コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculation of
        ///     b  =  Φ(h+t)·exp(h·t) - Φ(h-t)·exp(-h·t)
        ///     exp(-(h²+t²)/2)
        ///     =  --------------- ·  [ Y(h+t) - Y(h-t) ]
        ///     √(2π)
        ///     with
        ///     Y(z) := Φ(z)/φ(z)
        ///     using an expansion of Y(h+t)-Y(h-t) for small t to twelvth order in t.
        ///     Theoretically accurate to (better than) precision  ε = 2.23E-16  when  h&lt;=0  and  t &lt; τ  with  τ :=
        ///     2·ε^(1/16) ≈ 0.21.
        ///     The main bottleneck for precision is the coefficient a:=1+h·Y(h) when |h|&gt;1 .
        ///     Smalltexpansions the of normalised black call.
        ///     Y(h) := Φ(h)/φ(h) = √(π/2)·erfcx(-h/√2)
        ///     a := 1+h·Y(h)  --- Note that due to h&lt;0, and h·Y(h) -&gt; -1 (from above) as h -&gt; -∞, we also have that a&gt;
        ///     0 and a -&gt; 0 as h -&gt; -∞
        ///     w := t² , h2 := h²
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h">The h.</param>
        /// <param name="t">The t.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double SmalltexpansionOfNormalisedBlackCall(double h, double t)
            var a         = 1 + h * (0.5 * SqrtTwoPi) * Erfc.ErfcxCody(-OneOverSqrtTwo * h);
            var w         = t * t;
            var h2        = h * h;
            var expansion = 2 * t * (a + w * ((-1 + 3 * a + a * h2) / 6 + w *
                                              ((-7 + 15 * a + h2 * (-1 + 10 * a + a * h2)) / 120 + w *
                                               ((-57 + 105 * a +
                                                 h2 * (-18 + 105 * a + h2 * (-1 + 21 * a + a * h2))) / 5040 +
                                                w * ((-561 + 945 * a +
                                                      h2 * (-285 + 1260 * a +
                                                            h2 * (-33 + 378 * a + h2 * (-1 + 36 * a + a * h2)))
                                                      ) / 362880 + w *
                                                     ((-6555 + 10395 * a +
                                                       h2 * (-4680 + 17325 * a +
                                                             h2 * (-840 + 6930 * a +
                                                                   h2 * (-52 + 990 * a +
                                                                         h2 * (-1 + 55 * a + a * h2))))) /
                                                      39916800 + (-89055 + 135135 * a +
                                                                  h2 * (-82845 + 270270 * a +
                                                                        h2 * (-20370 + 135135 * a +
                                                                              h2 * (-1926 + 25740 * a +
                                                                                    h2 * (-75 + 2145 * a +
                                                                                          h2 * (-1 + 78 * a +
                                                                                                a * h2)))))) *
                                                      w / 6227020800.0))))));
            var b = OneOverSqrtTwoPi * Math.Exp(-0.5 * (h * h + t * t)) * expansion;

            return(Math.Max(b, 0.0));
コード例 #2
        // Introduced on 2017-02-18
        //     b(x,s)  =  Φ(x/s+s/2)·exp(x/2)  -   Φ(x/s-s/2)·exp(-x/2)
        //             =  Φ(h+t)·exp(x/2)      -   Φ(h-t)·exp(-x/2)
        //             =  ½ · exp(-u²-v²) · [ erfcx(u-v) -  erfcx(u+v) ]
        //             =  ½ · [ exp(x/2)·erfc(u-v)     -  exp(-x/2)·erfc(u+v)    ]
        //             =  ½ · [ exp(x/2)·erfc(u-v)     -  exp(-u²-v²)·erfcx(u+v) ]
        //             =  ½ · [ exp(-u²-v²)·erfcx(u-v) -  exp(-x/2)·erfc(u+v)    ]
        // with
        //              h  =  x/s ,       t  =  s/2 ,
        // and
        //              u  = -h/√2  and   v  =  t/√2 .
        // Cody's erfc() and erfcx() functions each, for some values of their argument, involve the evaluation
        // of the exponential function exp(). The normalised Black function requires additional evaluation(s)
        // of the exponential function irrespective of which of the above formulations is used. However, the total
        // number of exponential function evaluations can be minimised by a judicious choice of one of the above
        // formulations depending on the input values and the branch logic in Cody's erfc() and erfcx().
        private double NormalisedBlackCallWithOptimalUseOfCodysFunctions(double x, double s)
            const double codysThreshold = 0.46875;
            var          h  = x / s;
            var          t  = 0.5 * s;
            var          q1 = -OneOverSqrtTwo * (h + t);
            var          q2 = -OneOverSqrtTwo * (h - t);
            double       twoB;

            if (q1 < codysThreshold)
                if (q2 < codysThreshold)
                    twoB = Math.Exp(0.5 * x) * Erfc.ErfcCody(q1) -
                           Math.Exp(-0.5 * x) * Erfc.ErfcCody(q2);
                    twoB = Math.Exp(0.5 * x) * Erfc.ErfcCody(q1) -
                           Math.Exp(-0.5 * (h * h + t * t)) * Erfc.ErfcCody(q2);
                if (q2 < codysThreshold)
                    twoB = Math.Exp(-0.5 * (h * h + t * t)) * Erfc.ErfcxCody(q1) -
                           Math.Exp(-0.5 * x) * Erfc.ErfcCody(q2);
                    twoB = Math.Exp(-0.5 * (h * h + t * t)) *
                           (Erfc.ErfcxCody(q1) - Erfc.ErfcxCody(q2));

            return(Math.Max(0.5 * twoB, 0.0));