private static bool ShouldFetchFromServer(ApplicationSchemaDefinition detail, ApplicationSchemaDefinition list) { if (detail == null) { //sometimes we might need only to see the list return(false); } if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(detail.Associations) || EnumerableExtensions.Any(detail.Compositions)) { return(true); } foreach (var displayable in detail.Displayables) { if (!(displayable is IApplicationAttributeDisplayable)) { return(true); } var attrDisplayable = (IApplicationAttributeDisplayable)displayable; if (list.Fields.All(f => f.Attribute != attrDisplayable.Attribute)) { return(true); } } //return true, if detail has more data then list return(false); }
public async void IntegrationTest(IEnumerable <Tuple <int, int> > data, DatasetStatistics expectedStatistics) { var datasets = this.datasetService.GetDatasets(); Assert.False(EnumerableExtensions.Any(datasets), "There should be no dataset when starting"); var datasetId = (await this.datasetService.CreateDataset("Test")).Id; datasets = this.datasetService.GetDatasets(); Assert.Equal(1, datasets.Count); var dataset = datasets.SingleOrDefault(d => d.Id == datasetId); Assert.NotNull(dataset); Assert.Equal(DatasetStatus.Created, dataset.Status); await this.datasetService.ImportDataset(datasetId, data); datasets = this.datasetService.GetDatasets(); Assert.Equal(1, datasets.Count); dataset = datasets.SingleOrDefault(d => d.Id == datasetId); Assert.NotNull(dataset); Assert.Equal(DatasetStatus.Imported, dataset.Status); var stats = this.datasetService.GetDatasetStatistics(datasetId); Assert.Equal(expectedStatistics.AverageFriendCount, stats.AverageFriendCount); Assert.Equal(expectedStatistics.UniqueUsers, stats.UniqueUsers); await this.datasetService.DeleteDataset(datasetId); datasets = this.datasetService.GetDatasets(); Assert.False(EnumerableExtensions.Any(datasets), "There should be no dataset after we deleted ours"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(IList <IFormFile> files) { if (files == null || !EnumerableExtensions.Any(files)) { return(BadRequest()); } StringValues authorisationHeader = Request.Headers["Authorization"]; string email = GetEmailFromAuthorizationHeader(authorisationHeader); var request = await CreateSaveAssetRegisterFileRequest(files); await _backgroundProcessor.QueueBackgroundTask( async() => { await _importAssetsUseCase.ExecuteAsync(request, _backgroundProcessor.GetCancellationToken()).ConfigureAwait(false); await _assetRegisterUploadProcessedNotifier.SendUploadProcessedNotification( new UploadProcessedNotification { Email = email, UploadSuccessfullyProcessed = true }, _backgroundProcessor.GetCancellationToken()); } ); return(Ok()); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts given CatalogItems and checks that it succeeded. /// </summary> /// <param name="catalogItems">Items to be inserted</param> public void EnsureCatalogItemsExist(List <CatalogItem> catalogItems) { if (catalogItems == null || !EnumerableExtensions.Any(catalogItems)) { throw new ArgumentException("Collection of items to be added is empty"); } _webApplicationContext.PerformServiceAction(new Action <CatalogContext>(context => { catalogItems.ForEach(item => { var existingItem = context.CatalogItems.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == item.Id); if (existingItem != null) { context.CatalogItems.Remove(existingItem); } }); context.SaveChanges(); context.AddRange(catalogItems); context.SaveChanges(); })); AssertCatalogItemsExist(catalogItems); }
public async Task <UpdateRoomResponse> UpdateRoom(UpdateRoomRequest requestModel) { //Find and check if room exists in database var room = await FindById(requestModel.RoomId); //Check if room type exists if (!await _param.IsOfParamType(requestModel.RoomType, GlobalParams.ParamTypeRoomType)) { throw new HttpStatusCodeException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "RoomService: RoomType is not valid"); } //Update room with new information room = UpdateRoomRequest.UpdateToRoom(room, requestModel); //Update to database room = await _repoWrapper.Room.UpdateAsync(room, room.RoomId); var equipments = (List <Equipment>) await _repoWrapper.Equipment.FindAllAsyncWithCondition(e => e.RoomId == room.RoomId); List <int> equipmentIds = null; if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(equipments)) { equipmentIds = equipments.Select(e => e.EquipmentId).ToList(); } return(UpdateRoomResponse.ResponseFromRoom(room, equipmentIds)); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <FilePhoto> > GetDefaultDate(string rover) { var cacheKey = $"{rover}Data"; if (!_cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out List <FilePhoto> filePhotos)) { filePhotos = new List <FilePhoto>(); var fileDates = await GetDatesFromFile(); foreach (var date in fileDates) { var earthDate = date.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); var photoResult = await _nasaPhotoRepository.GetPhoto(rover, earthDate); filePhotos.Add(new FilePhoto() { DateString = date.DateStringName, Photos = photoResult }); } var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions() .SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)); if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(filePhotos)) { _cache.Set(cacheKey, filePhotos, cacheEntryOptions); } } return(_cache.Get(cacheKey) as IEnumerable <FilePhoto>); }
public static void EnsurePeopleSeedDataForContext(this YourDollarContext context) { if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(context.People)) { return; } var people = new List <PersonEntity>() { new PersonEntity() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "123-321-1234" }, new PersonEntity() { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "098-098-1123", } }; context.People.AddRange(people); context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetEntityTechnologies( [FromServices] IEntityRepository entityRepository, [FromServices] ITechnologyRepository technologyRepository, [FromServices] IEntityService entityService, string id) { var result = await entityRepository.FindTechnologies(technologyRepository, id); if (result != null && EnumerableExtensions.Any(result)) { var referenceEntityId = configuration.GetSection("ReferenceEntityId"); if (referenceEntityId != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceEntityId.Value)) { var referenceEntityTechnologies = await entityRepository.FindTechnologies(technologyRepository, referenceEntityId.Value); if (referenceEntityTechnologies != null && EnumerableExtensions.Any(referenceEntityTechnologies)) { result = entityService.PopulateEntityTechnologiesGroupStatus(result, referenceEntityTechnologies); } } return(Ok(result)); } return(NoContent()); }
public PostDTO CreatePost(CreatePostDTO postDTO) { var post = postDTO.ToPost(); if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(postDTO.Tags)) { foreach (var tagId in postDTO.Tags) { var postTags = new PostTags() { Post = post, TagId = tagId }; post.PostTags.Add(postTags); } } if (postDTO.PostId != 0) { ++post.PostNum; _database.Posts.Add(post); } else { _database.Posts.Add(post); _database.Save(); post.PostId = post.Id; _database.Posts.Update(post); } _database.Save(); return(post.ToPostDTO()); }
/// <inheritdoc cref="IsValidCategoriesIds"/> public bool IsValidCategoriesIds(IList <int> categoryIds, out string message) { message = string.Empty; if (categoryIds == null || !EnumerableExtensions.Any(categoryIds)) { message = "A product should has any category!"; } else if (categoryIds.Count > this._maxCatCount) { message = $"A product shouldn't have more than {this._maxCatCount} category!"; } else { using (var context = this._contextFactory.GetContext()) { var wrongIds = categoryIds.Where(id => context.Categories.FindAsync(id) == null); if (!wrongIds.Any()) { return(true); } message = $"Categories have wrong ids: {string.Join(", ", categoryIds)}"; } } return(false); }
public BusinessController(MyContext mc) { _mc = mc; if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(_mc.Businesses)) { return; } var business = new Business { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), No = "001", Name = "名称001", Status = (int)EntityStatus.Init, LastChange = DateTime.Now }; _mc.Businesses.Add(business); business = new Business { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), No = "002", Name = "名称002", Status = (int)EntityStatus.Init, LastChange = DateTime.Now }; _mc.Businesses.Add(business); _mc.SaveChanges(); }
private void UninstallSampleProject(SampleProjectInfo sample) { if (this.App.SerializationManager.CurrentProjectFile == sample.AbsolutePathToProjectFile) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot uninstall " + sample.Name + ". The project is currently open. Please close current project and try again."); return; } string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(sample.AbsolutePathToProjectFile); DirectoryInfo parent = Directory.GetParent(directoryName); try { foreach (string current in Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryName)) { File.Delete(current); } Directory.Delete(directoryName); FileInfo[] files = parent.GetFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { FileInfo fileInfo = files[i]; fileInfo.Delete(); } if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any <DirectoryInfo>(parent.GetDirectories()) && !EnumerableExtensions.Any <FileInfo>(parent.GetFiles())) { parent.Delete(); } } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Some files could not be uninstalled. " + ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show("The project was successfully uninstalled."); }
public void CreateUser(CreateAccountRequest request) { Require.NotNull(request, nameof(request)); var doesExist = EnumerableExtensions.Any(GetUserList(account => account.Email.Address == request.Email)); if (doesExist) { throw new AccountAlreadyExistsException(); } var newAccount = new Account( request.Firstname, request.Lastname, new MailAddress(request.Email), new Password(request.Password), AccountRole.User, ConfirmationStatus.Unconfirmed, DateTime.Now, request.Profile); var userId = _userRepository.CreateAccount(newAccount); _confirmationService.SetupEmailConfirmation(userId); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts test data into database. /// </summary> public void Seed() { if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(_context.Users)) { try { _context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT users ON"); _context.SaveChanges(); SeedPermissions(); SeedUsers(); SeedUserPermissions(); SeedBoatTypes(); SeedBoats(); SeedReservations(); _context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT users OFF"); _context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public async Task <bool> IsAutorizador(string userName) { var validadorSpecificaciones = new RequisicionByValidadorSpecifiation(userName); var requisicionesComoValidador = await this.requisicionRepository.ListAsync(validadorSpecificaciones); return(EnumerableExtensions.Any(requisicionesComoValidador)); }
public static void Shows(BoxOfficeContext dbContext) { if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(dbContext.Tickets)) { return; } var shows = Enumerable.Range(1, 55).Select(i => new Show() { Name = $"Show {i}", Sessions = new List <ShowSession>() { new ShowSession() { From = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, To = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(2), FreeSeats = 100 }, new ShowSession() { From = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1), To = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1).AddHours(2), FreeSeats = 100 } } }); dbContext.AddRange(shows); dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
private bool IsValid(Transaction transaction) { var results = new List <ValidationResult>(); var context = new ValidationContext(transaction); Validator.TryValidateObject(transaction, context, results, true); return(!EnumerableExtensions.Any(results)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllEntities([FromServices] IEntityRepository entityRepository) { var result = await entityRepository.FindAllAsync(); if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(result)) { return(Ok(result)); } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task SaveAsync(params Currency[] currencies) { if (currencies == null || !EnumerableExtensions.Any(currencies)) { return; } var minDate = currencies.Min(e => e.Date); var maxDate = currencies.Max(e => e.Date); var currecyCroups = currencies.GroupBy(e => e.Code); using (var context = _conetextFactory.Create()) { var dbCurrencies = await context.Currencies.ToListAsync(); var dbValues = await context.DbCurrencyValues .Where(e => minDate <= e.Date && e.Date <= maxDate).ToListAsync(); foreach (var currencyCroup in currecyCroups) { var dbCurrency = dbCurrencies.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Code == currencyCroup.Key); var newCurrency = dbCurrency == null; if (newCurrency) { dbCurrency = CreateCurrency(currencyCroup.Key); await context.AddAsync(dbCurrency); } foreach (var currency in currencyCroup) { var dbValue = dbValues.FirstOrDefault( e => e.Date == currency.Date && e.CurrencyId == dbCurrency.Id); if (newCurrency || dbValue == null) { dbValue = CreateCurrencyValue( dbCurrency.Id, currency.Amount, currency.Rate, currency.Date ); dbValues.Add(dbValue); await context.AddAsync(dbValue); } dbValue.Rate = currency.Rate; dbValue.Amount = currency.Amount; } } await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
private void InitializeDatabase(IApplicationBuilder app) { using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { var applicationDbContext = serviceScope.ServiceProvider .GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>(); applicationDbContext.Database.Migrate(); var persistedGrantDbContext = serviceScope.ServiceProvider .GetRequiredService <PersistedGrantDbContext>(); persistedGrantDbContext.Database.Migrate(); var configDbContext = serviceScope.ServiceProvider .GetRequiredService <ConfigurationDbContext>(); configDbContext.Database.Migrate(); if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(configDbContext.Clients)) { foreach (var client in Config.Clients) { client.ClientUri = _clientUri; client.RedirectUris.Add(_clientUri); client.PostLogoutRedirectUris.Add(_clientUri); client.AllowedCorsOrigins.Add(_clientUri); configDbContext.Clients.Add(client.ToEntity()); } configDbContext.SaveChanges(); } if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(configDbContext.IdentityResources)) { foreach (var res in Config.IdentityResources) { configDbContext.IdentityResources.Add(res.ToEntity()); } configDbContext.SaveChanges(); } if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(configDbContext.ApiResources)) { foreach (var api in Config.ApiScopes) { var apiScope = configDbContext.ApiScopes.Where(x => x.Name == api.Name); if (apiScope.Count() == 0) { configDbContext.ApiScopes.Add(api.ToEntity()); } } configDbContext.SaveChanges(); } } }
public static void EnsureExpenseSeedDataForContext(this YourDollarContext context) { if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(context.Expenses)) { return; } var expenseList = new List <ExpenseEntity>() { new ExpenseEntity() { ShortName = "Light Bill", BudgetCategory = context.BudgetCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ShortName == "Utilities"), Amount = 150m, CompanyAccountNumber = "123-556-33322AB", CompanyName = "XYZLights", DueDate = DateTime.Parse("06/15/2019"), PayoutDate = DateTime.Parse("05/16/2019"), IsRecurring = true }, new ExpenseEntity() { ShortName = "Water Bill", BudgetCategory = context.BudgetCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ShortName == "Utilities"), Amount = 25m, CompanyAccountNumber = "ABC-ID", CompanyName = "CrystalClearH2O", DueDate = DateTime.Parse("05/25/2019"), PayoutDate = DateTime.Parse("06/1/2019"), IsRecurring = true }, new ExpenseEntity() { ShortName = "Groceries", BudgetCategory = context.BudgetCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ShortName == "Food"), Amount = 250m, PayoutDate = DateTime.Parse("05/15/2019"), IsRecurring = true }, new ExpenseEntity() { ShortName = "Car Loan", BudgetCategory = context.BudgetCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ShortName == "Transportation"), Amount = 380m, PayoutDate = DateTime.Parse("05/15/2019"), DueDate = DateTime.Parse("06/01/2019"), CompanyName = "WeToteDaNote", CompanyAccountNumber = "11111666-badjuju", IsRecurring = true } }; context.Expenses.AddRange(expenseList); context.SaveChanges(); }
private static bool IsPackageInstalled(IPackage pack) { string packagePath = GetPackagePath(pack); // return Directory.Exists(packagePath) && // Directory.EnumerateFiles(packagePath, "*.dspx", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any<string>(); if (!Directory.Exists(packagePath)) { return(false); } return(EnumerableExtensions.Any(Directory.EnumerateFiles(packagePath, "*.dspx", SearchOption.AllDirectories))); }
public static async Task SeedDataAsync(DataContext context, UserManager <AppUser> userManager) { if (!userManager.Users.Any()) { var users = new List <AppUser> { new AppUser { DisplayName = "TestUserFirst", UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**" }, new AppUser { DisplayName = "TestUserSecond", UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**" }, }; foreach (var user in users) { await userManager.CreateAsync(user, "2wsx@WSX"); } } if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(context.HelpdeskOrders)) { var helpdeskOrders = new List <HelpdeskOrder> { new HelpdeskOrder { Number = "abc", Title = "abc", Description = "abc" }, new HelpdeskOrder { Number = "abc2", Title = "abc2", Description = "abc2" }, new HelpdeskOrder { Number = "abc3", Title = "abc3", Description = "abc3" } }; context.HelpdeskOrders.AddRange(helpdeskOrders); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public virtual void DeleteByTotalEmployeeHoursPerCompanyIds(IEnumerable <int> ids) { if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(ids)) { foreach (var id in ids) { var item = GetById(id); PermanentDelete(item); } } }
public async Task <ApplicationUser> AddClaims(ApplicationUser user, Claim claim) { var result = await _userManager.AddClaimAsync(user, claim); if (EnumerableExtensions.Any(result.Errors)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Join(", ", result.Errors.Select(DisplayErrorMessage))); } return(user); }
public async Task TitleOnlySearchWorksAsync() { var searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria() { Title = "Road Trip" }; var searchResponses = await _service.SearchAsync(searchCriteria).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.IsTrue(EnumerableExtensions.Any(searchResponses)); }
public async Task CreateInsights(IEnumerable <Models.Entities.SafetyIndicator> insights) { var enumerable = insights as Models.Entities.SafetyIndicator[] ?? insights.ToArray(); if (insights == null || !EnumerableExtensions.Any(enumerable)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(insights)); } await _safetyIndicatorRepository.Insert(enumerable); }
public async Task RomanceSearchReturnsNothingAsync() { var searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria() { Genres = "Romance" }; var searchResponses = await _service.SearchAsync(searchCriteria).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.IsFalse(EnumerableExtensions.Any(searchResponses)); }
public async Task InvalidTitleFindsNothing() { var searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria() { Title = "Road Trips" }; var searchResponses = await _service.SearchAsync(searchCriteria).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.IsFalse(EnumerableExtensions.Any(searchResponses)); }
public void SeedEverything(ApplicationDbContext context) { if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(context.Users)) { SeedUsers(context); } if (!EnumerableExtensions.Any(context.Courses)) { SeedCourses(context); } }