コード例 #1
        public List <FeeSetupReportDTO> GetNoBankAppSubmissionReport(string strguid)
                db = new DatabaseEntities();
                List <string> lstCustGuid     = strguid.Split(',').ToList();
                List <Guid>   BE_CustomerList = db.BankEnrollments.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.StatusCode != EMPConstants.Ready && x.ArchiveStatusCode != EMPConstants.Archive).Select(a => a.CustomerId ?? Guid.Empty).ToList();
                //List<Guid> ES_CustomerList = (from be in db.EnrollmentBankSelections
                //                                  // join ssbc in db.SubSiteBankConfigs on new { x1 = be.BankId, x2 = be.CustomerId } equals new { x1 = ssbc.BankMaster_ID, x2 = ssbc.emp_CustomerInformation_ID }
                //                              where !BE_CustomerList.Contains(be.CustomerId) && be.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Active
                //                              select be.CustomerId).ToList();

                //var data = (from cu in db.emp_CustomerInformation
                //            join cl in db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation on cu.Id equals cl.CustomerOfficeId
                //            where ES_CustomerList.Contains(cu.Id) && cl.CrossLinkUserId != null
                //            select new { cu, cl }).Take(1);
                List <ReportCustomerModel> data = new List <ReportCustomerModel>();
                EnrollmentBankSelectionInfo.EnrollmentBankSelectionService oService = new EnrollmentBankSelectionInfo.EnrollmentBankSelectionService();
                if (db.emp_CustomerInformation.Any(a => lstCustGuid.Contains(a.Id.ToString())))
                    List <string> lstGuids = GetChildData(lstCustGuid);

                    data = (from cu in db.emp_CustomerInformation
                            join cl in db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation on cu.Id equals cl.CustomerOfficeId
                            where !BE_CustomerList.Contains(cu.Id) && lstGuids.Contains(cu.Id.ToString()) && cl.CrossLinkUserId != null //&& ES_CustomerList.Contains(cu.Id)
                            select new ReportCustomerModel {
                        cu = cu, cl = cl
                    data = (from cu in db.emp_CustomerInformation
                            join cl in db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation on cu.Id equals cl.CustomerOfficeId
                            where !BE_CustomerList.Contains(cu.Id) && cl.CrossLinkUserId != null // && ES_CustomerList.Contains(cu.Id)
                            select new ReportCustomerModel {
                        cu = cu, cl = cl

                List <FeeSetupReportDTO> lstmodel   = new List <FeeSetupReportDTO>();
                DropDownService          _ddService = new DropDownService();
                //if (data.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var itm in data)
                        List <Guid> ES_BankList = (from be in db.EnrollmentBankSelections
                                                   // join ssbc in db.SubSiteBankConfigs on new { x1 = be.BankId, x2 = be.CustomerId } equals new { x1 = ssbc.BankMaster_ID, x2 = ssbc.emp_CustomerInformation_ID }
                                                   where be.CustomerId == itm.cu.Id && !BE_CustomerList.Contains(be.CustomerId) && be.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Active
                                                   select be.BankId).ToList();

                        if (ES_BankList.Count > 0)
                            if (itm.cu.EntityId != (int)EMPConstants.Entity.SO && itm.cu.EntityId != (int)EMPConstants.Entity.SOME && itm.cu.EntityId != (int)EMPConstants.Entity.SOME_SS)
                                List <EntityHierarchyDTO> EntityHierarchyDTOs = new List <EntityHierarchyDTO>();
                                EntityHierarchyDTOs = _ddService.GetEntityHierarchies(itm.cu.Id);

                                Guid TopParentId = Guid.Empty;
                                if (EntityHierarchyDTOs.Count > 0)
                                    var TopFromHierarchy = EntityHierarchyDTOs.OrderByDescending(o => o.Customer_Level).FirstOrDefault();
                                    TopParentId = TopFromHierarchy.CustomerId ?? Guid.Empty;

                                    var SubSiteBankConfigs = db.SubSiteBankConfigs.Where(o => o.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == TopParentId && ES_BankList.Contains(o.BankMaster_ID)).Select(o => o.BankMaster_ID).ToList();
                                    if (SubSiteBankConfigs.Count() == 0)
                                    //  SubSiteBankConfigs
                                    var SubSiteBankConfigs = db.SubSiteBankConfigs.Where(o => o.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == itm.cu.Id && ES_BankList.Contains(o.BankMaster_ID)).Select(o => o.BankMaster_ID).ToList();
                                    if (SubSiteBankConfigs.Count() == 0)

                            FeeSetupReportDTO omodel = new FeeSetupReportDTO();
                            omodel.UserID = itm.cl.EMPUserId;

                            if (itm.cu.ParentId != null)
                                omodel.ParentUserID = db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation.Where(a => a.CustomerOfficeId == itm.cu.ParentId).Select(a => a.CrossLinkUserId).FirstOrDefault();
                                omodel.ParentUserID = "";
                            omodel.CompanyName  = itm.cu.CompanyName;
                            omodel.Efin         = itm.cu.EFIN.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0');
                            omodel.MasterID     = itm.cl.MasterIdentifier;
                            omodel.AccountOwner = itm.cu.BusinessOwnerFirstName;

                return(lstmodel.OrderBy(a => a.CompanyName).ToList());
            catch (Exception ex)
                EMPPortal.Core.Utilities.ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex.ToString(), "ReportsService/GetNoBankAppSubmissionReport", Guid.Empty);
                return(new List <FeeSetupReportDTO>());
コード例 #2
        public List <FeeSetupReportDTO> GetFeeSetUpReport(string strguid)
                List <string> lstCustGuid = strguid.Split(',').ToList();
                db = new DatabaseEntities();
                List <ReportCustomerModel> data = new List <ReportCustomerModel>();
                //var data = (from cu in db.emp_CustomerInformation
                //            join cl in db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation on cu.Id equals cl.CustomerOfficeId
                //            where cu.ParentId != null && cl.CrossLinkUserId != null && cu.StatusCode != EMPConstants.Pending
                //            select new { cu, cl }).Take(1);

                EnrollmentBankSelectionInfo.EnrollmentBankSelectionService oService = new EnrollmentBankSelectionInfo.EnrollmentBankSelectionService();
                if (db.emp_CustomerInformation.Any(a => lstCustGuid.Contains(a.Id.ToString())))
                    List <string> lstGuids = GetChildData(lstCustGuid);

                    data = (from cu in db.emp_CustomerInformation
                            join cl in db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation on cu.Id equals cl.CustomerOfficeId
                            where lstGuids.Contains(cu.Id.ToString()) && cl.CrossLinkUserId != null && cu.StatusCode != EMPConstants.Pending
                            select new ReportCustomerModel {
                        cu = cu, cl = cl
                    data = (from cu in db.emp_CustomerInformation
                            join cl in db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation on cu.Id equals cl.CustomerOfficeId
                            where cl.CrossLinkUserId != null && (cu.StatusCode != EMPConstants.InProgress && cu.StatusCode != EMPConstants.NewCustomer)
                            orderby cl.EMPUserId
                            select new ReportCustomerModel {
                        cu = cu, cl = cl

                var custids = data.Select(x => x.cl.CustomerOfficeId).Distinct().ToList();

                var enrollstatus = (from eb in db.EnrollmentBankSelections
                                    join be in db.BankEnrollments on new { x1 = eb.BankId, x2 = eb.CustomerId } equals new { x1 = be.BankId.Value, x2 = be.CustomerId.Value }
                                    join b in db.BankMasters on eb.BankId equals b.Id
                                    where custids.Contains(be.CustomerId) && custids.Contains(eb.CustomerId) &&
                                    ((be.StatusCode == EMPConstants.EnrPending || be.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Submitted || be.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Approved || be.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Rejected) &&
                                     be.ArchiveStatusCode != EMPConstants.Archive) && be.IsActive == true &&
                                    eb.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Active
                                    select new { eb.CustomerId, b.Id, b.BankName, be.StatusCode, eb.ServiceBureauBankAmount, eb.TransmissionBankAmount, eb.IsServiceBureauFee, eb.IsTransmissionFee }).ToList();

                //var bankenrolls = db.BankEnrollments.Where(x => custids.Contains(x.CustomerId) &&
                //                    (x.StatusCode == EMPConstants.EnrPending || x.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Submitted || x.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Approved || x.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Rejected)
                //                     && x.ArchiveStatusCode != EMPConstants.Archive).ToList();

                List <FeeSetupReportDTO> lstmodel = new List <FeeSetupReportDTO>();

                if (data.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var itm in data)
                        //var enrollstatus = (from eb in db.EnrollmentBankSelections
                        //                    join b in db.BankMasters on eb.BankId equals b.Id
                        //                    where eb.CustomerId == itm.cu.Id
                        //                    select new { b.Id, b.BankName, eb.StatusCode, eb.ServiceBureauBankAmount, eb.TransmissionBankAmount, eb.IsServiceBureauFee, eb.IsTransmissionFee }).ToList();
                        var banks = enrollstatus.Where(o => o.CustomerId == itm.cl.CustomerOfficeId).ToList();
                        foreach (var bank in banks)
                        //if (bank != null)
                            //var isexist = bankenrolls.Where(x => x.CustomerId == itm.cl.CustomerOfficeId && x.BankId == bank.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                            //if (isexist == null)
                            //    continue;

                            FeeSetupReportDTO omodel = new FeeSetupReportDTO();
                            omodel.UserID = itm.cl.EMPUserId;
                            if (itm.cu.ParentId != null)
                                omodel.ParentUserID = db.emp_CustomerLoginInformation.Where(a => a.CustomerOfficeId == itm.cu.ParentId).Select(a => a.CrossLinkUserId).FirstOrDefault();
                                omodel.ParentUserID = "";
                            omodel.CompanyName  = itm.cu.CompanyName;
                            omodel.Efin         = itm.cu.EFIN.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0');
                            omodel.MasterID     = itm.cl.MasterIdentifier;
                            omodel.AccountOwner = itm.cu.BusinessOwnerFirstName;

                            if (enrollstatus != null)
                                omodel.Bank = bank.BankName;
                                if (bank.IsServiceBureauFee == true)
                                    omodel.SBAddOn = bank.ServiceBureauBankAmount.ToString();
                                    omodel.SBAddOn = string.Empty;
                                if (bank.IsTransmissionFee == true)
                                    omodel.AddonFeeERO = bank.TransmissionBankAmount.ToString();
                                    omodel.AddonFeeERO = string.Empty;
                                //var enroll = bankenrolls.Where(x => x.CustomerId == itm.cu.Id && x.IsActive == true && x.ArchiveStatusCode != EMPConstants.Archive).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                                //  if (isexist != null)
                                    omodel.EnrollmentStatus = bank.StatusCode == EMPConstants.EnrPending ? "Pending" : ((bank.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Submitted) ? "Submitted" :
                                                                                                                        (bank.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Approved ? "Approved" : (bank.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Rejected ? "Rejected" :
                                                                                                                                                                                  (bank.StatusCode == EMPConstants.Denied ? "Denied" : ""))));
                                //  else
                                //      omodel.EnrollmentStatus = "Not Started";
                                var BankFee = db.SubSiteBankFeesConfigs.Where(a => a.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == itm.cu.Id && a.BankMaster_ID == bank.Id).ToList();
                                if (BankFee.Count > 0)
                                    if (itm.cu.IsMSOUser == true)
                                        omodel.SBFee = BankFee.Where(a => a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 1).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees_MSO).FirstOrDefault().ToString(); // db.SubSiteBankFeesConfigs.Where(a => a.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == itm.cu.Id && a.BankMaster_ID == bank.Id && a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 1).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees_MSO).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                                        omodel.SBFee = BankFee.Where(a => a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 1).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees).FirstOrDefault().ToString();// db.SubSiteBankFeesConfigs.Where(a => a.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == itm.cu.Id && a.BankMaster_ID == bank.Id && a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 1).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                                    if (itm.cu.IsMSOUser == true)
                                        omodel.AddonFeeSB = BankFee.Where(a => a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 2).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees_MSO).FirstOrDefault().ToString();// db.SubSiteBankFeesConfigs.Where(a => a.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == itm.cu.Id && a.BankMaster_ID == bank.Id && a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 2).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees_MSO).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                                        omodel.AddonFeeSB = BankFee.Where(a => a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 2).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees).FirstOrDefault().ToString();// db.SubSiteBankFeesConfigs.Where(a => a.emp_CustomerInformation_ID == itm.cu.Id && a.BankMaster_ID == bank.Id && a.ServiceOrTransmitter == 2).Select(a => a.BankMaxFees).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                                omodel.Bank             = "";
                                omodel.SBAddOn          = "";
                                omodel.AddonFeeSB       = "";
                                omodel.AddonFeeERO      = "";
                                omodel.EnrollmentStatus = "";
                                omodel.SBFee            = "";
                            List <EnrollmentBankSelectionDTO> olist = oService.GetBankandFeesInfo(itm.cu.EntityId ?? 0, itm.cu.Id, Guid.Empty.ToString()).ToList(); //, bank.Id

                            omodel.uTaxFee = olist.Where(a => a.Name == "Service Bureau Fees").Select(a => a.Amount).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                            //omodel.SBFee = olist.Where(a => a.Name == "Transmission Fees").Select(a => a.Amount).FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                return(lstmodel.OrderBy(a => a.CompanyName).ToList());
            catch (Exception ex)
                EMPPortal.Core.Utilities.ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex.ToString(), "ReportsService/GetFeeSetUpReport", Guid.Empty);