コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processing damage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacker">The attacker.</param>
        /// <param name="attacked">The attacked.</param>
        /// <param name="damage">The damage.</param>
        public static void ProcessDamage(Entities.IEntity attacker, Entities.IEntity attacked, ref uint damage, bool kill_damage = true)
            // Removed dura, bugged atm. the dura works, although client doesn't update proper etc. CBA to fix it as I never intended to use it
            // Although you can go ahead and fix it yourself if you want, I may do it if I ever feel like it
            // The dura lose is commented out below.
            #region ATTACKER : GAMECLIENT
            if (attacker is Entities.GameClient)
                Entities.GameClient attackerclient = attacker as Entities.GameClient;

                #region ATTACKED : GAMECLIENT
                if (attacked is Entities.GameClient)
                    Entities.GameClient attackedclient = attacked as Entities.GameClient;
                    // tournament check, damage = 1 + return
                    if (attackerclient.Battle != null)
                        if (!attackerclient.Battle.HandleAttack(attackerclient, attackedclient, ref damage))
                            damage = 0;
                        if (attacked.Map.GotKillCons() && !attackedclient.ContainsFlag1(Enums.Effect1.BlueName) && !attackedclient.ContainsFlag1(Enums.Effect1.RedName) && !attackedclient.ContainsFlag1(Enums.Effect1.BlackName))
                            attackerclient.AddStatusEffect1(Enums.Effect1.BlueName, 20000);

                #region ATTACKED : MONSTER
                if (attacked is Entities.Monster)
                    Entities.Monster attackedmob = attacked as Entities.Monster;

                    if (((byte)attackedmob.Behaviour) >= 3)
                        attackerclient.AddStatusEffect1(Enums.Effect1.BlueName, 20000);
                    if (damage > 0)
                        ulong exp = (ulong)ProjectX_V3_Lib.ThreadSafe.RandomGenerator.Generator.Next((int)(damage / 2), (int)damage);
                        if (attacked.Level > (attacker.Level + 10))
                            exp *= 2;
                        else if (attacker.Level > (attacked.Level + 10))
                            exp = (ulong)ProjectX_V3_Lib.ThreadSafe.RandomGenerator.Generator.Next(1, (int)attackedmob.Level);
                //if (Calculations.Battle.LoseDuraAttak())
            #region ATTACKER : MONSTER

            #region ATTACKED : GAMECLIENT
            if (attacked is Entities.GameClient)
                Entities.GameClient attackedclient = attacked as Entities.GameClient;



            if (kill_damage)
                HitDamage(attacker, attacked, damage);