public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Title = MyApp.AppSettings.ApplicationNameWithVersion; DockerInternalAddressWarningIsOk.SetVisible(false); EnvironmentContainer.SetVisible(false); Clear_Click(null, null); lastSaver = new LastSaver(MyApp.BuilderFolder); YourUID.Text = MyApp.AppStorage.YourUid; RunInSequence.IsChecked = MyApp.AppStorage.RunInSequence; CloseApplicationAfterRun.IsChecked = MyApp.AppStorage.CloseApplicationAfterRun; UpdateStatusBar(); UpdateAfterChecked(null, null); }
private async void BaseWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (MyApp.EgwFolder == null) { await Task.Delay(1); Wizzard(); } else { Console.Text = "Loading versions..."; await Task.Delay(1); try { var version = MyApp.Runner.GetVersions(MyApp.BuilderFolder, MyApp.EgwFolder); MyApp.Runner.RetrieveInfo(MyApp.BuilderFolder, MyApp.EgwFolder); Console.Text = version + "\n\nBranches\n" + MyApp.Runner.Info.GetBranches(); var info = MyApp.Runner.Info; additionalTestModels = info.AdditionalTests.Select(test => new AdditionalTestModel(test)).ToList(); AdditionalTests.ItemsSource = additionalTestModels; AdditionalTestsContainer.SetVisible(additionalTestModels.Count > 0); if (!info.ContainsProject("IEC")) { IEC.IsEnabled = false; ForProject("IEC", ch => ch.IsEnabled = false); } if (!info.ContainsProject("AS24")) { AS24.IsEnabled = false; ForProject("AS24", ch => ch.IsEnabled = false); } foreach (var project in info.Projects) { if (!project.SupportTests && FindName("Test_" + project.CodeForComponent) != null) { (FindName("Test_" + project.CodeForComponent) as CheckBox).IsEnabled = false; } } MessageBroker.Text = info.MessageBroker; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.MessageBroker)) { MessageBrokerLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red; MessageBrokerLabel.ToolTip = "Subapps have different brokers. You can set same broker for all subApps here."; } if (info.IsEnvironmentsShowable) { EnvironmentContainer.SetVisible(true); Environment.Items.Clear(); Environment.ItemsSource = info.GetEnvironments(); Environment.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace; } await Task.Delay(1); try { if (MyApp.Runner.IsDockerAddressOk()) { DockerInternalAddressWarning.SetVisible(false); DockerInternalAddressWarningIsOk.SetVisible(true); } else { DockerInternalAddressWarning.Text = "WARNING: ip address host.docker.internal is binded to " + MyApp.Runner.GetDockerAddress() + ", which is not address of this computer (ipconfig). Restart Docker Desktop from context menu of Docker Desktop icon in system tray. " + "Otherwise AsyncJob and other services will not work correctly."; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace; } } }