public void IList_NonGeneric_Remove_NullContainedInCollection(int count) { if (!IsReadOnly && !ExpectedFixedSize && NullAllowed && !Enumerable.Contains(InvalidValues, null)) { int seed = count * 21; IList collection = NonGenericIListFactory(count); object value = null; if (!collection.Contains(value)) { collection.Add(value); count++; } collection.Remove(value); Assert.Equal(count - 1, collection.Count); } }
public void ICollection_NonGeneric_Remove_NullNotContainedInCollection(int count) { if (!IsReadOnly && NullAllowed && !Enumerable.Contains(InvalidValues, null)) { int seed = count * 21; IList collection = NonGenericIListFactory(count); object value = null; while (collection.Contains(value)) { collection.Remove(value); count--; } collection.Remove(value); Assert.Equal(count, collection.Count); } }
public void ICollection_Generic_Remove_DefaultValueContainedInCollection(int count) { if (!IsReadOnly && DefaultValueAllowed && !Enumerable.Contains(InvalidValues, default(T))) { int seed = count * 21; ICollection <T> collection = GenericICollectionFactory(count); T value = default(T); if (!collection.Contains(value)) { collection.Add(value); count++; } Assert.True(collection.Remove(value)); Assert.Equal(count - 1, collection.Count); } }
public static bool IsInNdock(int areaid, List <Mem_ship> ships) { if (ships == null || ships.get_Count() == 0) { return(false); } IEnumerable <Mem_ndock> enumerable = Enumerable.Where <Mem_ndock>(Comm_UserDatas.Instance.User_ndock.get_Values(), (Mem_ndock x) => x.Area_id == areaid && x.State == NdockStates.RESTORE); if (enumerable == null || Enumerable.Count <Mem_ndock>(enumerable) == 0) { return(false); } IEnumerable <int> rids = Enumerable.Select <Mem_ship, int>(ships, (Mem_ship ship) => ship.Rid); return(Enumerable.Any <Mem_ndock>(enumerable, (Mem_ndock ndock) => Enumerable.Contains <int>(rids, ndock.Ship_id))); }
internal static bool IsImplementationOf(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Type interfaceType) { Debug.Assert(interfaceType.IsInterface, "Ensure interfaceType is an interface before calling IsImplementationOf"); // Find the property with the corresponding name on the interface, if present PropertyInfo interfaceProp = interfaceType.GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (null == interfaceProp) { return(false); } // If the declaring type is an interface, compare directly. if (propertyInfo.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { return(interfaceProp.Equals(propertyInfo)); } Debug.Assert(Enumerable.Contains(propertyInfo.DeclaringType.GetInterfaces(), interfaceType), "Ensure propertyInfo.DeclaringType implements interfaceType before calling IsImplementationOf"); bool result = false; // Get the get_<Property> method from the interface property. MethodInfo getInterfaceProp = interfaceProp.GetGetMethod(); // Retrieve the interface mapping for the interface on the candidate property's declaring type. InterfaceMapping interfaceMap = propertyInfo.DeclaringType.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType); // Find the index of the interface's get_<Property> method in the interface methods of the interface map int propIndex = Array.IndexOf(interfaceMap.InterfaceMethods, getInterfaceProp); // Find the method on the property's declaring type that is the target of the interface's get_<Property> method. // This method will be at the same index in the interface mapping's target methods as the get_<Property> interface method index. MethodInfo[] targetMethods = interfaceMap.TargetMethods; if (propIndex > -1 && propIndex < targetMethods.Length) { // If the get method of the referenced property is the target of the get_<Property> method in this interface mapping, // then the property is the implementation of the interface's corresponding property. MethodInfo getPropertyMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(); if (getPropertyMethod != null) { result = getPropertyMethod.Equals(targetMethods[propIndex]); } } return(result); }
public PullRequestDTO(PullRequestNode fromNode) { number = fromNode.number; title = fromNode.title; additions = fromNode.additions; deletions = fromNode.deletions; changes = additions + deletions; changedFiles = fromNode.changedFiles; author = GetUserName(; createdAtUtc = fromNode.createdAt.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); updatedAtUtc = fromNode.updatedAt.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); closedAtUtc = fromNode.updatedAt.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); isDraft = fromNode.isDraft; mergeable = fromNode.mergeable; reactions = fromNode.reactionGroups.Select(rg => new ReactionGroupDTO { content = rg.content, users = rg.users.nodes.Select(n => GetUserName(n)).ToList() }).ToList(); totalPositiveReactions = reactions .Where(rg => Enumerable.Contains(new string[] { "THUMBS_UP", "HOORAY", "HEART", "ROCKET" }, rg.content)) .SelectMany(rg => rg.users) // Get a list of all users who voted for any of these .Distinct() // Remove duplicates, so each users vote only counts once, even if they reacted multiple times .Count(); // Get the number of users who voted for positive reactions totalNegativeReations = reactions .Where(rg => Enumerable.Contains(new string[] { "CONFUSED", "THUMBS_DOWN" }, rg.content)) .SelectMany(rg => rg.users) .Distinct() .Count(); url = fromNode.url; reviews = => new ReviewDTO { user = GetUserName(, state = n.state, submittedAtUtc = n.submittedAt.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() }).ToList(); reviewDecision = fromNode.reviewDecision; labels = fromNode.labels.nodes.Select(n => new LabelDTO { name =, color = n.color }).ToList(); }
protected void FillReports() { var reports = (from n in DataContext.LP_Reports where Enumerable.Contains(SelectedReports, n.ID) select n).ToList(); var converter = new ReportEntityUnitModelConverter(DataContext); var reportModels = reports.Select(n => converter.Convert(n)); var reportUnits = new ReportUnitsModel { List = reportModels.ToList() }; reportUnitsControl.Model = reportUnits; }
public static void Foreach <T>(object enumerable, Action <T> action) { if (enumerable == null) { return; } Type typeFromHandle = typeof(IEnumerable); if (!Enumerable.Contains <Type>(enumerable.GetType().GetInterfaces(), typeFromHandle)) { Debug.LogError("Object does not implement IEnumerable interface"); return; } MethodInfo method = typeFromHandle.GetMethod("GetEnumerator"); if (method == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to get 'GetEnumberator()' method info from IEnumerable type"); return; } IEnumerator enumerator = null; try { enumerator = (IEnumerator)method.Invoke(enumerable, null); if (enumerator is IEnumerator) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { action.Invoke((T)((object)enumerator.Current)); } } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0}.GetEnumerator() returned '{1}' instead of IEnumerator.", enumerable.ToString(), enumerator.GetType().Name)); } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } }
private static IEnumerable <IPlugin> LoadPluginsFromFile(string file, string exeName, Logging.IPALogger logger) { List <IPlugin> plugins = new List <IPlugin>(); if (!File.Exists(file) || !file.EndsWith(".dll", true, null)) { return(plugins); } try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file); foreach (Type t in assembly.GetTypes()) { if (t.GetInterface("IPlugin") != null) { try { IPlugin pluginInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as IPlugin; string[] filter = null; if (pluginInstance is IEnhancedPlugin) { filter = ((IEnhancedPlugin)pluginInstance).Filter; } if (filter == null || Enumerable.Contains(filter, exeName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { plugins.Add(pluginInstance); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Warning($"Could not load plugin {t.FullName} in {Path.GetFileName(file)}. {e}", "IPA"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error($"Could not load {Path.GetFileName(file)}. {e}", "IPA"); } return(plugins); }
protected virtual bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) { if (httpContext == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext"); } IPrincipal user = httpContext.User; if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated || this._usersSplit.Length > 0 && !Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>) this._usersSplit, user.Identity.Name, (IEqualityComparer <string>)StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || this._rolesSplit.Length > 0 && !Enumerable.Any <string>((IEnumerable <string>) this._rolesSplit, new Func <string, bool>(user.IsInRole))) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
public static void InitializeWithCurrentUserContext(string applicationVersionedRegistryPath) { CultureManager.ReadUserLanguagePreferencePropertyFromRegistry(applicationVersionedRegistryPath); Collection <CultureInfo> collection = CultureManager.ReadLastKnownInstalledLanguagesFromRegistry(applicationVersionedRegistryPath); ICollection <CultureInfo> installedCultures = CultureManager.FindInstalledCultures(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)); CultureManager.AvailableLanguagesChangedSinceLastSession = !Enumerable.SequenceEqual <CultureInfo>((IEnumerable <CultureInfo>)collection, (IEnumerable <CultureInfo>)installedCultures, (IEqualityComparer <CultureInfo>) new CultureInfoLcidComparer()); if (CultureManager.UserLanguagePreference != null) { CultureManager.UserLanguagePreferenceAvailableAtStartup = Enumerable.Contains <CultureInfo>((IEnumerable <CultureInfo>)installedCultures, CultureManager.UserLanguagePreference, (IEqualityComparer <CultureInfo>) new CultureInfoLcidComparer()); } if (installedCultures.Count > 1 && (CultureManager.AvailableLanguagesChangedSinceLastSession || !CultureManager.UserLanguagePreferenceAvailableAtStartup)) { CultureManager.CurrentUserNeedsToSetLanguagePreference = true; } CultureManager.WriteLastKnownInstalledLanguagesToRegistry(applicationVersionedRegistryPath); }
protected override void AddToCollection(ICollection <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > collection, int numberOfItemsToAdd) { Assert.False(IsReadOnly); int seed = 12353; IDictionary <TKey, TValue> casted = (IDictionary <TKey, TValue>)collection; int initialCount = casted.Count; while ((casted.Count - initialCount) < numberOfItemsToAdd) { KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> toAdd = CreateT(seed++); while (casted.ContainsKey(toAdd.Key) || Enumerable.Contains(InvalidValues, toAdd)) { toAdd = CreateT(seed++); } collection.Add(toAdd); } }
private static bool ContainsDuplicant(this IList <TextureMeta> textures, TextureMeta other) { if (other == null) { return(true); } for (var i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { if (textures[i] == null) { textures.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } return(Enumerable.Contains(textures, other)); }
// Token: 0x06000010 RID: 16 RVA: 0x0000258C File Offset: 0x0000078C internal static void Postfix(int tile, ref IEnumerable <ThingDef> __result, ref World __instance) { Traverse traverse = Traverse.Create(__instance); WorldGrid value = traverse.Field("grid").GetValue <WorldGrid>(); bool flag = value[tile].biome.defName.Equals("RockMoonBiome"); bool flag2 = flag; if (flag2) { __result = new List <ThingDef> { DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("BiomesNEO_HighlandRock", true) }; } else { bool flag3 = Enumerable.Contains <ThingDef>(__result, DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("BiomesNEO_HighlandRock", true)); bool flag4 = Enumerable.Contains <ThingDef>(__result, DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("BiomesNEO_MariaRock", true)); bool flag5 = flag3 || flag4; if (flag5) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = tile; List <ThingDef> rocks = Enumerable.ToList <ThingDef>(__result); bool flag6 = flag3; if (flag6) { rocks.Remove(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("BiomesNEO_HighlandRock", true)); } bool flag7 = flag4; if (flag7) { rocks.Remove(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("BiomesNEO_MariaRock", true)); } List <ThingDef> list = Enumerable.ToList <ThingDef>(Enumerable.Where <ThingDef>(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs, (ThingDef d) => d.category.Equals(ThingCategory.Building) && d.building.isNaturalRock && !d.building.isResourceRock && !d.IsSmoothed && !rocks.Contains(d) && d.defName != "BiomesNEO_HighlandRock" && d.defName != "BiomesNEO_MariaRock")); bool flag8 = !list.NullOrEmpty <ThingDef>(); bool flag9 = flag8; if (flag9) { rocks.Add(list.RandomElement <ThingDef>()); } __result = rocks; Rand.PopState(); } } }
private static IEnumerable <IPlugin> LoadPluginsFromFile(string file, string exeName) { List <IPlugin> plugins = new List <IPlugin>(); if (!File.Exists(file) || !file.EndsWith(".dll", true, null)) { return(plugins); } try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file); foreach (Type t in assembly.GetTypes()) { if (t.GetInterface("IPlugin") != null) { try { IPlugin pluginInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as IPlugin; string[] filter = null; if (pluginInstance is IEnhancedPlugin) { filter = ((IEnhancedPlugin)pluginInstance).Filter; } if (filter == null || Enumerable.Contains(filter, exeName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { plugins.Add(pluginInstance); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[WARN] Could not load plugin {0} in {1}! {2}", t.FullName, Path.GetFileName(file), e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] Could not load {0}! {1}", Path.GetFileName(file), e); } return(plugins); }
public static void DistributeData() { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dataStream); while (Active) { //dataStream.EndRead(readres); //dataStream.Read(buf, 0, 1023); string s = sr.ReadToEnd(); ushort[] shortbuf = new ushort[512]; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { shortbuf[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buf, (i * 2) % 1023); } if (Enumerable.Contains <ushort>(shortbuf, 65535)) { //still shit to do ushort[] dat = CommunicatorHelper.SubArray <ushort>(shortbuf, 0, 7); DataPacket pack = ProcessData(dat); charsread += 14; if (pack != null) { Debug.WriteLine("detected a new message" + pack.val.ToString()); if (Startwindow.inst != null) { Random rand = new Random(); Startwindow.addNodeToGraph(, 2 + (pack.val * 2)); } } } else { } for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { } //readres = dataStream.BeginRead(buf, 0, 1024, null, null); //Thread.Sleep(10); //errorstream } }
public void SetP0AndP2MemoryClock(uint clock) { if (!this.AreP0AndP2MMemoryClocksSame()) { return; } foreach (UCPerfTableEntryControl obj in Enumerable.ToList <UCPerfTableEntryControl>(Enumerable.Where <UCPerfTableEntryControl>(this._EntryControlList, e => { if (e.PerfEntry != null) { return(Enumerable.Contains <byte>(new byte[1], e.PerfEntry.Caption)); } return(false); }))) { obj.SetMemoryClock(clock); } }
private bool IsTargetExtension(string extension) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { return(false); } switch (this.GetSearchFileTypesValue()) { case FindInFilesDialog.SearchFileTypes.XAML: return(Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>)FindInFilesDialog.xamlExtensions, extension.ToUpperInvariant())); case FindInFilesDialog.SearchFileTypes.Code: return(Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>)FindInFilesDialog.codeExtensions, extension.ToUpperInvariant())); default: return(Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>)FindInFilesDialog.allExtensions, extension.ToUpperInvariant())); } }
public bool ValidateKey(char key, KeyTypes keyType) { switch (keyType) { case KeyTypes.IsNumber: return(Enumerable.Contains(numbers, key)); case KeyTypes.IsOperator: return(Enumerable.Contains(operators, key)); case KeyTypes.IsResultSign: return(Enumerable.Contains(resultSign, key)); case KeyTypes.IsSpecialKeys: return(Enumerable.Contains(specialKeys, key)); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Retourne la langue utilisé par l'appareil /// </summary> /// <returns>la langue en code à deux caractères</returns> public static string GetLangueAppareil() { var langue = Windows.System.UserProfile.GlobalizationPreferences.Languages[0]; if (Enumerable.Contains(langue, '-')) { langue = langue.Substring(0, 2); } if (langue.Length == 2) { return(langue); } else { return("en"); } }
public void Should_query_categories_filterd_using_empty_local_list_inline_with_enumerable_method() { System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <Category, bool> > lambdaNewArrayInit = c => Enumerable.Contains(new List <string>(), c.Name); var mc = (System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression)lambdaNewArrayInit.Body; var lambdaConst = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Lambda <Func <Category, bool> >( System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Call( mc.Method, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Constant(new List <string>()), mc.Arguments[1]), lambdaNewArrayInit.Parameters); _categoryQueryable.Where(c => Enumerable.Contains(new List <string>(), c.Name)).ToList().ShouldBeEmpty(); _categoryQueryable.Where(lambdaNewArrayInit).ToList().ShouldBeEmpty(); _categoryQueryable.Where(lambdaConst).ToList().ShouldBeEmpty(); }
protected override void AddToCollection(ICollection collection, int numberOfItemsToAdd) { Assert.False(IsReadOnly); int seed = 12353; IDictionary casted = (IDictionary)collection; int initialCount = casted.Count; while ((casted.Count - initialCount) < numberOfItemsToAdd) { object key = CreateTKey(seed++); object value = CreateTValue(seed++); while (casted.Contains(key) || Enumerable.Contains(InvalidValues, key)) { key = CreateTKey(seed++); } casted.Add(key, value); } }
protected bool IsAnonymity() { string str1 = this.GetRouteString("controller").ToLower(); string str2 = this.GetRouteString("action").ToLower(); string[] strArray1 = new string[1] { "cart" }; string[] strArray2 = new string[4] { "editbranchproducttocart", "getbranchcartproducts", "clearbranchcartproducts", "clearbranchcartinvalidproducts" }; return(Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>)strArray1, str1) && Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>)strArray2, str2)); }
public List <SearchResult> SearchTextFiles(string path, List <string> searchStrings, List <string> searchFilters) { List <string> searchResults = new List <string>(); List <SearchResult> myResults = new List <SearchResult>(); string[] textArray1 = new string[] { "*.pdf", "*.jpg", "*.doc", "*.docx" }; string[] strArray = textArray1; foreach (string str in searchFilters) { if (!Enumerable.Contains <string>(strArray, str)) { foreach (string str2 in Directory.GetFiles(path, str)) { searchResults.Add(str2); } } } foreach (string searchString in searchStrings) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { foreach (string str4 in searchResults) { int num2 = 0; using (IEnumerator <string> enumerator3 = File.ReadLines(str4).GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator3.MoveNext()) { num2++; if (enumerator3.Current.Contains(searchString)) { SearchResult item = new SearchResult(); item.FilePath = str4; item.RowNumber = new int?(num2); item.Keyword = searchString; myResults.Add(item); } } } } } } return(myResults); }
public override IEnumerable <object> ProcessSubmittedValue(Field field, IEnumerable <object> postedValues, HttpContextBase context) { bool flag1 = false; bool flag2 = false; List <object> list = new List <object>(); string path1 = context.Request[field.Id.ToString() + "_file"] ?? ""; HttpFileCollectionBase files = context.Request.Files; if (files.Count > 0 && Enumerable.Contains <string>((IEnumerable <string>)files.AllKeys, field.Id.ToString())) { flag1 = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path1)) { flag2 = true; } if (flag1) { if (flag2) { File.Delete(IOHelper.MapPath(path1)); } int index = 0; foreach (string str in files.AllKeys) { if (str == field.Id.ToString()) { HttpPostedFileBase httpPostedFileBase = files[index]; if (httpPostedFileBase.ContentLength > 0) { string url = Enumerable.Last <string>((IEnumerable <string>)httpPostedFileBase.FileName.Split('\\')); string path2 = Configuration.UploadTempPath + "/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string path3 = path2 + "/" + FileHelper.SafeUrl(url); Directory.CreateDirectory(IOHelper.MapPath(path2)); httpPostedFileBase.SaveAs(IOHelper.MapPath(path3)); list.Add((object)path3); } } ++index; } } list.Add((object)path1); return((IEnumerable <object>)list); }
public override void Execute(Action <DaemonStageResult> committer) { var highlightingConsumer = new FilteringHighlightingConsumer(DaemonProcess.SourceFile, File, DaemonProcess.ContextBoundSettingsStore); File.ProcessThisAndDescendants(this, highlightingConsumer); foreach (var declaration in File.Descendants <ICSharpFunctionDeclaration>()) { var declaredElement = declaration.DeclaredElement; if (declaredElement == null) { continue; } if (myEventFunctions != null && Enumerable.Contains(myEventFunctions, declaredElement)) { var method = (declaredElement as IMethod).NotNull("method != null"); var eventFunction = myAPI.GetUnityEventFunction(method); if (eventFunction == null) // happens after event function refactoring { continue; } myCommonIconProvider.AddEventFunctionHighlighting(highlightingConsumer, method, eventFunction, "Event function", myContext); myMarkedDeclarations.Add(method); } else { if (myMarkedDeclarations.Contains(declaredElement)) { continue; } myCommonIconProvider.AddFrequentlyCalledMethodHighlighting(highlightingConsumer, declaration, "Frequently called", "Frequently called code", myContext); } } committer(new DaemonStageResult(highlightingConsumer.Highlightings)); }
private void UpdateConnectionList() { var serverIPList = GetXIVServerIPList(); if (serverIPList != null) { if (ServerConnections.Any()) { foreach (var server in serverIPList) { var serverIP = server; foreach (var connection in ServerConnections.Where(connection => !serverIP.Equals(connection))) { ServerConnections.Add(server); } } } else { ServerConnections = serverIPList; } } var removeFromDropped = new List <ServerConnection>(); foreach (var connection in DroppedConnections) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(connection.TimeStamp) .TotalMilliseconds > 30000.0) { removeFromDropped.Add(connection); continue; } var found = Enumerable.Contains(ServerConnections, connection); if (found) { removeFromDropped.Add(connection); } } foreach (var connection in removeFromDropped) { DroppedConnections.Remove(connection); } }
private void cboTransportType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var connectionStringType = cboServiceBusNamespace.SelectedIndex > 1 ? serviceBusHelper.ServiceBusNamespaces[cboServiceBusNamespace.Text].ConnectionStringType : ServiceBusNamespaceType.Custom; var containsStsEndpoint = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Key) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceBusHelper.ServiceBusNamespaces[Key].StsEndpoint); if (cboServiceBusNamespace.Text == EnterConnectionString || connectionStringType == ServiceBusNamespaceType.OnPremises || containsStsEndpoint) { btnOk.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUri.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUri.Text)) { return; } var cn = txtUri.Text; if (cn[cn.Length - 1] == ';') { cn = cn.Substring(0, cn.Length - 1); } var parameters = Enumerable.Where <string>(cn.Split(';'), p => Enumerable.Contains(p, '=')) .ToDictionary(s => s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf('=')).ToLower(), s => s.Substring(s.IndexOf('=') + 1)); var value = parameters.ContainsKey(ConnectionStringTransportType) ? cn.Replace(parameters[ConnectionStringTransportType], cboTransportType.SelectedItem.ToString()) : cn + string.Format((string)ConnectionStringTransportTypeFormat, (object)cboTransportType.SelectedItem); if (parameters.ContainsKey(ConnectionStringRuntimePort)) { if (!(cboTransportType.SelectedItem is TransportType)) { return; } var transportType = (TransportType)cboTransportType.SelectedItem; value = value.Replace(parameters[ConnectionStringRuntimePort], transportType == TransportType.Amqp ? DefaultAmqpRuntimePort : DefaultNetMessagingRuntimePort); } txtUri.Text = value; } }
public void RemoveAll() { string[] myCookies = _request.Cookies.AllKeys; string[] except = { Constants.CookieKeys.Currency, Constants.CookieKeys.Culture, Constants.CookieKeys.Marketplace }; foreach (string cookie in myCookies) { if (!Enumerable.Contains(except, cookie)) { HttpCookie userAuthCookie = new HttpCookie(cookie, ""); if (_request.Url.Host.ToLower() != "localhost") { userAuthCookie.Domain = ""; } userAuthCookie.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2d); _response.Cookies.Add(userAuthCookie); } } }
private static bool Prefix(PlayerInteract __instance) { try { if (!__instance._playerInteractRateLimit.CanExecute() || (__instance._hc.CufferId > 0 && !PlayerInteract.CanDisarmedInteract)) { return(false); } GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("OutsitePanelScript"); if (!__instance.ChckDis(gameObject.transform.position)) { return(false); } Item itemById = __instance._inv.GetItemByID(__instance._inv.curItem); if (!__instance._sr.BypassMode && (itemById == null || !Enumerable.Contains(itemById.permissions, "CONT_LVL_3"))) { return(false); } var ev = new ActivatingWarheadPanelEventArgs(API.Features.Player.Get(__instance.gameObject), new List <string> { "CONT_LVL_3" }); Handlers.Player.OnActivatingWarheadPanel(ev); gameObject.GetComponentInParent <AlphaWarheadOutsitePanel>().NetworkkeycardEntered = true; __instance.OnInteract(); return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Exiled.API.Features.Log.Error($"Exiled.Events.Patches.Events.Player.ActivatingWarheadPanel: {e}\n{e.StackTrace}"); return(true); } }