public AuthenticationResponce TokenAuthenticate(EntrustRequest _param) { try { logger.Debug("Entrust validation started"); string Url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token_ENDPOINT"].ToString(); bool Token_Islive = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token_Islive"]); string sb = TokenRequest.TokenRequestPayload; // File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/XML/TokenAuthRequest.xml")); sb = string.Format(sb, _param.response, _param.userGroup, _param.username, _param.requesterId, _param.requesterIp); string authentication = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["upm_Authentication"].ToString(); AuthenticationResponce result = XmlHelpers.XmlProcessor(Url, sb, Token_Islive, authentication); logger.Debug("AuthenticationService::TokenAuthenticate::Responce:: " + result.isSuccessful); //using (StringReader stringreader = new StringReader(XmlHelpers.XmlGetPayload(result))) //{ // var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AuthenticationResponce)); // var s = (AuthenticationResponce)serializer.Deserialize(stringreader); // return s; //} return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); throw new Exception(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public string[] VerifyUser(string username, string password, string tokenValue, int portalID, string portalName, string hostName) { logger.Info("validation started"); string[] result = new string[2]; string staffid = string.Empty; UserInfo userInfo = null; User user = null; try { user = User.Login(username, password); userInfo = UserController.GetUserByName(portalID, user.Username); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug("Exception on User.Login"); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); //throw; } Employee employee; //string finacleID = ""; if (userInfo == null) { //this.Navigate(user.Username, returnUrl); //Logger.Info("Hello123"); result[0] = "You're not authorized to use this application."; result[1] = ""; return(result); } else { string finacleid = ""; staffid = user.EmployeeNumber.ToString().Trim(); string usernametrim = user.Email.Trim().ToLower().Replace("", ""); ProcessManager.WorkItems.Util.AD_Data da = new ProcessManager.WorkItems.Util.AD_Data(); da.ActiveDirectoryWrapper(); da.PopulateUserDataStruct(da.GetUserDirectoryEntryDetails(usernametrim)); ProcessManager.WorkItems.Util.AD_Data.ApplicationUserData user_data = da.userData; string countrycode = string.Empty; string solid = string.Empty; logger.Info("Usermail: " + user_data.personEmail); try { countrycode = (user_data.personLocation.ToString().Substring(0, 3).ToString()).ToUpper(); } catch (Exception) { countrycode = "NGA"; } try { solid = (user_data.personLocation.ToString().Substring(4, 4).ToString()).ToUpper(); } catch (Exception) { solid = "0999"; } getlivefinacleid(staffid, countrycode); try { //Get user details by mail DataAccess dataAccess = new DataAccess(); employee = dataAccess.GetEmployeeDetails(username); finacleid = employee.FinacleID; logger.Debug("Finacle ID:" + employee.FinacleID); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("User does not exist"); logger.Error("Data access:" + ex.ToString()); } if ((finacleid.Trim() == string.Empty) || (finacleid.Trim() == null)) { result[0] = "Invalid Finacle User for " + staffid.Trim() + "!"; result[1] = ""; return(result); } else { var entrustReq = new EntrustRequest { requesterId = "", requesterIp = "", response = tokenValue, userGroup = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token_UserGroup"], username = finacleid }; EntrustRP entrust = new EntrustRP(); var entrust_response = entrust.TokenAuthenticate(entrustReq); logger.Debug("Entrust value:" + entrust_response.isSuccessful); if (entrust_response.isSuccessful == "true") { UserController.UserLogin(portalID, userInfo, portalName, hostName, false); result[0] = "true"; result[1] = solid; } else { result[0] = "Invalid login attempt"; result[1] = ""; } logger.Info("Result is {0} and {1}", result[0], result[1]); return(result); } } //Session["SolID"] = solid; //return usernametrim+":"+solid+":"+countrycode; //return staffid; }