private void CustomInitialize() { if (GuiManager.Windows.Contains(EntireButton) == false) { var message = "Components in Entities should be added to GuiManager. See the EntireButton code in this entity's generated code for hints as to what is going on."; throw new Exception(message); } if (GuiManager.Windows.Contains(ButtonBackground)) { throw new Exception("Only components should be clickable and added to the GuiManager"); } var textObject = EntireButton.GetTextRuntime(); var wrapper = this.gumAttachmentWrappers.First(item => item.GumObject == GumButtonOnFrbSprite); GumButtonOnFrbSprite.WidthUnits = Gum.DataTypes.DimensionUnitType.RelativeToContainer; GumButtonOnFrbSprite.Width = 0; wrapper.FrbObject = this.SpriteWidth100; TestAttachToContainerFalse(); SetupCenteredOnSpriteGumInstance(); }
private void CustomInitialize() { if (GuiManager.Windows.Contains(EntireButton) == false) { throw new Exception("Components in Entities should be added to GuiManager"); } if (GuiManager.Windows.Contains(ButtonBackground)) { throw new Exception("Only components should be clickable and added to the GuiManager"); } var textObject = EntireButton.GetTextRuntime(); }