コード例 #1
        public void epsilon_test()
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            EpsilonGreedyHostPool.Random = new Random(10);

            var p = new EpsilonGreedyHostPool(null, EpsilonCalculator.Linear(), autoStartDecayTimer: false);

            p.AddHost("a", null);
            p.AddHost("b", null);

            //initially hosts are not dead, for testing of course.
            foreach (var h in p.HostList)
                h.Dead = false;

            //Initially, A is faster than B;
            var timings = new Dictionary <string, long>()
                { "a", 200 },
                { "b", 300 }

            var hitCounts = new Dictionary <string, long>()
                { "a", 0 },
                { "b", 0 }

            var iterations = 12000;

            for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                if ((i != 0) && (i % 100) == 0)
                var hostR = p.GetEpsilonGreedy();// as EpsilonHostPoolResponse;
                var host  = hostR.Host;
                var timing = timings[host];
                p.MarkSuccess(hostR, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timing).Ticks);

            foreach (var host in hitCounts)
                Console.WriteLine($"Host {host.Key} hit {host.Value} times {((double)host.Value / iterations):P}");

            // 60-40
            //Host a hit 7134 times 59.45 %
            //Host b hit 4866 times 40.55 %

            //timings change, now B is faster than A
            timings["a"]   = 500;
            timings["b"]   = 100;
            hitCounts["a"] = 0;
            hitCounts["b"] = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                if ((i != 0) && (i % 100) == 0)
                var hostR = p.GetEpsilonGreedy();// as EpsilonHostPoolResponse;
                var host  = hostR.Host;
                var timing = timings[host];
                p.MarkSuccess(hostR, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timing).Ticks);

            //TOTAL TIME: 177 milliseconds
            Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL TIME: {sw.Elapsed.Humanize()}");

            foreach (var host in hitCounts)
                Console.WriteLine($"Host {host.Key} hit {host.Value} times {((double)host.Value / iterations):P}");

            // 70-30
            //Host a hit 3562 times 29.68 %
            //Host b hit 8438 times 70.32 %
コード例 #2
        public void epsilon_test()
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            EpsilonGreedyHostPool.Random = new Random(10);

            var p = new EpsilonGreedyHostPool(null, EpsilonCalculator.Linear(), autoStartDecayTimer:false);
            p.AddHost("a", null);
            p.AddHost("b", null);

            //initially hosts are not dead, for testing of course.
            foreach (var h in p.HostList)
                h.Dead = false;

            //Initially, A is faster than B;
            var timings = new Dictionary<string, long>()
                    {"a", 200},
                    {"b", 300}

            var hitCounts = new Dictionary<string, long>()
                    {"a", 0},
                    {"b", 0}

            var iterations = 12000;

            for( var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
                if( (i != 0) && (i % 100) == 0 )
                var hostR = p.GetEpsilonGreedy();// as EpsilonHostPoolResponse;
                var host = hostR.Host;
                var timing = timings[host];
                p.MarkSuccess(hostR, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timing).Ticks);

            foreach( var host in hitCounts )
                Console.WriteLine($"Host {host.Key} hit {host.Value} times {((double)host.Value / iterations):P}");

            // 60-40
            //Host a hit 7134 times 59.45 %
            //Host b hit 4866 times 40.55 %


            //timings change, now B is faster than A
            timings["a"] = 500;
            timings["b"] = 100;
            hitCounts["a"] = 0;
            hitCounts["b"] = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                if ((i != 0) && (i % 100) == 0)
                var hostR = p.GetEpsilonGreedy();// as EpsilonHostPoolResponse;
                var host = hostR.Host;
                var timing = timings[host];
                p.MarkSuccess(hostR, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timing).Ticks);

            //TOTAL TIME: 177 milliseconds
            Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL TIME: {sw.Elapsed.Humanize()}");

            foreach (var host in hitCounts)
                Console.WriteLine($"Host {host.Key} hit {host.Value} times {((double)host.Value / iterations):P}");

            // 70-30
            //Host a hit 3562 times 29.68 %
            //Host b hit 8438 times 70.32 %
コード例 #3
        public void benchmark_epsilon()
            EpsilonGreedyHostPool.Random = new Random(10);

            var p = new EpsilonGreedyHostPool(null, new LinearEpsilonValueCalculator(), autoStartDecayTimer: false);

            p.AddHost("a", null);
            p.AddHost("b", null);

            //initially hosts are not dead, for testing of course.
            foreach (var h in p.HostList)
                h.Dead = false;

            //var hitA = 0;
            //var hitB = 0;

            var iterations = 120000;
            //var changeTimingsAt = 60000;

            var threads = 5;

            var hitA = new int[threads];
            var hitB = new int[threads];

            var total = 0;

            var locker = 0;

            Action <int> maybeReset = (iTotal) =>
                if ((iTotal != 0) && (iTotal % 100) == 0 &&
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref locker, 1, 0) == 0)
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref locker);

            var sw    = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, threads).Select(t =>
                return(Task.Run(() =>
                    //Initially, A is faster than B;
                    var timingA = 200;         //60% = 1 - 2/5
                    var timingB = 300;         //40% = 1 - 3/5

                    for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                        var at = Interlocked.Increment(ref total);

                        HostEntry hostR;

                        hostR = p.GetEpsilonGreedy();         // as EpsilonHostPoolResponse;

                        var host = hostR.Host;
                        var timing = 0;
                        if (host == "a")
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref hitA[t - 1]);
                            timing = timingA;
                        else if (host == "b")
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref hitB[t - 1]);
                            timing = timingB;

                        p.MarkSuccess(hostR, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timing).Ticks);
                        //if( changeTimingsAt == i )
                        //    //Half way, B is faster than A;
                        //    timingA = 500;
                        //    timingB = 100;


            //TOTAL TIME: 864 milliseconds
            Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL TIME: {sw.Elapsed.Humanize()}");

            for (int t = 0; t < threads; t++)
                var totalHits = hitA[t] + hitB[t];
                Console.WriteLine($"Thread {t} HitA: {hitA[t]} ({hitA[t] / (float)totalHits:P}), HitB: {hitB[t]} ({hitB[t] / (float)totalHits:p}), Total: {totalHits}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Global Total: {total}");
コード例 #4
        public void benchmark_epsilon()
            EpsilonGreedyHostPool.Random = new Random(10);

            var p = new EpsilonGreedyHostPool(null, new LinearEpsilonValueCalculator(), autoStartDecayTimer:false);
            p.AddHost("a", null);
            p.AddHost("b", null);

            //initially hosts are not dead, for testing of course.
            foreach (var h in p.HostList)
                h.Dead = false;

            //var hitA = 0;
            //var hitB = 0;

            var iterations = 120000;
            //var changeTimingsAt = 60000;

            var threads = 5;

            var hitA = new int[threads];
            var hitB = new int[threads];

            var total = 0;

            var locker = 0;

            Action<int> maybeReset = (iTotal) =>
                    if( (iTotal != 0) && (iTotal % 100) == 0 &&
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref locker, 1, 0) == 0)
                        Interlocked.Decrement(ref locker);

            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, threads).Select(t =>
                    return Task.Run(() =>
                            //Initially, A is faster than B;
                            var timingA = 200; //60% = 1 - 2/5
                            var timingB = 300; //40% = 1 - 3/5

                            for( var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
                                var at = Interlocked.Increment(ref total);

                                HostEntry hostR;

                                hostR = p.GetEpsilonGreedy(); // as EpsilonHostPoolResponse;

                                var host = hostR.Host;
                                var timing = 0;
                                if( host == "a" )
                                    Interlocked.Increment(ref hitA[t - 1]);
                                    timing = timingA;
                                else if( host == "b" )
                                    Interlocked.Increment(ref hitB[t - 1]);
                                    timing = timingB;
                                p.MarkSuccess(hostR, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timing).Ticks);
                                //if( changeTimingsAt == i )
                                //    //Half way, B is faster than A;
                                //    timingA = 500;
                                //    timingB = 100;

            //TOTAL TIME: 864 milliseconds
            Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL TIME: {sw.Elapsed.Humanize()}");

            for( int t = 0; t < threads; t++ )
                var totalHits = hitA[t] + hitB[t];
                Console.WriteLine($"Thread {t} HitA: {hitA[t]} ({hitA[t] / (float)totalHits:P}), HitB: {hitB[t]} ({hitB[t] / (float)totalHits:p}), Total: {totalHits}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Global Total: {total}");