private void GenerateInventoryList() { inventoryView.SetActive(true); charListView.SetActive(false); storeView.SetActive(true); convoyView.SetActive(false); TotalMoneyText.text = "Money: " + totalMoney.value; if (itemList == null) { itemList = new EntryList <ItemListEntry>(itemListSize); } itemList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < InventoryContainer.INVENTORY_SIZE; i++) { InventoryTuple tuple = charList.GetEntry().invCon.GetTuple(i); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuple.uuid)) { Transform t2 = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry2 = itemList.CreateEntry(t2); entry2.FillDataEmpty(i); continue; } Transform t = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry = itemList.CreateEntry(t); int charges = 0; float cost = 0; CalculateCharge(tuple, ref cost, ref charges, false); string chargeStr = tuple.currentCharges + " / " + tuple.maxCharge; string costStr = Mathf.CeilToInt(cost * charges).ToString(); entry.FillDataSimple(i, tuple, chargeStr, costStr); } restockPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void GenerateList() { TotalScrapText.text = "Scraps: " + totalScrap.value; TotalMoneyText.text = "Money: " + totalMoney.value; if (entryList == null) { entryList = new EntryList <UpgradeListEntry>(visibleSize); } entryList.ResetList(); int tempListSize = playerData.upgrader.listSize; UpgradeType currentType = (upgradeMode) ? UpgradeType.UPGRADE : UpgradeType.INVENTION; for (int i = 0; i < tempListSize; i++) { if (playerData.upgrader.upgrades[i].upgrade.type == currentType) { Transform t = Instantiate(entryPrefab, listParent); UpgradeListEntry ue = entryList.CreateEntry(t); ue.FillData(i, playerData.upgrader.upgrades[i].upgrade, playerData.upgrader.upgrades[i].researched, totalScrap.value, totalMoney.value); } } entryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); upgradeInfoObject.SetActive(upgradeMode); inventionInfoObject.SetActive(!upgradeMode); entryList.Sort(SortUpgrades); UpdateListDarkness(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up the save file information for the save files. /// </summary> private void SetupSaveFiles() { saveFiles = new EntryList <SaveFileEntry>(visibleSize); for (int i = 0; i < SaveController.SAVE_FILES_COUNT; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(entryPrefab, listParent); SaveFileEntry entry = saveFiles.CreateEntry(t); if (chapterIDs[i].value == CLEAR_GAME_ID) { entry.FillData("All maps cleared!", totalDays[i].value, playTimes[i].value); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chapterIDs[i].value)) { entry.FillData("BASE", totalDays[i].value, playTimes[i].value); } else { MapEntry map = (MapEntry)chapterLibrary.GetEntry(chapterIDs[i].value); if (map != null) { entry.FillData(map.entryName, totalDays[i].value, playTimes[i].value); } else { chapterIDs[i].value = ""; totalDays[i].value = 0; playTimes[i].value = 0; entry.FillData("", 0, 0); } } } entryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void Start() { optionList = new EntryList <OptionEntry>(options.Length); for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i++) { optionList.CreateEntry(options[i].transform); options[i].UpdateUI(); } optionMenu.SetActive(false); }
private void CreateClassList() { classList.ResetList(); gains = classWheel.LevelupOptions(selectedChar.classLevels); for (int i = 0; i < gains.Count; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(classPrefab, classParent); ClassListEntry entry = classList.CreateEntry(t); entry.FillData(gains[i]); } classPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); MoveSelection(0); }
private void GenerateCharacterList() { TotalMoneyText.text = "Money: " + totalMoney.value; characters.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < playerData.stats.Count; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(characterPrefab, listParentCharacter); RestockListEntry entry = characters.CreateEntry(t); entry.FillData(playerData.stats[i], playerData.inventory[i]); } characterPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void GenerateShopList() { entryList.ResetList(); int listSize = (buyMode) ? shopList.items.Count : playerData.items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { ItemEntry item = (buyMode) ? shopList.items[i] : playerData.items[i].item; if (buyMode && item.researchNeeded && !playerData.upgrader.IsResearched(item.uuid)) { continue; } Transform t = Instantiate(entryPrefab, entryListParent); ItemListEntry entry = entryList.CreateEntry(t); InventoryTuple tup = new InventoryTuple(item); tup.UpdateUpgrades(playerData.upgrader); int charges = tup.maxCharge; entry.FillData(i, tup, charges.ToString(), totalMoney.value, buyMode, sellRatio.value); } entryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); ForceCategory(0); }
private void GenerateInventoryList() { TotalMoneyText.text = "Money: " + totalMoney.value; characters.GetEntry().invCon.CleanupInventory(); itemList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < InventoryContainer.INVENTORY_SIZE; i++) { InventoryTuple tuple = characters.GetEntry().invCon.GetTuple(i); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuple.uuid)) { if (currentMode == MenuState.STORE) { Transform t2 = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry2 = itemList.CreateEntry(t2); entry2.FillDataEmpty(i); } continue; } Transform t = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry = itemList.CreateEntry(t); int charges = 0; float cost = 0; CalculateCharge(tuple, ref cost, ref charges, false); string chargeStr = tuple.currentCharges.ToString(); if (currentMode == MenuState.RECHARGE) { chargeStr += " / " + tuple.maxCharge; } string costStr = (currentMode == MenuState.RECHARGE) ? Mathf.CeilToInt(cost * charges).ToString() : ""; entry.FillDataSimple(i, tuple, chargeStr, costStr); } restockPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); ShowItemInfo(); }
public void CreateList() { if (supportList == null) { supportList = new EntryList <SupportListEntry>(maxEntries); } supportList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < playerData.stats.Count; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(entryPrefab, listParent); SupportListEntry support = supportList.CreateEntry(t); support.FillData(i, playerData.stats[i]); } entryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void GenerateList() { if (entryList == null) { entryList = new EntryList <TrainingListEntry>(visibleSize); } entryList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < playerData.stats.Count; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(entryPrefab, listParent); TrainingListEntry entry = entryList.CreateEntry(t); entry.FillData(playerData.stats[i]); } entryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); MoveSelection(0); }
private void CreateListEntries() { for (int i = listParent.childCount - 1; i > 1; i--) { Destroy(listParent.GetChild(i).gameObject); } entryList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < playerData.stats.Count; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(entryPrefab, listParent); TrainingListEntry entry = entryList.CreateEntry(t); entry.FillData(playerData.stats[i]); entry.SetDark(!playerData.stats[i].CanLevelup()); t.gameObject.SetActive(true); } entryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void GenerateTopicList() { topicEntryList.ResetList(); topicEntryList = new EntryList <TopicEntry>(visibleSize); topics.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.topic, y.topic)); for (int i = 0; i < topics.Count; i++) { if (topics[i].unlockDay > currentDays.value) { continue; } Transform t = Instantiate(topicPrefab, topicListParent); TopicEntry entry = topicEntryList.CreateEntry(t); bool newTopic = (currentDays.value == topics[i].unlockDay); entry.FillData(i, topics[i].topic, newTopic); } topicPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); UpdateTopicList(); }
public void GenerateList() { currentMode = State.CHAR; charListView.SetActive(true); inventoryView.SetActive(false); storeView.SetActive(false); convoyView.SetActive(false); if (charList == null) { charList = new EntryList <PrepCharacterEntry>(visibleSize); } charList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < prepList.values.Count; i++) { Transform t = Instantiate(charEntryPrefab, charListParent.transform); PrepCharacterEntry entry = charList.CreateEntry(t); entry.FillData(playerData.stats[prepList.values[i].index], playerData.inventory[prepList.values[i].index], prepList.values[i]); } ShowCharInfo(); charEntryPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); convoy.Setup(); }