public ActionResult Index(int sectionID, int tableNumber, string direction = "", bool confirm = false) { Table table = AppData.TableList.Find(x => x.SectionID == sectionID && x.TableNumber == tableNumber); if (table == null) { table = new Table(sectionID, tableNumber); AppData.TableList.Add(table); } EnterDirection enterDirection = new EnterDirection { SectionID = sectionID, TableNumber = tableNumber, Direction = direction, PairNumber = table.PairNumber, Confirm = confirm }; string sectionLetter = AppData.SectionList.Find(x => x.SectionID == sectionID).SectionLetter; ViewData["Header"] = $"Table {sectionLetter + tableNumber.ToString()} - Round {table.RoundNumber}"; ViewData["Buttons"] = ButtonOptions.OKInvisible; ViewData["Title"] = $"Direction - {sectionLetter + tableNumber.ToString()}"; return(View(enterDirection)); }
public Location GetRandomEnterLocation(EnterDirection enterDir, DeepWoodsRandom random) { int x, y; if (enterDir == EnterDirection.FROM_BOTTOM || enterDir == EnterDirection.FROM_TOP) { x = random.GetRandomValue(Settings.Map.MinCornerDistanceForEnterLocation, this.mapWidth - Settings.Map.MinCornerDistanceForEnterLocation); if (enterDir == EnterDirection.FROM_BOTTOM) { y = this.mapHeight - 1; } else { y = 0; } } else { y = random.GetRandomValue(Settings.Map.MinCornerDistanceForEnterLocation, this.mapHeight - Settings.Map.MinCornerDistanceForEnterLocation); if (enterDir == EnterDirection.FROM_RIGHT) { x = this.mapWidth - 1; } else { x = 0; } } return(new Location(x, y)); }
public DeepWoods(DeepWoods parent, int level, EnterDirection enterDir) : this() { base.isOutdoors.Value = true; base.ignoreDebrisWeather.Value = true; base.ignoreOutdoorLighting.Value = true; this.hasReceivedNetworkData.Value = true; this.uniqueMultiplayerID.Value = Game1.MasterPlayer.UniqueMultiplayerID; this.seed = DeepWoodsRandom.CalculateSeed(level, enterDir, parent?.Seed); if (level == 1) { = "DeepWoods"; } else { = "DeepWoods_" + this.seed; } this.parentName.Value = parent?.Name; this.ParentExitLocation = parent?.GetExit(EnterDirToExitDir(enterDir))?.Location ?? new Location(); this.level.Value = level; DeepWoodsState.LowestLevelReached = Math.Max(DeepWoodsState.LowestLevelReached, this.level.Value - 1); this.EnterDir = enterDir; this.spawnTime.Value = Game1.timeOfDay; this.spawnedFromObelisk.Value = parent?.spawnedFromObelisk?.Value ?? false; ModEntry.GetAPI().CallOnCreate(this); CreateSpace(); DetermineExits(); updateMap(); ModEntry.GetAPI().CallBeforeFill(this); if ((this.isLichtung.Value && this.lichtungHasLake.Value) || !ModEntry.GetAPI().CallOverrideFill(this)) { DeepWoodsStuffCreator.AddStuff(this, new DeepWoodsRandom(this, this.seed ^ Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds ^ Game1.random.Next())); } ModEntry.GetAPI().CallAfterFill(this); ModEntry.GetAPI().CallBeforeMonsterGeneration(this); if (!ModEntry.GetAPI().CallOverrideMonsterGeneration(this)) { DeepWoodsMonsters.AddMonsters(this, new DeepWoodsRandom(this, this.seed ^ Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds ^ Game1.random.Next())); } ModEntry.GetAPI().CallAfterMonsterGeneration(this); if (parent == null && level > 1 && !this.HasExit(CastEnterDirToExitDir(this.EnterDir))) { this.exits.Add(new DeepWoodsExit(this, CastEnterDirToExitDir(this.EnterDir), this.EnterLocation)); } if (parent != null) { ModEntry.Log($"Child spawned, time: {Game1.timeOfDay}, name: {this.Name}, level: {this.level}, parent: {this.parentName}, enterDir: {this.EnterDir}, enterLocation: {this.EnterLocation.X}, {this.EnterLocation.Y}", LogLevel.Trace); } }
public ActionResult Index(int sectionID, int tableNumber, int roundNumber, Direction direction = Direction.Null, bool confirm = false) { Section section = AppData.SectionsList.Find(x => x.SectionID == sectionID); EnterDirection enterDirection = new EnterDirection(section, tableNumber, direction, roundNumber, confirm); ViewData["Title"] = $"Enter Direction - {section.SectionLetter}{tableNumber}"; ViewData["Header"] = $"Table {section.SectionLetter}{tableNumber}"; ViewData["ButtonOptions"] = ButtonOptions.OKDisabled; if (AppData.IsIndividual) { return(View("Individual", enterDirection)); } else { return(View("Pair", enterDirection)); } }
public static Dictionary <ExitDirection, Location> CreateExitDictionary(EnterDirection enterDir, Location enterLocation, IList <DeepWoodsExit> exits) { Dictionary <ExitDirection, Location> exitDictionary = new Dictionary <ExitDirection, Location>(); exitDictionary.Add(CastEnterDirToExitDir(enterDir), enterLocation); foreach (var exit in exits) { if (!exitDictionary.ContainsKey(exit.ExitDir)) { exitDictionary.Add(exit.ExitDir, exit.Location); } else if (exitDictionary[exit.ExitDir] != exit.Location) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid state in CreateExitDictionary: got conflicting enter and exit locations!"); } } return(exitDictionary); }
public static ExitDirection CastEnterDirToExitDir(EnterDirection enterDir) { switch (enterDir) { case EnterDirection.FROM_LEFT: return(ExitDirection.LEFT); case EnterDirection.FROM_TOP: return(ExitDirection.TOP); case EnterDirection.FROM_RIGHT: return(ExitDirection.RIGHT); case EnterDirection.FROM_BOTTOM: return(ExitDirection.BOTTOM); default: return(ExitDirection.TOP); } }
public static int EnterDirToFacingDirection(EnterDirection enterDir) { switch (enterDir) { case EnterDirection.FROM_LEFT: return(1); case EnterDirection.FROM_TOP: return(2); case EnterDirection.FROM_RIGHT: return(3); case EnterDirection.FROM_BOTTOM: return(0); default: return(2); } }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime, EnterDirection enterDir) { // Update Location if (viewButton != null) { viewButton.Text = Language.Translate("View"); } if (enterDir == EnterDirection.Top && bgRect.Y == windowHeight) { bgRect.Y = 0 - bgRect.Height; } if (enterDir == EnterDirection.Bottom && bgRect.Y == 0 - bgRect.Height) { bgRect.Y = windowHeight; } hideButton.X = (bgRect.Width + bgRect.X) - (SPACING + hideButton.Width); hideButton.Y = bgRect.Y + (bgRect.Height / 2 - (hideButton.Height / 2)); if (viewButton != null) { viewButton.X = hideButton.X - (viewButton.Width + SPACING); viewButton.Y = hideButton.Y; } textPos.X = bgRect.X + SPACING; textPos.Y = bgRect.Y + SPACING; // Update Objects if (viewButton != null && showing) { viewButton.Update(gameTime); } hideButton.Update(gameTime); if (showing) { timer.Update(gameTime); } if (timer.QueryWaitTime(gameTime)) { leaving = true; } #region Entering and Leaving Animation if (entering) { currentDir = enterDir; if (enterDir == EnterDirection.Top) { if (bgRect.Y < SPACING) { bgRect.Y += 2; } else { entering = false; } } else if (enterDir == EnterDirection.Bottom) { if (bgRect.Y > windowHeight - bgRect.Height - SPACING) { bgRect.Y -= 2; } else { entering = false; } } } else if (leaving) { if (bgRect.Y < windowHeight / 2) { if (bgRect.Y >= 0 - bgRect.Height) { bgRect.Y -= 2; } else { leaving = false; showing = false; Active = false; } } else { if (bgRect.Y < windowHeight) { bgRect.Y += 2; } else { leaving = false; showing = false; Active = false; } } } #endregion }
public Enter(bool entering, Actor prefabActor, EnterDirection enterDirection) { this.entering = entering; this.prefabActor = prefabActor; this.enterDirection = enterDirection; }