コード例 #1
 // Set EntityTypeFilter in temporary storage and load the Select property
 internal void SelectEntityTypeFilter(EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem selectedEntityTypeFilter)
     _selectedEntityTypeFilter = selectedEntityTypeFilter;
     // Reinitialize the Select control with a list of properties, don't preserve any existing Select value
コード例 #2
        // Populate a list with the base type for the EntitySet plus all derived types, and a special entry to indicate no filter
        // devnote: This method should not automatically reset Select because it can be used to load the initial state
        //          for the form, in which case we need to preserve any values that are already set on the data source control.
        private void LoadEntityTypeFilters(EntityDataSourceEntitySetNameItem entitySetItem, string entityTypeFilter)
            // If this is an EntitySet that we found in the project's metadata, get the type information
            if (entitySetItem != null && entitySetItem.EntitySet != null)
                _entityTypeFilters = _helper.GetEntityTypeFilters(entitySetItem.EntitySet.ElementType, false /*sortResults*/);
                // add (None) to the beginning of the list
                _entityTypeFilters.Insert(0, s_entityTypeFilterNoneItem);

                // Try to find the specified type in list and add it if it isn't there
                _selectedEntityTypeFilter = FindEntityTypeFilter(entityTypeFilter);
                // if this is an unknown EntitySet, there is no way to find a list of types from metadata
                // so just create a new list and placeholder for the specified type
                _entityTypeFilters = new List<EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem>();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entityTypeFilter))
                    _selectedEntityTypeFilter = new EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem(entityTypeFilter);
                    _selectedEntityTypeFilter = s_entityTypeFilterNoneItem;

            // Sort now after we might have added items above

            // Update the controls
コード例 #3
        // Find the specified entityTypeFilter in the list and add it if it's not there
        private EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem FindEntityTypeFilter(string entityTypeFilter)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entityTypeFilter))
                EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem typeToSelect = null;
                foreach (EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem entityTypeFilterItem in _entityTypeFilters)
                    // Ignore case here when searching the list for a matching item, but set the temporary state property to the
                    // correctly-cased version from metadata so that if the user clicks Finish, the correct one will be saved. This
                    // allows some flexibility the designer without preserving an incorrectly-cased value that could cause errors at runtime.                    
                    if (String.Equals(entityTypeFilterItem.EntityTypeName, entityTypeFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        typeToSelect = entityTypeFilterItem;

                // didn't find a matching type, so just create a placeholder item and add it to the list
                if (typeToSelect == null)
                    typeToSelect = new EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem(entityTypeFilter);


                Debug.Assert(typeToSelect != null, "expected a non-null string for EntityTypeFilter");
                return typeToSelect;

            return s_entityTypeFilterNoneItem;
        public void SetSelectedEntityTypeFilter(EntityDataSourceEntityTypeFilterItem selectedEntityTypeFilter)
            Debug.Assert(selectedEntityTypeFilter != null, "cannot select null from EntityTypeFilter combobox");

            _ignoreEvents = true;
            _entityTypeFilterComboBox.SelectedItem = selectedEntityTypeFilter;            
            _ignoreEvents = false;