コード例 #1
        //List the environments registered in LifeTime
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Use the AuthenticationService API to get a session token.
            // See its implementation on the Authorization Service API
            String token = AuthenticationExample.getToken();

            // Create an authentication object to send in the WS call and set it with the session token
            WebServiceSimpleAuthentication authentication = new WebServiceSimpleAuthentication();

            authentication.Token = token;

            //Environment Management Service WS proxy created by Visual Studio
            EnvironmentManagementService service = new EnvironmentManagementService();

            // The status of the WS call
            bool      success = false;
            APIStatus status  = null;

            EnvironmentInfo[] environments = null;

            //Invoke the Environment_List web method
            success = service.Environment_List(authentication, out status, out environments);

            //If the call was successful, print information about the environments
            if (success)
                foreach (EnvironmentInfo environment in environments)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1} front-end(s) running on {2} with {3}",
                                                    environment.Name, environment.NumberOfFrontEnds,
                // Implement error handling by checking the status.ResponseId field
                // See the possible error codes in the APIStatus structure documentation
コード例 #2
        //List the environments registered in LifeTime
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Use the AuthenticationService API to get a session token.
            // See its implementation on the Authorization Service API
            String token = AuthenticationExample.getToken();

            // Create an authentication object to send in the WS call and set it with the session token
            WebServiceSimpleAuthentication authentication = new WebServiceSimpleAuthentication();

            authentication.Token = token;

            //Environment Management Service WS proxy created by Visual Studio
            EnvironmentManagementService service = new EnvironmentManagementService();

            // The status of the WS call
            bool      success = false;
            APIStatus status  = null;

            EnvironmentPermissionLevel[] permissionLevels = null;

            //Invoke the EnvironmentPermissionLevel_List web method
            success = service.EnvironmentPermissionLevel_List(authentication, out status, out permissionLevels);

            //If the call was successful, print the permission levels available
            if (success)
                foreach (EnvironmentPermissionLevel permission in permissionLevels)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", permission.ShortLabel));
                // Implement error handling by checking the status.ResponseId field
                // See the possible error codes in the APIStatus structure documentation