コード例 #1
        public void ApplyMapping(IEntityDefinition definition, BsonClassMap classMap)
            var entityType = definition.EntityType;

            if (EntityMapping.IsValidTypeToMap(entityType.BaseType))
                EntityMapping.TryRegisterType(entityType.BaseType, out _);
コード例 #2
        public void ApplyMapping(IEntityDefinition definition, BsonClassMap classMap)
            var entityType = definition.EntityType;
            var properties = definition.Properties;

            foreach (var property in properties)
                var propertyType = property.PropertyType;
                propertyType = propertyType.GetEnumerableItemTypeOrDefault();

                //Maps the property type for handling property nesting
                if (propertyType != entityType && EntityMapping.IsValidTypeToMap(propertyType))
                    EntityMapping.TryRegisterType(propertyType, out _);
コード例 #3
        public static UpdateDefinition <TEntity> Set <TEntity>(this UpdateDefinition <TEntity> definition, string fieldName, BsonValue value) where TEntity : class
            var dotNetValue = BsonTypeMapper.MapToDotNetValue(value);
            var valueType   = dotNetValue?.GetType();

            IEntityProperty propertyDefinition = null;

            if (EntityMapping.IsValidTypeToMap(typeof(TEntity)))
                propertyDefinition = EntityMapping.GetOrCreateDefinition(typeof(TEntity))
                                     .Where(p => p.FullPath == fieldName)

            var propertyType = propertyDefinition?.PropertyType;

            if (valueType == null && propertyType == null)
                //For null values - they don't have any type data associated
                valueType = typeof(object);
            else if (valueType == null || (propertyType != null && valueType != propertyType))
                //Where BsonTypeMapper can't determine the type or it is a mismatch to what is set in the entity definition
                //The preference is on the definition type and the serializer on the specific member
                valueType = propertyType;

                //We will need the serializer defined for the specific member
                //Not all serializers will be registered (eg. EntityNavigationSerializer) so we need to look it up manually
                var declaringClassMap = BsonClassMap.LookupClassMap(propertyDefinition.EntityType);
                var memberMap         = declaringClassMap.GetMemberMapForElement(propertyDefinition.ElementName);
                var serializer        = memberMap.GetSerializer();

                //To prevent re-serializing back to a string, we use the BsonDocumentReader over JsonReader
                //Using BsonDocumentReader means the root must be a BsonDocument. Because the value may be a BsonArray, we need to wrap the value.
                var containerDocument = new BsonDocument
                    { "Value", value }

                using (var reader = new BsonDocumentReader(containerDocument))
                    //Get the reader into a state where the serializer is starting on the right element

                    var context = BsonDeserializationContext.CreateRoot(reader);
                    dotNetValue = serializer.Deserialize(context);

            var typeArgs = new[] { typeof(TEntity), valueType };

            var specificDefinitionType = typeof(StringFieldDefinition <,>).MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
            var specificDefinition     = Activator.CreateInstance(specificDefinitionType, fieldName, null);         //ie. StringFieldDefintion<TEntity, valueType>

            foreach (var method in typeof(UpdateDefinitionExtensions).GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static))
                if (method.Name == nameof(InternalSet))
                    var internalSetMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
                    var result            = internalSetMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { definition, specificDefinition, dotNetValue });
                    return(result as UpdateDefinition <TEntity>);
