public Task <ActionResult <string> > Post([FromRoute] string key, [FromBody] string data) { return(ThrowToAction(() => { //Because we have a single combined interface that MIGHt need to create or update, need to lock var uid = GetRequesterUid(); lock (userlocks.GetOrAdd(uid, l => new object())) { var existing = GetVariable(key).Result; if (existing == null) { existing = new EntityValue() { key = Keys.VariableKey + key, value = data }; existing.entityId = -uid; } else { existing.value = data; } provider.WriteAsync(existing).Wait(); return Task.FromResult(existing.value); } })); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override async Task <Result <Entity, IError> > Run( IStateMonad stateMonad, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var entityResult = await Entity.Run(stateMonad, cancellationToken); if (entityResult.IsFailure) { return(entityResult); } var propertyResult = await Property.Run(stateMonad, cancellationToken); if (propertyResult.IsFailure) { return(propertyResult.ConvertFailure <Entity>()); } var valueResult = await Value.Run(stateMonad, cancellationToken) .Bind(x => EntityHelper.TryUnpackObjectAsync(x, cancellationToken)); if (valueResult.IsFailure) { return(valueResult.ConvertFailure <Entity>()); } var propertyName = await propertyResult.Value.GetStringAsync(); var entityValue = EntityValue.CreateFromObject(valueResult.Value); var newEntity = entityResult.Value.WithProperty(propertyName, entityValue); return(newEntity); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Entity property /// </summary> public EntityProperty(string name, EntityValue baseValue, EntityValue?newValue, int order) { Name = name; BaseValue = baseValue; NewValue = newValue; Order = order; }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override async Task <Result <T, IError> > Run( IStateMonad stateMonad, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var entity = await Entity.Run(stateMonad, cancellationToken); if (entity.IsFailure) { return(entity.ConvertFailure <T>()); } var propertyResult = await Property.Run(stateMonad, cancellationToken) .Map(x => x.GetStringAsync()); if (propertyResult.IsFailure) { return(propertyResult.ConvertFailure <T>()); } var epk = new EntityPropertyKey(propertyResult.Value); var entityValue = entity.Value.TryGetValue(epk); if (entityValue.HasNoValue) { return(EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <T>()); } var result = entityValue.Value.TryGetValue <T>() .MapError(x => x.WithLocation(this)); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Determine if the entity is just a reference to some entity external to the graph. /// This is achieved by determining if the bulk query result came from the 'id' node, which is the only one with no fields. /// (All non-leaf nodes will have at least requested the 'name' field) /// </summary> private bool IsReferenceOnly(EntityValue entityValue) { var requestNodes = entityValue.Nodes; bool isRefNode = requestNodes.Count( ) == 1 && requestNodes.First( ).Request.Fields.Count == 0; return(isRefNode); }
/// <summary> /// The entity management update. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"> /// The entity. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public static ResultObje Update(T entity) { var type = typeof(T); if (type.Name == "Object") { type = entity.GetType(); } var result = new ResultObje(); var pkProperty = type.GetProperties() .Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PrimaryKeyAttribute), true).Length > 0) .FirstOrDefault(); try { var table = (entity).GetType().BaseType.Name == "Object" ? entity.GetType().Name : (entity).GetType().BaseType.Name; string selectSql = string.Format("{0} * {1} {2} {3} {4}= @p1", SqlQueryEnum.SELECT, SqlQueryEnum.FROM, table, SqlQueryEnum.WHERE, pkProperty.Name); var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectSql, DBHelper.Connection()); adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", pkProperty.GetValue(entity, null)); var dTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); adapter.Fill(dTable); var row = dTable.Rows[0]; EntityValue <T> .GetValueRow(entity, dTable, type, ref row); var cmdBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter); adapter.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(); result.success = true; try { adapter.Update(new[] { row }); } catch (Exception ex) { result.success = false; result.Mesaj = ex.Message; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { result.success = false; result.Mesaj = ex.Message; throw new Exception("Pk Attribute Olmadığı İçin Kayıt Yapılamaz. HATA KODU: " + ex.Message); } return(result); }
/// <param name="block">Must be an IMyTerminalBlock</param> public Solar(IMyCubeBlock block) { myBlock = block; myLogger = new Logger("Solar", block); (myBlock as IMyTerminalBlock).CustomNameChanged += Solar_CustomNameChanged; myBlock.OnClose += myBlock_OnClose; m_termControl_faceSun = new EntityValue<bool>(block, 0, () => s_termControl_faceSun.UpdateVisual()); Registrar.Add(block, this); }
public void TestGetExpected( object o, string expectedString, Maybe <int> expectedInt, Maybe <double> expectedDouble, Maybe <bool> expectedBool, Maybe <EncodingEnum> expectedEnumeration, Maybe <DateTime> expectedDateTime, Maybe <Entity> expectedEntity, Maybe <IReadOnlyList <string> > expectedList) { var entityValue = EntityValue.CreateFromObject(o); var actualString = entityValue.TryGetValue <string>().Value; actualString.Should().Be(expectedString); var actualInt = entityValue.TryGetValue <int>().ToMaybe(); actualInt.Should().Be(expectedInt); var actualDouble = entityValue.TryGetValue <double>().ToMaybe(); actualDouble.Should().Be(expectedDouble); var actualBool = entityValue.TryGetValue <bool>().ToMaybe(); actualBool.Should().Be(expectedBool); var actualEnumeration = entityValue.TryGetValue <EncodingEnum>().ToMaybe(); actualEnumeration.Should().Be(expectedEnumeration); var actualDateTime = entityValue.TryGetValue <DateTime>().ToMaybe(); actualDateTime.Should().Be(expectedDateTime); var actualEntity = entityValue.TryGetValue <Entity>().ToMaybe(); actualEntity.Should().Be(expectedEntity); var actualList = entityValue.TryGetValue <Array <StringStream> >().ToMaybe(); actualList.HasValue.Should().Be(expectedList.HasValue); if (actualList.HasValue) { actualList.Value.GetElementsAsync(CancellationToken.None) .Result .Value.Select(x => x.GetString()) .Should() .BeEquivalentTo(expectedList.Value); } }
public void TestGetDefaultValue() { EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <Entity>().Should().Equal(Entity.Empty); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <StringStream>().Should().Be(StringStream.Empty); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <string>().Should().Be(string.Empty); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <int>().Should().Be(0); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <double>().Should().Be(0.0); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <bool>().Should().Be(false); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <Array <int> >().Should().Be(Array <int> .Empty); EntityValue.GetDefaultValue <Array <double> >().Should().Be(Array <double> .Empty); }
public AutopilotTerminal(IMyCubeBlock block) { this.m_logger = new Logger("AutopilotTerminal", block); this.m_block = block as IMyTerminalBlock; byte index = 0; this.m_autopilotControl = new EntityValue<bool>(block, index++, Static.autopilotControl.UpdateVisual, Saver.Instance.LoadOldVersion(69) && ((MyShipController)block).ControlThrusters); this.m_autopilotCommands = new EntityStringBuilder(block, index++, Static.autopilotCommands.UpdateVisual); m_block.AppendingCustomInfo += AppendingCustomInfo; Registrar.Add(block, this); m_logger.debugLog("Initialized", Logger.severity.INFO); }
public EntityValue GetValue(Enum id, IEnumerable <EntityValue> values) { var value = values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.key == keys[id]); if (value == null) { value = new EntityValue() { key = keys[id], value = null } } ; return(value); }
public ProgrammableBlock(IMyCubeBlock block) : base(block) { m_logger = new Logger(GetType().Name, block); m_progBlock = block as Ingame.IMyProgrammableBlock; m_networkClient = new RelayClient(block, HandleMessage); byte index = 0; m_handleDetectedTerminal_ev = new EntityValue<bool>(block, index++, UpdateVisual); m_blockCountList_ev = new EntityStringBuilder(block, index++, () => { UpdateVisual(); m_blockCountList_btl = new BlockTypeList(m_blockCountList_sb.ToString().LowerRemoveWhitespace().Split(',')); }); Registrar.Add(block, this); }
/// <summary> /// Daha İyi Bir Şekilde Yazılmalı /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <param name="dbTablo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ResultObje Saves(List <T> entity, object dbTablo = null) { var result = new ResultObje(); try { using (var connection = DBHelper.Connection()) { var tblName = entity.FirstOrDefault(); if (tblName != null && dbTablo == null) { dbTablo = (tblName).GetType().BaseType.Name == "Object" ? tblName.GetType().Name : (tblName).GetType().BaseType.Name; } foreach (var item in entity) { var param = string.Empty; var value = string.Empty; var paramValues = new List <ParamValue>(); var property = PropertiesTransactions <T> .DefaulRemoveValueProperty(item, dbTablo); var props = new List <PropertyInfo>(property); EntityValue <T> .GetValue(item, props, ref param, ref value, ref paramValues); connection.Open(); = DataProcessingInsert.Insert(dbTablo, param, value, connection, paramValues); connection.Close(); } result.success = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { result.success = false; result.Mesaj = ex.Message; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return(result); }
private StringBuilder TC_Getter(IMyTerminalBlock block) { EntityVariables vars; if (m_active.TryGetValue(block, out vars)) { Logger.DebugLog("active: " + vars.Text, context: block.nameWithId()); return(new StringBuilder(vars.Text)); } EntityValue <T> ev = TryGetEntityValue(block, false); if (ev != null) { Logger.DebugLog("stored value: " + ev.Value, context: block.nameWithId()); return(new StringBuilder(ev.Value.ToString())); } //Logger.DebugLog("new", context: block.nameWithId()); return(new StringBuilder()); }
public void Add <T>(string field, T value, ValidationReason reason) { if (typeof(T) == typeof(string) || typeof(T) == typeof(int) || typeof(T) == typeof(bool) || typeof(T) == typeof(long) || typeof(T) == typeof(double) || typeof(T) == typeof(decimal)) { _reason.Add(new Tuple <string, object, ValidationReason>(field, value, reason)); } else { if (value != null) { EntityValue = value; PropertyInfo info = EntityValue.GetType().GetProperties().SingleOrDefault(o => string.Compare(o.Name, field, true) == 0); if (info != null) { _reason.Add(new Tuple <string, object, ValidationReason>(field, info.GetValue(EntityValue), reason)); } } } }
public static ResultObje Saves(T entity, string dbTablo = null) { var result = new ResultObje(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbTablo)) { dbTablo = (entity).GetType().BaseType.Name == "Object" ? entity.GetType().Name : (entity).GetType().BaseType.Name; } using (var connection = DBHelper.Connection()) { var param = string.Empty; var value = string.Empty; var paramValues = new List <ParamValue>(); var property = PropertiesTransactions <T> .DefaulRemoveValueProperty(entity, dbTablo); var props = new List <PropertyInfo>(property); EntityValue <T> .GetValue(entity, props, ref param, ref value, ref paramValues); connection.Open(); = DataProcessingInsert.Insert(dbTablo, param, value, connection, paramValues); connection.Close(); result.success = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { result.success = false; result.Mesaj = ex.Message; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Convert an object to an entity /// </summary> public static Entity ConvertToEntity(object obj) { var properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); var props = new List <EntityProperty>(); var i = 0; foreach (var propertyInfo in properties) { var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj); if (value is not null) { var ev = EntityValue.CreateFromObject(value); var ep = new EntityProperty(propertyInfo.Name, ev, null, i); props.Add(ep); } i++; } return(new Entity(props)); }
public EntityValue(EntityValue copy) : base(copy) { entityId = copy.entityId; key = copy.key; value = copy.value; }
static object?GetValue(EntityValue ev) => ev switch {
public static EntityPackage Add(this EntityPackage entity, EntityValue value) { entity.Values.Add(value); return(entity); }
public Projector(IMyCubeBlock block) { this.m_logger = new Logger(GetType().Name, block); this.m_block = block; this.m_netClient = new RelayClient(block); byte index = 0; this.m_options = new EntityValue<Option>(block, index++, UpdateVisual); this.m_rangeDetection = new EntityValue<float>(block, index++, UpdateVisual, DefaultRangeDetection); this.m_radiusHolo = new EntityValue<float>(block, index++, UpdateVisual, DefaultRadiusHolo); this.m_sizeDistScale = new EntityValue<float>(block, index++, UpdateVisual, DefaultSizeScale); this.m_centreEntityId = new EntityValue<long>(block, index++, m_centreEntityId_AfterValueChanged); this.m_offset_ev = new EntityValue<Vector3>(block, index++, UpdateVisual, new Vector3(0f, 2.5f, 0f)); Registrar.Add(block, this); }
public static AuditLog Create(DbEntityEntry entry, int status, Type entityType = null) { var entityValue = new EntityValue(); var type = entityType ?? entry.Entity.GetType(); // var type = Type.GetType(entry.Entity.GetType().FullName + "," + entry.Entity.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name)?? entry.Entity.GetType().BaseType; var ignorClass = type.IsDefined(typeof(IgnoreLogAttribute), false); if (ignorClass) { return(null); } var actionType = (ActionType)status; object oldObject, newObject; string keyValue; IEnumerable <ObjectChangeLog> deltaList; switch (actionType) { case ActionType.Create: { oldObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); newObject = entityValue.NewObject(entry, type); deltaList = newObject.ToChangeLog(); keyValue = entry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames.Any(s => s == "Id") ? entry.OriginalValues.GetValue <object>("Id").ToString() : "0"; break; } case ActionType.Delete: oldObject = entityValue.OldObject(entry, type); newObject = oldObject; deltaList = newObject.Compare(oldObject); keyValue = entry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames.Any(s => s == "Id") ? entry.OriginalValues.GetValue <object>("Id").ToString() : "0"; break; default: { if (entry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames.Any(s => s == "Active") && !entry.CurrentValues.GetValue <bool>("Active")) { actionType = ActionType.Cancel; } newObject = entityValue.NewObject(entry, type); oldObject = entityValue.OldObject(entry, type); deltaList = newObject.Compare(oldObject); keyValue = entry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames.Any(s => s == "Id") ? entry.OriginalValues.GetValue <object>("Id").ToString() : "0"; break; } } var audit = new AuditLog { Id = AppIdentity.AuditId, LoginId = AppIdentity.AppUser.Id, ActionType = actionType, EntityName = type.Name, EntityFullName = type.FullName, ActionTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToLong(), KeyFieldId = keyValue, UserId = AppIdentity.AppUser.UserId, BranchId = AppIdentity.AppUser.ActiveBranchId, ActionUrl = "", ActionUser = AppIdentity.AppUser.Name + "(" + AppIdentity.AppUser.UserName + ")", ActionAgent = AppIdentity.AgentInfo, ValueBefore = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oldObject), ValueAfter = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newObject), ValueChange = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deltaList) }; return(audit); }
public string GetPreviewString(RSTriggerInfo inTriggerContext, RSLibrary inLibrary) { switch (m_Type) { case InnerType.String: return(string.Format("\"{0}\"", m_StringValue)); case InnerType.Color: return(ColorValue.ToString()); case InnerType.Bool: return(BoolValue ? "true" : "false"); case InnerType.Float: return(FloatValue.ToString()); case InnerType.Int32: return(IntValue.ToString()); case InnerType.Null: return("null"); case InnerType.Vector2: return(AsVector2.ToString()); case InnerType.Vector3: return(AsVector3.ToString()); case InnerType.Vector4: return(AsVector4.ToString()); case InnerType.EntityScope: return(EntityValue.GetPreviewString(inTriggerContext, inLibrary)); case InnerType.GroupId: return(GroupIdValue.ToString(inLibrary)); case InnerType.TriggerId: return(TriggerIdValue.ToString(inLibrary)); case InnerType.Enum: { Type enumType = Type.GetType(m_StringValue); if (enumType == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Enum type {0} no longer exists", m_StringValue); return(m_IntValue.ToString()); } try { return(Enum.ToObject(enumType, m_IntValue).ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); Debug.LogErrorFormat("Enum {0} cannot be represented as type {1}", m_IntValue, enumType); return(m_IntValue.ToString()); } } case InnerType.Invalid: return("INVALID"); default: ThrowInvalidCastException(m_Type, typeof(string)); return(null); } }