private void MoveCible() { distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, waypoints[waypointIndex].position); if (distance < 1) { waypointIndex++; if (waypointIndex < waypoints.Length) { = waypoints[waypointIndex].transform; } else { if (waveConfig.dieAtEnd) { EnnemySpawner ennemySpawner = FindObjectOfType <EnnemySpawner>(); //Send to the ennemy spawn that he has been destroyed for (int i = 0; i < ennemyAlive; i++) { ennemySpawner.EnnemyDestroyed(); } Destroy(); } } } }
public IEnumerator destruction(bool destroyedByPlayer) { if (reactor != null) { reactor.SetActive(false); } //Disable collision with other projectiles col.enabled = false; //Say to the ennemyspawner it was destroyed ennemySpawner.EnnemyDestroyed(); isDestroyed = true; if (squad != null) { StartCoroutine(squad.imDestroyed()); } //Give scrap and uwCharge to the player as reward if (destroyedByPlayer) { Battleship battleship = FindObjectOfType <Battleship>(); battleship.chargeOverdrive(overdriveCharge); //Reward int scrapValue = Random.Range(minScrapValue, maxScrapValue); int energyCoreValue = 0; int energyCoreDropChance = Random.Range(0, 100); if (energyCoreDropChance <= chancePercToDropEnergyCore) { energyCoreValue = 1; } ennemySpawner.scrapsToWin += scrapValue; ennemySpawner.energyCoreToWin += energyCoreValue; } //animator.SetBool("isDead", true); animator.Play("Explosion"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); Destroy(gameObject); }