コード例 #1
        public CartPoleAgent(ApiService client, EnvCreateResponse environment, int numberOfActions, CartPoleObservationSpaceInfo observationSpaceInfo)
            this.client               = client;
            this.environment          = environment;
            this.numberOfActions      = numberOfActions;
            this.numberOfObservations = observationSpaceInfo.Shape[0];
            this.observationSpaceInfo = observationSpaceInfo;

            // Since CartPole is a continuous space and infinite, we discretize it with buckets
            this.buckets = this.InitializeBuckets(new int[] { 1, 1, 8, 10 });
            this.states  = this.InitializeStates(this.buckets);
            this.q       = this.InitializeQTable(this.states.Count, this.numberOfActions);
コード例 #2
        public async Task Initialize()
            this.environment = await this.client.EnvCreate("CartPole-v0");

            var actionSpaceInfo = await this.client.EnvActionSpaceInfo <CartPoleActionSpaceInfo>(environment.InstanceID);

            var observationSpaceInfo = await this.client.EnvObservationSpaceInfo <CartPoleObservationSpaceInfo>(environment.InstanceID);

            // Rebid our velocity and angular velocity parameters, the pole should stand still as much as possible
            observationSpaceInfo.Info.High[1] = 0.5;
            observationSpaceInfo.Info.Low[1]  = -0.5;
            observationSpaceInfo.Info.High[3] = ConvertToRadians(50);
            observationSpaceInfo.Info.Low[3]  = -ConvertToRadians(50);

            // Set up the new learning agent
            this.agent = new CartPoleAgent(this.client, this.environment, actionSpaceInfo.Info.N, observationSpaceInfo.Info);
コード例 #3
         * An experiment will run, whereafter it will constantly repeat the following loop:
         * 1. Observe environment state
         * 2. Based on the observation take an action
         * 3. Calculate the reward for the action and update our policy
         * This we will do EPISODE_COUNT times or until we converge (when we have a convergence detector)
        public async Task Run()
            await this.Initialize();

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            // @todo: start monitoring
            for (var episode = 0; episode < EPISODE_COUNT; episode++)

                // Reset the whole environment to start over
                var environment = new EnvStepResponse <double[]>()
                    IsDone      = false,
                    Observation = (await this.client.EnvReset <double[]>(this.environment.InstanceID)).Observation,
                    Reward      = 0.0

                // Keep executing while we can:
                // if environment.IsDone, then the pole tipped to far, or we died so we stop
                // if t >= maxTimeSteps then we did not solve it fast enough
                var t = 0;
                while (!environment.IsDone && t < MAX_TIME_STEPS)
                    environment = await this.agent.Act(episode, environment.Observation);


                Console.WriteLine($"Episode {episode} ended after {t} timesteps in {sw.Elapsed}");

            // @todo: stop monitoring