessage); info.Queue.EnqueueDirectlyTo(SubQueue.Errors.ToString(), new MessagePayload { Data = val.ExceptionText == null ? null : Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(val.ExceptionText), Headers = new NameValueCollection { { "correlation-id", info.TransportMessageId }, { "retries", val.FailureCount.ToString() } } }); result = true; }); return(result); }
private void CheckStandingData() { if (cashFlowInformation.Fund.IsHqTrustFund) { if (cashFlowInformation.Fund.InitiatorId == 0) { ErrorCounter++; AddError(cashFlowInformation.Fund, "Es ist kein Initiator erfasst!"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cashFlowInformation.Fund.Initiator.FooterLine1)) { ErrorCounter++; AddError(cashFlowInformation.Fund, "Für den Initiator sind keine Fusszeilen erfasst!"); } } } foreach (CashFlowDetail detail in cashFlowInformation.InvestorDetails) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.Reference)) { errorCounter++; AddError(detail.Investor, "Weder beim Investor noch beim Commitment wurde eine Referenz angegeben."); } if (detail.BankAccount == null) { errorCounter++; AddError(detail.Investor, "Eine Bankverbindung fehlt"); } if (detail.Investor.SendEmail == true) { if (detail.Investor.EMailAccounts.Count == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.Investor.IName.EmailAddress)) { errorCounter++; AddError(detail.Investor, "Für diesen Investor sollen E-Mails verschickt werden. Es sind keine E-Mail-Adressen angegeben"); } } } if (Errors.Count == 0) { CashFlowErrors error = new CashFlowErrors() { InvestorId = 0, PeFundId = 0, ErrorText = "Es wurden keine Fehler festgestellt", ObjectName = string.Empty }; Errors.Add(error); CanGotoNextStep = true; CashFlowInformation.InvestorsChecked = true; } else { CashFlowErrors error = new CashFlowErrors() { InvestorId = 0, PeFundId = 0, ObjectName = "Zusammenfassung:", ErrorText = $"Es wurden {ErrorCounter.ToString()} Fehler entdeckt." }; Errors.Insert(0, error); if (Properties.Settings.Default.Anwender == "BLL") { CanGotoNextStep = true; CashFlowInformation.InvestorsChecked = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Initalize client socket /// </summary> public TCPClientASocket() { this.ip = GetMyIP(); errCounter = new ErrorCounter(20); //Number of garbage collected to be determined }
public BitCoinTicker(Hashtable datas) { SetMemberValue(datas); ticker = new TickerApi(); errorCounter = new ErrorCounter(10, 4); }
public BitCoinTicker(double upThreshold, double downThreshold) { SetMemberValue(upThreshold, downThreshold); ticker = new TickerApi(); errorCounter = new ErrorCounter(10, 4); }
} //上次询问的价格 public BitCoinTicker() { SetMemberValue(); ticker = new TickerApi(); errorCounter = new ErrorCounter(10, 4); }
private void CreateAndStartLoggerThread() { for (Int32 i = 0; i < Config.WorkThreadCount; ++i) { var thread = new NaiveLoopThread(Tick, Config.WorkThreadIntervalMS, e => ErrorCounter.RaiseError(e), $"{nameof(Tick)}:{i}"); _loggerThreads.Add(thread); thread.Start(); } }