internal SxcInstance(IContentBlock cb, IInstanceInfo envInstance, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > urlparams = null, Log parentLog = null) { Log = new Log("Sxc.Instnc", parentLog, $"get SxcInstance for a:{cb?.AppId} cb:{cb?.ContentBlockId}"); EnvFac = Factory.Resolve <IEnvironmentFactory>(); Environment = EnvFac.Environment(parentLog); ContentBlock = cb; EnvInstance = envInstance; // keep url parameters, because we may need them later for view-switching and more Parameters = urlparams; }
internal BlockBuilder(IBlockBuilder rootBlockBuilder, IBlock cb, IContainer container, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > urlParams, ILog parentLog) : base("Sxc.BlkBld", parentLog, $"get CmsInstance for a:{cb?.AppId} cb:{cb?.ContentBlockId}") { EnvFac = Factory.Resolve <IEnvironmentFactory>(); Environment = EnvFac.Environment(parentLog); // the root block is the main container. If there is none yet, use this, as it will be the root RootBuilder = rootBlockBuilder ?? this; Block = cb; Container = container; // keep url parameters, because we may need them later for view-switching and more Parameters = urlParams; }